More info about Michael Olumide Akinbiyi Adebolajo (pictured right). He was born on December 10, 1984, at Kings College Hospital in Lambeth, South London. His Nigerian-born father, Anthony Adebolajo was a student at the time, and went on to become an NHS nurse.
His mother, Tina, the niece of a university law professor in Benin, West Africa, was a housewife but she too dedicated herself to public duty by becoming a social worker. He has three younger siblings: a brother named Jeremiah and two sisters named Blessing and Christiana.
Michael was born into a Christiam family but embraced Islam around the age of 16. He attended the University in Greenwich, South-East London, and was once locked up for violent behavior.
1 – 200 of 315 Newer› Newest»Look this ppl are not nigerian abeg. They are a product of the british system. Uk should look to themselves and their policies and stop looking to deflect nationalities. As for that other one he seems to just have been an angry violent person and embraced islam as anexcuse to hurt ppl and be violent.
OMG what a shame 9ja don dey carry last na
hmm, both of them bears the name Michael, i wonder the demon that went inside them to commit such evil act all in the name of Islam. May God have mercy on them
Serious matter o
Nigerians, just avoid the UK embassy for now in your interest.
This was foreboding palpable though! How sad he has to be linked to us.
Seriously, see chaos in action, how bizzare!
Nigerians and terrorism sha, it must alwys be linked to Naija if u chk dia linage. Such a shame!
The only thing Nigerian about these guys are their names!
So in other words, they r not nigerians!they r not of nigerian descent. They've never been to nigerian b4 so these writers shoul stop staining our country
He was once locked up for violent behaviour wen he has become a muslim.... Dis violent in muslim brodahood were do dey get it frm. Yet I knw dat a good muslim is a lover of peace. Only GOD knws wat dey teach dem in d mosque dis days...
Yoruba`s and their Razz ways!why am I not suprised that both of them are yorubas.They are capable of anything.hausa's aint the only threat to dis country.thanks to dis yoruba's nig is officially a terrorist country.let d insults begin unfortunately I don't give a damn!
It is sad indeed how Nigerian youths abroad could tarnish the image of their home country and religion in such terrible manner. I just pray the authorities do not generalize this sad trait against other hard working and dedicated Nigerians out there.
It is sad... Sad indeed!!!
If only they could do same ting to them.
All these nhs staff. Spend so much overtime away from their children. The children are left with unsupervised Internet access, television and violent video games. It's no wonder the children end up angry looking for a course to rebel. It is a good idea for Nigerians abroad to bring their children back home every year. So that they can learn about culture and respect. This boys actions are based on a westernise view of the world. Rebel without a course.
Chei! He made the biggest mistake of his life at age 16. HahhahhahahahaaHhhahhah, Religin that encourages senseless killing! Kai kai kai may he find himself in d hottest part of hell, where his teeth wld b gnashed!
Non of them were born in Nigeria
So they're both Namesake?! Interesting...I don't care about their origins but these Two animals will get served exactly what They deserve-Death penalty...DEVILS
Na who send am message...
A christian embracing islam...wt so special abt islam!smh 4 dis stupid man.
they are not Nigerians! they're a couple of Islamic bastards
Omo ale jajijati onisolenu.I felt so odd on the tram this morning on my way to work as people were avoiding sitting next to me on the tram.So now he's been referred to as a Nigerian despite the fact that he was born here,has a red passport and he's never been to Nigeria before.May God punish you MICHEAL!
Na who send am message...
Bloody Islamists...
Both of them are Nigerians now! Wth really?? They were both christians before turning to Islam, am not judging, but how comes u never hear a christian killing in the name of Jesus? Only our muslim brothers! God help us!
This is very sad indeed. Their families didn't have to be dragged into this unfortunate incidence. Sad!
Ennnn my exact bday mate..same year too?mo gbe
Another fucking Nigerian cunt causing havoc and destruction all over the world!? Oh my days!
See why I always bulldoze you lots with insults? Damn!
RIP our beloved soldier!
Really if we want 2 ask wat wud turn a person n 2 somtin like dis;it won't b d usual,its d devil answer,it won't b d man or religion dat brainwashed dem either,or hate...I think it wud b stupidity!Cos Ɣφυ can only b d dumbest human 4 anyone 2 b able 2 brainwash Ɣφυ enuf 2 believe doin wat they did 2 dat poor guy is normal or there's a gud price 4 it.Its absolute madness,highest level of stupidity,dumbest breathin creatures!(Linda Ɣφυ've neva posted my comments)
Jesus! Dey r both Nigerians!!! But y? Al d bad publicity pple kip bringing to my beloved country....God will prevail sha
What sort of problem is this for Christ sake? Which way Nigeria?
Yoruba's on point. Making history for dem self, no doubt...stupidity of the highest order. Nonsens pple
But linda if he was born 1984 , he is not 22yrs
Finally a face n name to d second culprit. They both look alike. Let dem not gv any excuse about
not knowing anything about his family oh. They must find dem. Its just a pity dats a British born Nigerian. May God help us
Let them keep on disgracing Nigeria, if i had the chance, i would have been a white guy..
This is very appalling, a further dent to our green passport. Anyway a Nigerian name doesn't make you Nigerian, I doubt if they understand Yoruba.
Nigerians are becoming well known for terrorism.
Make tons of cash on the internet...
Hmmm, see what young guys has turned themselves into. What a disgrace to both families.
Both Nigerians....diz z nt gud atall #Ugo_joy
What a life. Sad.
But why *sob*
(Ph Babe)
#gbam# Lobatan!!!!
Nw d story's gonna b #Nigeria-born terrorist#, dia british citizenship will soon b dropped and d fact dt dey live most (if nt all) of dia lives abroad will b totally overlooked......
Nw our passports will b double-checked @ d airport henceforth n screening....? Hmn... What happens †̥☺ application n grant of visas nw..?
Mayb dey'll even barn us frm entering dia country sef... #JstThinkingAloudThou#
Those "things" are not Nigerians. What do they mean by "they of Nigerian descent" oooh pulsssssss. Mtchwwwww. I can bet they D☺̣̣̥̇Å‹'t even the name of the Nigerian president let alone see Nigeria pysically. This is jus crazy
good 4 him
this is so not good.
yoruba kwa!
When will nigerians stop evil act, bt dey r still british citizens
Quite unfortunate.
btw they're both British citizens. To avoid any misconception.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Nice piece I Copied
Fellow Nigerians, by now you must have heard of the gruesome killing of a British soldier by 2 young British men at Woolwich, SE, London yesterday.
One of the young men has been identified as Michael Adeboloja and is being refered to in ALL media reports as Nigerian/ British OR British/ Nigerian ( whatever 3-| ) but, do you know that 16 out of the 541 British athletes at the 2012 Olympics Games were Nigerians ?
Phillips Idowu,
James Dasaolu,
Andrew Osagie,
Lawrence Okoye,
Abdul Buhari,
Abiodun Oyepitan,
Anyika Onuora,
Margaret Adeoye,
Christine Ohuruogu,
Marilyn Okoro,
Eniola Aluko,
Temitope Fagbenle,
Anthony Ogoro,
Anthony Joshua,
Peter Bakare
Dami Bakare.
All represented Britain at the Olympics and WERE NEVER refered to as Nigerian/ British.
Nigerians !!! It is time we reject ALL negatives being attached to US as a nation and take pride in our tradition and culture. Let the world know that despite our differences and challenges we are good people with kind hearts and love and respect the human race. We have in no small way contributed immensely to the world economy.
We are energetic and industrious and no amount of propaganda by the western media can take away our PRIDE.
News such as this make me sick to the stomach! Pretty sad.
Once evil strikes
they will dig roots
Trace ancestors
To Eden.
A flash of good
they catch the light
And huddle under
A strand of hair:
World citizens. they r Nigerians my foot, mtchew!
Shai, u can copy nd paste my comment o> Anu mpam.
These guys look wild and crazy. The British Govt will share the blame in this tragedy by allowing muslim clerics that preach hate to stay in the UK because of free speech, now they are creating radicals in their society. Deport them ALL.
Waiste of time...sign on#
This is soooooo sad...its heartbreaking n I wonder what dis world is actually turning into...
Nawaoh wat wont Nigerians do?
Im so pained, Im so sad, Im so hurt right now. This paints us all in a bad light. We've been officially named Dangerous Species. Why? Why?? Why??? All i seem to hear these days are stories of youths whose mindsets have been manipulated to achieve the evil schemes of others. May God keep us all safe and guard our hearts. End times are definately near!
God save us from these two Michaels! Sad!! They are home grown Britico terrorists.
Zaynab Maleek or whatever name you go by I haven't seen your posts condemning your brothers in arms. Hypocrite.
These brits are funny. You don't hear them calling our olympic medallists in The uk or the shadow chancellor "Africans" or of "African descent," but once an atrocity is committed, he's suddenly a Nigerian, though he grew up there. Mtschewww
I'm not condoning the horrific act, he used the boko haram thing as an excuse to show his demons. They should deal with it and quit pointing fingers.
OMG!!!Another Bad Image for Nigerians.Hope I'll be able to walk around in London streets again.God have mercy on us pls!!
Now it is confirmed that both suspects are British citizens with Nigerian descent.....So serious!!! I wonder when all this rubbish will be over and this young folks will stop giving their families bad name... Imagine youths, those we are suppose to be looking up to for a better future have turned themselves to religious fanatic and murderer all in the name of fighting for God.. Who can fight for God?
may God help us to raise godly children
The Woolwich attack got me thinking aloud and understanding it more than jst a mere Islamlist show of anger...
I link both the Boston & Woolwich incident together..
Here is my take on this:
Is a pity that africans don't see beyond the poverty imagination.... This is another game play by illuminati .... Boston & Woolich case hve linked together ... Both attackers were 2, Americans with foreign descent, British with foreign links... All attacked carried out in public places, both in the afternoon.. If this is not a setup my question is what took the police so long before coming to the scene of incident, what makes the British attackers so bold to grant press interview..we should knw that something is coming out of this as both America and Britain re sista states and stand shoulder to shoulder for their claim of fighting against terror..Analysising both happens I hve may question on my mind..We re been used cause the people who plans to intensify effort to control the world and her resources want to see us as an option..
They want to aid powerfully the fighting in MALI and threaten the peace of Nigeria further...wanting us to start tagging our yoruba & other tribe Muslim brothers with good heart who pratices there religion fairly as evil and enemy to our peace...surely this people want us to depart quick.
Nigerians should read between the lines.
Nigerian's should not think further but to re-broadcast this until the world knowns what is happening
Islam was,is, and foreva wil b a religion of bliss. Wonder y som pple wit their self grieviance alwz wantin to dent its image. Muslim aint terrorist. Hu eva has d nervs 2butcher anoda being like a beef isn't worth livin on earth... Linda pls, u nid to get mor dtails about his fundamental turn over 2b a muslim, y he dcided to, where he recivs his orientations and if he has any fomer background of islam...and wot his parents tink about his ways.
Like WDF!!
I honestly would expect the government to distance the nation from these men as they are in no way fighting our battle, These men have probably never been to this country and we dont do tins lyk dis ( esp timid yorubas sef). If na our BH neighbours i for no mind...........NIGERIA NEEDS TO ARISE AND CONDEMN ALL THESE NON-NIGERIANS SPOILING OUR NAME
When blacks that carry's Nigerian name achieve stuff for the British they claim they are British born.Now mysterious thing has happen they claim he is a Nigeria born.
The Terrorist that killed a soldier in UK is not a Nigerian and certainly not British Nigerian. He is British. The news and electronic media in and out of Nigeria including Linda need to send the right message quickly. He carries a British passport, born and bred in the UK, Educated in the UK and has probably never been to Nigeria.
Please I beg you all don't join the bandwagon and drag Nigeria into this. The British press will do all that is required and neccesary to make this look like this is a"Nigerian Terrorist". We have a responsibility to let the world know that this is a "British terrorist".
Is Barrack Obama a Kenyan or an American?
Please, let us do all we can to drop this tag, He is not Nigerian, He is BRITISH.....he is not one of us
Devilish idiots..uld rot in hell..bastards
This savage killing looks to me some sort of evil sacrifice. The type only an "Abore" will carry out to summon some evil force into Britain.
These two bloody ne'er do wells might have been programmed knowingly or unknowingly to do the killing. To think they originally came from christian families, the motherf***kers have thrown their lives away. What have they gained from that savage killing except to bring disgrace, shame and hate upon themselves and their own families. They are lucky that death sentence has been abolished in Britain if not they do not deserve to remain alive.Idiots.
Useless, misguided fools. Givin yorubas n nigerians a bad name. Attackin pple in dir own soil. Who does dat? Fightin a war dy knw notin abt. Read a koran. Just sayin...D Curious1
These two are not terrorists, they're just plain mad and/or were possessed by several demons.
Useless, misguided fools. Givin yorubas n nigerians a bad name. Attackin pple in dir own soil. Who does dat? Fightin a war dy knw notin abt. Read a koran. Just sayin...D Curious1
DAMNNNNN......Such a bad name.....#crying# soooo not fair.... Why Why Why must they be Nigerians or Yoruba.......
Linda, these guys are not Nigerians, they are British.
Is Idowu Philips not British Nigerian? Go check is Wikidepia, they didn't refer to him as British Nigerian but British.
To name just a few Adeoye "Ade" Mafe, Christine Ijeoma Ohuruogu ( These people are all British born Nigerians but they were only referred to as British and not British Nigerians)
The killers are British, the UK government should deal with it, they were born and bred in UK.. Simples. Nothing to do with Nigeria..
GOD have mercy on our children. If they had made a discory or invented something good they would have been acknowledged as UK citizens. But now, they Nigerians because of the evil deed! I don't blame them. God, look down on our land and cleanse it of this evil that is eating deep into our sense of what is right
Dis is just heartbreakin, well wat I believe is it could av been anybody dat brainwashed these guys cos nobody in their right senses will kill n wait 4 d police to come not 2 talk of behead a fellow human n tell pple to take pics or make video...its just sad...
Ndi ala..........they should hurry up and discharge these mad men from hospital so that they can send them to prison for DERADICALISATION.
Nonsense............everything bad is Nigeria.............you will never hear Ghana, Cameroon, Botswana..........
LOL ....LOL....LOL...
When I first broke the news about the YORUBAS,Y'all insulting me.LOL.
Am I not vindicated now?Are you Yorubas not hiding your heads in Shame?
Yes, am an Ibo chic,and I live in Mayfair.If E dey vex you,go and eat GARRI.
Yorubas are scums,cowards and ass scratchers.
Na so so Yoruba dey do nonsense
Dis british peeps can b vry funny, dis adebola wateva was born and grew up in london and so therefore is a britain, because he is nt gabriel agbonlahor playing futball who dey claim 2 b britain, abeg dis guy no even sabi wetin nigeria look like, mak ona deal wit ona citizen and stop d nigerian ish... Joe badoo
I understand that this guys have nigerian last names but NOTHING from all the info proves to them that they are Nigerians. I remeber clearly all the Nigerian guys that were part of the british delegation for the Olympics. Not once did I here any body call them Nigerians. They were just British. So how the Hell will you now relate this idiots born, bred and radicalized in the UK Nigerians. I'm not even worried one bit. The UK and the guys should go to hell with their weak Police and useless Human Rights law
Linda stop joining the British media with their black mails,those guys are 100% Britons,nothing like Nigerian decent,you can't call OBAMA an American with Kenyan decent..they should deal with their mess,those boys was brought up by them from age zero to what they are today.
My goodness! This is just too bad. I can't imagine the shame their families feel!!
Father Lord! Our chances'f visiting into foreign countries keep shrinking with these bad names.
Nonetheless, these guys are not Nigerian citizens stricto sensu abeg
That Adebolajo was so comfortable to have human blood all over his hands, the assh*** must have killed human beings before. It was so natural to him.
These two are a disgrace to the black race.
Even though they are not fully Nigerian citizens they have caused the the name of Nigeria once again to be linked with negativity.
This is beyond me smh what a waste ..this Yoruba kids in London r smetn else tho it is becoming too much poo before dem go deport all of dem come back
These extremist re really making things hard for our nation..yh they were born they but the fact dat they re nigerian complicates everything
*singing*Omuru gini??Omuru nwoke. Mscheeeewwww.
Pls are this two frm d same parents?
I just wonder why islam is synonymous with terrorism n jungle justice! I personally avoid having issues with any moslem anywhere! They all have a short fuse n kill @will.. Fanatics!
Always fighting for their god! Make God show us all mercy!
Were r the keyboard worriors,have they gone to bed?
Omo na portin level ooo...no more niggas na Boko. God help Nigeria.
I typd it MYSelf...
Oluwa o....Na wetin sef...I was hoping the other guy will not be a Nigerian...
The thing is just that the is here.
But come to think of this; can a man born,bred and buttered in UK and such man has not visited Nigeria for once, be a Nigerian he is britton by all laws and moral standards. So it was nt a naija that killed,it was britton.
Full stop
Thank goodness he is not Nigerian. Dem for they talk rubbish. hes heritage is just from here but na britiko... that's all ... lol
Gen gen!
Islam is a violent religion! Take it or leave it. #SMH#
*sigh.... These peeps are british abeg...
1st to comment o...menn y are muslims so violent..may god forgv dm o...life in imprisonment oo. i trust britain
Linda help me ask dem wat was dia reason 4 d evil act u knw u ve bin kipin us posted. I dey wait oo
It only God dat will purnish both of u for taking a life u cant create.Psychos!!! mcheeeeew
Pls he's british!!! He's never stepped his legs in naija.. If he hd won an olympic medal 4 dem nobody will want 2 knw where he's frm.. Dey will claim him.. Now we dash una
but is nigeria people are easily to be brain watch in religious aspect..
Killing the image of our country and it will affect other innocent citizens that are planning to travel abroad....this will make other countries to be strict on nigerians that are living in their country!!so bad!!
Na dem be Nigerians abi, if is sometin good they will be Britons abi but wen is sometin bad we hear Nigerians. These guys never near dis country b4, make una carry una cross and leave us along bc these guys are only Nigerians by names.
Success as many fathers and failure becomes an orphan. He is not a Nigerian and so he should be dealt with accordingly
End of story!!!!! Omo Yoruba ni mi ooo swaga #singing#.. But seriously, this isnt nice. Bastards!!!
He is not a nigerian linda, he is a british citizen and has never been to nigerian,stop giving nigerians bad name
His An idiot, he made us all look bad and stupid, what a barbaric act, every young londoner like me is unsafe and a prime suspect now, they say we are genetically suspect in every crime, but he proved them right, how on earth can i hide my face in shame, clone identity just to hide away fromt his evil kids,
You are born in nigeria trouble you grow up here in uk or born here more trouble.
Is the name Nigeria worth mentioning to a stranger? i have too many questions to ask my fellow young people. why are we doing this, Everyone sees us as Viral Infections, same way they see Taliban and terrorist.
people at home is ashamed of us, outsiders are ashamed of us. God is not happy with our attitude and ways of Life .
we discriminate we kill we steal, we deceive and rape, mention crime that a nigeria has not committed ?above all our leaders inspire corruption, how do you live? i wish God can change my identity or take me away from Earth.
Guys pls forgive my writing but i am just confused and dont understand teh reason why you should wake up and walk to the next man on the street and hack his life down.
Are U kidding me, is dat really Michael. No wonder I said the face was vaguely familiar. I knew dis dude then although we were not dat close. He was more of the practice what I preach and not what I do.Jesus Christ, he really has gone too far this time. Damn, I'm still in shock. This just goes to show that some people are beyond comprehension.
o ma ga o... these ones r bastard. Yoruba names but not yoruba blood.. Very Sad story, wicked children!!!
Fellow Nigerians, by now u must hv heard of the gruesome killing of a British soldier by 2 young British men at Woolwich.
One of them has been identified as Michael Adeboloja (Bastard Boy) and is being referred to as Nigerian/British by the Media.
Forgotten dt, name does not determine the nationality. This lunatic was born in UK & hold British passport and never been to Nigeria.
They fails to realise that @ the Olympics games,16 out of the 541 were Nigerians?
Phillips Idowu, James Dasaolu, Andrew Osagie, Lawrence Okoye, Abdul Buhari, Abiodun Oyepitan, Anyika Onuora, Margaret Adeoye, Christine Ohuruogu, Marilyn Okoro, Eniola Aluko, Temitope Fagbenle, Anthony Ogoro, Anthony Joshua, Peter Bakare and Dami Bakare.
All represented Britain at the Olympics and WERE NEVER referred to as Nigerian/British.
Nigerians !!! It is time we reject ALL negatives being attached to US as a nation and take pride in our tradition and culture.
Let the world know that despite our differences &challenges we are good people with kind hearts, love and respect the human race. We have in no small way contributed immensely to the world economy.
We are energetic, industrious &no amount of propaganda by the western media can take away our PRIDE.
We are NIGERIANS and Our motto is PEACE AND UNITY
This is totally shameful
god bless Nigeria from all this rubbish from useless and brain watch Nigeria religious fanatics..
This is getting interesting. My brothers have messing up big time!! Lord have mercy on us all.
Hmmm,, I know some folks will be all over this blog screaming that he aint 9jerian bcos he was born in the u.k. Well true as that might be it still doesn't take away the fact that these guys are 9jerians by descent, bcoc when their stories are goin to be told, Ghana nor Somalia is going to be mentioned in it, its nigeria that's going to be pin pointed! Sad though!!
God help us o.
All this people commiting crime and hiding under religion are just lunatics. No one can fight for God He'll fight for Himself.
Why won't he be violent when he becam a muslim @ d age of 16 because dre second names are violence. God will punish him for killing his fellow human like dat in d name of religion. Useless fools
Wow what a child. from a good home become bad, they should cut you into pieces too
Choi! It is finished! This people ve done it to Nigeria's image.
Lord have mercy on us! Awon omo ko mo
Can't believe it's tobi...... Shocked! God pls be with Aunty Juliet. My prayers are also with the victims family.
these boys usually convert to islam when they get locked up so they get time to come out to the open cos of praying. i am so embarrassed. on the tube i just wonder what people are thinking when they see black people
As if Nigeria's reputation is not bad enough!..mtchew..
Both are michael and dey look alike... Nawa oh. God bless av mercy
He is d devil himself there is no doubt if u can kill in broad day light nd actually wait for d cops u not scared Wat they will do to u u are d devil himself
who cares
who cares
na wa
Its not a matter of "Nigerian" or not.....cos whether he was born here or not he will still be considered Nigerian!! When you do something good then ur british when u have done something bad u become where ur parents are from. He's quite a devil advocate.
If dey like let dem identify d 2 idiots as Nigerians. D fact remains dat dey were born n brot up in UK hence dey r citizens of UK nt Nigeria so dey shld leave d gud Nigerians alone. Nigerians(gud) have had more dan enof pain caused by BH. May God dliva us frm d hands of d wicked ones. Amen
Is a pity for the bad names they bring to our dear country...
May God help us...
The British press is just trying to be sensational in their report.This is someone who has never stepped foot on Nigerian soil but was bread and buttered in the UK.I'm very sure no Nigerian will do a barbaric act in public because we're not as barbaric as the British press want to make us look.Most of those who have put up this nasty act are those who were born or live outside the shores of Nigeria.
This guy is a British citizen who was born in Britain,hold a British birth certificate and a British passport just like the Likes of Lawrence Okoye,Gabriel Agbolahan,Temi Fagbenle ,Eniola Aluko and the rest Nigerians who were publicly refered to as British because of the good works they have done for Britain.
So dis 2 michaels tot dey are doing their god or religion good by killing odas! Why not commit suicide and leave dis world 4 us since u can't withstand oda religion or worshippers, God will surely purnish u hipocrites!
Ndi'a e tego anyi nsi aboki
Mentally deranged men. They are schizophrenics. This is not a Islam, Christian issue.
Mentally deranged men. They are schizophrenics. This is not a Islam, Christian issue.
Denting our already battered image even tho dey'v nt been 2 Nigeria b4. D name Nigeria now rings a bell 4 d wrong reasons, God help us!
shame on him..............
Omo ale....children of the devil. It's unfortunate dat evil minds like dis r on earth but even d bible acknowledges evil and murder.....but am always still shocked when I see such barbarism displayed by a human towards another. anyways am consoled by the fact that dey both have a special place in hell...
May our children never bring shame to us in Jesus name. Amen. *sigh*
So sad, they all had proper up bringing and nice childhood and dey deviated but its crazy that these guys are yorubas if this deed was done by an igbo extraction the yorubas would say ritual now look who is d ritualistic barbaric killers am just saying
Linda pls these British people should making a fool of themselves .This guy was born in Britain never been to nigeria , he holds a British passport .please they should stop trying to drag us into this.
They are both evil & losers; even the Muslim society rejected them. But come to think of it, the idiots couldn't have woken up one morning to carry out this hedious act without fore planning and maybe even sounding off their plan with others. Let security look well and flush out other vermins ....God help Nigeria!!!!
All what most people do is marry, fuck and shit out children without proper upbringing nor inculcating in their children moral values and what sanctity of human life entails. When parents shy away from their responsibilities, children are bound to pick up ugly xters, bad influence and negative orientation.
U see why ibo is d best..we will do yahoo bt neva terrorism..tufiakwa..ndi ofe manu....hausa did there own nw na yoruba smh
interesting, Linda hope they both are truly Nigerians.
Oh my God.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he's old, he won't depart from it! Please parents, forget what society and govts say, instill good morals in your kids right from infancy!
Jesus! They are both Nigerians!!! How sad :( No they've made living in the UK worse for us...Nigeria needs prayers :(
What are you saying? He's not 22. You typed he was born in 1984, that makes him 29. 22 is 1991.
Off all African nations, it had to be Nigeria!!!!! God help us!
Islam doesn't preach violence. It is a religion of peace. This is so sad.
Soon they will destroy this beautiful world. Shame on all you beast motherfuckers
Pls dey shld stop calling 9ja when talkin abt dis mad pple.every bad tin dey knw were learnt ova there in UK.dey were born $ breed there I doubt if dey v eva been 2 9ja b4 sef.mschewww*dey shld deal wit their citizens mak we deal wit ours.nonsense!as if we dnt v 9jas makin dem proud ova there.as u dey njoy d good ones also deal wit d bad ones no throw come 9ja #rubbish.
Yoroba kwenu!
so does it mean he is Nigerian? infact these men are British.
All diz youths wey dey get madness,Every Parent should endeavour to Psy-check their offsprings,from time to time. To avoid all dis Societal Violence.I know some of these Boys in my class that av one form of Madness or another,buh who am I to complain.God help us
Hehehe ndi yoruba.igbos too de kill
U no see d guy hair like madman own I no blame una if say nija sun de beat u for head u for get sense carry dat knife put for bag.untrained brats.africans abroad make una no follow oyibo de train children,them no sabi train.dat is y I de use cain comot nonsense for my brother pickin head when they come home.them de behave like goat.
Question is this,to wat end????? Y hack a human being at all????wats d goal here??its confussing,sad to see that he is nigerian,pls I need a muslim to tell me sincerely wat this extremist hope to achieve. Not discriminating here,keeping an open mind,just want to hear what these extreme acts aim to achieve?y does there have to be violence?bloodshed?the act was sad but the mere fact dat d dude showed no sign of remorse is wat seriously worries me,the world as we know it is coming to an end before our very eyes.Give your life to christ if u haven't,we really need love in our lives....... Zurielle's opinion
So true! I live in canada and this story has been what my co workers talked about. Its a really bad!!
Hmmm why always Nigerian decent
I am tired. All these stories are making me weak! *crying*
what must have gotten into these youngsters,how did they get brain washed?
Its §Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad!!!
Its §Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ sad!!!
linda u never post my comment wetin happen
Yeah people from western Nigeria are at it again. Not trying to generalise, but my experence with these people from this tribe has been a sad one. I'm not Nigerian, but majority of friends are Nigerians. Recently a member of my team was dismissed from work for stealing and also violent act.
Its so sad how some bad ones have given majority a bad name esp in the international eve.
So sad!
Yourba I hail una
See hw yorubas dey disgrace naija all in d name of islam..igbo boys re busy making money for demselves..u see ur lives..linda post my comment
Which brothers abeg o
This story should be properly investigated before people start wagging their tongues. Once any black commit a crime over there they claim to be Nigerians just to discredit our dear country. i doubt if this person is from the south west of Nigeria. Black Africans are found of using our dear country Nigeria to commit all forms of vices. Nigeria Ambassador over there should endeavour to ensure the authenticity of this story.
Hw sad.
I had a vision that christianity shall overcome Islam. Prophestess cocobutter
tnks kola ,u r making real sense here.all ds ppl yapping he's a British nt a nigerian cos he was born n raised in Britain mst b daft.where a person was born n raised dsnt erase hz roots!nigerian blood flows in hz blood vessels so sto making noise pls. Rip 2 d slain man n may God comfort hz family.
He is not Nigerian and certainly not British Nigerian. He is British. The news and electronic media in Nigeria including Linda need to send the right message quickly. He carries a British passport, born and bred in the UK, Educated in the UK and has probably never been to Nigeria.
I beg you dont join the band wagon and drag Nigeria into this. The British press will do all that is required and neccesary to make this look like this is a "Nigerian Terrorist". We have a responsibility to let the world know that this is a "British terrorist"
Is Barrack Obama a Kenyan or an American?
Please, let us do all we can to drop this tag, He is not Nigerian, He is BRITISH.....he is not one of us
Pls, kindly forward to all in contact.
this is just a shame, big shame, what is there t deny in this situation? why cant we just accept it and move on with our lives? That stupid article that is going about denying that they are not Nigerians must have been written by an illiterate i am certain. what do u mean by there is no such thing as a "British Nigerian"? are his parents from space? where ur parents are from is where u r from, it is sad but the truth still remains that they are of Nigerian decent. i don't know why Nigerians like to argue like they are blind. this is not a matter of anyone having a diff opinion, this is the obvious truth. if you would claim a music star that is of Nigerian decent why wont u agree that this monster is a Nigerian? don't we have monsters in our own country? who killed the aluu 4? who killed the soldiers daughter in a hotel room? are they not monsters that were born and live on our own soil?
May this young mans soul rest in peace and may God give his wife and son peace and the strength to handle this evil that has been done to them
@kolawole taiye: no its not nigeria, if these two guys were olympic champions, they would have been referred to as british citizens, the fact that their parents are of nigerian descent wouldn't have came up. During the last olympics, do you know how many nigerians won medals for foreign countries? But now its a negative situation and they re now referred to as nigerian-british. These guys were born in the UK, and have never been to nigeria before, I'm sure even if they are asked, they would refer to themselves as british citizens.
Very shameful act.
Yesterday broadcast was flying about that Nigeria should not be mentioned, where are all those comments today. What a shame, instead of us to focus on the problems we have, we choose to make unnecessary fuss over irrelevant matters.
Britain and America are always creating a monster. Same story abut abdumutalab.
My country, my country!!!
Shameful is an understatement
I was hoping the other guy won't be a Nigerian....God help us...
Hmmmmm, more loosers, can't dey wash plate and make money ? Must some1 put cabbage in dere head and tell em dt dey will make heaven by killing oda ppl, na wa o.
This is really sad. Pure insanity.
Lmaooo r u a blogger?
Its brainwash not brain watch.....isssshhh.....how did u pass ur exams?.....pple who visit ur blog are ....OMG.......lolZzzzzz jeez carambaaaa ....(god bless nig from all.......puhahahahaahahaaaaa
To be honest nothing shocks me again. Too much bad news from nigeria has made me very insensitive. Thats the best way to deal with nigerian wahala.
The good nigerian
This lenghty wishy-washy text message flowing around makes no sense to me, we like deceiving ourselves and fail to be realist. Just like Kolawole said, they are Nigerians by descent QED
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