Tyler Perry shuts down feud rumours with Oprah Winfrey | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 18 March 2016

Tyler Perry shuts down feud rumours with Oprah Winfrey

The TV/movie mogul shared this photo on Twitter of himself, Oprah and his TV show cast and crew which was taken last weekend at his studio to shut down rumours he and Oprah are fighting!


Unknown said...

Nice one(y) glad to hear that everything is fine betwn u both ....


Eddy Ogbunambala said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


...merited happiness

Dan said...

Ha thank God abeg love them

Anonymous said...

Linda copy and paste. No background story as to what led to the feud and what cast & crew?

Unknown said...

Issokay o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Behind every rumor there is a truth.


Unknown said...

rumours just compounding rumours

starshine said...

Thank God they are not fighting

chommy said...

Datz good, so all dose radio without battery people will go n rest. Linda observe!

James said...

I love Tyler, that man's a workaholic. Way to go bro!

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Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

I like this dude mehn....rich buh alws on a low key....madea

Nenyechi said...

World people don come again

Nenyechi said...

World people don come again

Unknown said...

People will the lies and rumours, only God knows where they get that facts and stories

Unknown said...

That's better!

PrettyChi said...


Unknown said...



PrettyChi said...


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

I knew they are still cool.


Anonymous said...


rev up youe styleee

Yetty k said...

He shouldnt v posted any pic since he s certain dr s no quarell btwn dem.but s truth is btwn last wik en now,dr can stik be a quarell btwn d two.

Unknown said...

Dnt mind dem jor....

Posh Queen said...

We have hear

Unknown said...

They better work things out...

Unknown said...

Good one

Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Tyler Aka Linda's husband

Unknown said...

Nice one

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