Lagos govt approves 112 emergency lines to report rape & domestic violence cases in Lagos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Lagos govt approves 112 emergency lines to report rape & domestic violence cases in Lagos

Lagos State government has approved the use of 112 toll free emergency line to report cases of rape, domestic violence, defilement, child abuse, neglect and other sexual assaults perpetrated in the state.

The state government in a circular sent out by the State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) said they decided to provide the toll free line so that victims of Sexual and Gender Based Violence can have easy access to people who will help them and also for members of the public who wish to report any case of rape or domestic violence in the state. The state government says any case reported on the toll line will be treated with utmost confidentiality.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

May Allah continue to bless you my President. Please do not forget to look into the issue of Petroleum Technology Development Fund(PTDF). There are a lot of scholarship racketeering going on there. They are kingpins running that agency, who award scholarships to their friends, family and kindred. The scholarships are also being sold to the public. This is not what it was meant to be. Thank you Mr President.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. 112 emergency lines dat wil just hav abt one or only two working. I hope dis is for real so dat it wil go a long way to curb all dis rapist dat we hav around.

Unknown said...

Very good

danex said...

welldone Ambode

Alloy Chikezie said...


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Blog It With Olivia said...


#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday
*A CerTIfied AccOUnTanT*

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Blog It With Olivia said...


#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday
*A CerTIfied AccOUnTanT*

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

gentle said...

Good step governor...really excellent step. It's so rampant. Every state governor should do this.

Unknown said...

That's if they pick d call sef

Unknown said...

That's good

Bonita Bislam said...

Nice move

niffyt said...

Where are the numbers??

Unknown said...

Only in lagos.... #NowPlaying>> sb m: seriki.....

Ok said...

I hope its effective

Unknown said...

Hope the lines work all the time

Unknown said...

Nice one, dats if it would work. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nice one, dats if it would work. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nice one, dats if it would work. Linda take note!

ary said...

This should be emulated nationwide.

livingstone said...

good development...

Davido's driver said...

Way to go..

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Nice one

Anonymous said...

I honestly agree with you... I applied and was kicked out at some point because I didn't have the link to get me to the final level...the corruption there is something else....


***adult content***

Let's hope it's not abused...

Angie said...

Nice one... Only hope it's for real.

Unknown said...

lagos is moving,...Gov Ambode is working!...

Unknown said...

God bless una

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. 112 emergency lines dat wil just hav abt one or only two working. I hope dis is for real so dat it wil go a long way to curb all dis rapist dat we hav around. said...

Nice one, Lagos state is working

Unknown said...

Welldone Baba,God bless u.more wisdom,grace and God's protection.Exactly what we need all over Nigeria.Please ensure that only competent and good people are only employed for good and quick response.thanx for this

yawanow said...

nice one. Hope they respond and tackle with all alacrity better and more effective than our Nigerian Police force.

yawanow said...

nice one. Hope they respond and tackle with all alacrity better and more effective than our Nigerian Police force.

Unknown said...

Welcomed development


Unknown said...

Nice one...other states please take a clue.


Anonymous said...

Linda u mean 112 line not 112 lines. You make it seem like there r 112 different numbers when it's just the number 112.

EL Chapo said...

Good move

adenikeYA said...

Don't blame him. The rate at which we're having rape incidences and domestic violence related crimes........unprecedented!!!

Obeta Max said...

beautiful move i must say

Anonymous said...

I hope they also have a good able younthful lawyers that eat no bribes that
will be investigating every case?cos of blackmails?
like the one which happen yesterday and if not another person was hearing a
voice from the start its will by now become a big case

Anonymous said...

I understand your confusion as I too was confused with the way the title of the post was worded. The number to call is 112 and not one hundred and twelve lines. Linda, do you read these posts at all before you copy and paste them off more credible sources?

Anonymous said...

Please not 112 lines. The number is 112.
How can they have 112 lives. The attendant confusion will be massive.

Anonymous said...

This Governor go do infrastructures or the jagajaga man don siddon for him neck?

Anonymous said...

Royal priesthood u are a fool 112 line like 911. Ode mumu

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