Guys, would you rock Ice Prince's light-up shoes? (photo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Guys, would you rock Ice Prince's light-up shoes? (photo)

He shared the photo and wrote "When I was a kid, NairobiKenya!" The canvas looks great but would you rock it as an adult? It's worn by mostly kids, but obviously, they have the adult version...


@arkiss said...


Alloy Chikezie said...


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APPLE said...

Very childish.

mzmaris said...


Jasmine Joseph said...

Am not a guy but I go reply HELL TO D NOOO, it looks immature jor when ur not a christmas tree that has to light up


Looks childish

Unknown said...

Love that reebok

Unknown said...

Is nice though nt ma kinda thing

Ayodele Jay said...

One word 'Awesome'

#Blessed child

Unknown said...

we never had money to buy that when we were little, it was sandal we bought


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For's ok! Fits his person!

Unknown said...

Am not the tye that likes drawin attention to himself so NO.... #NowPlaying>> music feels better: selena gomez....

Unknown said...

Its lovely

Lewis said...

Diz guy no well sha

Anonymous said...

the drink in the glass is more than space left in the bottle. lol

Anonymous said...

For watin na when I nor b tata

gentle said...


Unknown said...

I can only rock in video shoot

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

its cool though but cant wear it

Unknown said...

Naa. I think its 4 kids. I won't dare.

Unknown said...

No mater the amount if my hubby tries this enh,

Unknown said...

No mater the amount if my hubby tries this enh,

Unknown said...

Up nepa..

Blog It With Olivia said...

#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday
*A CerTIfied AccOUnTanT*

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Blog It With Olivia said...

#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday
*A CerTIfied AccOUnTanT*

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Unknown said...

Lolzzzzzzz. Linda, he has answered d question wit his tag "When I was a kid"...

Definitely its not befitting for adult's except u want to go back to d good old days of "When I was a kid". Lolzzz.

7F098C19 said...

Primary school ish. Just that this one is the adult size. Engr Emy

Unknown said...

That skiibii gyluy wore it to seyi law fast and funny not new just saying anyways

Unknown said...

Kiddies would.....

Unknown said...

Yes,if I were to ride a bicycle at nite, so other road users can see me n not knock me down,asides dat no

shemexd1 said...

Naso.......china no go kill us.

Unknown said...

Nice but without the light

yawanow said...

Its cool.

mrpencil said...

I still remember that feeling, back in the days I had to jump up as much as possible just to light up my shoes. would still rock it probably to a night club just to be the centre of attraction there.

Linda's boyfriend said so.......

Unknown said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Canvass... U r such a razzokoko lol. Anyways this is d new shit linda, am Rockn d h*ll outta dem, hv u seen them in d dark? No worries it cos u don't know, u'll get a pair b4 d trend fades, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Canvass... U r such a razzokoko lol. Anyways this is d new shit linda, am Rockn d h*ll outta dem, hv u seen them in d dark? No worries it cos u don't know, u'll get a pair b4 d trend fades, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Canvass... U r such a razzokoko lol. Anyways this is d new shit linda, am Rockn d h*ll outta dem, hv u seen them in d dark? No worries it cos u don't know, u'll get a pair b4 d trend fades, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Canvass... U r such a razzokoko lol. Anyways this is d new shit linda, am Rockn d h*ll outta dem, hv u seen them in d dark? No worries it cos u don't know, u'll get a pair b4 d trend fades, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Lmao @ Canvass... U r such a razzokoko lol. Anyways this is d new shit linda, am Rockn d h*ll outta dem, hv u seen them in d dark? No worries it cos u don't know, u'll get a pair b4 d trend fades, trust me.

Anonymous said...

Ah, linda. I don't get your grammar these days. Which one is " its worn by mostly kids ". " it is an adult......"..

Unknown said...

It's Fine, but NO!

oparah johnpaul's (Fresh GrIlled Gist) blog said...

it is fine me like it!!!

Pro said...

Sure I will especially night outings and I love white shoes gbamest stuff jor

That vuvuzela P guy

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

Over to the guys....

click for suspense stories

Unknown said...

Ice prince sef don join kcee group, Dressing like Traffic Light..

Bonita Bislam said...

Hahaha this guy is crazy

Ms.Nicey said...

Reminds me of childhood days when you get shoes that can sing christmas songs with light..hehehehee

Unknown said...

Not for a grown man biko. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Not for a grown man biko. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Not for a grown man biko. Linda take note!

Mezie said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Blogger
Those shoes are called: sneakers or trainers. Canvas are shoes made from cloth-like material. These are NOT canvass pls.

UK Tog

N.I.X said...

Is he a kid ?

Anonymous said...

Nnaa, odizi Ka ife umuazi. that reminds me when I was a kid.

Unknown said...

lol i loved it then like crazy.....linda take note

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Sure I will, cus it's looks nice.

ary said...

What am I, 8?!

Unknown said...


...NA ZO

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I no do biko

Unknown said...

Its nice

mccoy said...

Yeah Linda. I'll definitely rock it.
when am going for my play dates

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are we in primary school

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the trainers I wish the had the ladies version..... What is good for the goose is good for the ...........

Anonymous said...

fashionable set of sneakers. You are either in or out! created for attraction at night out and not for KIDs

DAVUCHI's HAIR said...

Yes I will

Unknown said...

Lolzzzzzzz. Linda, he has answered d question wit his tag "When I was a kid"...

Definitely its not befitting for adult's except u want to go back to d good old days of "When I was a kid". Lolzzz.

Unknown said...

Lolzzzzzzz. Linda, he has answered d question wit his tag "When I was a kid"...

Definitely its not befitting for adult's except u want to go back to d good old days of "When I was a kid". Lolzzz.

Unknown said...

It's actually childish for a non celebrity, and childish for a celebrity off stage! And as for your question I will chanel it to the kids on the street because am sure some kids wouldn't even like it lol itss a NO for me

Mihearty said...

Nice for him. Me don't like

Anonymous said...

Kaiiiii, u ppls gat eyessss! Lmao, I had to go check d pic again loll!

STERN said...

Artistes dress like kids a lot so I aint surprised

stelledee said...

My 2 boys have a pair each, one is 17 and d other is 14, the shoes are awesome, you shld see dem in d dark. They are quite trendy said...

No for me.

Anonymous said...

I think the rocking I did when I was small was enough.

Unknown said...

I would never rock that and i sure know my brother won't either. His choice sha.


Unknown said...

I would never rock that and i sure know my brother won't either. His choice sha.


Anonymous said...

Nope,kid dresing

I B M bolubantin said...

Childish..but looks cool tho

Anonymous said...

It's not called 'canvas'. I'm guessing you mean Converse. But even at that it's not Converse cause only All Star shoes are called Converse and that's a Nike so.....

Anonymous said...

Linda they dont have adult version. His feet still for into kid sizes

Anonymous said...

This one na up nepa o I don come

Anonymous said...

LOL Linda call am Canvas

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