17 year old girl dies while trying to save a 14-year-old boy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

17 year old girl dies while trying to save a 14-year-old boy

On Wednesday, August 13th, 17-year-old Stella Kambi (left) died while trying to drag 14-year-old Bonheur Musungay from a flooded pit at Thorpe Marshes on the outskirts of Norfolk, UK. Stella’s effort was a waste as Bonheur also died. Stella’s sister Claudine, 16, who was part of the attempted rescue, luckily survived.

Stella’s parents, who arrived in the UK as refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2008, are completely devastated at the loss of their daughter.

“We will miss her so much and hope our faith will get us through. But we are very proud of her”
Engele and Daniel Aketo also revealed their daughter had successfully rescued another boy a year ago. They said Stella and Claudine had not been swimming but sunbathing on the beach next to the boy. When Bonheur got into trouble, both girls, who were strong swimmers, dived in to save him. Claudine survived but Stella was dragged under.

Stella attended City College Norwich after leaving Thorpe St Andrew High School and was studying nursing at college and wanted to be a pediatrician.

Emergency services launched a major search and rescue operation to find the pair but were unable to save them. Police and firefighters are now investigating what happened.

Detective Sergeant Sarah Knights said people should take care around open water. “Without wanting to prejudge what has happened here, I would urge people to take the utmost care around water and to be aware of hidden dangers such as fast flowing currents and underwater obstacles and weeds,” she added.

Source: Daily Mirror


APPLE said...

So sad. R.I.P

Jasmine Joseph said...

Awwwww so sad, at least she died a heroine RIP brave lady

Jasmine Joseph said...

Awwwww so sad, at least she died a heroine RIP brave lady



Alloy Chikezie said...

What a heroic act. May her soul rest in peace.

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Unknown said...

Eyaaaaaa. Is rather unfortunate for her. May her soul rest in peace.

mzmaris said...

RIP to them both.....she died doing something great

Diary of a Naija mom said...

Oh God! Bless her soul RIP.

A man's love or a woman's submission, which should come first?

Ayodele Jay said...

An act of bavery!! may she rest in peace!

#Blessed child

Unknown said...

Ehyyyaaa Rip dear,

Unknown said...

RIP.... #NowPlaying>> love will remember: selena gomez....

Unknown said...

Heaven awaits u wit opened arms!

Unknown said...

Ssad! RIP

Unknown said...

Such a brave gal

Unknown said...

So sad. RIP kids

Unknown said...

May her soul rest in peace

Bishop Dammy said...

If she died in christ, no need to worry as everlastIng life awaits her. John 3:16

Unknown said...

May her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Lord ppls grant her family d fortitude to bear their loss. RIP to her.

gentle said...

Eeya...may their souls rest in peace. Brave girl.

Blog It With Olivia said...

Sad news
May their souls RIP

#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday
*A CerTIfied AccOUnTanT*

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

AC£S said...

Rest in peace

Anonymous said...

good morning Linda...indeed you are very hardworking, please talk to your sister Hey!laura to situp...have a lovely week!!!

7F098C19 said...

Sacrifice this what love is all about. Engr Emy

Unknown said...

That's so sad! RIP

Anonymous said...

Good morning Linda, indeed you are very hardworking...have a captivating posting week!!!

Angie said...

RIP...literally. I'm sure they are in the best place.
God knows best!

yawanow said...

sad. May her soul rest in peace

Unknown said...

Sorry for the loss,its a pity

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Eya. May their soul RIP

OSINANL said...

So sad...

Unknown said...

Too bad, rip 2 her

Anonymous said...

Rip u dd well

Anonymous said...

Rip u dd well

Pro said...

This is bad news. Stella and Bonheur rest well in the hands of the creator, Stella u died trying to save someone may ur soul find peace where ever you are, and to think the little boy died also aawww. Linda this news sha making me feel bad

That vuvuzela P guy

Unknown said...

May their Souls Rest in Perfect Peace amen.

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...


Bonita Bislam said...


Unknown said...

Eeeeeeeeeyah! May their souls rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Eeeeeeeeeyah! May their souls rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Eeeeeeeeeyah! May their souls rest in peace. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


judithekene said...

Rest in peace to them, Stella is a hero. God has a perfect place waiting for u.

Unknown said...


mccoy said...

Awww. Good deeds. Definitely she is in a better place

ary said...

Awww what a brave girl, may her soul rest in peace.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Unknown said...

Chaiiiiiii,so painful
Till resurrection day.
...NA ZO

Unknown said...

Such a brave act! RIP....

Unknown said...

oh! This is the kind of love Christ is talking about, "can you lay your life to save others?" I pray Almighty God grant her soul eternal rest in His bossom.

Mihearty said...

May their soul rest in peace Amen

Eze said...

U are an idiot.....wch one is if she died in Christ, u need sense lunatic bishop, no go find something reasonable do

Eze said...

U are an idiot.....wch one is if she died in Christ, u need sense lunatic bishop, no go find something reasonable do

Rush said...

so sad,,
hope God permit her to go through the heaven.

Anonymous said...

So so sad! I'm sure her soul will be so hurt to leave this world just like that. She seemed to have a lot she still wanted to accomplish! RIP. Mo-1

Unknown said...

That is so sad, RIP brave girl.


Unknown said...

That is so sad, RIP brave girl.


Anonymous said...


bummyla said...

So Sad! RIP Girl! http://www.bummyla.com

Unknown said...

RIP ,the heroin of our time. So sad.

Anonymous said...

She's not an idiot at all...be very careful with your words because she's only repeating and admonishing us all ( including herself) of all that Jesus said to us Himself...Repent and be saved.

TC said...

@ Henry Eze. No need for insult dear. If u read ur Bible, u should know that our good works without salvation through Jesus cannot take us to heaven.


Vry sad.may her beautiful soul resr in peace in Jesus name.amen!

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