What the media personality shared on instagram this morning concerning tribal differences...
'There is so much to say on this topic, it is heartbreaking but real. Tribalism has been and is still been practiced today. Lagos is home for everyone, our generation knows better too. Let's not let this come in between us, the OBA's statement was ignorant but do we really blame him? We all at some point in our lives have been on the receiving end of acts of tribalism. Let's take out the tension and be real with each-other. Our parents generation practiced tribalism openly and they were not corrected. In some homes befriending people from other tribes was frowned on, marrying from another tribe is still being frowned on today, tribalism even from people of the same tribe is real too. What we need is to educate and not instigate. I had Igbo friends growing up, I was the only Yoruba girl in the midst of Igbo girls. Did they make fun of me? Sometimes but it wasn't out of malice. We lived, we loved and we are still very close. I have had a friend's mum tell me "haaa omo ondo ni e? Mi o mo ooo, a kin ba ondo sore" meaning - I'm from Ondo? She didn't know.... If she had, she won't let her daughter befriend me cos they don't like Ondo people, Ondo and Ijebu don't mix... I was shocked. She went ahead and said "You Ondo people are wicked".
My friend is from Ijebu ooooo, we are both Yoruba girls and that statement was made by her mum. We are still friends today and her mum got over it. Please educate people around you. Vote who you want, vote your conscience but please stop with the tribalism comments. Our beauty is in our diversity. It is a distraction, don't fall for it. Let's all live as one.'
She is doing a good thing.. Tribalism kills..
SHOCKING Reasons You Should Never MASTURBATE !!!
And linda u too stop condemning ibadan people even tho we know they are lame af.lindaobserve
Kudos, Tokelicious, well said,kisses
Kudos, Tokelicious, well said,kisses
What a story
Well Said Toke...
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Abeg enough already, the polity is already heated. From experience stories like this won't make Nigerians change their perception.
This sounds like a political speech @Toke..........But U spoke some truth.........Its time we move pass tribal diff/sentiments....We re in Nigeria.....We re suppose to be one...Lets act so
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
The most sensible thing I've heard this girl say...
Even you Linda is part of the tribalism going on in this country right now. All you do is use your blog to show the plenty of tribalism in you!
Speaking of tribalism, I lost a 5yrs old relationship to tribalism same edo state (ishan bini wahala) it's really not fair. We are one Nigeria let's learn to see other person as ourselves. Dats d only way we can move forward as a nation. #stoptribalism #onenigeria #ekoonibaje.
This woman has spoken with more wisdom than that old hag of an oba man!!!
This shit is Wat is killing us as a nation... #stoptribalism
Wow....i never knew toke makinwa was from ondo state... that's nice.... Tola Jalade, Gbemi, Dotun, Ayo makun and now toke. God bless me.
Oba don sshayo when he was making that statement ni jhare... dee
Tribalism is everywhere in Nigeria. It is a disease, my fiancés Dad on meeting me for the first time couldn't help himself. My good afternoon sir was greeted by "we are you from?" To which I replied edo state and his response was "aah! You edo people are very wicked!"
Imagine that!
Well said dear, u av no idea aw much dis has eaten deep into our country. Before u employ they select pple from their state first(even wen their not qualified academically or otherwise) before any other person
I think she's write....but nothing can be done abt tribalism in Nigeria, its more like its imbedded in our gene......the best option is to divide Nigeria
I think she's write....but nothing can be done abt tribalism in Nigeria, its more like its imbedded in our gene......the best option is to divide Nigeria
Thankfully the younger generation are not as bad as their parents but it is still bad.
Federal character only exists in the constitution and is not a reality in Nigeria
Toke u just got urself one more fan! Muaah!
well said Toke you're on point...
Very true. I had a female friend,i met during jamb lessons,we became close despite us been from different tribes. One day,she took me home and when I got introduced(im Ibo) to her grandparents raised their eyebrows,they have never liked ibo people.but I made them see a differently.Funny enough,my friend ended up marrying an ibo man. So I guess that also made them start accepting ibo ple.
toke chop kiss
nice one
I typed a really long thing and it disappeared, so i anit typing another.. Anyway stop being tribalistic Nigerians, its very stupid...
*am out*
God bless you toke
Nigerians hate themselves, well most anyway, but dey are d first to always shout racism,when u can't love pple around u,how d hell do u expect pple on other continents to love u?lagos is a commercial city,d economic hub of Nigeria, either yorubas accept it or not,it's no longer ur land, its now everybody's land,can lagos be wat it is without other tribes being here?NO NO NO!accept it or chop shit!
Oba should publicly apologise as time is running out, Ibos are not his Subjects after-all.
God bless you toke
Love you loads Toke, u are one in a million! God bless ur home, ur children and children's children will know no sorrow IJMN!
Nice piece. Am completely in agreement with her.The OBA is wrong for making that statement but we can only try to correct and educate him and others around us rather than instigate hate which would not do anyone anyy good. Many of us have either been victims or even done the same thing in different ways so let's not be quick to judge. I see it as a distraction.It shouldn't affect who you vote for especially when it wasn't said by any of the aspirants. Don't judge a man foor another man's sin. Vote the candidate you feel is best for the job,let your conscience guide you.
Lastly,am also igbo so no hating.
Well said! Tribalism has done lot of harm than good, but we tend to point accusing fingers to the white each time issue of racism is been brought up whereas we still segregate our own fellow bro and sis in the same country. Am sure the Oba must have learnt his lessons nw.
Nice one!
¤Abbie says so¤
Exactly what I said. Babanla distraction!!!! Decoy of life!
what do you mean by we should not blame him? pls close your mouth and keep silent if you don't have anything tangible to say. A whole oba of Lagos! he should be held accountable for what HE SAID. HE SHOULD BE BLAMED! It's high time our leaders started being held accountable. They should filter their words before it comes out of their mouths because people are listening.
Nice, well said Toke. Vote who u want
Tell them
thanks toke for this meaningful message. Nigerians are too gullible, some pple will want to prove a stupid and worthless point come 11 to vote pdp even if they wanted to vote apc, be smart, overlook d oba nd dont be stupid. u all will stat praising ffk, fayose nd dose other idiots cos dem go release press statement all in a bid to use the opportunity to campaign nd make demselves look good. u all shld beta behave nd stand unwavering on ur choice of governor. And dont let an obas comment mak u give ur vote to who u neva wanted. And to you stella, give reports and be neutral, leave us to judge, go see how sdk reported hers. hian. if u like dont post. pls its ok lets not overflog this issue. its not worth it. biko nuu
Well said toke..... I also think questions should be directed to the the igbos who were clapping in support of what the oba of lagos said.......
#word ™
Quite sensible. I totally agree with you, but it is inhuman nature to be biased against other tribes. I live in London, despite their level of dedevelopment and highly diverse culture, I still sense racism everytime im on the train or bus. What we can do is live and let live. Keep our reservations to outselves and be civil at all times. Thanks Toke.
Africans complain about racism , but we do more evil than the white. Just hear this foolish oba of Lagos speech and compare it to the whites. Tribalism is worst than racism. Engr Emy
Exactly. Even in some yoruba states, they would rather offer an underqualified person a job than offer a qualified ibo person a job. Its openly practised in Lagos sef. Especially fed jobs.
Man alot of people are just over flogging this issue calling it what its not. Agreed the Oba should have not been caught saying stuff like that.. but i refuse to see how he was being tribalistic. Its not as if the 2 major candidates contesting are not Yorubas. Would we have said that he was being tribalistic if was trying to impose Ambode on another fraction of yorubas whom might have been perhaps supporting Jimi Agbaje? It will have been a different scenario if the PDP canditate was Ibo.. The only thing we can say here is that the Oba is not being a true democrat. Worst have been said leading up to this political race btw the 2 major parties. The whole of the South East not voting for Buhari is what you can categorically term Tribalism.
Well said
But ondo people are wicked for real, seriously.
Really everybodi sha wants a piece of ds issue serz dy shld chill jare or else lagoon will b der portion o. Lol
God bless toke for this. We all old enough to think for ourselves and make better judgement. Say a big no to tribalism.
God bless you Toke Makinwa.. Well said..
God bless you Toke Makinwa.. Well said..
U make sense babe, mature speech. Linda shame on u.
Awww, this is the first time this artificial yellow paw paw is making sense, our strength is definitely in our diversity.
Linda, stupid harlot.. learn from this. Stop fanning the embers of discord.
Awww, this is the first time this artificial yellow paw paw is making sense, our strength is definitely in our diversity.
u guys shd get ova dis tribal tin... kilode gang.. am a yoruba gal nd I ve a biz in tradefair, trust me, ibo pple are also tribalistic, in short very sef.... I get tribal statement trown at me, almost evryday, plus ibo pple blv na dem sabi pass nd dey are indispensable but NEWS FLASH,WE ARE ALL INDISPENSABLE...the last electn shd ve made u guys known dt ure d minority, so deal wit nd stop trying to dominant everywhere u find urslvs...
Linda, ure also tribalistic, plus ibo peeps will neva allow a yoruba person hold ny post In dier ( even inside common tradefair dts on yoruba soil oh) but in lagos, we ve ibos in d house of rep nd b4 nybdy spends ny moni In lagos govt, an ibo person has to authorize it.... so ibo pple, u shd be grateful nd stop capitalizing on wat an ignorant oba said, can u all try dis rubbish in an hausa state.... LAGOS IS A YORUBA STATE,LETS MOVE ON ALREADY...
Enough said already .
I love this her write up.
We've all had some experience in one way or the other.
Toke biko rapu okwu #Biafra# Nigeria let my people go. Pharoahs!!!!!!!!!
Well said
Wooow this is wonderful!
God bless you my sister
For this great words $ advice!
And may God bless you too Linda for posting it here!
Wooow this is wonderful!
God bless you my sister
For this great words $ advice!
Good one
Gbam u r right, even my mom still dnt want me to relate with pple frm ogun state cause they believe ondo state n ogun state aint compatible...buh I schooled in ogun state have lots of em as frnds, I love hausa n igbo cos they r fun to be with, d prob starts with our parents I just hope they stop saying dnt marry dis tribe marry dat
Thank u my dear sister. for matured understanding may God bless u more
True talk. You are a very sensible girl. i wish we had more of you around. This is one reason we are backwards in this country, we do not embrace our adversity. The things that happen in this country can not happen in some countries overseas. They are more civilized than we are and to think that we have the same colour of skin but yet some of us just hate because a person is from a different is sad. Really sad.
Nice write up, I love dat
Nice write up, I love dat
Nice write up, I love dat
Sharrap dia!y u no marry igbo?oro ri run.Bttw #sayNotoTribalism.my father wil neva on dis earth allow me marry igbo&iono y*straightface
Nyc one. First tym I wud concur wif toke. Dnt rily lyk ha tho.
I fully agree with her on this one. Our generation is more enlightened and we should not be swayed by the tribalistic comments of some of the older generation. I had an experience where my ‘educated’ uncle asked me why I went all the way to Ijebu land to pick a wife(Im from Ekiti). Abeg make una jus ignore d Agbaya the way we ignored some FFKs and Co. Eko O ni Baje ooo.
True talk
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nice one
A Yoruba man is so tribalistic that he will never rent his house to an Igbo man or employ Igbo man in his company! But he will like an Igbo man to marry his ugly daughter! He will also like to eat or swindle Igbo man's money! At times I wonder if the English man coined the word "tribalism" from the yoruba man!!!
Toke now ill start loving you. i promise
Yes o! Toke, God bless you. You have spoken well. God bless Nigeria. Linda take note!
Yes o! Toke, God bless you. You have spoken well. God bless Nigeria. Linda take note!
Yes o! Toke, God bless you. You have spoken well. God bless Nigeria. Linda take note!
Yes o! Toke, God bless you. You have spoken well. God bless Nigeria. Linda take note!
Wise words Toke. U just deserve an award for the way u laid things out here. To further ur campaign, Nollywood award shows show be one the biggest arena to popularize and enhance this campaign of quenching and suffocating tribalism in this country.
God help us to overcome this problem in our country
Nonsense! Lagos is not home for all! Lagos is a yoruba state. Do you think igbos accommodate people from other tribes in iboland? I ve bn there and lived among them, igbos are the most tribalistic people in the whole world. Look at all their state capitals and show me an outsider flourishing in any business; none. But they come to the south west and we allow them carry out their trade without interference. If u think an igbo is your friend, u are a fool because a day you will ve a misunderstanding with another ibo, the betrayal will shock you. Yes, our parents made a mistake and that mistake was allowing them and accommodating them in the 1st place. We will not make that mistake. Ibos deserve nothing good cos they can't offer anything good.
God bless you Toke Makinwa, I don't know who u are but henceforth, u have my respect for life and please educate them. Like there isn't Tribalism in East sef. I have a Ibo girlfriend from Imo and she's always like she can never marry a man from Anambra, same goes to Yoruba ppl too. Some Ekiti ppl don't associate with the Oguns. Its everywhere so enough with all this. Let's all move on with our fun. Linda, post us something fun to laugh this off n be together again... No Tribalism on this blog. We are all one...
My dear sister as I b ibo gey I de do press up to tell my mama say my boy friend na akwaibom. ....
I av close yoruba n hausa friends .dey r all gud people. Ders nothing in life I hate as much as generalization. Just like someone seeing a bad driver n saying cos na woman. ..dt shit annoys me. Every blame shld b individualised n nt generalisd
Story for d gods! It's obvious dt every tribe in Nigeria didn't want d Igbos around dem. I don't no y n yet de refused to give us Biafra dt we av fought for n yet de don't want to co exist wt us. But yet God keep blessing us, dis is to tell dem dt we re blessed n nothing can stop us. Yes am proudly an Igbo!
On point Toke.
Thr silence from the APC camp is deafening
Toke make u go sleep...
Toke you are my favourite girl, beautiful person in and out.
Okay, ibos will call yoruba tribalistic, but u don't find us lingering all over the south east. Reason being ur hostility and unaccommodating stance towards outsiders. So, pls extent the same coutesy to us and get the hell outa our region. To all you yorubas claiming we are one and unity in diversity etc. Have u ever been to iboland? If you haven't, then do and I assure you that u will realize one basic truth, Igbos are the scum of Nigeria.
True Talk my sister wen I wn to swim lagoon I will go along with,cos u d only better yoruba Girl
Well done Toke for you comments today. I'm sure that we can move on about it.
We are one! Abeg, Toke rest! Open ur eyes and avoid all things ibo cos wen the chips are down they wiill always support dia kinsmen even when he's on the wrong. For them, money first, tribe second, all others negligible.
Good One
Human Being No Be God
Yorubas, be warned and open your eyes and recognize the scourge called ibo that's ravaging our lands.
Well said.
Is because of Generality of Lagos make u to say so, they (Igbo) start it, being tribalism And we know their motives. Lagos is SouthWest is belong to we Yoruba. I know Igbo people very well. I was born and brought up,working in their midst, small,big,baba,mama, business Man, and poorest Man, are claiming cleverness on irrelevant Bragg for nothing. I know their dreams, they wanted to be president and separate this Nation. That's what they are nurturing. God no go free all u with ur deity mind. Thank God for life of Yoruba and Hausa Leader their emancipate movement the Nation.
Thanks for your objectivity Toke. I won't be surprised that some people will still make negative comments along ethnic lines after reading this piece.
how can a tenant tell his landlord that she owns half of his
property and the landlord cannot do without her.Hian!!.in as
much I dont codone comments against some tenants , I feel
some tenants should exercise restrain in their speech to the
landlords in a foreign land. # the curios case of the igbo n
their Oba's.
how can a tenant tell his landlord that she owns half of his
property and the landlord cannot do without her.Hian!!.in as
much I dont codone comments against some tenants , I feel
some tenants should exercise restrain in their speech to the
landlords in a foreign land. # the curios case of the igbo n
their Oba's.
how can a tenant tell his landlord that she owns half of his
property and the landlord cannot do without her.Hian!!.in as
much I dont codone comments against some tenants , I feel
some tenants should exercise restrain in their speech to the
landlords in a foreign land. # the curios case of the igbo n
their Oba's.
Toke Spoke well....But I don't think the Oba's statement was out if ignorance, I honestly think t'was cause of his wicked heart
Real talk.
Nna eh dis mata is everywhere. My former yoruba boss wen I went for interview with her insist ibos r rude /ill mannered. When she gve me d job I met 4 ibos n 3 delta ibo doctors already working for her, d only yoruba girl ws d receptionist. Irony of life
Well said Toke, Thank you
Educate Linda. Start with English and grammar lessons then elocution. We want to see her getting a learned Yoruba husband before christmas
That was how a guy said he cannot marry me because I am from Edo, even an Edo person said he cannot marry Benin. Oma ga ooooo #stop tribalism.
I pray they listen!
Her experience is called Prejudiced non discrimination. Its not harmful at all cos it doesn't include action rather but an attitude
@ miss toke,tribalism has been there and may never go away but in as much as parents/grandparents had reasons for not wanting you marrying another trice or even being friends with them is a different thing all together when being compared to a death threat,let's not water down what the oba said,he was wrong on every count and he should be blamed,it's irritating how APC supporters are suddenly trying to water it down and say it doesn't represent the party's opinion, meanwhile he's constanty with them but O when Asari says something you all blast PDP,how about saying the same thing? Hissss he is to blame,he threatened lives and he's trying to put fear into the hearts of people,is it by force? Pls don't bring a less threatening situation of parents not liking you is of your tribe into this situation when life is being threatened,I'm yoruba and this is complete rubbish
omo todun, omo to sure...thanks for your message..ppl should learn to integrate..Nigeria say no to division
God bless u Toke. Sensible words from an enlightened mind.
Imagine how a grown person is thinking. Sorry for you
My Igbo friend once said to me, out of annoyance, that his dad already warned and quarreled him for being a friend with a Yoruba man and that Yorubas are traitors. And all this is cos he borrowed my jeans, refused to return it and I reported him to other friend of ours.
And about the traitor thing where did Yorubas entered an agreement with the Igbos, that made it that Yorubas betrayed them? Yorubas fought for a course, the unity of Nigeria (our pride today) and Igbos feed it to their ever-ready-to-be-lied-to generations to come that they were betrayed instead.
Is it fair for any one group to claim Lagos since it's the country's commercial capitol? Urbanization says as a bustling city, Lagos will always attract the most people. It's like one group claiming New York, the US financial center, as theirs strictly on the basis of location alone, though it was built on the sweat and backs of many individuals.
before anyone will call Yoruba names, have you ever been to the east and see any other tribes doing well in their states the way ibos are doing well in yoruba and hausa land? this is due to their hostility natures to other tribes.
This statement is tribalistic purge ur mind
Toke I love you....well said
Adeyinka,thank you very much for this.I see Linda refused to ask that.The ibos that sold us out should be blamed
What makes them lame? U're making the same mistake Linda have always made.
In light of what u said, Linda is way guilty of that! I was very disappointed about adding that the T-shirt Val couples are from Ibadan. Even dedicating a different post to point that out
Some ignorant yorubas are saying igbos should go. When they asked to create biafra, you people fought them to stay. America is for the white yet they have a black president. You guys are the first to shout racism but still have guts to tell people to leave a region in their country because u feel your region is developed. Nigeria is not one and all this will reduce a great deal if we divide. Then every region will manage their resources. Logos has lagoon, at least there is tilapia there
U av started, so Wat is they are from ondo? Guess ur ondo too nd ur feeling among ability? #oshisko
linda,even u are tribalistic. what about the Ibadan pple u always make fun of..all na same
It is well my dear, ur not alone.
I totally disagree with you. It is by talking about it that will help us get over it. What makes you so sure Nigerians won't change their perception... Are they perpetually rigid
My Igbo friend once said to me, out of annoyance, that his dad already warned and quarreled him for being a friend with a Yoruba man and that Yorubas are traitors. And all this is cos he borrowed my jeans, refused to return it and I reported him to other friend of ours.
And about the traitor thing where did Yorubas entered an agreement with the Igbos, that made it that Yorubas betrayed them? Yorubas fought for a course, the unity of Nigeria (our pride today) and Igbos feed it to their ever-ready-to-be-lied-to generations to come that they were betrayed instead.
fool, you cant even spell "RIGHT" correctly...you claim not to be tribalistic yet you want to divide Nigeria? start by dividing your house first...i'm yoruba and i have family members married to igbo girls, i have a lot of igbo friends as well...what the OBA said is totally unacceptable and should be condemned .....spread love and not preach hate....Nigeria is one and wont be divided by the grace of God.
don't agree with anyone threatening another.That said Linda,lets be honest,Lagos remains the most accommodation place for any tribe and of all the tribes we have,the ibos have benefitted the most.Even more so than in their home states.
Lagos is the first and maybe only state that has ibos as commissioners,permanent secretaries directors etc.Show me any other state in Nigeria that is as accommodating.
I'm from Anambra and yorubas or even the small Hausa community at home didn't dare come out to openly campaign for APC.All this man did though wrong was make empty threats that Yoruba people are known for.All mouth and no action.
My people visited one shrine after another to swear different allegiances to party,person and group.we have to be careful what we ask for.As a former staff of .........,I know how much harm my fellow brothers have done and continue to do though reduced because of fasholas vigilant governance to piracy,fake drugs etc.please be cautious.
I agree. Linda has become a tribal bigot. It won't do her good o
This i would consider the first time i would read something from Toke's and say "this is very cool"...Tribalism is just terrible and its trying to eat away on younger generation because some old people want to rub it off.....Linda, please join the train and campaign against it...Information is wealth!!
Do I blame you? No. Why? Bcos I know you will soon turn an imbecile.
We've heard it time over time, we've seen it all over the place, yet you guys will not stop spamming every thread with it.
These PDP ass-lickers have started again.
With your divisive politics, if you make Igbo clash with Yorubas, and ur man JK takes the lead, ruling a divided state won't benefit him/anybody else, except the elite, who are very few in number. Those that will bear the brunt, suffer most will be U and I....
Many Yorubas ave always admired Igbo women, Warri boys are well known to crack jokes and make d hood lively, my dudes in Alaba market and other places are taking profits to d delta and still making more.........let this continue, don't over-eat now so ur grandkids won't be paying the debt all their lives..
One Lagos
Let the #SpiritOfLagos continue to thrive
Toke Makinwa pls take several seats! Soon u will start crying cyber bullying when you are the ine encouraging tribalism
Anonymous 11:43 God Bless you. You have said everything im thinking. about.
Dear Nigerians,
Apart from the fact that Lagos is the Nations financial capital, it was also at a point the Federal Capital and before that a Colony of England. How can any one group claim Lagos. Native Americans are the original inhabitants of America, would the polity be well represented if the only people to serve in government are the Native Americans? No. So dont talk about Igbo's being grateful for being in government positions in Lagos when im thinking expansion and the representation of Hausa's as well as other tribes.
After the Biafran war a lot of Igbo's came back to Lagos and saw the houses they built being occupied by Nigerians and could do nothing but start from the scratch. People, please stop being so insensitive during arguments about tribe as to say "go back to where you're from", Lagos is home to all built on the blood, sweat and tears of every group in Nigeria. I signed up to be a Nigerian not a Tiv, Igbo or Yoruba person that's why we have a COUNTRY. If any faction breaks away how then do we remain the giants of the Africa?(esp when our gianthood is already being threatened). Would Lagos be the same without our Suya or security the same without our maiguards or Computer village the same without our "igbo engineers". The main reason everyone loves Lagos is its diversity.
People that have commented about Yoruba's not prospering in iboland have not told the entire truth because I went to Lawschool in Enugu and saw more than enough prosperous Yoruba people. Mentality like this is the scourge that keeps taking us backward. Embrace your diversity learn about each other work hand in hand, its the only way we can effectively hope to compete in this fast changing world that has become a cyber village.
Its so ironic how the same parent that would raised holy hell about my Anambra girlfriend marrying an Imo boy was not be so adverse to the idea of her marrying a British guy. We are not our parents, rise above you know better. Hypocrisy has no room here any more, this is not 1963 people, think about how to make that money
We can learn a lot from money, at least it cannot be accused of tribalism. lol
When you go visiting uninvited and you are called a thief blame nobody, because no one invited you. This is what you get trying to lick asses. if they had stayed in their various homes, nobody will come to them with threat.Avoid being partisan be objective.
Nice one, Toke
Barrister(Dr.) Ope's write-ups on facebook instigates tribalism without him knowing. Lagos na una sabi. Vote wisely.
This idiot just likes inserting herself in stories. I beg go chill somewhere jare.
anonymous 9:41,u ve started,i guess u re ijebu,we are stoping ine war,u want to create another,dont start wat u cant finish.leave ondo alone ooooo
Tnk u o toke
Thanx Toke. God bless u even though I don't know u. I read pple saying other tribes are not prospering in igbo land and I was laughing. How many of u are adventurous? Igbos r in lagos becos it's where they make money. Igbo man can never stay or live where he/she is making money ok. U yorubas hardly travel outside yoruba land becos u don't know where to start taking risk for surviving dis life. Igbos plenty in kano becos of business. Same wit lagos. How many yorubas are in hausa land if I may ask? Becos yoruba like their region and will never leave becos of laziness. They like white colla jobs a lot,while igbos like both white colla job,trade,business etc provided he/she is making cash. Visit MM international airport and see how igbos travel to buy goods. It's not igbos fault ok. An average igboman is not suffering in nigeria. God bless nigeria..
So sad for u..smh....that u threaten to expel people in their own country? What is the country for? Asides an oba being partisan? He has shown he has no idea of the responsibility of leadership or the meaning of unity...or citizenship
Buki or whatever is. Your name, you are very stupid, very very infact, for your information we did not make an impact in the just concluded election because we did not want to! We have seen the results of all the other election and decided that the stress is not worth it @ all. If Igbos stand up, I promise you, you and your entire uneducated family would not stand. Oloriburuku oshi! Anuofia.
Senseless talk....na him papa create the land? GOD owns the land we are just inhabitants. It's supposed to be one country one people one destiny
I heard it too . Very sickening , I heard them saying Kabiyesi in their Igbo intonation. I was like what is this, after all he has said. I must say the Igbos are patient people and gullible at the same time.
The igbo cultural group is not in minority. We just had the 2 other major cultural groups voting for one party because the president is from one and the vice president from another. Some igbos i know also voted for APC even in my family. We were divided btw PDP and APC.
Are you talking from experience?. Have yo been there? I have invited several of my Yoruba friends to the east for holidays and they bluntly refused to come and i don't know why?. Ignorance is a sin. I come from a lovely town with a lake resort and beautiful scenery. Really beautiful. We should start tourism in the east to bring people in.
You are not true to yourself, what will you call the whole north not voting for President Jonathan? Nigerians and particularly Yoruba ' s are blinded with tribalism. Pls call a spade a spade. Oba is highly tribalistic.
Don't forget Lagos used to be the capital of Nigeria. That is why you have alot of other tribes in Lagos.
Your problem with the igbos is that you are a complete failure and you are looking for who to blame, pls do your own business and pray to God to bless you cause you are full of envy.
I don't blame them. That is what we yorubas should also do. Igbos are useless. I even prefer hausas because they know,their place in Lagos
Yoruba ' s and igbo ' s are the two worse tribes in Nigeria. Complete nuisance that's what you are. Hausas and minority tribes rock!
Even amomgst Igbo sef, there is a divide. No be the same igbo they call another igbo OSU!!!( OUTCAST) calling a fellow human beign of same ethnicity igbo an outcast who must not be associated with. An igbo must not marry an OSU or they will be disowened, yet you all making a big deal and tearing down the roof over what another tribe said!!!!
Before una fight make una solve problem for una side first!!!
And what would you say of the North where Jonathan carried out most of his developmental projects at the expense of his Ijaw people and yet the greedy tribalists colluded with Yorubas and voted against him? Or the Yorubas who voted against Jonathan because Osinbajo is a Yoruba man? Get this truth - THE YORUBAS ARE THE CHAMPION OF ANYTHING TRIBALISM OR NEPOTISM IN NIGERIA!
The last time I checked Jonathan is not an Igbo man.
Many Igbos voted voted for Jonathan because treachery and betrayal is not in their DNA unlike the Yorubas and their co-travellers.
If Jonathan was to be a Yoruba or an Hausa/Fulani man, he would have been the BEST president by miles Nigeria ever had. But unfortunately he is a minority and not in control of the mass and social media, that's his bane.
Toke u are vry much right oooo,me am an igbo girl dating a yoruba boy from Ondo state,the day I introduced him to my siblings dey were lik yoruba boy never that I should end the relationship before it gets to marriage stage cos it not going to work out.dat I will never marry a yoruba guy dat it most be igbo,dan I asked them what if I love this yoruba guy n I want to marry him....they still said it will not work out bt me am trying every thing possible for it to work out cos am so deep inlove with dis my yoruba bf....
Well Said
U are mad!!! Can u tell me Aba or onitsha belongs to everybody? U igbos be doing things u can't accept in ur own place. Fuck all igbos. Not sorry to say that!!!!
Toke,I'm talking from the experience please try and make enquiry that you want to buy land in any part of igbo land you they will never sell land to any other tribe,but they can go to Yoruba or hausa to buy land and build mansion.If you are a Yoruba girl dating igbo boy,forget that marriage will never workout,due to tribalism.
Lolss. I no fit laugh. What you posted it's so funny I had to respond. First time posting on LIB so congrats you made me do it.😃
Well said Toke
Look at this brainless tramp. A lazy leech and a pathological liar! What do you know? Once you eat your amala, a dirty dried flour made from rotten yam or cassava, with oily soup, filled with protein-less skin of herds, called ponmo, you grow more devilish. Go fill you belly with that first.
How many of you dare travel out of your enclave not to mention helping to develop other states in Nigeria?
Ritual-killing is a kind of a profession in Yoruba land, go confirm from your incestuous elders.
An average Yoruba believes one cannot make it in life without resorting to rituals. That is the reason their region is so infected with juju and ritual killings. No wonder many of them try to deceive other people that they worship the true God while secretly paying their allegiances to numerous useless and powerless deities like Sango, Obatala, Esu, Ifa, Ogun, Osun, Sopona.
Oru is a culture that permit Yorubas to take the live of anybody that mistakenly come out late at night when Oru is moving about.
You would wonder why many of them remain greedy, wicked, callous and devilish.
Well said my brother, well said. Had to reply to this.
Wise words, Toke. By the way, Lagos is home to all in a sense of the word. It is not everybody's home land, though. Igbo's are not particularly hospitable to people in their home land. They do not give other tribes jobs..... All these House of Reps, commissioners, civil service jobs they get in Lagos and other states is never replicated. People are bitter.....
WE ARE ALL TRIBALISTIC. The Igbos seem to want to vote for the Lagos PDP governorship candidate ( yes, a Yoruba man) not because they like his manifesto, not because he looks more the politician than his main opponent, BUT because APC is a 'Yoruba' party.As for the majority of the rest of us, we voted along tribal lines in the presidential elections. Tribe, religion came to the fore in the early part of the presidential campaigns. Not many people do not have something not nice to say about a particular tribe, any tribe; it doesn't have to be WA ZO BIA.
@Anonymous 7:20. Listen to the hate steaming from your chest and tell us who the tribalist truly is... if you are from the east please do tell us how many eastern states are as accommodating as Kano not to talk of Lagos. You are a hypocrite and you should know this. Most igbos are an ungrateful lot who leech of people's lands and still want to become lords over them. You are a proud and vile tribe.
@chinenye. Bastard girl! And what happened when ur babaric tribe stood up during the civil war? U were massacred! U should have all been exterminated! Onyeoshi!
That is a lie and you know it. I am Igbo and my sister and mother would have voted Ambode for continuity (they both voted Buhari because they wanted change) but with this latest utterances by the oba they have decided to vote PDP. The oba just helped to campaign for PDP.
Aboki i can't believe you typed this. Someone else must have stolen your phone.
Anon 6:13pm. You are disgusting. Was your mouth out with corrosive soap. Lagos is for all of us. Accept it or move out.
Tunde who is being tribalistic and hateful now?. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
For where. Look at you. If you see one fresh, rich Igbo man now you will marry him with speed.
Please stop referring to the different ethnicities as tribes, I'm not in a tribe. I'm of Yoruba ethnicity.
AY Makun is from Delta madam Antonia. Stop claiming
Sorry, I just had to reply.... America actually belongs to the red Indians, the local tribes who were here before the whites came... Lol at he tilapia in the lagoon.
Hahahahahaha...it happens to me too
Lmfaooo!! Your ignorance and cowardice are so blatant in this comment hun. I understand you are bitter and miserable about life so I'll spare you the insults I would have dished u this beautiful day. Anu nchi! Taaah! Go and sort ur shit out before u insult igbos. Ewu!!
Shut ur trap bitch igbo man can clap hands for his death threats okay it was the oba's cabinets n kingsmen okay! Shud in case u dunno igbo man loves money he will rather live n enjoy his money than to clap for this empty death threat from ur retard oba
We r bigger n beta than u dirty yoruba pigs
Tunde n buki shut ur dirty mouth odor yoruba fools! Lemme tell y'all the reason why we dominate is becoz we are travelers we go anywhere we wanna in the whole world and settle down n not unlike ur yoruba ppl who can't leave Lagos except for nysc or go to uk (i.e for the rich ones) if u want ur ppl to get elected in d east, then let millions of ur yoruba ppl go n settle in the east and see if u can't get elected as well shitty talkers
Igbo hater go n die we are successful pls deal with it
Fuck u yoruba pig ur ppl dnt trvl out okay keep on hating on us while we prosper the more
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