Photos: The epileptic man on the road | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 5 January 2015

Photos: The epileptic man on the road

The LIB reader who sent this wants me to post it exactly the way she wrote it. See below...
"What happened today, 5th of january, 2015 shows what Nigeria has become today. The average man in Nigeria is helpless ( I write this with all sincerity of heart)
Today an epileptic man was lying helplessly on the side of the road vibrating and lying faced down. People drove by, walked by and no one seemed to care and because of the epidemic virus- ebola no one wanted to touch him  and that is very understandable.

We were 5 or 6 of us so who cared. what did we do? We called for an ambulance three different times and were we told “IT WASNT AN EMERGENCY”. Then we called the ebola line maybe they would handle the situation with more efficiency. UNFORTUNATELY the person who picked the call heard the story and cut off the call...imagine that! So we didn’t bother to call for help again! 

So we hoped that the epilepsy would calm down, but unfortunately it became worse and due to that he ended up falling in the gutter (which was full of stale water), he could have lost his life. So 2 men were able to bring him out and then we got a doctor who lived nearby to come help us .. HOURS went by and FINALLY! He came back! He remembered his name & was able to speak………

At the end of the day, he got come money for transport, a change of cloths and definitely some advice from the doctor! I’m so grateful he didn’t have to lose his life.

If the roads was tarred his asthma wouldn’t have been at the extreme. If the gutter was properly drained, He wouldn’t have drowned. If we had reliable health care services in this country he would have gotten better treatment and probably not have gotten that epileptic attack. If we had an effective ambulance system and if the ebola line was effective too he would have been in the hospital getting better treatment. If we weren’t caring enough to help him! Who knows??? He could have lost his life.  
Nigeria needs a turnaround before its too late!!!


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ebonyz... said...

Naija will never change, how can they say it's not an emergency for crying out loud. It's the duty of the hospitals and so called emergency lines to respond to such issues even if they feel it's not an emergency, that is what they're paid for. I am so pained cause it seems, this country is getting worse by the day. May God help us. Thank God he survived.

dragon slayer said...

You should be ashamed of yourself. So ignorant! This person may have been jerking from the asthma attack and people assumed it's epilepsy. Not every seizure is epilepsy. Those focusing on the writer's shortcomings are equally as ignorant as you. The fact is, you Nigerians need to take care of each other. Be the change you want to see. The government is messed up, what about you? Aren't I grateful to have dual citizenship? Goodluck to that country!

Anonymous said...

The medical case is more like an asthmatic attack and epilepsy. You can't blame people for not helping when they feel is epilepsy since it is contagious. But with asthma, it is not and i am sure the doctor and other support systems would have responded with immediate care.

Unknown said...

Well u guys did well,and may God reward u for the government God will deal with them in his ways

Unknown said...

same thing happened on d 24 dec at oshodi before arena gate, a woman ws lying unconcious on d floor, pale , white nd alll dat , ppl were passin nd nothin ws done, evn a military man passed by nd look at her nd shook head, police were arnd too nd nothin ws done. tried calllin lagos state emmergency bt na lie d tin no go, some wu stood al dey could do ws pity ha, while som prayed. i left in anger cz d young lady might die if nt attended to. I only hope she survived it...Nigeria we need to change the way we think.

Lewis said...

Traditionally it's contagious,medicaLly(modern Medicine)it is it's not dea fault cause they believed what dey heard.

Anonymous said...

Waw! thank God he did no lose his life....May God grant him permanent healing IJN... May God bless the good hearted Nigerian.

Unknown said...

God bless you poster. Nigeria is going to be better this year I believe. We all have to make it work. If all our emergency lines are busy, we should render the little help we can as you guys just did. Together we can make it work.

Anonymous said...

Kidnappers Mistakenly Kidnap A Girl Who Claims to be an Ebola Victim from Liberia in Lagos Nigeria

Funke Akindele and AY in Governor’s Daughter

See a complete Oyibo speak Hausa like an Aboki

Unknown said...

Nigeria is really getting worst...thank God for his life

Unknown said...

Tank GOD he's ok...tanks for helping him too.

Unknown said...

cee illiteracy in d land, even d so called 1s sef r still illiterate in deir minds, may God help us all..Thank God he didn'y lose his life n also a big tanx 2 d Poster


Anonymous said...

this isa pity now in the world not only in Nigeria but everywhere, the same thing happened in SA last week but no body care to offer assistant to the lady. maybe WHO will introduce a new form of assistant to those suffering from it and other related sicknesses


Anonymous said...

this isa pity now in the world not only in Nigeria but everywhere, the same thing happened in SA last week but no body care to offer assistant to the lady. maybe WHO will introduce a new form of assistant to those suffering from it and other related sicknesses


Anonymous said...

very pity


yawanow said...

I agree with you about the deplorable and never changing disfunctional system in Nigeria. we need change so lets vote right.

Swaag said...

What should I do after the patient awakens? First, assure him that everything is all right. Then help him to stand upright and guide him to a place where he can get needed rest. Most people are confused and sleepy after a seizure; others recover quickly and can continue what they were doing before the attack.

Do all epileptic seizures include convulsions? No. Some patients experience a moment of impaired awareness without even falling to the ground. This is called a petit mal seizure (or absence seizure), which is usually brief with no lingering aftereffects. Some people with epilepsy undergo prolonged petit mal seizures, lasting several minutes. In such a case, the patient may wander around the room, tug at his clothing, or otherwise behave strangely. After the seizure, he may feel light-headed.

What is it like to live with epilepsy? Understandably, many people with epilepsy contend with a nagging fear of when and where the next seizure will occur. To avoid embarrassment, they may tend to avoid social situations.

How can I give support to someone who has epilepsy? Encourage him not to bottle up his feelings. Be a good listener. Ask him what he would like you to do if he has a seizure. Since many people with epilepsy do not drive, perhaps you could offer a ride or run some errands for him.

Can seizures be reduced—or even prevented? Some factors increase the likelihood of a seizure, such as stress and lack of sleep. Experts therefore encourage epileptics to get proper rest and to exercise regularly in order to reduce stress. In some cases, medications have also been effective in preventing seizures.

find the full article on[search_id]=404733e3-2218-4f02-ae57-fcae858eb7d8&insight[search_result_index]=0

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So so sad, thk God for spearing his life

APPLE said...

Very sad story. SMH

Unknown said...

We all praying for a beta nigeria oo...hope the lord intervenes in the epileptic guys case

Funmy Kemmy said...

Thanks for saving his life. Wishing him Divine Healing in this New Year amen.

Unknown said...

Eeyaaaa!!!!!! **DOPEY SAID SO**

Unknown said...

Eeyaaaa!!!!!! **DOPEY SAID SO**

Unknown said...

Eeyaaaa!!!!!! **DOPEY SAID SO**

Unknown said...

Eeyaaaa!!!!!! **DOPEY SAID SO**

Anonymous said...

@poster what did you do cos from this your story you just took pictures and waited for a more "notice me" story on LIB,abeg make I hear word!rubbish,is it bad road and gutters that give epilepsy?ode!Thank God for the mans life.

Anonymous said...

@poster what did you do?you brought out your fone and took pictures to send to linda I guess,you are as guilty as the government....

susan chukwuka said...

Hmmmm, Naija with quick response to issues, Zero.

susan chukwuka said...

God bless u girl, God help us in this country.

Anonymous said...

Epilepsy is not an illness to be played with he had a seizure and could re occur again Linda if u have he's contact he needs to visit a neurologist asap because epilepsy has no cure it could only be managed through a long term drug for a maximum of 2years. If he keeps going on without help he could grasp into a seizure anywhere and that's the danger and what kills epileptic patience. He is suffering from a brain seizure which is epilepsy. I'm not flaffing it is a situation unfortunately I'm a victim of but it could be controlled with drug and close monitoring. Thanks

Unknown said...

Its really sad! Thank God he survived it. May God help us all...

Anonymous said...

Linda must you post this? You know the stigma that is attached to epilepsy in our country. If na your brother you go post am? SMH....shame to you

Subomi said...

feel bad for the guy

MY TURN said...

So So SAD!!!

Dammy16 said...

This is so sadonic.. What a pity. The guy gonna be feeling ashamed to walk along that area next time.

AGB said...

God Bless you and your friends dear Writer. Amen.

Redcandy said...

We are usually afraid to approach epileptic people in these parts, due to spiritual beliefs most of the time. I won't lie, I will be totally confused if anyone had an epileptic attack around me. I wouldn't know how to help. I commend the writer for at least being concerned. Others walked past after all. God have mercy on us all.


Bella j said...

Kasali am sure u are high on something. .

Anonymous said...

Epilepsy can affect anyone but is still regarded as a shameful condition in Nigeria. It could be because the more well known type of epileptic attack will typically end with the individual soiling or wetting them-self and on the floor. Typically an epileptic attack/seizure will last a couple of minutes and have no permanent damage. However occasionally, it goes on and on and if it goes on for over 15 minutes without medical intervention (in the form of rescue medication) it can lead to permanent brain damage. If an individual is having a seizure, all you do is set them on their side in the recovery position so they do not choke on their tongue or the excessive saliva produced during a seizure and wait for it to end. Do not try to stop them from jerking or from biting their tongue, just lay them somewhere safe on their side and wait it out. If the seizure is still on after 5 minutes and the individual has rescue medication on them (typically in the form of an oral syringe), this is administered in the cheek of their mouth, absorbed through the skin of the cheek and is typically a strong sedative which breaks the seizure. Unfortunately in Nigeria a lot of people are not in a position to own rescue medication and live on hope that they will never have a seizure which causes lasting damage. Individuals are typically confused after a seizure as they have no recollection of what they have just been through.
The biggest cause of death in epileptics is actually accidents caused as a result of having seizures and dropping unexpectedly. Think about falling unexpectedly in the middle of mundane day to day activities and not being able to break your fall, close your eye or move away from danger during the seizure. Having a seizure while doing something as simple as crossing a road, leaning over a bucket of water, swimming in a pool or stream, leaning over to stir a pot, ironing, climing up/down stairs, sitting on a chair, driving a car etc. If seizures are frequent, a protective helmet is worn on the head and is invaluable in reducing injuries.
Epilepsy is not contagious and if you spot someone having a seizure providing assistance in the form of putting them in the recovery position during the seizure and staying with them until you are sure they are no longer confused after the seizure is all that is required most times.

Anonymous said...

Treatment of Epilepsy involves daily medication which needs to be taken at equally spaced intervals and never missed. Most people go on to be seizure free and after 2 or so years on medication are weaned off their meds. The earlier daily meds are introduced the better the chances of becoming seizure free, although it can be a bit of trial and error to find the right meds to control an individuals seizures.
There are a whole range of seizures which can occur ranging from the mild absence seizures where it appears the individual is gone for a few seconds and then is back and continues what they are doing, to the extreme Tonic-Clonic (or Grand mal as most people know it) which in my opinion is what the directors of the film the Exorcist replicated in his scenes of demonic possessions. The blessing in all this is that after a seizure the individuals have no recollection of the event and so are spared that agony. Epilepsy is just an electrical short circuiting in the brain and the resulting miss firing of electrical current results in the seizures. It is really no different from what you get when NEPA causes a short circuiting in your home appliances. There is nothing demonic about it.

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