UK Govt have yawared lol. See what they are proposing for toddlers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 5 January 2015

UK Govt have yawared lol. See what they are proposing for toddlers

How weird is this? Nursery staff and childminders have been given 'duty' by the UK government to report toddlers they suspect of being at risk of becoming terrorists under new Home Office measures. They will now start spying and labeling toddlers from black and ethnic minorities.

From Telegraph UK
Nursery school staff and registered childminders must report toddlers at risk of becoming terrorists, under counter-terrorism measures proposed by the Government. The directive is contained in a 39-page consultation document issued by the Home Office in a bid to bolster its Prevent anti-terrorism plan.
Critics said the idea was “unworkable” and “heavy-handed”, and accused the Government of treating teachers and carers as “spies”.
The document accompanies the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, currently before parliament. It identifies nurseries and early years childcare providers, along with schools and universities, as having a duty “to prevent people being drawn into terrorism”.
The consultation paper adds: “Senior management and governors should make sure that staff have training that gives them the knowledge and confidence to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and challenge extremist ideas which can be used to legitimise terrorism and are shared by terrorist groups.

"They should know where and how to refer children and young people for further help.”
But concern was raised over the practicalities of making it a legal requirement for staff to inform on toddlers.

David Davis, the Conservative MP and former shadow home secretary, said: “It is hard to see how this can be implemented. It is unworkable. I have to say I cannot understand what they [nursery staff] are expected to do.
“Are they supposed to report some toddler who comes in praising a preacher deemed to be extreme? I don’t think so.
“It is heavy-handed.”

Mr Davis also accused the Home Office of pushing the legislation too quickly.
Isabella Sankey, the policy director at human rights body Liberty, said: “Turning our teachers and childminders into an army of involuntary spies will not stop the terrorist threat.


Unknown said...

Na wa oo.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Unknown said...


#Royal Priesthood#

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

No b only! Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Dis is a country where laws r enforce and respected.

#Royal Priesthood#

Jeni_zee said...

lol they dnt know what to implement again

Unknown said...

hmm, UK and stupid policies. "todller terrorist" Mtchewww

Abdulmalik Yusuf said...

Very serious indeed....

Abdulmalik said so via Motorola T191

Unknown said...

This is modern world Racism.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Unknown said...

I dont see anything wrong with it. Besides the saying 'catch them young' is true. Usman develop as a toddler to the terrorist he was.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

De Americans take dier laws very serious

Unknown said...

No be small thing o.

Unknown said...

Abeg I support it. Their government is doing everything to protect the lives of their citizens. Unlike ours that all they do is throw parties and spend up to 500 million in feeding.

Unknown said...

End the tinz

Unknown said...

Common sense must be far away from those that are trying to enforce such law,.as if most of them don't make the decision based on their environmental factors and the company they keep,a nursery child will only do what he or she sees the adult around her doing or from the movies he or she watches,so they should focus their attention somewhere else and stop the stylish child harrasment and racism.

Unknown said...

Racism in the 21st century. This is rubbish.

Unknown said...

Who mentioned america here nw?

gidis said...

Mtchew....iranu of d 1st order!!! Confused mofos

Unknown said...

I know the whites have been sick from birth, this is absolute racism, why must it be black kids and the ethnic minority..... I tot the UK had sense

Davido's driver said...

Good thing

Unknown said...

nothing wrong in it abeg
-----------LIB prince ----------
-----------LIB prince-------------
------------LIB prince --------------

Unknown said...

U must be an animal... How would u know that a child exhibits terrorist potential, u are just dumb like the ppl who proposed the law

Unknown said...

Na WA ooooo.

Unknown said...

Nawa ooo...UK and their strategies..gud for them ooo

O.M.A. said...

This is just madness...

Unknown said...

Craziness comes in different faces and dis time it has chosen d face of British government

Unknown said...

This people and wahala
Doubt if it will work

Unknown said...

it's won't work, they should make other plans

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Anonymous said...

Na wa o!!!


How abt training them as assassins for d government...

ary said...


ary said...

Baldadash; stinks of segregation and racism! That John xter from the ISIS videos was adjudged to be from where again?

princess said...

Very interesting

Unknown said...

If that includes all kids, fine. Not just black and Asians, as whites too could be such, though it's good planning ahead.

Unknown said...

Okay o

Unknown said...


Subomi said...

This wont fly. The bill wont be passed

Unknown said...

Another definition of "Catch them young"

Unknown said...

Kekere lati n pa eekan iroko ki o maa ba dagba gba ebo low wa.

REXOVIC said...

Linda. No be yaware ooo na, funny policies every day!

Unknown said...

Wats good about it....

Unknown said...

Very soon they'll PAY linda to be monitoring us on here hehehe!!!! n u'll be surprised at the number of boko harams she'll find on her blog *lmao **DOPEY SAID SO**

joy Egbunu said...

Pretty lame I must say!


Unknown said...

This is what happens when man thinks he can always solve his problem by himself instead of looking up to God. What a decision!

Unknown said...

Child abuse

Anonymous said...

They shld implement this in niaja

Unknown said...

Hmmmm..i cnt blive dis
Such weirdos!

Princess G said...

Very very interesting. It won't and can't work in Nigeria

Unknown said...

Na WA sha.

Unknown said...

Kolomental people. Smhhhhhh!!!!

Unknown said...

If the white doesn't consider the blacks a superior race or see them as threat to modern technology, they would not go this far to want to study them at that level.

Busy Fingers.

Unknown said...

Na wah them wan take know. lol


Ugochukwuka said...

And how exactly do they expect these teachers to determine who is a potential terrorist and who isn't??? Pointless

** commenting live from river ethiope **

Unknown said...

Its so absurd.

Anonymous said...

See wahala. Imao...

.....A better Nigeria I pray.....

Unknown said...

And they turn teachers to spies. Ok o
Let see how this awkward policy goes

lami said...

For the mere reason that the law is just meant for certain people makes it wrong.

Unknown said...

This is where value's r placed on peoples life.

D difference is clear. Problem's of terrorism r handled and prevented frm d root.

Hw I wish Nigeria govt. can "photocopy" dis frm my belove UK.

#Royal Priesthood#

Unknown said...

This is where value's r placed on peoples life.

D difference is clear. Problem's of terrorism r handled and prevented frm d root.

Hw I wish Nigeria govt. can "photocopy" dis frm my belove UK.

#Royal Priesthood#

Unknown said...

This is where value's r placed on peoples life.

D difference is clear. Problem's of terrorism r handled and prevented frm d root.

Hw I wish Nigeria govt. can "photocopy" dis frm my belove UK.

#Royal Priesthood#

Unknown said...

This is where value's r placed on peoples life.

D difference is clear. Problem's of terrorism r handled and prevented frm d root.

Hw I wish Nigeria govt. can "photocopy" dis frm my belove UK.

#Royal Priesthood#

lehwarh said...

Can u blame them? Smart decision

Unknown said...

Good move... Where govt is responsible

Unknown said...

U nor get sense. It about that time we join hands together to develop our country. No matter how wealthy you are living abroad makes u a second class citizen. The law should be wiped out, it is totally uncalled for.

Okoro said...

Extreme ignorance.

Unknown said...

I don't really see the need for such policy

Unknown said...

These people are mad sha o!

Unknown said...

#lol__it can't possibly help..Besides d kids they would pick as suspected terrorist wat wld happen to dem_wld dey be killed

"Gorilla's n Suit"

Unknown said...

#lol__it can't possibly help..Besides d kids they would pick as suspected terrorist wat wld happen to dem_wld dey be killed

"Gorilla's n Suit"

Unknown said...

#lol__it can't possibly help..Besides d kids they would pick as suspected terrorist wat wld happen to dem_wld dey be killed

"Gorilla's n Suit"

Jeni_zee said...

Theresa May is jobless

Anonymous said...

Islamic terrorist is the cause.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Yea it's a good measure..trying to cub a kitten before it becomes a lion

Anonymous said...

Yeah, about tine someone did that,the earlier the better

Unknown said...

Lol, risk free tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

@Eze: They will spot a potential terrorist accurately. It is a challenge and they will do it unless they want to homeschool their kids.

Nigeria govt should be innovative as well rather dishing out inefficient governance. Bunch of corrupt, self-centered and evil people.

Manuel Kunmi said...

Blacks blacks blacks blacks negros negros blackz

Unknown said...

Arrant nonsense, toddlers? Mschewww!

Juleslouis said...

This is crazy and stupid of the govt.

Unknown said...

Nice one,everything someone will become show surprise ly when the person is still a child,with this program a lot will be discovered trust me.**EMZEALLOUS**

Unknown said...

If that wud make d world a better place let them do it please.

James Olorunosebi said...

I think these guys know exactly what they are doing. The white kids have lost all sense of direction even when not poor. It was estimated that an average of 5 UK young adult travelled out to join ISIS/ISIL weekly as at Nov 2014 statistics. Also, in the UK certain areas have been taken over by extremist and radical Islam. A child is the easiest give-away of terrorism if any member of that child's family is one camouflaging, especially as they operate under cell system, and for a certainty will indoctrinate the children to do same. So don't think the UK govt are crazy, they are evidently smarter than anyone here who has commented that it is foolishness. Apparently most didn't know the facts and figures.

Anonymous said...

You all who frown at this have no idea what the world is slowly becoming in the hands of Islamic extrmists. Absolutely no idea. These terrorists have been brain washed from their childhood days on religious discrimination and hatred. The UK govt. are simply being proactive and strategic. The world is changing drastically, so drastic measures MUST be put in place. Nigeria is still very backward in its resolve to tackle terrorism. That's why we yearn for a change in government. Mac10...

Anonymous said...

Don't mind linda, she his the one writing this rubbish. The never used the term 'black' or 'ethnic minorities' but they used the term 'Muslim'

prettiyz said...

They r taking precaution in order not to experience boko haram

Anonymous said...

Don't say what ya dnt knw @linda, here is the deal, some people hv d tendency of becoming terrorist even from young age, it starts from the way the talk, and d way they isolute themselves from people, the people u call introverts are the targets here, the work of the teachers is to report any suspect like that to the authority's.

Bla's Blog said...

...And if they suspect a toddler, what are they gonna do to him or her? Sentence them to life imprisonment? Or death ? Smh!

Favour belle said...

Very uncalled for

Anonymous said...

We will live and see the benefit ( if there will ever be)of this crazy thought and action.

ebonyz... said...

They can't be serious...lolzzz ,na wa oh

yawanow said...

imposing such on toddlers who cant differentiate their left from right is absurd and hilariou


The earlier the better I guess lol....

Dasheeeee said...

Wtf is this world turning into? We are talking about toddlers here! This is just wrong, and I do NOT think any good thing can come out of this

Dasheeeee said...

Wtf is this world turning into? We are talking about toddlers here! This is just wrong, and I do NOT think any good thing can come out of this

Unknown said...

Abi oo nice stuff dis children of nowadays do crazy finz jhur we can't say

Unknown said...

Terrorism is every where.. Not only naija

Unknown said...

Na real wa

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