I would like to share my problem and hopefully get some good advice on this predicament I have found myself. I am 24 and grew up in a Christian home where going to church was the only recreational activity allowed in my house. My parents are pastors and they pastor a large pentecostal church in lagos.Growing up in my house felt like a military camp, friends from school weren't allowed over and the only kids I got to associate with were pastors kids like myself and all we were allowed to discuss was the bible because watching TV wasn't even allowed except its a gospel program.
So naturally not having friends turned me into a quiet girl and I was the obedient and perfect girl to everyone and most parents wished they had me, but what all didn't know was that behind the quiet charming girl I was a totally different person. Years of being monitored and not being allowed to interact socially had messed up my sanity and sexuality, because since I was allowed to play with only girls I had learnt to develop emotional feelings for only girls.
Fast track to 4months ago, I have always kept my sexuality in check because I'm a pastors kid from an influential home and I couldn't just act out even if i wanted to. So one evening I was visiting a friend after work hours and I got introduced to this other friend of hers, and from the minute I set my eyes on her I knew I needed to have her and nature smiled on me and somehow we became an item.
She was everything I wanted and she fulfilled all my guilty pleasures and she was my first, thou I kept my last name and family background from her. Two weeks ago she calls me up and says that I haven't been treating her right that I never told her I was from a super rich home and since I had a name to protect that she needs 5million naira for Christmas shopping.
At first I thought she was crazy but now she's threatening to tell my folks and the entire church. My parents may have gotten it wrong in the child training section but they are good people and it would ruin their reputation if the church finds out.
So do I tell them the truth about my sexuality and impending disaster or do I pay her the N5m or do I just take the long rope and walk away from home and never return. Because either way I can't change my sexuality and I have 2weeks to go before all hell breaks loose.
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1663 Newer› Newest»The exposure is for your own good.
Repent nd leave d rest to God...
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
open up to your parents...they caused half way of it..is ain't good to limit your children from association
My dear ,first of all having learnt about Gods word ,you need to give your heart to Jesus Christ.Secondly,as hard as it may seem confide in your mother,spill the truth to her so that you would be free from the devils scheme and devices and from your supposed friends blackmail.Trust me if you ever pay the first doe to a blackmailer,you've signed off your freedom, because you will have to keep paying. Everyone has sinned but staying a sinner is the problem- you have room for repentance and a beautiful life ahead of you.
Ojai says" I knw how u feel. Firstly u have to detest from that act. Its so so wrong. 2ndly, u have to first confide in ur mother, she can help u tell ur dad and promise them repentant. We all do worst sins and r not crucified. If God forgives u, to he'll with man. The girl will not eat a pin from u. Gold digger. Her threats re null and void
U need to come out clean.
Phew! That's a precarious and difficult situation you've got here bae.
Now, it’s important you get to know folks real well before letting your sex preferences out.
Read Through the points below :
1. N5m is quite difficult to come by, for some folks here in Nigeria, and I believe your friend is one of them.
2. I call her actions cheap blackmail coz money shouldn't have been the remedy if she suddenly finds out that you betrayed her by not telling her about your family background.
3. Paying this lady this huge sum just for Xmas shopping will be the craziest thing you'll ever do in your life time (quote me later).
4. Paying her would make her come back for more.
5. The actions and reactions from your family when they get to know about your sexual preferences would make you wanna bury ya self in shame and regrets(don't worry).
6. Disappearing forever would make you feel better,as well make you regret your sex preferences on a long run, which I know you didn't choose, but influenced by your tyrannical upbringing(in my own view).
Let your family hear this directly from you, don't risk it. Gently blame them for preserving you into whom you are sexually.
Convince your lady friend that you are gonna pay the cash, but needs more time to put them together.
Behave as though nothing is happening while you prepare to abscond.
Go seek asylum from UK coz that lady is very serious and willing to land you in jail.
As for your family, ignore their threats and blabberings coz they will obviously do. Don't let them find out where are off to, but call them between intervals coz you can't do without them, vice versa.
They will come to accept whom you are when they are tired of blabbing.
Finally, You need to be stronger for yourself, so don't feel dejected or frustrated, after all there are many lady-lady types here in Nigeria.
Maybe someday Nigeria will favor you.
Good luck!
Tel ur parents nd ask God for forgivnes, his d only solution as for her she can do her fucking worst. micheal4rig@gmail.com
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
tell your parents and let them know is the work of the devil and forget about the crazy girl. if your parents hear it from you first it will not be a big thing to hear it from the girl and they will prepare themselve on how to handle the her when she comes. dont border your self course it do happen youre not the first to face such
Tel dem d truth
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
May God deliver u
Well if ur partner open up to ur parent, u can deny it since she has no prove. U can also sort her sm monie for her shoppin. Finally decease frm dt act cos is a sin against nature n I believe God wl help u!!!
i think the best thing for you to do right now is to come clean and tell your parents so it doesn't destroy dir ministry.Also,u need to let them know your a lesbian and they are most likely the root cause of it.
You're 24, where do you work? How do you hope to get the 5M? Sure your pastor parents will not give you such amount to blow off.
Tell your mum your sexuality. She will be disappointed, mad, disgusted but will forgive. Blackmailers never stop. If you give her this one, she will come back for more next time.
Running from home is never an option. You will sure come back with your tail between your legs. Only a coward runs from his/ her errors. Stand and face it and that way, you know you can face challenges anytime.
Another thing, don't think that's your nature. You took that path because you didn't find the real thing. If a guy came along and was ready to play ball, you wouldn't have been a lesbian. That's why lesbianism thrives in many girls' hostels. It takes a lot of principle to bridle yourself against the habit, which you should have done initially.
Like seriously??? Common gurlfrnd who said u can't change ur sexuality? I will advise u to open up to ur parents u said it urself dat dey re gud pple,and I believe,to pastor a large church as theirs they ve seen many tins,and ve counsel lot of pple probably wit same problem u re facing rite now,so dearie talk to ur mum,explain to her and be willing to change,cos if u pay dat gurl up,be rest assured she is gonna continually blackmail u,and d part u re isn't gud biblically
########LiB MY BAD HABIT########
Or you can just send me half the money and the ladies number.. I'll take it from there. Hehe
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
what is the world turning into.
I think the best thing for u to do is open up to ur family afterall this is who u r and unless u change there r going to b many more dat will blackmail u with it,open up and go for deliverance
it is well.... better to reveal urslf than pay omogo money.
It will be better to tell your parents the truth of the issue because giving her 5m will still not solve your problem because she will turn you to ATM anytime she needs money.There are nothing new under the sun,seek for forgiveness that is all,we all had past and our past should not affect our present and future.
Read 1st corinthians 6:9-11 ,u said ur parents are religious leaders nd u mean they did nt tell u dat lesbianism is a sin against jehovah god.u jst have to stop being foolish nd open ur eyes to reality,claiming u r only attracted to girls is jst a psycological thinking u hav forced urself to beliv,if u fear god atall that's if there is any love for ur creator u would go 2 ur parents tell them d truth,nd stop ur foolish desire 4 girls,chikenah
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
Homosexuality is not a good thing but you are in already.
omo see gobe
Stupid gal, let her expose u evil pple. Aunty linda pls bless me dis dec so that I can pay my school fee, av nt won anytin since last 2yr dat av been readin dis blog
My advice is to tell your parents because if you pay your blackmailer, be sure she will be back for more.
My advice.. D earlier u tell ur family d better.. They wud get over it sooner and u move on with ur life.. Its difficult but thts dats d best way out.. Ask them also, i mean ur family to offer you help.
It would make them feel you need help.
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
You just said it all (Either ways you can't change your sexuality) right?? Then better come out to your parent so they can know who you are so you can avoid someone taking advantages on you... They won't find it funny at first but it's the only way out and it's better than giving a chance to her to rip you off because the demand won't just stop there.. it will go on and on!
start paying her now and she keeps coming for more, its better u tell your parent,.. I don't believe lesbians can't change their sexuality, it all begins and end with Ur will power, once u have set out Ur mind to stop it, with every bit if strength in you, its definitely gonna stop..
so don't take d high roads, 5million is way too much bro,..
come out to your parent, not like Ur coming out to d world..
immorality and disobedience to God almighty has been the order of the day
hmm...d babe aint even ready to change her sexuality...good luck to you...even the fool threatening to expose you doesn't understand its a no win for her...she exposes you...you both go down together.
ma dear u nid Jesus and not the kind you think you have...
btw d only moral wey dey dis tory b say...dont judge somebody by their looks or wat dey appear to be..even pastor pikin..heiiii
pls cum back and let us knw how it went..
You better go before your parent and bow down with a penitent heart to confess before them..So the lord up will also forgive you.If you decide to pay her up.She would still come up and ask for me..
start paying her now and she keeps coming for more, its better u tell your parent,.. I don't believe lesbians can't change their sexuality, it all begins and end with Ur will power, once u have set out Ur mind to stop it, with every bit if strength in you, its definitely gonna stop..
so don't take d high roads, 5million is way too much bro,..
come out to your parent, not like Ur coming out to d world..
open up girl.....zuks101@gmail.com
Let her do so it wil help u break out of the bondage......Wendyhoney
The girl and your friend set the whole thing up to blackmail you. You have to snap out of the lesbo business. You are not lesbian. You just never got round to liking boys. Turn this around for your own good and preach about social interaction to parents in church sighting mistakes your parents made. Then you and your parents need to report blackmail to the police.please ask God for forgiveness and a chance to make things right again
The best thing to do is to talk to your parent about it,it will be more soft hear it from you than the mouth of a stranger
what happened to denying everything. #mcheeeew#. better wake up and start cooking up your own story
immorality of the highest order..you better repnt or wallow in hell
Carry go.. timiforlife1986@gmail.com
Bae....just face the reality of things..u shouldn't have done that in the first place but I won't advise u to fall into cheap blackmail, tell ur mum about everything. she'll give you d best advise and she will stand by you....running away will not solve d problem on ground..just do Wots right pray for forgiveness and tell ur mum
Dearies, what you allow is what will continue, if you give her the 5 million Naira, she''ll come back for 10 million Naira for new year shopping knowing quite well you could afford the initial amount.. My advice, confess to ur parents before issues get out of control...
Tell ur folks n if really u r a good Christian as u claimed, u would know that homosexuality is a sin.
She no well. U sef! ahahn wat rubbish,she see person do am for ni. Is there any proof? 5million? her mouth will catch fire. Let her talk na and do d shopping thereafter. Rubbish!
The best tin is to speak up coz if dont and give into her demand now she wil keep threatening u my dear....so just come out of the closet and be who you are *LUCK*
Story for d gods!
hmmmmmm... question 1. Do u have 5mil 2pay her
question 2. Didnt u think about the outcome?
my advice to you, tell ur parent cos u need help, not 4 the problem on ground duo. all the best
seek forgiveness from God and your parent vow not to do it again
Hmmm... Walk away. No need 2 be blackmailed cos of ur sexual preference.
Its better u open up to ur parents cuz u knw wat abt black mailers,dy cum kip asking 4 more
The best thing to do is to tell your parents iit will be more soft when it comes from your mouth and not frrom a stranger.
Dearies, what you allow is what will continue, if you give her the 5 million Naira, she''ll come back for 10 million Naira for new year shopping knowing quite well you could afford the initial amount.. My advice, confess to ur parents before issues get out of control...
open up girl.....zuks101@gmail.com
start paying her now and she keeps coming for more, its better u tell your parent,.. I don't believe lesbians can't change their sexuality, it all begins and end with Ur will power, once u have set out Ur mind to stop it, with every bit if strength in you, its definitely gonna stop..
so don't take d high roads, 5million is way too much bro,..
come out to your parent, not like Ur coming out to d world..
Tell your parents. Unless you're prepared to pay the blackmailer for the rest of your life.
Tell your parents immediately because once you give her the N5m, she will demand more money and keep blackmailing you for the rest of your life, she may even sell your story to gossip media. in addition, do not run away, your parents will accept you for who you are...trust me, I am a parent too.
Of course girl, you can change your sexuality. Who told you you can't? All you need do is make a firm decision within yourself that you want to be normal(having only sexual urge or feelings for men alone since you are a female). Then as to paying your recent girlfriend 5million, I say no to that. Call your parents and explain your situation to them with the mind and intention to REPENT from your old ways to a new life. They are your parents and will be able to help you find a solution to this problem of yours. Shalom.
The best thing to do is to talk to your parent about it,it will be more soft hear it from you than the mouth of a stranger
It's better u open up to ur parents bcos if u give her dat 5m,shes still gonn ask for more
Whatever you decide, don't pay the money. Personally, I'm a big fan of coming clean. Sooner is always, always better than later.
I fink u should jst tell ur parent let dem knw d truth oda dan payin 5m
Hmmm at 1st u an offender dat 13yrs in prison by law. Then to d situation 1 thing u shd know is dat no secrets is hiding so the earlier u tell ur family urself the better so they can do deliverance for you cause even if u pay her d money or run away they will still get to know 1day so it better u face ur prob now.
you need to tell your family the truth shall set you u free.
Yea, okereke_chinenye@yahoo.com
Tell ur parents so dat dey will use it as a simon in D church for others to lean there lesson. ignorance is the worst thing dat can happen to anybody weather big or small. Contact me on, ugojame@nokiamail.com.........Ugo-Gold.
My advice to you is to get your parent informed cos they are the only one that can help you out of the mess you are into.
At this point sweetheart, I suggest that you tell your parents what is going on. It would be more hurtful to them if they find out through the media or any other source. I am sure they would find a way to manage the situation if you tell them yourself.
I. Fink u. Should tell ur parent d truth
How e take concern us
Don't give her anytin,tell ur mum, I believe she will undastand,if u give her she will still ask 4 more,she will surely get greedy,and am not condemning u, give ur Lyf to christ,he will ans u ok
dont be afraid of her threats just be bold and tell her to go ahead and watch God handle the rest but repent from it
The fact is that if you give in now ,she will definitely come back to blackmail you. The best thing is to come out straight with your parent . They will be disappointed but would surely forgive you.
Hard one though. U have to talk to your parents first then y'all will decide what to do together.
my dear if you pay her a dime u will keep paying. the next amount will increase so tell your parents,no matter how bad it is they will never let you take that long walk.they will help you
Don't be blackmailed into giving anyone 5million. We will come and ask for more. Save your money and face the consequence. Tell your mom and hope she is matured enough to u understand. Five million is a lot. Her father get that kind money. Dipo2xdipo@gmail.com
I fink u should. Tell ur parent d truth
Don't give her the money, she'll ask for more cos she's a Lil blackmailing bitch. Gather the courage to tell your parents about your situation and threaten the girl with something she's very afraid about thereby evening out the playing field
NO matter how you run, you can never run from your shadows. the best thing to do at this point is to call your parents and tell them yourself and face the consequences from them than they hearing it from an outsider. and for your partner, be bold to call off her bluff cos if u pay the ransom to cover up the deed, you will continue to pay. think wisely and take the right path.
U r such a foolish girl. If u Hv 5m to settle a blackmailer den u Hv no problems at all. Stupid spoilt brat
Morning all
some parents think they're doin d right tin by being over protective of their children, but they got it all wrong, Bcos Wat d child doesn't do @ home, once given d slightest opportunity it will be overly done. So dear My advice 2 u is dis! Dnt give d money 2 her, Co's wen she gets it, it doesn't end dere. she wil Kip demanding Til she get u ruined. open up 2 ur mom or ur dad, whoever u have a very close relationship wit and tell dem abt it. they're ur parent nd wil do anything 2 make sure d family's name is not tarnished or stained. they're d only pple u can trust on dis, Co's u can't handle it alone.
Linda u stil dey sleep. Abeg give us updates o
my dear, i feel your pain. am not a lesbian buh i think you dont have to pay her anything. its a crime now in Nigeria so if she wants to tel the world then she will go down too. just tell her to stop the treat or you will go tell the authorities and they will arrest you both. deep down you know you wont do that, buh you just have to threaten her too, if possible get a lawyer to fake something like talk to her and the danger in people knowing about it. wish you the best tho.
Tell ur parent d. Truth
Even if u gv d moni,she wil requst 4more. Jst repent dts all. If she wnts 2 talk,let ha go ahead
sorry dear but....THAT DEVIL MUST BE EXPOSED!
It's bbeta u tak a long walk cos if u give her dat 5m, she will definetly come back for more! Nimatonic@gmail.com
You pay 5million and she keeps threatening you to pay more as time goes on, why not just let the cat loose and ask for forgiveness from God and your parents...
my suggestion is that you come out clean n tel ur parents d truth.
left to me, i will say you should confess to your parents.if you pay her now the ransom now she will surely come back for another one.
Don't give in. She won't do it. And try to change. Its not in u. U allow it. Your parents will be proud of u.
Tell your parents,how are you sure the lady will not keep asking you for more money after the payment. You need to join your parents to pray over it and never you go back to such life style again.hell is real oo. Igwiloafoma@gmail. com
tell your parents......they are pastors and they should know how forgive and learn from their mistake....tell them and if they understanding parents they will help you and also help themselves.
There's always a price to pay for these things
* * commenting live from river ethiope **
if she blackmails you with that amount of money she will do it again and again and again. i addvice u come out clean at least to ur parents
go to God in prayer and tell your parents. Johnson.Bisola@yahoo.com
Running away will not help you because you are not in control of yourself or your emotions now(a demon is and the devil wants to ruin your family through you) if your parents are true Christians with God's power and not money and fame without having a relationship withe Jesus then they should understand when you tell them.the only way out is to accept Jesus as your true Lord and savior and i promise you deliverance is not far away but never run or pay her as she will keep coming back for more.thanks i pray you make the right decision. mikedave147@gmail.com
tell your parents......they are pastors and they should know how forgive and learn from their mistake....tell them and if they understanding parents they will help you and also help themselves.
Tell ur parents, if not the asshole will keep asking 4 more money.V_okunola@yahoo.com. INDIGENOUS LIB
You Too Much. participate9845@gmail.com
It's quiet unfortunate how things like this happen,but I think you should let your parents know about it,leave everything to God
Menh! Dats a deep shit,a very hard and holy way is to blow off the cover.Let your parent know the truth and let the truth set you free.Remain blessed
If u pay her d 5m she'll come back again. I think u shld come clear with ur parents. They might be hrt broken but it's better it comes from u than someone else.
You Too Much. participate9845@gmail.com
Never give in to blackmailers it won't be the end of it if you do. Tell her to go ahead, call her bluff. If you are gay maybe you need to think about telling people the truth although given the way you were raised it could just be a phase either way you need to sort urself out.
Tell Ur parents..No one is perfect, if you pay her 5m you will pay her 50m later,Ur parents will forgive u,and will probably find out someday
You Too Much. participate9845@gmail.com
Tell ur. Parents before she does. The shock from u wld sure be milder dan the shock dey'll get hearing frm outside. Goodluck dear
Come out clean to your parents, it would be painful but they will be able to get you some psychological help.
It is quite a situation you are, but I suggest you first discuss this with your folks, though it is a very hard thing to do but come to think of it is she decides to let the cat out of the bag either way you will be involved and your family as well, also if you give her the 5m you will continue to do this until you get frustrated and at the long run get exposed. Finally, running away from home is not an option to take at all.
God will bless u linda okereke_chinenye@yahoo.com
The best thing you can do is to go and restitute the church has nothing to do with your faith and I promise you it won't affect your parents
You Too Much. participate9845@gmail.com
Talk to your parents dearie, tell them u made a mistake and be willing to make amends and submit to counselling. If you pay that fool, you will continue to pay her as she will always come back. Most of all stop seeing her.
My dear please summon up courage and tell your parent yourself. I know is not easy, because if you start paying to cover up, one sin will lead to another. Bell the cat.
My dear,the deed is already done if you give her she will come back for more,so better open up to your r parents and tell them it was your past life.
my dear, this your story means that you didn't do your homework on the other girl well, cos why wld your lover want to blackmail you. Buh as it is now you have to beg her to reduce the money n then involve a lawyer so that after paying she won't ask for more. #my half cent
Obviously it's a cheap blackmail! U pay the 1st time and u continue paying till eternity! Leave her to do her worst..only be sure she doesn't have visual evidence anywhere! She'll do really hard to prove that. It's not worth losing sleep over I tell you.
She's cheap and dirty!
You Too Much. participate9845@gmail.com
i will advice you tell your parents in a confession style, they are men of God they will forgive you as the prigal son was forgiven
Pay her the 5 million and you'll keep paying for the rest of your life. Just face it now and with time, it'll be a thing of the past.
make she beg !
The truth shall set you free...tell your parents, they won't kill you, you just need counseling and prayers. Come to think of it, they are the inception of the problem in the first place.
Wow! God bless u more Linda!
Tell your parents. They can't kilk you. Besides you might just be having those feelings cuz of your upbringing i.e no boys as friends.
Hello babe,don't give hell money out,if there's no evidence or proof,but pray to God that u we never come back to that group again...don't run away ur home is ur home.olakunle.
No comments yet! Technically I am FTC niyen! Oya Linda where is my money?!!!
Listen dear, lesbianism is not your sexuality. Its a situation you have found yourself in. If you meet a loving male, you will realise that lesbianism only mimics what true love making is. If you fall in love, you will be double lucky. Except you were sexually abused as a child. Still beleive me lesbianism will not fulfill you ultimately. You were created to love and give and accept love. Not a fake or mimicry.
Call the girl and tell her you dont have much money. Be in control. Tell her that if she keeps quiet she stands to gain more in the long run. Then call the parent you are closest to and tell them that their lack of proper exposure led you to this. That you are sorry.
Warn them not to start deliverance ish with you cos you are not possessed. Just confused. You also need to travel. Maybe attend university in another state etc. Also stay away from drugs. That is the next temptation you might face. You are inherently good. Do not allow the bad side of you win. Lesbianism is serious business and very addictive. If you meet hardcore ones you will be gone for years.
Please read up. Pray. After telling your parent , tell the girl that she can do her worst. I am sure she has evidence like sms or pics. Advice her to chill and then let your parent make the decision. Afterall a scandal only blows once. People have short memories.
Good luck and be strong. Travel meet people and realise that the world does not revolve around sex. Can you imagine what people are going through in maiduguri for example or syria? You get my point? Take care. The story touched me and reminded me of past things.
Hmmm....paying her money now ill never stop bcx she ill always ask 4 more....bt dat gal is greedy!....5k faa!
my dear, this your story means that you didn't do your homework on the other girl well, cos why wld your lover want to blackmail you. Buh as it is now you have to beg her to reduce the money n then involve a lawyer so that after paying she won't ask for more. #my half cent
Hmmm....paying her money now ill never stop bcx she ill always ask 4 more....bt dat gal is greedy!....5k faa!
Sorry for your situation, my advise ask for forgiveness and pray very well, you should also inform your parent.
blackmailers dont collect money once,the best tin is to cal it a bluff if there is no proof,and who says you cant change your sexuality?
Find a quiet time and place..get the both of your parents together and tell them about your sexuality. Also tell them about the girl and everything that transpired; do it soon. But don't let the girl know you're about to go to your parents.
My dear, you should repent and tell the truth. you might be an encouragement to someone.
Pls don't pay her because she will always threaten you knowing that it worked for her the 1st time. Its not easy but you've got to open up to your parents, they won't believe you if you tell them because knowing the truth will hurt them beside hearing it from you is better than hearing it outside because by telling them, you've already had their mind prepared. As for your friend thats easy, use her own method against her, how? tell her if you're exposed you've got an evidence to implicate & it won't be just you going down but she'll be going down with you. Tell her you already told your parent & you got nothing to loose but you'll make sure you both go down the mud. Above all, pray very hard before taking any of those steps because you will need all the strength you can get for this battle.
please tell them the truth
I feel u shld tell ur folks abt it, afterall they are pastors and wld av handled issues even tougher than d one u facing.Take things easy.u don't need to run from home.
Tough one.
Hmmm....paying her money now ill never stop bcx she ill always ask 4 more....bt dat gal is greedy!....5k faa!
What a world. Maillopex@gmail.com
Oh you got the 5million to give? Hmm, if you give her now she will com back for more. Face your woes and tell your parents first. Then it makes it a crime cause and you can get her arrested.
you need God
Open up 2 ya parent sist tgirlalways4u@yahoo.com
Come out clean to your parents, it will be painful for them to digest but they are family. Nothing is beyond that.
i will afvice you let your parents to know about it in a confession style, they are men of God dey will forgive u like the prodigal son. 12
Girl, it won't be easy though but you just have to let the cat out of the bag. Just face the consequences. It's better than paying the bitch otherwise, she'll come for more and your parent might end up getting to know... A word is enough for the wise.
Go and ask God for forgiveness
Hummm pastor pikin.....na wahala b dis
please say the truth.....
You need Gods intervention oh
hmmmmm this one pass me o
Expose yourself and allow God to cover your sameful act.
Don't give her d 5million; instead give it to me as payment for my superb opinion...hehehehe. Okay, seriously speaking, allow her do her worst! I can bet dat at d stipulated time, she won't have d nerve to blow it up. But if she does, deny it strongly....guess people Wld believe u since dey already have d perception dat u are d perfect good girl pastor's daughter, as long as she doesn't have any proof!!! that girl is just a hustling gold digger
first and foremost, what is the meaning of the word "you can't change sexuality? Your tone already implies you are not willing to. Well my candid advice, sit your parent down and open up to them. Blackmailers will always have a reason to come back to ask for more. Believe me,your partner will be back to ask for more money cos she knows you have more to loose. You really don't want to be in that dilemma. Just talk to your parent.
na ur own wahala be that oo madam lesby. my email na jeffjj563@gmail.com
From your write up, you seem to be an adult. I can understand where you are coming from. I'ld advice that you first of all pray and ask God to forgive you because it's a sin and genuinely do this. Next is sit your parents down and inform them of everything and how you got yourself into all these and apologise. Also, don't give the girl anything because from 5m she would definitely ask for more next time and how long do you want to continue in that bondage? So don't even think about it. If she exposes you, she's also exposing herself and both of you are at the risk of losing your liberty for 14years and I'll say it's your cross to carry and carry it well and you'll pull through by God's grace and come back stronger but pls not as a lesbian but as a(n) heterosexual person. I would also suggest deliverance as lesbianism is a spirit. I wish you good luck through this process. The Lord is your strength.
I hope this is true
I think you should let her tell the world. I know people my think being gay is wrong...it may be even wrong... but i personally think one of the best persons I know on earth aint straight. please live your life
Am thinking Shld leave home for awhile and call ur parents from where ever you are to tell them the truth. Cause from the way u described ur parents they might want to do the right thing by exposing you themselves. Or talk to your parents but don't pay no crazy bitch.
Telling the truth is the only way to beat blackmailers in their own game. I suggest you come clean to your parents, tell them even about the blackmail, they won't kill you.
It will be better to call your parents and tell them the truth of the issue because giving her 5M will not still solve your problem,we all had past and as long as you seek forgiveness from your parents and God then desist from that devilish act,that is all.If you give her 5M she requested,she will turn you to ATM anytime she is financially break down,do not let you past affect your present and future.There are nothing new under the sun.
Wow wow wow!you're a very big mess!!its like ur the one that induced her??ah ah bad try gurl!I've being in same situation but mine is a diff.case(am not a pastors son/from influential home)I've being threatened by 3guys but I gave them same resounding reply and questions.how did u get to know am into boys??how willu even start the story?exposing ur same sex partner is like shooting ur self on the leg!gurl ur in a bigger mess!don't give her any dime but u can buy her a gift as a loving girl friend!I can only buy/give my current/future boyfriends gifts and money willingly.they can't hold it as leverage against me.
I rili dunno wat 2 say,i dnt want 2 b judgemental,so I wil jst tell u 2 take a long walk away 4rm om,if ur partner sees aw much u re ready 2 sacrifice in order 2 protect ur family,she may regain her sanity
As you can see that your sexuality is a problem in Nigeria society. I will say your parent are the cause of your predicament and I think you have done a lot by denying your true self to protect their name but one thing I know for sure is that blackmailers always ask for more. I will suggest you gather as much money as you can and get out of that bondage house and never return. Fly out of the country, get a new life and be free like a bird. May God help you!
Accepting her blackmail won't stop her from coming back again, all you have to do is try and dialogue with her , let her see reasons for your hidden identity but if she refused, the best thing is to confront you parents and cry to God equally. There is no situation that is beyond solution. Please advice her not to abuse or judge her. »»QUEENMAYA»~REPORTING LIVE»
Accepting her blackmail won't stop her from coming back again, all you have to do is try and dialogue with her , let her see reasons for your hidden identity but if she refused, the best thing is to confront you parents and cry to God equally. There is no situation that is beyond solution. Please advice her not to abuse or judge her. »»QUEENMAYA»~REPORTING LIVE»
Please don't give her any money because she will still come back for more. It is better u face it now and make a decision whether to change or not. Kelechionyekachi50@yahoo.com
Repent for the kingdom of GOD is at hand. Onipinlasam@yahoo.com
You have committed sin and only genuine repentance will save you. Pls leave her and confess your sins to God and He will take control. ifyobis2000@yahoo.com
my dear go and confess your sins you cant hide it forever it will surely fish you out if you don't confess and repent
Not really d judgy judgy type but I think u should just tell ur parent bout ur sexuality cos the moment u start giving her money, u ll continue to do dat until ur bank acc goes empty.
these world is coming to an end..... God help us
Wow wow wow!you're a very big mess!!its like ur the one that induced her??ah ah bad try gurl!I've being in same situation but mine is a diff.case(am not a pastors son/from influential home)I've being threatened by 3guys but I gave them same resounding reply and questions.how did u get to know am into boys??how willu even start the story?exposing ur same sex partner is like shooting ur self on the leg!gurl ur in a bigger mess!don't give her any dime but u can buy her a gift as a loving girl friend!I can only buy/give my current/future boyfriends gifts and money willingly.they can't hold it as leverage against me.
Chai..dis is serious..my advic is dat she tells her parent d truth befr its too late...
hmmmm tough one open up to you parent and change your ways.....musroor.navid@yahoo.com
You have to admit that you made a mistake and come forward to your parent because mistake is always but the way we deal with it shows our real character, if you wanna change then confess and let them know ,they can call her and talk to her or deliver her too
Everything you said is true except the part where you said you cannot change your sexuality. Your sexuality as you have it now was not the way you were made. Am sure you do have some convictions from the gospel, the truth is that naturally speaking, the anatomical structure of the male sexual organ is built for use in the female. I know you do have intelligence and as simple as it sounds that's all you need to know. Two females cannot make babies, only by the help of the male spermatozoa can she be. And that's were sex between male and female comes in. Most people did not get the childhood they wanted but now you are grown its time dust yourself up and change the things that need to be changed. My advice is for you to tell your parents. We all know blackmailers always come for more. Deal with it now that it is still less complex.
~Ponzy4love5@gmail.com ~
The best thing is just to tell ur parents because one way or the other ur sexuality thing will still come out.if they love you they will have to stand behind you.
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