All six of his victims have been named. They are (top row, from left to right) Katie Cooper, Chris Michael-Martinez, Veronica Weiss, (bottom row, from left to right) Weihan Wang, George Chen, and Cheng Yuan Hong, who shared same apartment with the killer. All were students at UCSB.
A friend of Rodger's two roommates, Wang and Yuan Hong, revealed that they had been planning to move out of the apartment at the end of the semester because they felt uncomfortable living with Elliot and found him 'so strange.'
All three were found with multiple stab wounds in Elliot's apartment in Isla Vista. After killing them, he took 3 handguns and went on a shooting spree, killing three more students before killing himself

Elliot had emailed a 140-page document to a few people including his parents and his therapist. His mum (pictured above) said she received the email around 9.17pm and immediately went on to his YouTube page where she found the newly uploaded video titled 'Retribution' which described his plan of 'slaughtering' women at a sorority house at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
According to CNN, Mrs Rodger then alerted her estranged husband, Peter, and after he watched the video she called 911. The former couple then set off from LA to Santa Barbara to try find their son but they were too late, as they heard about the shooting en route.
Later that night, their worst fears were confirmed when they were told their son was behind the massacre that left six victims dead and 13 injured.
Madness of some sort.So sad.May the souls of the departed RIP
This is so sad... Were the parents living separately?
CoolDiva speaks!
Every impossible madness can be found in whiteman's land.See how this mad boy wasted innocent lives.RIP to them....
Saw the shit he said on CNN before he killed those pple. Stupid move y didn't he just kill em self. Rich stupid spoilt kid. Americans....
This is so sad.
This is the kind of world we now live in! Crazy World!!! Very sad.
However it's very possible that his issues could have been triggered off by some kind of issues in his home, eg.. his parents separation.
This just goes to show that we all need God in our lives! We do need His protection, cos someone else's issues can become yours!# being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
May their souls rest in peace!!!
Hmmm.. Ife na eme.
That's a boy who was fed up of evrythin in is life. A boy possessd with legions of evil spirit
Such cruelty, by the grace of the almighty God they will never escape the long arm of the law
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What happened to "I am a proud Virgin" slogan? And what happened to prostitutes? - not like i am advocating prostitution - IT JUST DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY
Does it mean there are no hoe in that city if he really wants to have sex, on the other hand who wants to bang a mad man.... May the souls of the students he killed R.I.P...
Jesus Christ have mercy.
What manner of madness is dis? Sick sick child. Now you can go and fuck ur ancestors in hell, morning afternoon and night. Imbecile.
Some parents do have dem. Parents, train ur child o! Training is not about giving dem the best the world has to offer but knowing when to use the cain, when to deny/deprive dem, when to give them tough treatments, so that dey understand that the world is not a bed of roses. That is the only way they can appreciate the riches they have.
God forbid i give birth to this kind of child, i'd rather be barren. Tufiakwa!!!
And they will come out tomorrow to say that Nigeria is not safe. Is America safe? I pity Nigerians that run abroad or send their children abroad for safety. From January till now, quite a number of Nigerians have been killed abroad. Good or Bad. There is no place like home.
He is such a coward... Killing people and then killing himself - he should've stayed back to face the consequences of being "Mr tough guy" or he should've just taken his own life - May God have mercy on the living
Rob Kardashian is just a hater. Wasn't he the one who asked Kim to talk to Kanye to help one of his (Rob) friends with a collabo or something while kim was still dating Kanye? Now he calls their wedding Superficial. Why did he even bother going to Paris if he knew he wldnt stay or can't he afford a plane ticket on his own?
Since Rita Ora dumped his ass,he's multiplied in size and that's what's eating him up cos kim lost her baby weight and he hasn't. I wonder when last he had some good sex. I'm sure he's just realizing the world is pretty cruel and he shld borrow some thinck skin from his Sis Kim and hold ur head high instead of hiding from the public. *hiss*
Kim brought ur household fame and u clearly can't handle it...if spitting hate bout ur sis (cos the faceless world does the same) makes u real,I pity ur future...ewu! Get ur shit right cos ur the only son.
May deir souls rest in peace
The police have a direct hand in this because they interrogated and released him. His father's money blinded them to his volatility. Another poor little rich boy strikes again.
As much as Nigeria doesn't feel safe anymore, I know this country is way better than the US.. I don't know how it happens, but weird sickness and strange people seem to fill up the country.
People kill for different strange reasons..
I pity the parents.. These will never leave their memory in a hurry.
May God have mercy on him.
Truthfulness pays!
May their souls rest in perfect peace.
Crazy dude
oyibo children and madness. tufiakwa, just cos girls wont date him. stupid child.
He actually had a medical condition. That's what triggered it
Many likes
He actually did take his own life.
Olodo, didn't you read estranged? CoolDiva ni rabata ko
Fool, read the story b4 showing ur ignorance. Do they kill his dead body again? Mallam wife. Akuya
Are you okay?
Firstly, wrong post
2ndlu, what's your beef? Is rob your sibling? Is Kim your sister? Mofo
And did I hear you say 'Kim brought your fam fame'? You are as stupid as they come. Fame through porn.. I'm not surprised, you are a cheap slut. That's why when you are busy prostituting yourself on Allen, you don't expect your fam to talk to you, and put you on the right track..
All these commoners feeling like they know the lives of these artistes sef.. Please shit up and get off the internet.. He/she goat!
Gosh! Must you comment? if you don't know the genesis and revelation of the story just move on,he should be killed ko.
Ur just plain stupid or to dumb dan to read the story to d end bfr leaving ur senseless comment. He killed himself after killing dose ppl, so read to d end bfr commenting next time. Mumu!
He is dead fool.
That country is so messed up! I swear!.. So many sicknesses crop up there and the first symptom or side effects of the treatment becomes 'strange acts, like killing or rape' They want to experiment everything they see or hear....Money cannot buy happiness I still insist. The boy probably wanted the kind of love he sees in his father's movies, and he didn't get it and he decided to go haywire! C'est dommage! May their souls rest in peace and may the living ones run for their dear lives when the friend or friends around them begin to act strange.. SOMY
Sweedy. Wrong page pls....
Wrong page dear..... y kim story here
Yea like they should go to heaven and kill him again.
Did u read d news @ all?
This guy killed ppl cos he wasn't getting laid or no green light from the chicks..damn this guy need to be kicked in d butt as he is lying dead there. What happened to the sex hawkers and the like of them...what happen to the girl that wants ur money and give u sex or pretend to be ur girl. This guy dey craze big time
Innocent victims of a senseless crime!
I don't think u read bfor commenting. He latter killed himself too..plz try nd read bfor dropping comment.
These is worth dey do here..only God is our shield coz diz young Americans carry gun every where dey go..
My dear,he had asperger's is ur friend . This boy had mental issues and his parents r separated,u don't know the demons that child fought with?May God grant all of them eternal rest...
Na God go punish am, abi Satan sef. Coward
Nigerians also die at home fool!
what a mess..nobe only nigeria craze dey.
what a mess..nobe only nigeria craze dey.
Na over sabi go kill u always commenting re u jobless
He should be killed a second time after resurrection u make laugh
Wrong page girl, meanwhile porn star can't bring fame to family, there are better ways to bring fame to ur fam
You knw guys!!! I keep tanking God every day for making me an Africa n a Nigerian .can u imagine dis boy?dis can not happen in my motherland .
@anon 4:55 shutup ode!
May dere soul rest in peace end time tinz
Anon u must be an ostrich for insulting her. Are u dat pained? Kill urslf idiot!
Elliot is so hot.
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