The 27-year-old reportedly described Kim and Kanye's extravagant wedding as 'superficial bulls***' and left after having a fight with Kim prior to the pre-wedding lunch at designer Valentino's chatea
A source
told X17: 'Rob said he was sickened by Kim and Kanye's display of wealth
and clothes and beauty and called it 'superficial bulls***' but Kim was
pissed that Rob hadn't made an effort to drop any weight over the past
few months. Rob basically thinks Kim cares about him only for his appearance and he said he'd 'make life easier' for her and just leave.'
Rob not only skipped the wedding, he skipped everything else, including the rehearsal dinner. When paparazzi at LAX asked him why he skipped the wedding, Rob didn't answer. Yesterday was the second time the only Kardashian son would be spotted in public since January 2014 after he decided to stay out of public eye following his massive weight gain.
i love Rob he is the real one and cute too.i hope he finds someone who can love him for real....momager should watch him well let him not kill himself o
why would kim talk to him like that...abeg he only overweight he didn't kill anyone...
Diz fat bastard..who cares if u didn't attend..Fat people alwaiz have Hot temper.......................#King
May be he doesn't want his sister to have a lavished wedding with Kanye
Awwww..even ur own brother wasn't there?? That truly tells a lot abt them. Gues they wil resolve. Families quarrel and make up, so...
Awwww poor thing! Kim and Rob hardly ever get along because of how vain and superficial she is
I still reiterate that Rob is the most *sane of all the Kardashians.
He's never up for showoff... He still needs to lose weight tho, for his own good.
*My R1.50c comment *
Beyonce,kim kardashian all fake celebs wit skeletons in their cupboards.
Oya now! Make una chop am, if her own flesh n blood...sigh! Like say Jay n Bey na him parents.
Eeya...I hope he doesn't start suffering from depression.
Rob u need to lose some weight tho
Cute Fatty bombom lolz!!! BeyJay will also av dere reasons 4 not cumin 2....let's wait n see as d truth comes out!!! #sipszobo#
You people calling out Jayz and Bey read ooo.... see what Kim's brother is saying...
Hmm,na una sabi
Mouth runners! What y'all got to say about this?! Oh lemme guess..he is jealous lmao rme. U guys don't know anything about these people so quit chatting BS already! Exhausting. Acting like u know dem n d shit that goes on in their lives behind d camera lenses
Dis plump and d way he reason! No second chance to attend such a memorable event! Smh!
Ewww Rob! Not trendy at all
U could see dt d wedding is superficial big even as kim states dt it will be small. Kim wedding will always be elaborate,so I don't blame bey and jay for not attending kim wedding.
Linda, this new white background sucks.
It was superficial BS if he wasn't welcomed at the wedding because of his weight.
So ao did this info help us . #oshi
Rob enjoy yourlife joo... I find your fat ass body attractive... The way you handling the situation is actually making you look fucking Good and attravive. Bravo. Just like Rick Ross. Kim should go and die with her fake life, fake body and fucking fake everything which human in her right senses gets married the 3rd time? That is what the world want jayz and Bey to attend because they are close pals to Kanye... people should at least think... do you guys know the amount of influence Bey have on young girls associating with Kim in other ways is saying she is endorsing Kims prostituting life style think bitches before you rain curses on the Carter family. what i don't understand is what Kanye saw in Kim that he got married to a HO. is there black magic in america?
They call it Bad belle in Nigeria. D ceremony still took place. Durh!
eh ehn!!!So where are those jobless fools attacking jay and bey for not attending the wedding whereas kim's only brother didnt go.At least bey wished them a happy marriage..
Hehehe. . Every family fights. . Bt he shldnt av skipd d weddin.
Kim is too conscious of unnecessry things...everything is varnity
Being an only son in the midst of plenty sisters spoilt this boy.this is a problem faced by many boys brought up in homes with many girls .
Anything to keep trending.
Don't mind them jare, when,it seems the noise of the wedding is about going down, I guess this is anoda news they want trending.
I don't understand, this guy and rick ross who fat pass...kim is been too conceined
such a pity
Does any one needs explanation why Bey & Jay shunned the wedding? Well Rob's action said it all.
Marriage isn't about the number of attendees or guests,its about luv n happiness!
Linda,u got this news from TMZ which I don't think it's true cos this was d same pix of him d day he was flying to paris.
Cos of your own inferiority complex, you murdered six. Sorry for the concerned family
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Wow, that's really sad.
And pple are busy dissing Jay Z and Bey for nt attending, like they r d officiating priests. Smh! Nt everyone u knw will attend ur event or ceremony. Abeg make una buy Innoson vehicles. Nnewi kwenu!!!
The black sheep of the family and he is the only normal one.
I really do feel for ROb. He is so alone in this world. His superficial mum is busy licking kims ass to care what her only son is going through. Shame. On kim for being angry at rob for not loosing weit. I won't b surprised if he commits suicide soon. He ws stable when he had lemar. He prolly misses Lam Lam
See Linda kardashian even their blood did not take them seriously why should bey and jay do?
Rob is just a spoilt young man who has refused to get his shit together
Naa son, if your sister decides to go naked or bring in strippers to her wedding, your job is not to attack and antagonise, even though you have your reservation you can talk it out with her privately, but by all means show support and brotherly love for your sister. Even though you think they are making mistakes, you support them nevertheless and show even more support when they start bearing the brunts of those mistakes made. That my friend is FAMILY
Awwww. Kim must ve upset d dude... Pele, but una sabi makeup after fights do its ok.
Please calm down! Slim off! Stop taking left over burger..lol @Robkardashian
That's their family palava. Please,don't tell me this big man is just 27years. Over weight can cause you inferiority complex.
in other words, kim is ashamed of rib cos he is fat. i'm sure she was happy he didnt come for d wedding. Rob is such a sweet guy.
Its high time they left rob for crying out loud people gain and loose weight its a natural thing for a human being but kim will not stop dissing him she wants everything pafecto . They had better stop before it gets out of hand you know white kids and their thoughts . I love u rob any time any day cos u are totaly different from the k family
That goes to show dat kim had multiple surgery to looses the baby weight if not why did she not make efforts to work with the younger brother..I still say it,Kim K does not understand what marriage is and by the time she does if at all she does in her lifetime,her leg no don break from walking down the aisle. She just loves attention and I never bought her stupid comments about "we will have a quiet wedding".Rob just exposed how artificial dis kim is.
Akuko, noted!
As long as u hve breath in u, NO reason is tangeable enof to be given as why u didnt attend ur sista's weddin... Family is Family... Rob's been childish abeg.. Odddee
That's how you do it rob. Let the whole world know its just for display. It sucks been the only true person among the Katrashians....Kanye would not last one year...watch this space....
Of course, that is what it is- Superficial Bullshit.
I pray he doesn't get sucidal, I reall like Rob and i pray he goes back to his old happy self
Baga, na ur weight be bullshit....
Lmao where are those blaming Beyonce, even her own brother didn't go
He he he, so even her eon bother didn't attend.
That's their business!
Inferiority complex dey worry the boy!
If a family member can skip the wedding, I wonder why others are killing themselves over Beyonce not attending..
Some people just love to meddle in others business, like their lives depended on Beyonce's attendance.
The angry fan should castigate Rob then..
So Rob sef knows it's superficial bull, ha ha ha. You see why other designers didn't go
Awww poor Rob.
This one just has issues. Biko
D boy is in pains,he needs help.....steph4real
What is wrong with 27 year olds this days, first Solange now Rob?
Maybe Kim forbade him not to eat at the reception since he's adding weight. Lol
He looks too old and big for his age...
Fools that are typing against the bey nd jay for nt attending d wedding. Here is Rob,her own blood brother who decided nt to attend d wedding. Oya start yarbing Rob oh
Dysfunctional Family. No wonda the. Shawn-Carter nd other A-list celebs choose nt to attend
Nothing new here-we've always known she was superficial.
Rob please is not a bad thing that ur sister want you to loose weight, is for your own good nd ur health. Rob always take jokes to heart he frowns at everything I loved the slim Rob not this dundy Rob
Dey realy dnt lyk dem sef (kim nd rob)dere hz neva bin any luv btw dem so nt surprised
Family palava
Poor boy ,dey ar actually bullying dat guy ,those sisters of his especially kim,is deir only brother dey shld kip suportin him no matter wat #bebo#
Dude needs to shed sm weight.
His problem.
Kim shud cut him some slacks afterall he never said he wasn't going to make an effort to shed some of d weight
Wetin cosign you Linda Ikeji
Y'all see y jigga and yonce didn't attend the wedding. Circus in Paris. Superficial BS. Extactly how that thot wanted it. Attention seekin hoe.
Rob shd pack his stuffs and move into a nearby gym lol. Fat pig!
The food was not good for his weight. Lol
That's serious...
Eya,d boi is sad.... They shuld watch em vry well bfr e commitz suicide.abeg d boi stil sexy na,nt evrybodi is born 2 b slim.
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
When rob was fit,he'd go round the house shirtless and was as into his looks as Kim.at a point he was balding,he quickly went with Scott to a hair specialist.
He should grow up and stop being a spoilt sport
A pretty fucked up weddin
Lmao orobo is angry bcs he is no more sexy... Guy, Work on ur overweight body, and leave Kim alone, bcs she is not spending ur money.
Truthfulness pays!
Inorderwords he is jobless and does nothing for himself#tsk!
Funny but very true
Poor boy. I hope he gets over whatever turmoil he's going through.
I'm from a family of 11kids.ten girls and one boy.(men and women now.our last is 19).
My brother had a really tough time.he was over whelmed by us and even till now though he's married with kids,we have our way almost to a point where his wife had it tough in the beginning with our continuos interference.
Rob needs to grow up and start taking responsibility for himself which includes how he wants to be viewed.he obviously doesn't like it but since he can't lash out at every fan or news paper,he will face Kim cos he can't try khloe or kourtney.
Show of wealth,its their wedding for petes sake,and kanyes first so no big deal.his sisters hard work has kept him this far so he should quit whining.
AwWww, Rob. You can do this thing. If you need help and lots of love, just go to the camp for "Too Fat for 15 fighting back." I'm so pained that you skipt this out of you insecurity, not because you had iss with your sister, face it. You just don't want no paps snapping you looking the way you do, nothing more. Don't make excuses bro.
He and kim always have issues. I noticed that in their shows. Anyway na dia headache be that!
I just hpoe this boy won't commit suicide or turn gay at the end of the day o. Mama Kris abeg pay attention to your only boy. If na Naija woman nowan Rob will be her fav cos he is the only son. She will even make all those girls worship him but wetin concern mama Kris with only boy? Money ojare
Rob is right abt d superficial part but am concerned with the way his life is going. I hope he does not commit suicide some day.
well i guess i av to agree wit beyonce nd jayz cuz if d family member tinkz of it dat way den hu are we nt 2.. kanye shld rilli open his eye cuz dis gold diggers wil empty his wallet after which dey wil move on nd leave him fustrated nd we all knw dat, dat iz it even d celebz... dats y d wedding was jes d kartrashians nd close frndz of kim...
This massive weight gain happpend since last year.
I don't blame Rob for the way he feels sha. Most overweight pple are sad, depressed, angry, feel self pity.
Yes I know becos I hav been there before :p.
I went from a size 10 to 12 and d frustration I felt evry morning wen more than half my clothes cldnt enter me again was massive. I took it out on d nearest person and dats wot Rob is doin to Kim.
He dosnt need to be at her weddin for it to hold. So they shd free him biko.
Like the wedding won't go on without him? Next plz.
Kim is fake
He's behaving like a baby that he really is... I'm sure he intends to purnish/disgrace his family with his weight gain. The joke is solely on him!
Did he think he was finding it difficult to get gigs like his sisters? With his new balloon weight, he will soon find out how cold and cruel the real world is!
Dey shud b careful in d way dey treat their only brother. D guy is depress alredi...dey shudn't push him into commitin suicide...
Rob has clearly got issues.kim has family values and respects dem.call her a tramp or watever she loves him for who he is and has only spoken about his weight cos he"Rob" felt uncomfortable bout it.not attending her wedding?he messed up.
But come oo na food do this boy dis kain thing? I no just understand it hmm
I feel Rob sha. He doesnt want all the fame nonsense. His sisters have messed up his life. He'll have to stay indorrs almost all d time cos d cameras will never leave d kadashians alone. wat a way to live.they signed up for it though.
Hmmm na dem knw
We ve heard. I guess he is on his way to a burial dressed like dat. Rob my ass. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Look at dis obese talking. Can't bliv I once liked him.....well wen he was slim n cute. He shuld go n lose weight dats if he wants shaa if him no want.....watevaaaa
I dnt see anytin gud in dis ppl's lifestyle. The way dey do thr tinz, what makes dem angry and hw dey react to anger is so off the way. Let dem settle thr scores
Not fair Kim K... Family is family regardless of their various sizes... Stuck your reputation up ur a$$
All of una wey dey use panadol for bay and jay headache,even kim brother. I mean her blood brother oo. no attend d wedding
And pple want to crucify beyonce nd jay-z
He is saying the truth, but mehn... Who really cares????
Story of your life! Yawning @ your story and kimye. Next!
i feel for him.
Chai! Rob is so fat! He better watch it
I don't like the way this family is treating this guy. I hope they don't drive him to suicide.
This dude needs help b4 he slips away cos of depression.
I hope anonymous 8:16am dt says am a fool knows now dt he/she is d biggest fool in naija. Hope he/she read it now dt rob kardashian skip everytin abt kim wedding. I don't y pple use paracetamol for anoda man's head.
Fat angry load coming through people. Hahaha
Abeg let them lev the guy jare.... Abi is she ashamed of him because of is weight?? Biko free the guy... If he's comfortable with is weight let him be.... Unless he decides to trim down no body should force him jare ... And besides ! Support Rob... The preparation for the marriage is to much... Weytin... Then after all this big preparation they might eventually break up... What's all the show off for?? Wish them all the best sha..
He has even added more weight from when the last season aired. Why is he so insecure? It's now he's complaining about being superficial when no one would even know the Kardashians if not for a sexy tape. He should donate all his money to charity then we know he doesn't like money.
I kinda always feel sorry fpr this guy...he is always shy among his siblings cos he feels he isnt sexy..rob just stop with dis getting angry stuff, its kims money nd not urs, wish u luck with losing weight..I know u can do dis.
Hahahaha jealous fat ass.. get ur fat ass to the gym man work on that fat ass of yours...
Rob shd grow up. He's just upset over his weight,he shd do smtin abt it jare
i was about going of on this fat frigging pig called rob but oda libbers have handled him he is such an idiot befor the spotlight and lime light he was a nobody they all craved for it now that they have it he is now a tur coat complaining wat da heck is he complaining about its his sisters wedding for Gods sakes he should be happy for fatt prick who cares if he was not in attendance.
and as for jay bey no attending who gives a flying heck didnt the wedding go on abeg jor
Lol..who told u so?
Yeaa, true. And hez nt in any of d pics taken. Sad
STFU fool! Ur a stupid hater. I wonder how ur family & friends cope with u. Coz its obvious ur a Bitter person.
must u comment. Oponu, what's memorable abt this. She's married sev tyms already, and i pray and hope this one lasts. So shut up
Rob is emotionally depress' he really needs a physiology. I dnt think kim wedding is actually the main reason for his absent. But he's avioding the press and fans
I hope this dude doesn't commit suicide, because I don't see this ending well!!! Just watch this space, he is going to die before 2014, and Kim and Kris Jenner would be to blame, poor dude!!! Whizman
u r the one who is a whore .Kim never prostituting rather she dated a guy who wanted to get at her after she called off their RS. pls stop typing from ur nose. abi ur jealous of her.
Dey believe in beauty and not talent. Why do dey kia abt his look alone and not how to develop him. I don't blame them, dey are famous for nothing. Dis guy can go to college, get career etc but nobody is thinking in dat direction. Dis guy is suffering from depression cause by his family dat why he is gaining weight. Depress today and check your weight to understand his predicament.
I couldn't agree with you more. I hope from this his low he can rise again. He's better than this.
The guy later confessed on NTA france thath the reason he turend to leave was that he just watched the sex tape of Kim and didnt like all the things Kim did there
Let there be a fat one and there was ROB
I have a feeling he'll soon fall into depression from all the fracas of him being overweight and commit suicide.
I bet ur fat
You sound really daft.
He went.he left probably cos he was feeling out of sorts cos of the social media backlash he got for his weight.if he doesn't like the criticism,he should do something about it or stfu
Abeggy,Kim shld let the dude be.is it a crime to be obese?in d same vein,maybe she worries about the health related problems that obesity causes,along with spoiling the family's portrait.
See dis anorexic bitch-nigga....u hopeless. @ least his fat issues got ur attention, n increased Linda's blog views. Guess wat dat does for ur bank acct?
A beg mk dem arrange ashewo for am b4 him too go carry him own gun o. The oracle have spoken.
And then she profitted from it...
Ego profits from sex if not a prostitute
Really?obviously you didn't watch all the episodes where Kim personally took it upon herself to help.everytime Kim called on him to go to the gym with her,he didn't pick his call.khloe and even Brody Jenner tried.is he a baby?you can force a horse to the river but you sure as hell can't force it to drink.
His mom took him to the doctors and even the doctors warned him that he's having health issues cos of his weight.hes a man and he should man up or disappear abeg.
But I guess you don't have cable tv so I hope I have helped you out cos you sound ignorant.
Get ur facts right, kourtney and rob are the only ones in d family that went 2 college nd of course including dier biological dad. Not even bruce or kris went 2 college.
See advice! Buhaaaaa so 4 ur mind him go read ur long note eeekwa? Ok naa.....people sef
OMG! Whats that size? I cant believe that this dude has put on this weight...wat happened? Go loose the shit!
Big man pikin na so e dey be. Rob should not commit sucide ooh, y should he skip Kim wedding? Guy u dull
memorable my ass shey na independence day ni? some libers are just too dumb.
gbambest 1million likes for your comment
A million likes! B represents children; she can't tanish that image biko
memorable my ass shey na independence day ni? some libers are just too dumb.
Fritz zwicky ! Can u afford to miss ur sis wedding coz she 'd married several times before? If u got 1 .. Bonehead bastard !.. Ur sis wedding z not a memorable day to u??? Cocksucker
i tink d baba is handling himslf fine #justsaying
What is his problem?? Is it his wedding or theirs??? Abegiii na dere choice.
Rob concentrate on loosing weight, u once looked good. WHY dis???
Okay... well I guess he is not one to stomach much - his weigh though has a hand in this
He is already suffering from depression. It must be difficult been an only son and looking like the under-achiever and black sheep of the family. I'm scared this guy may commit suicide.
Stupid will 'whatever' moses,you think u knwkur all,so many ppl reading this blog may be having similar family issue and they'll learn from the matured advice,unlike ur senseless comments.oponu like u,always displaying ur stupidity.
When you have enough money like him come back and type this shit
If he doesn't die by then feel free to go and kill him ode
His problem is people like you,bullying him and appreciating people with talent....please think don't just type the shit that comes to your brain
My favourite kardashian,you rock
When u learn how to speak English come back in btwn you are the odddeee
Pesty no mind dis fag, his sis wedding is not a memorable one to him coz he is a bastard. Old retarded fool attention seeker
U took the words right out my mouth.i wonder whats real and whats make believe with this people.
That's the handwork of bad girl Rita Ora, guys and ladies don't let yourself go for nobody, even if your heart is broken a hundred time. One can fall in and out of love at anytime, just be don't have your mind set for the wrong people, dats all.
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