Meanwhile continue to see photo-booth pics from the wedding reception and what the only A-lister who attended the wedding said to Kim...
During the wedding reception, John Legend who attended the wedding with his wife, told Kim...
"I've seen Kanye with other women. I'm serious...this is a bad speech....but I have never seen him as in to someone as he is in to you. Kim. He was so in to you before he was even with you. He is in love with you. I am so happy to see you two together.'Kanye is really in love

Not a bad speech pls
Am happy 4 kim!cnt wait to see full official photos
It's obvious he loves her more than she loves him.
He was so into you' before he was even with you that's a man that defines love everyday (John legend) ....so sweet to be in love.... I wish kimke the best... till the end#..... Meyato
Its al over him. He really lovs her.. love dat speech by John legend. . Sooo touchin. . Hml to dem
So na beauty him love...if she
Come old n beauty fades out nko?plastic surgery I guess....hmmmm....okis gud for u still...
I love them o
Kanye is definitely obsessed with Kim...whereas to Kim, Kanye is just another black d1ck in her collection of black d1cks
Even a drunk man knows that Kanye is drunk in luv....Beautiful speech from John Legend!
Awwww....knowing Kanye's ego that's the compliment he could ever pay anyone.so happy for them and hoping their love lasts for ever.
Good for dem but Linda we need closer pics
Mama Compas!!! Happy married life o # I know she won't read this sha
Wooo! That's romantic @ 'u r more beautiful than I am talented'... Kanye! Wish u guys all the best in ur marriage.
How is Kim an "A- Lister"? Anyway, goodluck to una. Who has time to be used as part of a money spinning show in the name of attending a wedding.
Happy married life to them,my prayer is that this on lasts longer AMEN.....steph4real
Better ! lyk pics in d 90s!
Not as beautiful as one babe I have been dying for since my teen years,her name is Michella,we are friends on fb and I stalk her alot. Maybe its high time I told her. My feelings for her still hasnt changed.
Awww! How cute! Wishing kimye Hml, may ur union last.
Na only john legend and hin wife waka come??? Na wa ooo Hollywood can beef sha
And after 2yrs we will start hearing different stories, Hollywood and dier fake lives... Linda sef is involving in dier fantasy life..
Its so obvious kanye is in love n I hope dey r in it togeda...congrats kimye....+ I wish u everlastin n loving marriage
Not so clear hun?
I really dont care if kim is or was a prostitute bcos she has certainly made this kanye a responsible father and husband no doubt.... May God continue to bless their union.....
Wishing them a happy marriage that is gonna last.Still,my fingers are crossed.
She had a better wedding gown at her previous wedding to kris Humphrey, not really feeling this choice. HML to them, it's one thing to be in a relationship and another to be married... Hopefully this marriage lasts ... We no wan hear 3 months later that anything happened oo
Wow am so happy for her...*God please send me my mr right# cekzzy1
see zooming nice 1 tho
Kanye has kolo which man compares his talent to a woman's beauty that fades with time... Kanye has gone mad.
I wish them a happy married life. No doubt they are both inlove.
She's acting as his beard so well. Why won't he be in love? The best beard ever. John Legend can testify to that.
Hmmmmmmm. Ehen, before anxiety go kill me. Love dress more conservative than I thought
HML to them...am really happy for them.
Linda pls enof of this ur kim and kanye story abeg!!!tell us abt genevieve and dbanj dats what I want to hear.
Omg! john legend? I dey die for ur music so bad...
It's questionable to me whether John Legend is A list. In any case, congrats! Hopefully, Kim's 4th time down the aisle will be for a vow renewal to Yeezy and not for yet another wedding to another man.
Joke and bad-belle apart, this pikin (Kim) fine!
Happy for them too.....just pray they last long together
He eyes will soon be clear, letz hope they will last for more than a year.
wow really nice its obvious dat kanye is in love with her. so happy for them both
This is a clearer pic to you???
Definitely not to me..
I don't understand these people facial expression..
Kim is not even smiling neither is Kanye.
Personally, I fEel she's not even into Kanye, all she's after is the attention and papz...
John Legend, I'm I supposed to be awwwing??
I can deceive anyone with that line of yours..
My bololo head ooooo
Father see love.
Kanye has burst my head. C love
Chei mooooooo
My father my Lord pls I want more than this.
Chei!! And Kim no fine like that again ohhhhh
In my opinion I feel Kim looked her best in 2007 til 2012. Since after her divorce she no fine like that again in my eye.
Lala Anthony is ageless beauty. C her after 4kids.
Congrats to them i hope it doesn't pack up too soon. Linda post my comment ooo, its my fisrt time here. Mimijay
For someone who has won some daring dresses in the past, this wedding dress is quite conservative, so not Kim. I hope it lasts too.
And finally Kanye smiled. Ok wish you guys the best..
Ah ah Linda, but you said clearer pictures na. I still can't see it
Yay some black people finally!
Al 9ice nd gud,luvin ma john legend....kanye's luv 4 kim motto nor dey pass dere .....
Aww kim is so lucky,How very sweet of u kanye,baba God pls be a kanye provider
Wow.. So sweet #aswear
Congrats to them!
After all the hype the wedding flopped
HML to them... I hope it lasts for real!
Her dress is simple,I lyk it. Wish dem HML #Tbabe#
@your comment of the only A-lister,if memory serves me,a lot of celebs are going downlow for their weddings.even jay and bey had only family plus a few in attendance.i wish this couple well.
I'm in a marriage and it takes the grace of God.its not how well Linda,too many factors come into play.
Orlando bloom and the gorgeous VS model say they are still in love but can't stay married.
Kanye isn't like most rap artistes who have baby mamas from Brooklyn to Calabasas and Kim in my opinion has a good heart but has been unlucky in love.at times beauty is a a curse.look at Taylor Swift.as pretty as she is ,all the guys she's dated don't stay more than a month.
At kanyes comment,I applaud this man and despite all our ramblings about this beautiful lady,I envy her.
Who wouldn't want a man to love her this way.to close his eyes to all my faults and love me unconditionally.GOD bless your union.as to whether it will last Linda,better to live and love even if its for a short while than not to experience it at all.
Kim has lived better than most of us.she has loved and lost and loved again.its not how many times you fall,its getting up that matters.
Bless you KIMYE
His not in love my dear his obessed.
Dbanj no go ni?
I'm sorry for Kanye cause he is just getting married to beauty nd not character. I seriously pray dat de marriage last bcs I'm not seeing any commitment from kim's side. All de best to the power couples. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
I know Kanye is very in love because Kim has given him a big family to fill the hole in his heart since his mother passed on. I hope their marriage lasts too however I doubt it because the most central thing to Kanyes attraction to Kim is her beauty .... and we all know beauty can sell but it can never sell out...
I know the comments will b full of - where is Bey and Jay- they're tending their imperfect marriage
Abeg what is all diz grasses am seeing? Just don't like d setup. Guests r looking okthough. Hml to d couple.
Hmmm.....I don't see kim as someone who is ready to stay with a guy!I hope this will last longer than her last marriage.
U sud smile Kim, it's ur wedding pix not glam photo shoots.
In love indeed! Wait till ur account becomes red, ull know wat d khadasian women are made of.
Linda u weren't dere how u know say kanye say dat aproko linda
Linda is this ur idea of ' clearer' pics?
Love oh love! Congrat kim.
One man,s trash is another man,s gold. I think she is more real than Beyonce bc everything about Beyonce is fake. I wish people will stop the hating on Kim.
Now dats a friend looking out for his guy @j.legend. He has indirectly warned kim not to mess with his guy'z heart.....looks like wot jigga shd also be doing. Well u can neva know who ur real friends are till such tins come up. Anyways wish d couple Hml n I really pray this lasts....I seriously pray it does for both their sakes.
Kk I hope this lasts.......Next story pls Lindo...
It will last. Love the both of them....huge huge fan.
ode oshii
You know what baffles me so much?a lot of our favorite actresses have had several marriages and at one time were quite wild.Kim has never been wild.she has just had sow bad relationships.Halle berry is my hottest female actress and I have lost count of her relationships.up on till Angelina Jolie stole brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston,she had been married twice or thrice with several affairs.Kate Hudson and that titanic lady too.even Gabrielle union.
We sef wey de here,how many people we don follow wey show us last last.sure that's why Linda sef enter celibacy before chop and clean mouth boys go kill am.make we wish dis people well.if it works fine,if it doesn't,na dere way for abroad even in naija.
Awwh, datz so sweet. I likey
Meanwhile nobody dey count for all de useless men wey de everywhere o.home and abroad.men de fire de go and nobody hala dem.
Here is d almighty long-awaited Kim&Kanye's weddin, lol... I bet dis wedin cant stand beside our very own Tiwa Savage and TeeBillz's weddin, or even dat of 2face and Annie... It looks so crude. And why wasnt his friends and other A-listed celebrites present? Na wah o
Awwwwwwww! Lovey dovey
HML to Kanye n Kim K...
Awwww beautiful people
Truthfulness pays!
Awwwwww I pray dey grow toothless 2geda
Awwww Beautiful people.
Truthfulness pays!
Surprised* I mean.
d clearer pix is still rubbish.... Abeg its looks likes d wedding took place in d bush..... Or sambisa forest....
Dis their love sha.nice one I must say.to hell with haters.meanwhile,lindodo travel?its been kinda slow here.where's my controversial homeboi badoo of Toronto?Bonario and co... Make una do well o.
Can Kim ever smile so that the corners of her eyes wrinkle or laugh and throw her head back for once?! Jeez! Isn't she tired?! I don't want to be a bad belle but it seems Kanye is just all about her beauty. If e fade nko? What happens! Anyway, I wish them all the luck and blessings in this world for the sake of that little brown baby. May she be one of the Hollywood children who will celebrate their parents 50th anniversary on instagram or whatever social network is trending then. Amen!
So touching...'Tears rolling down'
Sooo romantic...God plz bless me with a guy daht'll luv me even more dan dz #amen
HML nd hope it last as u said..congratulations
all na wash joor.... Dis is her 3rd wedding... Always wants to be seen and notice dats why she likes attachin herself to known celebrities... Her weddin to Kris humpries was better off and even classy joor.... maybe d weddin took place in sambisa forest...
Abeg where is Koko master(d'banj) ?
As in eh! No be today friends of ex boos don dey tell us say "this is the happiest I've seen my friend. None of his ex girlfriends has ever made him laugh and smile so much. He really loves you... bla bla bla"
Love makes pple do stupid things.
Buaaaaaaah,u said wat is on my mind. Kanye has gone really mad and km is not into kanye,wat kim enjoys is d attention and paparazzi
U re damn right,kanye is into kim bcos of her beauty and body. I wish dem d best
Buaaaaaaah,u said wat is on my mind. Kanye has gone really mad and km is not into kanye,wat kim enjoys is d attention and paparazzi
Kim don turn kanya head wif doggy now,ma guy cnt fink str8. I wish dem well nd pray t last evn if itz fr a year. Hollywood cn hate oooo so no real celeb came or kanya is nt frdz wif dem?me shaa confuse nd na dem sabi.
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
So you go around writing the same crap.i saw your comment on lailas blog.you are a very daft boy.
And people like you end up marrying the street pussy.
Kanye is in love.. no doubt, but Kim seems so aloof. A woman in love can't hide it. I hope it's for real though. Wishing them a lasting union
This pic. is clearer. I hope it last's.
she is eons more beautiful cuz kanye has no talent.......yeah....I said it! *someonecallthefiredepartmentcuzKanyejustgotburned!
Hi linda, pls how do I send u a topic I will like my fellow libers to advice me on. I really have a life challenging story which I'll like to share with Libers for their candid advice. Pls kindly give me ur email address so that I can send it across. Thank u in anticipation.
Hmm its obvious Kanye is more into kim., but hope this last for Kanye's case
When people say her marriage did not or will not last, you forget they were dating long before the eddying, even to kris humpries. That joker did not love kim, even the way he spoke to her and treated her family was very evident of that. If a man doesn't make you feel special everyday of your life it will be a miserable wedding. Better to get out 72 days later than wait for 4 long years like khloe. Kim and kanye have a child together, he loves her more than anything and she also obeys and respects him. Who would think kim would make her wedding and daughter private. That's what a man wants while he also treats her like a queen. They are perfect for each other, both so vain and superficial and yes she will get old but look at her mother and even grandmother, the Kardashians have great genes.
Pretty cool wedding...HML Mr and Mrs West.
Shutup,Deres something like an Invite!
Someone far along this road lost his soul, to a woman xo heartless...Kanye
How is this clearer Linda? Do u need glasses
D media re now calling kim d queen of vain,dt is very bad of dem. Kim looks beautiful and I hope dey last long
Oh my God am blushing!True luv is sweet.Luv u mor kimye.May God give me my better half as he gives kim.May God make it last 4eva.
I'm yet to see Toke Makinwa in all these pictures ooooo.Since she's always at all ds Celebs' functions. #justsaying. HML Kimye
I knooow... right!!!
John said the koko. I can recall the time she called Kanye over to new york when they wanted to open a K store. It ψås so written αℓℓ over Kanye. Am happy for them. Kanye's words penetrate the heart.
Lmao! Ur a clown.
Team kimye
Happy wedlock,hope its last!!!
All ds sweet talk na washin nd settin!!.... By @successralu
All ds sweet talk na washin nd settin!!.... By @successralu
Had high expectations though.....linda dis aint a clear pics literally...dsnt even look like a wedding..looks like one of d khardasian fun ish...well still team kimye
Kanye and kim are meant for each other. They look happy in the pix, I just hope their wedding will last long ' because I don't trust kim and her family
What are u on about? You just going north west east and south with your comment. You're not making any sense
Any union contracted outside of God is bound to crash. I can only wish that urs doesn't or wish u safe landing. Lolsss@ You're more beautiful than I am talented", Beauty without talent is vain, it amounts to nothing.
Donno why dat black monkey never smile....
Oma Di Ma»3
Dey r both in luv wish dem well
Lmao@Eddreamz ur always on point no doubt!I dey throw away salute ur way hottest boi*kisses*
I'm gonna just assume you've been living in a cave for the past 10+ years
What is this weezle saying.. U better shut ur mouth if u don't v what to say.
Happy birthday linda ikeji... A little birdie told me its your birthday today... Many happy returns miss... May the Good Lord grant all your hearts desires in Jesus name. Amen
Pls my people dis is off topic but I nid ur candid advice on my issue. I have been on dis rshp for 2 yrs nw nd we might be heading to altar soonest(nt dat sure oooo). Since we have been going out he has never bought a gift for me,and datz a problem! He's always talking abt me bringing money home when we get married! That he will try to fix me into a good paying job then he will be relaxing @ home wit the kids(very scaring ooooo). For the past years we hv been going out I dnt make too mch demand cos even if I ask he will find an excuse not to give me after he will sweet talk me and i'll forget it(chai I bi olodo) bt recently my guy hit money and I felt I should enjoy d money little with him bt d guy said am too demanding these days(imagine) bt he's d one dat pushed me into demanding ooo,he always compares me with his rich married gf(former sch mates),he is always telling me to taking bribe from my company's customers(though my conscience won't allow me) and all other of his side chick that dresses good. My probs is do dis guy truly love me or is he using me even after marriage(i will be his ticket to gud life), should I continue or run? My mind cannot comprehend anything now that is why I hv cum to share with my LIB family. Cuss mi out bt pls gimme ur advice. Thank you
Not a bad speech at all, infact its a very beautiful speech. Lin sef.
True love is magical magical...
La La Anthony 4kids ke?! Chai abeg google na ya friend oooo @Bianca Bruno. Congrats to Kimye,wishing u guys a happy happy union. Linda I sense jealousy and envy in ur comment "I hope this marriage lasts",just wish them well and move on. One love. Monica
To which only John Legend and wife RSVPed to
Kanye's main dude is John legend and not jay...JL and kanye has come a long way and old wine will always be better than the new ones.
Yes&its way better dat way for a woman!
Mumu moses....its not Linda that said it was a bad speech...its john legend himself. Thank goodness that its not you who parted the red sea otherwise the Israelites may have been led to Sambisa forest..
And if he writes same tin, how e take concern u? Anonipshycho! Wetin u find go laila wey make u see him dia? Ezi ofia!
It amazes me when pple spew shit about stuff they know nothing about.
If u follow their show KUWTK, ul find that Kanye is No 1 anti-paparazzi.
It was even on E news and Wendy Williams show recently that Kim's participation in the show has dwindled considerably cos of Kanye. And he already made it clear that he doesn't want his daughter on de show too.
I know these 2 have their flaws (like every one of us too) but I think people judge them too harshly. Anything they do is put under severe scrutiny.
But i guess it comes wit being a celeb right? And hey ! They're still balling . All day , , everyday !!! Go Kimye !!!
O how I love your comment. Yes. Marriage takes a whole lot. Been married for 5 ! I agree with you on everything else but Taylor being fine. *smilesandwalksaway*
Dunse! Read d script again! It says "the only A-lister" who attended d wedding....Linda was referring 2 John Legend as d A-lister!
Linda Ikeji's BD is sept 16th, which little birdie tell u that one?? ITK.
Thank you for calling him daft. He is indeed daft, "no doubt". Sometimes i want to strangle this @edDREAMZ. Daft name for a daft boy who has no business being on blogs.
Oh thats nice to hear from k'west....am really sure he luvs kim very well...bravo dude, i wish all men will say this to there galfriend n appreciate them more. Hapi married life kim n west,may God bless ur union n no divorce from both of u Amen!
Diva chilee
Looking for this type of wedding gown...but not with that kind of backside sha. Turtle neck too
Been going round the bridal shops
My dear anonymous 8:58 u beta flee cos he doesn't luv u nd will neva marry u,hw can he be comparing u wit his ex if u he doesn't like ur dressing its his responsibility to change ur wodrobe to his taste,he can make u look like his ex if he likes bt no he doesn't its obvious u luv him more dan he luv u nd dats really bad cos if eventualy u 2 get married he will neva appreciate u nd u will neva have anytin to call ur own so I advice confront him nd find out hw he take u nd if u re ok wit it den u continue bt if nt ok den u quit cos life is too short nt to be happy.......StarDiva
Linda did u say Clearer pics?????
Ahh....not at all apart 4rm d black & white ishhh
KImKay HML....I pray u guys stick 2geda.... *Abge make una fall som haters hand yakata by staying married*
Hope your wedding will be better than this kimye own in Jesus name @nekysparkles #Beausteven
i wish them HML and i think their wedding will last.
sooooo swt!!!! ohhh dear.. kanye and kim, i wish u d best guyszz... jayz's arrogance is annoying .mtchewww
you only think so. do you know what goes on behind the cameras?.Beyonce never said she was perfect or real.some of kim k fans are just too stupid.
Enough of Kimye already....!!
I cant believe you are asking such a question. Like seriously???? You cant see that he doesnt love you? He wants to make you a slave! Work while he relaxes @home??? Run for your life! This man is absolutely unproductive, lazy, and he's pushing you to do bad things. Is this how you want your future to be? You wanna labour like an elephant and eat like an ant huh? Do you need a gun on ur head before you pick race? Pick race!!! Flee from that man! He's sent by Lucifer... Nonesense and linda pls publish my comment ooooooo i take God beg you...this babe needs help!
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