Exclusive photos from Teju Babyface's 35th birthday dinner | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 20 January 2014

Exclusive photos from Teju Babyface's 35th birthday dinner

Family and friends joined the comedian and TV host as he celebrated his 35th birthday yesterday Jan. 19th at Marco Polo Chinese Restaurant in Victoria Island. The celebrant flanked by Owen Gee, Tee A, Basketmouth, Alibaba, and Seyi. More photos after the cut...

Teju with wife
Teju with Ali Baba and wife


Alloy Chikezie said...

All looking gorgeous, nice

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Anonymous said...

So Teju is taller than Owen Gee, Hmmm brief things. Happy belated birthday.

FDJ said...

Happy Birthday Teju

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know he is married. Congratulation! He is my age mate.

win said...

Happy birthday Teju. Wishing you long life and God' s blessings.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday teejay babyface...wishing u more years.


Belated birthday wishes to Naija's Peter Pan.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Juliebabe said...

Happy buffday in arrears man and may your desires be met, amen.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful people.

FAMMIE said...

HBD Teju babyface...Hw is your wife?


HBD Teju.....LLNP

samuelohis.blogspot.com said...

hbd to him

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Big boys doing big things

Anonymous said...

wow cant he is 35, cause he looks 25 to me. Happy Born-Day sir. wishing him all the best.

Anonymous said...

Is that a baby bump (Teju's wifey)......just passing Your comment will be visible after approval

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Teju

Anonymous said...


Bonita Bislam said...

Teju's wife is pretty.I rmbd wat Teju said on his show abt chyking U Linda way back in d University.Seeing him and his wife made me imagine u as Mrs Teju lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, many ace comedians in the same place at the same time. I should av been there

dhobiz said...

With all dis comedians in the building hmmmmm,plenty of laugh sha

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Teju, love your show!


Mhen and his looking younger. Many more yrs

@BOBO_EDO said...

Good to know that he's your age mate. Congrats!!! -___-


Hourglass said...

Matured people

Unknown said...

Why is Owen G sweating under the armpits. no AC in the restaurant? pls Linda moroove that pic. Its not good for his rep?

Anonymous said...

HBD teju wish you all the best #bright bravo#

tomiwealth said...

happy birthday baby face

Anonymous said...

U are sick

Livvsreamblog said...

Go teju,conngrats

Unknown said...

HBD Teju

AnnMarie said...

happy birthday

Anonymous said...

Beautiful people! Happy belated birthday TJ! *Cagey*

Anonymous said...

Teju is 35?!! Damn it's been a long way from 'Blood diamond'. Like I said a lot of great people (entertainers mostly) have their birth dates in January. Looks like twas a fun party. Hilary Obiorah.

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Chopin moni pple,dey al luk gr8

Apple said...

Happy birthday tiny little Teju :)

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how his age mates will be looking at him when they were growing up.. Looks so small and fresh. #Mr Lucky

Gee said...

So dis smally don reach 35? He'll now b dressin lyk sm1 whoz over 50. Hapi bday!

Anonymous said...

lol.bad guy why did he have to do his birthday in chines restaurant so that he wount spend much money why bcs lot of people cant eat chines food.sharp man

success igbinoba said...

Happy birthday dear bigger+better u WULLNP

Unknown said...

HBD Teju

ardarh said...

Hbd 2 him...

Unknown said...

Hpi born day teju...WULLNP ijn...ojb I sight u,owen G,sweatin on his armpit..lol,
So no AC tere.

ardarh said...

Hbd 2 him

Igor said...

Naija's comic finest at the same place, and at the same time.I am sure they will light up the celebration with lots of rib cracking jokes.

Gbenga said...

Trouble maker.....

Anonymous said...

Oh! I which i was there with all this rib crackers. Its sure wld ve been a day i won't forget easily. Happy birthday teju d progressive youth!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday teju, wishing u many more fruitful years ahead.

Anonymous said...

So am older than Teju. Congrats

Amarachukwu said...

Happy birthday but I didn't know he is up to that age.

Anonymous said...

35 years!!!!! Tejuuuuuuu Oyelakin, Niger house, 1996 set, Social prefect. How can u be 35? E beru Olorun o. Hmmmmm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No mind am..Bonita d aproko? Miss Foxy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No mind am..Bonita d aproko? Miss Foxy

Unknown said...

wow.....bday mate nd age mate.

Unknown said...

wow.....bday mate nd age mate.

Anonymous said...

...Somebody pls tell the guy in the grey top there's some thing called ANTIPERSPIRANT..good god, i hate folks with sweaty armpit...PUKE!

Anonymous said...

Wish u llnp.plsssssssssssss linda post my comment,it has never been posted.thanks

UKA 1 said...

Wc: see ur face like baby face.....HBD mahn,big boys doing big tinz.

Anonymous said...

Linda can't u see teju's wife is preg. See the nose? Thank me later. LBEE

Anonymous said...

What's wrong in sweating,is that what Æ”☺U̶̲̥̅̊ pple turned to news,don't Æ”☺U̶̲̥̅̊ sweat aswell bcos he's celeb does that mean that he's not human abeg find something else to say

Anonymous said...

Una no dey sweat,abeg talk something else joor,Hbd Mr Teju babyface llnp jare

Anonymous said...

Hbd Teju

Unknown said...

wot's basket mouth looking at? Lol!

Anonymous said...

Is he younger or older than that

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Teju, but why aren't you smiling huh? see as everybody for the pix dey smile except the birthday boy... eku igbadun o, llnp

Anonymous said...

"Blood Diamond " or "Diamond Ring"??FLIPA

Anonymous said...

You actually just drew attention to ur daft self, 1996 is 18years ago, which means he was 17yrs old as ur social prefect, which is very very possible, so shut up and fear God too! *i must comment* FLIPA

Frances said...

January peeps are beautiful and wonderful people, am sure u all will agree with me and i am happy to be one of them.countdown to my birthday few hours to go,i will have lots of fun tommorrow tuesday,erm' libers since u all can't share in my cake i will give u guys something else which is lots of love and kisses,thanks for understanding

Frances said...

January peeps are beautiful and wonderful people, am sure u all will agree with me and i am happy to be one of them.countdown to my birthday few hours to go,i will have lots of fun tommorrow tuesday,erm' libers since u all can't share in my cake i will give u guys something else which is lots of love and kisses,thanks for understanding

Anonymous said...

I guess basket mouth ÈŠ̝̊̅Úª eyein d birthday cake ..â„“oâ„“. #Jstsayin
Happy belated birthday littleman :)

evelyn said...

Hapi birthday teju

Jay said...

See this goat saying how can he be??? He is 35! Corona Apapa 1990 set and his younger sis bukky was 91 set! I know them well

Anonymous said...

Hennnnnnnn,,go take am collect money 4 bank nah!!!am sure people like av not even acheive half of wat this young man has achieved in life!!u ar dere claiming seniority ontop nothing!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hennnnnnnn,,go take am collect money 4 bank nah!!!am sure people like av not even acheive half of wat this young man has achieved in life!!u ar dere claiming seniority ontop nothing!!!!

MY TURN said...

35 WOW!!!He doesn't look it at all o

Unknown said...

I see my madam there! On point noni!! The ever elegant Mary-B!!!
Ehen, Happy b/day Teju. Bigger and better U IJN

Mikun said...

Happy birthday Teju, wish u more beautiful years to come.

Anonymous said...

Commenting after almost a year...but I'm really disappointed about the FEGO Alumnus that said he is lying about his age. 1979 is the average year of birth of FEGO's 1996 set. Teju was my 4 years senior and I'm 30.
Oga..park well.

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