"Law enforcement tells us ... Bieber was busted in Miami Beach and it didn't end with DUI ... he was also busted for resisting arrest without violence, drag racing and driving on an expired license.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... they believe Justin was under the influence of both drugs and alcohol.
We're told the resisting arrest charge stems from Bieber refusing to take his hands out of his pockets when ordered to do so by cops.
Bieber is now in custody and is at the police department where he is being tested -- presumably to more precisely measure his blood alcohol level. Our law enforcement sources say Justin was given a field sobriety test at the scene ... and failed. His next stop will be jail, where he will be booked and processed and bail will be set.
We're told Bieber had just left a club and was driving a yellow Lamborghini at the time cops spotted him in a residential neighborhood. Our sources say Justin's people actually blocked the street off so Bieber could drag race.
Sources say the person Justin was racing with was also arrested. We're told that driver was Khalil, a well-known rapper on Def Jam Records. He was in a red Lambo.
Justin had a passenger in the car -- a model.
The traffic stop was for drag racing and cops determined he was driving under the influence.
Source: TMZ
lili abeg no kill use which one b drinking under the influence i thot its driving under the influence thank me later wit a kiss
White kids and ridiculous offences!
hey LiN, pls correct the first line of the sentence, i think it should be "Driving under the influence and not "Drinking" Thanks
lili abeg no kill use which one b drinking under the influence i thot its driving under the influence thank me later wit a kiss
Aww poor boy
His life and career gradually going down the drain! Thank goodness he quit music, now he can focus on getting back his life together. I blame Drake and his YOLO! Kids these recite that sh*t like a code/motto.
Linda 'driving under d influence"(don't post this comment)
America don't care if you are a celebrity or not. If u go against the law u get arrested
Its driving under Influence not drinking under influence
About time too! This little punk thinks he is above the law! Deport him back to Canada .... #Hissin!
Gud 4 him...he shld go to jail n cool off
Hi Linda, please it is "driving under the influence" and not "drinking under the influence". Kindly correct. Cheers and keep up the good work.
Drinking under the influence or driving under the influence aunty linda.
Common linds it's expected when @ a young age u've got money and fame the rest is experiment.... Derrrick U.j Alexander
DUI means Driving under the influence and not drinking under the influence. Check your lines my dear.
Dis boi sef
Am so tired of dis Boy's irresponsible acts recently. Dis happens wen u are so rich @ such a young age
OH GOD/// DIZ BOY USE TOBE A CTE KID... price to pay for fame... too bad
Lee k'ishi n'aga! Odighi di ihe di n'uwa o! Uwa wu di pawpaw_ya daa_ya kuwashia,hooha!
@ 19... I was earnin salaries all ready... dnt teh me he's a STAR... i am one also
Serves him rit, spoilt brat. I hate dis kid
first to comment...hz behaviour as of recent z jxt alarming..frm egging hz neighbour 2 hidin drugs in house..all dose stuffs jxt makes me concern
Serves him rit, spoilt brat. I hate dis kid
19 and heading downhill. When will the words celeb/role model no longer be an oxymoron?
Im mama don kuku tok say na spiritual mata. So make we dey pray for am.
2 get money no be beans! Lolzz
aw much can selena 4give...
Small boy too much money and fame
Linda,driving under d influence biko
Aunty Linda, is it drinking under the influence abi na driving under the influence? #bbmconfusedface.
Small time na, fi e get ancident e go jst die for nothin..
Linda "Driving under Influence" n not "Drinking"!
Lindiway!.. How can u say "drinking under the influence"? Its driving under the influence!...lmao
Linda is driving under the influence.
Why do youngsters always loose it when they make more money than they anticipated at an early stage in their career ? Smh
Pity.. He's still young though, and he needs to figure out what exactly he wants to do with his life.. Wish him luck..
Justin is heading down de part of destruction n dis breaks my hrt. Hop ds dsnt end up badly.
Justin is heading down de part of destruction n dis breaks my hrt. Hop ds dsnt end up badly.
DUI is driving under the influence and not drinking under the influence. What else do these youngsters know with bloated bank accounts and no direction in life. Pity.
DUI, means driving under the influence and not drinking under the influence.
*driving under the influence not drinking under the influence* linda, always check ur grammar b4 u post
No one likes beiber. In fact, he must be even more hated than Jews.
He should have switched places with Walker.
¡From Mwaha¡
It can only happen there,if is here in naija u know nah
This Bieber wan die young abi!? He's bcoming too reckless these days,may God help him sha.
Driving under the influence ( DUI ), not drinking under the influence.
And thus the downward spiral commenced...
For drinkng under the influence??? Hummm... Are you typing under the influence?
First time commenting......driving under the influence not drinking...#peace
Depot him and make him canadian problem.
Never new DUI meant "drinking under the influence"..better still Drinking under the influence of alcohol..hehehehe..
People like Paul Walker get killed but this little flea continues to irritate the world!!!
Fame has gotten into d head of dis young man, hmmmmm
Linda wich one is driving under infleuence
Quite sad but this is what happens when people without any self-control become exposed to this level of resources. Instead of them having a grip on it, it has a grip on them and drives them bunkers.
Why not just make good music and peacefully enjoy the money you've been blessed with? Isn't this a better idea than putting your life and that of others at risk by drag racing under the influence?
Olodo! Its driving under influence not drinking. I thought they you re a graduate? Probably a graduate of north america america.
About time
If you are 19yrs and worth $50million I guess your gonna do a lot of crazy things.I Don't blame him though am sure he will still be looking handsome even in a mug shot
small pikin way dey show himsefl... SMH
Bieber Bieber... RICH HOMMIES MAKING POOR DECISIONS... Lets hope not to hear Save Justin Bieber Someday.. #Justsaying!!
ohhh and this is were they all start getting it wrong...whats wrong in having fame nd not engaging in drugs?...they just never learn #SMHnddrinkingmygarri#
That's the way make una free my guy make him enjoy him life before its too late to chill with life.
Drinking under the influence?....alright
Gud for him.
Linda wen are u goin to blog about the nationwide JOHESU strike dat started yesterday or don't u think dats newsworthy? Hospitals r in disarray cos all healthworkers save med docs r on a 3day strike n u r busy talking abt inconsequential peeps.
aw much can selena 4give...
its 'driving under the influence' not drinking under the influence.. #blogger
When a young boy has so much money that is what you get....
Linda ooooo! Lmao @DRINKING under d influence, biko DUI means DRIVING under d influence. U for ask d meaning na ehn? If u lyk dnt post my comment #OkBye
Linda you mean driving under influence right???
Anty Linda it is 'driving under influence' not 'drinking under influence'. Over sabi
diz boy z becoming too lousy
Please make una leave my lindodo alone 0..no body is above mistake
Naija with their over sabi attitude...“drinking under d influence“ may be a typo so why all these “ITK“
How much do i need to pay b4 my comments would be approved?
It is funny you will indirectly insinuate someone better dead than another! Someone you dont know! Very pathetic
poor baby
poor baby
U are so irritaing this mbeke girl u comments pisses me off all the time
Are u not a problem to this blog already you should be banned awon smellos
You probably graduated from congo school of daft brains!! Cause ur spelling is so pooor jeezzzz
U are so irritaing this mbeke girl u comments pisses me off all the time
Are u not a problem to this blog already you should be banned awon smellos
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