1. Uloma definitely knew Solomon was married to her. She said her first encounter with Uloma was back in 2010 when she called Solomon very late at night and she, Lilian, picked up the phone. She told Uloma that she's Solomon's wife and Uloma started crying. She said she even had to start consoling Uloma that night. After that phone conversation she didn't hear from Uloma again but later found out she continued her affair with her husband. She said she called Uloma and warned her over the phone...
2. She and Solomon were not having any marital problems. She said Solomon told her he was going to Lagos to work a few days before the Saturday wedding. She said she was the one who helped him pack his bags and he even kissed her goodbye at the door. She said she communicated with him a day before the wedding, Friday April 12th and he was all lovey dovey with her. She munched the messages and sent to me...will show you guys some...
Lilian also made something very clear. She said if she and Solomon had been having issues, she wouldn't have had the guts to do what she did at the venue. Solomon wouldn't have even had to do the whole thing secretly. Not one member of Solomon's family was at that wedding on Saturday. According to her, Solomon presented fake family members.
Meanwhile, did I tell you guys that I have videos from that Saturday event? My guy didn't just take photos, he took videos...all six of them. Some of the photos I uploaded on Saturday were screen shots from some videos...there you can hear what everyone was saying... Anyway, see the messages after the cut..
The children they are refering to here is their unborn children...Lilian is pregnant! Oh also, Solomon Akiyesi is Lilian's first and only love!
1 – 200 of 288 Newer› Newest»Hehe!
Wow!!! So he's still very much happily married to his wife? Oma ga oh okunrin ma nika oh.... Linda post my comment oh ehn!!!!! Cos av commented on ur site manytimes and I don't get to see any of it... *str8face*
God wil punish solomon...he wil ave no peace if e marries uloma...IJN amen..stupid man..imagine twins..can't believe it n e wants to suffer ds unborn kids..lilian God is wt u
Linda you b correct babe,can't wait to watch the video..whoop whoop!!!!
I dey see denger*inpsqure voice*wahaha dey...God av mercy..lips sealed for now!!! Wetin for d full part of dis movie
This is such a tacky situation. Uloma definitely knew Solo was married. God don tear her pant for church. Smh
It is a pity that such tin happened.lalalalalala singing in my dialect first to comment.
There 2 sides of a story. U ave spoken to d wife try and speak to d husband before condemning him bcos I believe der must b strong reason 4 him to embark on such shameful act.
Wonders shall neva end oooooh ike okwu adighi let solomon conscience judge him
Dat guy is jst a fucking bastard. More strength to D̶̲̥̅̊ wife
After reading the story,am tempted to say men are ... but just remembered am still going to urinate standing.
so I shifted the blame to ladies who will do everything possible to make a man cheat on his wife.
The solution therefore is WOMEN helping fellow WOMEN.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
GOSH! THIS IS SO SCARY OH..I'VE BEEN MARRIED FOR A YEAR nauuu and recently my husband has been acting really funny..staying out late and saying its work ,fighting and snapping at me for no damn reason...u really cannot trust a man but be the best wife u can be have faith,look after urself properly and trust GOD OH!
Well done Linda. I knew they never had problems in the marriage, for the wife to have so much guts to do what she did. I wish her a safe delivery.
Solomon is just a jerk! A big jerk. I dislike him more than ever for lying that he's having marital issues
Photos: Ini Edo, Rita Dominic, Olu Jacobs, Kate Henshaw, others pay last tribute to the Late Justus Esiri
This solomon i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ heartless
Chai! Ihe mewe!! Mtschewww
One word to solomon- BASTARD!!! Sorry lemme make it 5 words lying, cheating, selfish, weak Man.
LINDROSCO!!!!!!! Nne ediegwu!!!
Dat so bad of him...wat kind of man wld do such a tin.mshweeeee.d gist alone is already vry disgustin to ear.
Solomon is wicked and heartless. How could he do such a thing. God has exposed him. All men will learn from this
Linda i swear ,some men are devils in disguise.Baba God I commit my kids and I into your able hands.Keep us safe even they plan against us.
Lilian nne,jisike God will give u strength.Remember,at all times to pray for urself and ur unborn kids...It could have been worse...The evil man could actually have planned to do worse than this.
Kai! Dis man is a beast ooh! Imagine fa! Lilian nagode! Thumb up for u girl
Men! Smh! Shaddy,shaddy,shaddy
That fake ass old gigolo wannabe who thinks he can be lyk solomon in the bible is a disgrace to his family. That nigga acts nigerian movies for pete's sakes so he shoulda known as always that he'll be caught, there will be and End and To God will be the glory...
Twisting the truth to suit u. Smh.
Lol...no be small *God don tear her pant for church*
Its well!
Killer ni bobo yi mhen.....shld I say madam lilian shld run for her dear life? Infact I don confuse!
Sooo urmm what's this gonna do to help me with my studies? Lemme guess, nothing? Africans are such drama queens.
Doing this to get in the news!
Hello Amanda, just seeing your emails today. Sorry I'm just replying but I hardly check my emails. Thanks for the compliments! x
Naw wah o! Who do we believe? I know the pastor was doin sme damage control things. Uloma won't say she didnt know the man is married, it pains me when we Christians lie. Eventhe pastor is being a bit dodge with the truth.TBT" the church was decived by the intending couple to be. It's well!
Linda,stella is reporting that lilian is solomon's second wife. That lilian snatched him from his first wife ezinne. I dont know wat to believe again. Goodluck 2 all of them
I would love to hear the man's side of the story. I almst don't want to insult him (not just yet) cos he's ma friend's in-law. But....
Anty Linda, pls try n get him to spill!
So pathetic! *Sips Vodka*
It's in our days that men of all ages cannot be trusted, some women likewise. Especially those who would do anything to break a home. It only takes the grace of God to find a faithful one to the end. Trust in the lord, hope and pray..
I fear men no be small.. They tooo get wicked heart ,na wen dem dey fuck u , dey love u once they are thru, they wl start lookin. 4 anoda device .. If not for the fact dat I av tto give birth ,I won't get married , wld just maintain ma life like bimbo akintola but is not easy cos dick dey sweet
Wow, this makes me understand her reaction.. on Friday he was so nice and romantic.. on Saturday he's at the alter with another woman... I don't know if the marriage can work again... when the public gets involved in a matter.. it takes God's grace for them to be okay again except they relocate or something..
We need more juicy evidence jor... I'm getting tired of this story already... Mtscheeeeeeeew
A few months down the line, we'll now hear it was the devil's work & they are back together 'for the sake of the children' #rme
Hahahaha, see fowl yansh outside as heavy wind blow. Lisps sealed, lindsy kip up d amebo work.
WOW......... Solomon man.. I like your guts ni afterall life is too short to keep the rules... Break the rules , fall inluv and marry as many women as u want. Kudos
I'm tempted to say here that Solomon might have been hipnotised to have had it all planned out till the wedding day, and still pretending to love his wife and unborn children, beats my imagination, whatever his reasons are. cos planning a wedding isn't a day's job, and to think that the church claimed having no knowlege of his marriage, hMmmm.
From this chat and from her actions, its obvious Lilian sincerely loves this Solomon and the guy knows...so he sees himself like God's gift to women... Hope Lilian has a career sha, the guy is not even worth being someone's hubby...I think she's better on her own...just that the 1st love matter na wahala..
Whao... Quite strange and surprised.. It was a wrong doing..
There r so many desperate ladies who do everything to lure ppls husbands from their marriages. We r embarking on seven days prayer and fasting, whoever "eyes" our husbands 'catch convulsion'
I love this! Linda you are a good entertainment journalist. #youwritewithfacts.
Madam Lillian i heard the pastor placed a curse on you, if it is true go for deliverance and counselling. There is no problem dat can withstand the continued assault of prayers nd dere is still no problem God cannot solve. God help us all.
But didn't this Lilian snatch Solomon from Ezinne? Why is nobody talking about that? She did it to someone else and got paid back. Linda, if u like don't post this because it seems you are taking sides but the truth will always come out someday.
This ÈŠ̝̊̅§ so private and its publicity will make things worse,and who made us judges.... Let God do his job
Sommie italia
Olodo its hear not ear.*im boske*incase u want to thank me later.
Which one b kids again? I tut dey dnt av kids 2geda yet.*bb confused face*
It does not make sense at all, doesnt add up. If they were that cordial, why did he want to remarry? Lilian just went there to disgrace herself...
Where is the date? Picture only says Friday. Which Friday??
Where is the lovey dovey? The guy's response to her msg doesn't really show that they have a good understanding.
I am not convinced. shikena
Last week was mercy aigbe. This week Solomon. Cos nollywood don't make movies again they ave resorted to true life drama. Lmao. Who is next? Can't wait *very wide grin*
Pls u people should not be fast in passing ur judgement no be him clear eyes oo
Funny how men will do stuff like this over and over again. It's a man's world, but watch out dear men, the world is changing. You break our hearts into a thousand parts and we'll break yours into a million parts. It just ain't fair Solomon, in whatever way you look at it.
This dude is just a BI*CH... and a wicked one at that...
solomon must be blind oooo...see how beautiful nd sexy is wife is + god is about to bless them with a set of twins after many years of trying.........he wants to leave dis beautiful lady for an ugly balloon......na wa oooo men sha una no get eyes ooooo plus am happy dat shame nd disgrace befell solomon nd dat ape called uloma,lily pls try to be strong for ur kids nd as for miss orobo husband snatcher go find ur own husband ashewo monkey ugly dirty bitch who knew he was married nd went on with marriage plans oya dey marry na adeke,she goat lick ma ass.....linda make sure u post my comment o make i nor para for u
Okay na,am seating back and watching as the drama unfolds,God punish devil...chima.
i am just speechless. the evil that men doooooooooooooooo. Oh lord please forgive and help us. Lillian i pray for you, it is well with you. it is well with your marriage. God will lead you besides still waters and restore all all the enemy nearly tried to take from you. Amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
This stuff has gotten stale already!
my only problem here is dat shud a pastor wed a heavy pregnant woman dat meanz u can fornicate...i mean u fit nakenake soti una tire ...come i go wed una...no wahala..just bring him goodies
Linda Please post d videos o....
God is your strenght Lilian .. I wish u save delivery ... As that desperate Uloma Eva lasting shame is urs .I knw that derz no way u can say u don't knw that Solomon is married ! Thank God u got what u bargain for! Fools that wouldn't let married men be .
But wait o. Lilian z far pretty than d oda woman. Y will he want 2 go after her? Hmmm. Linda, I fink u should also hear 4rm uloma to. She should ve her own story 2 tell. Ma prayer z God plz, dn't let me marry any man lyk solomon
Poor woman; must be completely debilitating to have this much trauma and drama in your life. It's 'hi-time' the govt starts doing something about the incessant cases of bigamy in Nigeria.
No reason kankan, the guy na wonbiliki wobia, gbewiru, ole.. He's just a gold digger..
Fellow transgressor, na only you go support him na. Even his own family did not support him but devil's advocate like yourself are supporting evil. Una well done o
Lilian may GOD help u and u deliver ur unborn child in gudhealth.no evill will be fall u...for solomon he should wait GOD ponishment.. Stupid man.I wonder if he is human or anniman,GOD is ur strength lilian..linda Biko post my comment.D.I.V.A.
"I luv my wife and kids and will Neva forsake Dem" God punish u for ur lies...d wife tight pass uloma sef,Wetin him even see for uloma? Uloma resemble juju calabar sef...lindus,if u lik post my comment,if not I go put fire for ur blog...
A big one..
Mehn....linda na u sure pass.serzly waiting for d video
Yipppe am d 3rd to coment..first tym in history..linda thank u oo..muah
Hmmm wen I 1st saw d story on saturday I was dumbfounded as in ow can a man b legally married 2 hs wife & still went ahead wit anoda wedding ceremony without divorcing her wife?? Thumbs up 2 Lilian 4 her action bt Linda I need u 2 verify sum oda tinz cos I read in anoda blog 2day dat Solomon,s marriage 2 Uloma is hs 3rd,according 2 d blog Solomon,s 1st marriage was 2 a woman called Ezine dat he left ohm whl still legally married 2 Ezine 2 wed Lilian dat Ezine allowed d sleeping dog lie by nt creating a scene @ deir wedding wen she got wind of it so am oping is nt a karma dat is playing itself....pls verify ds story cos I trust ur investigatn...also pls post my comment
OOOOO.... Mr Solomon Needs logging and Deliverance.... "STILL WATCHING FROM MY OCEAN
Wo babe, I have been through the same thing and found out there is another woman. Na to just bide my time and be patient and prayerful. Remember that God will always fight for you like He did for Lilian so keep your hands clean and pray hard. All these adulterous naija men and their ashewo runs girls will be disgraced IJN. God hates divorce, just have faith that God will fight for you and STAY CLEAN!!!
If I was lilian I would have done worse than just storming that place.. And that yeye PR daughter of the overseer of the church was there writing us about due dilligence! Rubbish!
Solomon or whatever he calls himself better start begging his wife.
Yes, he's deffo seeing someone that's making him go gaga @ the moment,trust me darling, he's coming back to you..
Bonario has spoken!!!! Lol At "i'll still pee standing".
Am your #1 fan!!! Call me!! (Throws silk lacey underwear at you).
Ich liebe dich muah!!!!!
He even said I will never forsake my wfe and kids. Wow.
I swear bobo ju killer lo.lilian plz jst pray and GOD is ur strength..olorun afi iya je solo yen..lindyway plz post my comment.
Errr but according to Stella Dimoko Korkus, Lilian is not even the first wife, the first wife is Ezinne and Lilian knew about her before she married Solo!
Ezinne - 1st wife
Lilian - nke abuo
Ulobekee- nke ato (that never was)
King Solo - awon badt guyns!
O ga adi kpokpo!!
@Kidodo: Co-sign ur thot. Lydia kindly speak with Solomon too
The Solomon is a very stupid man. No wonder, I have never seen him playing good roles in the very few movies he appeared. Nollywood/Actor's guild should ostracize him with immediate effect. Mere seeing his face, u wld know he is a devil incarnate. All the same, MS Uloma can't tell us she didn't know the man is married. Didn't she meet any of his relations b4 accepting to marry him. I think she was desperate becos of her old age. It's glaring that she's not a young lady - may be she don born pikins b4 self. It serves her right, that's a good punishment for someone who can't look for her husband elsewhere than to take others. ULOMA's PASTOR shldn't allow her to deceive him and other church members, otherwise she wld do worse later.
Well, the first thing I asked when I first read this story: was there no form of introduction or traditional marriage? Were there any of the groom's family members present at the wedding? Did the bride to be collapse at the altar when the real wife emerged? If the answers to these are all No, then Uloma is not telling the whole truth!
Pure jazz! Chai
Her messages still say Delivered meaning he doesn't bother to read them...................
If the second message is actually a reply, it came 5hrs after
It is well even inside the well.
Naija girls make una leave married men alone o!!! Especially those married in church. Jesus don rise, He no dey sleep oo!!! He will fight for their wives cause God has said he hates divorce! No chop disgrace like Uloma o!!! Hear word abeg una!! Make una no blame devil when God don fire una!!! I don talk my own
I never know say solo get mind like this chaiii
Yeye man (˘̯˘ )
Many of these guys have kids out there, even your man that you trust so much, hmm!
Linda wots wit the Kids, i tot u said there were no kids. That she was expecting their first baby after 7 yrs of marriage. Can u get ur facts str8 pls
wonders shall never end
Oloriburuku, u̶̲̥̅̊ said all dese nd stil av. D guts to do such grieve rubbish to her! Dis man is freaking heartless
TEN gbozas for Linda ...GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA GBOZA ....U R too much Linda Ikeji! haaaa u even have a video? PLZ u r too much.
Omg!!! You are High.....reasons for what???
A man who can do this kind of thing doesn't deserve to be called a husband anymore.
No reason kankan, the guy na wonbiliki wobia, gbewiru, ole.. He's just a gold digger..
Yes, he's deffo seeing someone that's making him go gaga @ the moment,trust me darling, he's coming back to you..
shame on solomon
Am also married to my frst love!*Confused face!* Lord plz give strength ths lilian lady,wht a pitty! Lord plz protect my hubby!i dont wht i wld have done if i was in her shoes!its too painfull!
Men are indeed a source of all evil!
Linda, abeg post the video. Lets watch nollywood movie na.
Lord have mercy!! Can men be trusted again? How heartless! Jezz! Now I can'trust my bf with all his undying love he preaches evry now and then.. *sad face*
And see her Pastor defending her. Shame on the Pastor! Shame on Uloma and the biggest shaaaaammmmmmeeee on Solomon!!!
Dats guys 4 u, dey re nt alwys contented with wat dey 've ojukokoro ti pa won ku
Lillian You took him from Ezinne, Uloma Took him from you what goes around comes around, a little bit of advice to you stop washing ya dirty linens in public Linda and her readers won't help you they will only read and say men are wicked blah blah blah but in the end you're the one expecting so be wise and start thinking of your Baby(ies) and you. Decide what to do with the marriage and give this whole public buhahaha a rest!
he is a MAD MAN!!!! inshort na Uloma i pity, this one wey he carry fake family members come..that means the wedding wasn't a serious thing to him.
Hmmm..SOLO-SOLO:) the heart is DEEP!!!!
So dis Solomon man had d guts 2 still lie again.and if dat uloma gal was also lying abt nt havin any knowledge of d marriage,then let God judge dem accordinly.I tink his wife purposely waited till dat day 2 expose him infront of evry1,out of anger.linda,linda,u no get rival jor!
women hate women so i'm not surprised the whore went ahead with the affair knowing he was married..fear of birthing a bastard made her rush that man to the altar...her punishment don start.
Yep def a reason and that is the fact that he is 'shameless and a sorry excuse for a man'.
Its complicated Ooº°˚ ,men And dre evil ways!! Lilian,you hv to takia of urself n kids,plz dnt let ds drama coz harm to ur health,be strong n move on,if he ask for forgiveness,do forgive him coz God has joind d both of 2geda nt even Uloma can put assunder.stay Blessed!
*SIGH IN GRANDMA'S VOICE* Uloma and SOloh shoot each other (˘̯˘ ) now!!!
This solomon man is a bunch of idiot....shame shame...his wife had every right to react the way she did
Pretty Girl
Just take a good look @ d man's face,he looks so mischievious & full of deceit.The heart indeed is treacherous.After sending d sweet msg of never going to forsake d wife n kids.SMH.
Well done Linda, I salute U. This film has part 1 disk A(where U gave us a hint) part 1 disk B(where d pictures came in)part1 diskC(Solomon's comment on FB) Disk D(d church's comment) This is d part 2 disk A(Lillian's comment) can't wait for d disk B (video) to come out out. Don't event know the title to give it sef. I Salute U once again Linda *wink
Heheheheheh LIBers let's give this movie a title na
Pls lets wax this movie, so we can make money this 2013 o
I just checked solomon Akiyesi facebook page. He has deactivated it out of shame.
What a plan! Thank God he has been exposed! Ladies beware, men can be terrible..Geez!
He likes getting married in red and white... Both weddings had the same color scheme! What a fool!
Secret polygamist all over Naija, I guess he got caught daz all ...
Linda you are good at what you do,i applaud you.
People like Oga Solo ought to be disgraced openly without reservations or pity,this disgrace is quite useful,as opposed to Stella 'staphylococcus' Korkus who only makes findings that break homes instead of fix them..
Lilian nwannem you are a very pretty lady,you deserve the best,I will not advice you to leave your husband because i do not know your story and your journey so far..
I just pray you find peace,and i want you to know that NO woman in her right senses would support what Solo has done..
Bear it in mind that the stigma is his,the ugly effects of this act...his,the public disgrace..his,who has been made the laughing stock....him...men are mean,i've experienced such,only mine did not make the news...
Good luck nwannem.
Looking at that Uloma, ( SHE LOOK'S LIKE A MOTHER OF SIX :) ) SHE IS SO OLD , SHE HAS BECOME DESPERATE! E be like say her pastor don see one of those their 'VISIONS' wen dem go say u go get 'husband' this year:)
What kind of man does this to his preg wife especially 4 thr first kids. Na wah oh c d pretty. Correct babe wey foolish Solomon want leave go marry nag of beans. .if I want chop frog eat big frog..not d type wy ur wife set pass. Lillian baby kudos and please divorce his broke ass.i told my hubby wen I saw this news that somebody would die if e tries this n its def not d legal wife. Useless men everywhere. .soo upset e b like I fr b Lillian friend lets mess dem up for life. .rubbish. .I de vex ehh..Mscheww. .animal
i honest cnt help laffing each time d man's face pops up my screen,he has such a funny face wit all d features compressed in d middle...lwkmd God forgive me. i jst cnt stop wonderin y felt he cud b a sharp player. Dnt dis ladies see wot i see? Is he so secretly wealthy cos he's a NO in d looks n fame deprts.
The guy want green card. hmmmmmmm desperation
Linda please continue with this story :) The story dey totori me :) That Uloma just do gra gra come show herself for that video. LOL. We are not fooled! Madam Lilian, i too love your style :) Any curse that 'pastor ' placed on you has BOUNCED BACK on him and his family, Why did i say so? you are only protecting your own!!!
Truth is gradually coming out. I'm hope some would learn from this dramatical bliss.
My sister....I follow you join in the prayer......na asedanu go be theirs. To the uncontempted hubbies out there.....God dey watch una and na one day una story go come out like this....just watch out...lindybabe pls post my comment oo
Imagine how ugly the uloma is!!!!!!!! And they said she is not pregnant. Na belle just big like that o.
Men are polygamous in nature nd the only key to unlock this is prayers...i pity Uloma nd her unborn child.
Now make una see as Linda dey fire us with haaaaawt tory(hard work)....make nobody yarn when result of this hardwork show o..........In oda news...my wife Linda pls post the videos make we just take feed our amebo eyes and ears....the foto alone don tell the story finish....leave all the videos and fb post....we now know the truth
All these dirty girls that call themselves runs girls are just evil. Sometimes the men are not to blame becos these girls use jazz to trap the weak men. Its no longer a secret, jazz is sold everywhere, in d market, motor parks sometimes they jst walk up to u and ask if ur interested in buying. So if ur married, engaged or even in a serious relationship, the only way to keep your man is by firing prayers. And also encourage your man to be prayerful too. Prayer is key cos their are a lot of desperate girls that can take ur man with a snap of their fingers.
This man may be under a spell. I'm beginning to pity him after reading his bbm to his wife. I mean which man in his right senses will dump his pregnant wife for an old woman. The man need serious prayers n deliverance.
Na wa, did Solomon either wanted to rip-off Uloma and it back fired on him, because i know of a guy who did the same thing to girl, reason he said that the girl was rich and was proving stubborn to get, wanted only marriage before she can accept a guy and this guy played along and arranged guys as family members and convinced the lady parents and after he has gotten the lady and he accosted , but it not a good ideal at all.
You be devil
I think Linda should also talk to Uloma or Solomon if possible so we can have balanced judgement.
Wise talk.
Ndi igbo si nawa for WAEC
solomon meant end up single at old age @Linda i dont want to believe that you dont want to say anything concerning solomons first wife Ezinne....dose your silence means the story is not true..speak up Linda, (according to you solomon is lillian first love, is she his first love) i want to be sure Lillian is not reaping what she has sow cos they said Lillian knew about her before she went ahead and marry him..country sister
Oga solo is unfair
Anon 7:34. Hey Dr. Phil / Blackberry expert, those are text messages and not BBMs. It wouldn't put the 'R' sign when it's been read. Feeling stupid now, no!?
D fact still remind dat man are heartless I have once fallen a victim,I dated a man for fours an never knew he was married wit kids,pls ladies try to investage ur man very well b4 marriage cos man dis days men can do an undo
Oh please! Sending a munched screen abt a convo wt someone called hon doesnt proove anything! She could have saved anybody's name on her phone as hun.
However, if it is really tru then i feel sad for the man. Maybe they jazzed him.lol
Correctional fluid!!ear is also right in a way!!handle d matter at hand and stop calling people names!english teaching monster
Wieso liebst du ihm?wenn ich darf frage
Sincerely, I think this is enough. Make we free these people now. Abeg :(
Sincerely, I think this is enough. Make we free these people now. Abeg :(
...u cld just ask ur friend n post it on ur blog *smh
Dear Linda, Accodin 2 som oda bloggers, Lilian isn't d 1st wife. A certain Ezinne is. Wow, wow, WOW! Dis is lik a fantasy thriller. Solo nd Lily didn't even hav problems accordin 2d mssges. Dis isn't normal. I knw som guys can be beasts but dis...? I dnt knw wat 2call it. I mean, a supposed educated guy, marryin 2 women in a church, a forbidden in Christianity, nd attemptin 2marry a 3rd without havin issues wit d 2nd? Der's mor 2dis dan meets d eye. Somtin's seriously wrng somwhr. Either Solo's due 4d psyche ward, or na jaz level. Dis is far 4rm normal.
Oops! Seems u are somehow having a beef with this lady @jae hehehehe easy o. We are watching
@Dlapikin,it's obvious he wore his previous wedding suit and tie *Floetry in Motion*
MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never content,its so sad, but can we see how beautiful uloma is, even with her messages, my God, do we ever deserve to be treated like this... Ds is just one of many rlshps n families with deceit, God save us!
Amen Oooooooo!...
Linda please upload d videos na
this Lilian is a bloody liar.. even though she has my sympathy her utterances just do not add up.. first if she talked with solomon on friday(the eve of the wedding) and they both live in port harcourt and knowing that the botched wedding took place in lagos(its 6hrs minimum by road from PH to lagos);where was she when she sent those phone text messages to solomon.. in lagos already or was she in Ph?? .. Secondly its a fact that if her relationship with solomon was rosy he wudnt have engaaged in this 2nd nefarious act of marrying another lady.. something is definitely wrong with the union ab initio!! thridly when u add the fact that several witnessees confessed that she was already on ground and contacted and stormed the wedding venue with a few police officers it so invariably means she was aware of what her husband planned to do and she was hell bent on disgracing him and the 'uloma' that day thus lending credence that all along it was never a rosy union.. Her failed move to cast her marriage as a rosy one leads one to suspect what other gory details is she leaving out? and after all this drama she has put up is anyone not asking the obvious follow-up question; what happens to the both of them (lilian and solomon)?? Obviously the marriage is doomed in its entirety as the man will try to leggally annul the marriage or simply go and do the traditional marriage with uloma which is still very much intune with customs in this clime if he so chooses... Goodlucj to the 3 of them as they have all had their 5minutes of shame!!!
Dont you know when you send text messages on Blackberry it only shows Delivered. Its only on BBM you see delivered and read. This is a text message not a BBM chat.
Reply her mail n dnt come hear to tell us dt Amanda mailed u. I knw its ds silly insultive Amanda R.wonder wat she told u fool...fr ur info,jobless is gay.so dnt bother toasting him
Sorry Lilian. I sympathize with u but don't believe ur story or ur marriage had problems but u didn't see that. U knew he was cheating on u and u say u had no marital problems. As at Fri u didn't know but u arrived Lagos from PH when? Sat?
I wld advise u stop d bad publicity cos it ain't doing u no good. Ur husband is gone from u and d publicity wild worsen things. Also d msg says delivered but none was read either by u or him.
Linda get d other side of d story
**I'm out***
I was at the scene that day when Lilian and Solomon were being interviewed by the police station. The police asked to see the messages on her phone, there were text messages and not BB messages. Text messages don't show if the message has been read or not, it only shows delivered. She was asked to print them out or so...And from all the uproar and noise of that day, I actually thought it was a member of the church that ran out to say they just discovered that some members of the family representatives were fake. Anyway, sounds better to hear they were fake cos I was beginning to wonder if Solomon's family was also involved in all of this. Poor them
Any prove,gist us if u v one pls.innocent until proven guilty
Touting a video is quite low Linda. Using other people's lives for your own entertainment. Whatever pays the bills eh? Harmless amebo is fine but you should know where to draw the line.
Linda there is more to the story try and speak with this man call solomon and the first wife call Ezinne PLEASE DON'T BE ONE WAY JUDGE.
Am tired of this drama jare abeg!
Busty girl? We've got good news for you here www.soladunn.blogspot.com
Bigamy and adultery thriving in our society,really sad situation.Solomon you need prayers and repentance.
Linda, get your facts right if you are really interested in her case.
She's Solomon's 2nd wife too!!
Its karma baby...
I'm still standing on my grounds that her approach to the matter was stupid.
Go to different blogs.
They are painting her as a husband snatcher.
Something that could have been settled 'codedly'.
Now, if the he-goat truly has a wife before marrying her,
she's fucking in for it.
Its a text not a ping it'l only show a D
Of topic, but isnt dat 2nd pix taken in NNSS borikiri?
Lyk serzly...
Lyk serzly
Can u read the whole thing again? I mean really read it, or get someone sharp 2 read and explain it 2 u.
*eyes rollin*
Its a txt msg nt bbm @anonymous 7:34pm. Thank me ltr
That man is an animal!!! Men are so wicked! Ahahnnnn!y
When some of us were saying hailing mercy Johnson then was allowing her to set a precedence. See now, bisi ibidapo obe, foluke ass daramola, k solo and now this animal..... thank God the wife was able to get to the venue. Odi wife tried to stop mercy marrying her husband but mercy rubbed it in her face.....for once naijas to be true to themselves
You be fool,if You get eyes @all,You go know say na number thirty something You dey!
Ole buruku!!! Ahahnnn!!! I'm short of words...
One reason I read this blog ever so often: EXEMPLARY HIGH SENSE OF ETHICS! Unlike some other gossip-mongers’ blogs… You can guess a few!
Linda! your own tatafo no get rival. But hope you took permission from the wifey before munching and posting her private text messages here sha, if not you go get case to answer o.
Hi Linda, all these stuffs re sounding like a movie script. Are you sure that they will not end up telling us that all these were part of a movie....watching
How did God fite for lilian? She disgraced her husby openly,she's husbandless nw.
Solomon nor mind dem jare! U nah Bad Guy, u Just dey chop dem 1 by 1 n dem wan die der even with Ur wowo face, but u broke d golden rule of us players---"dnt put a ring on "she" dat u intend to fling.......
Unfortunately for u and fat lilian,uloma gets d solomon,any girl who can act like uloma did on saturday definitely beats up her husband at home..
Bonario say d truth n shame d devil,stop siding Solomon cos u r a guy
Woman na dem dey do dere fellow woman. D lady is d one u guys should blame 4 all dis. solomon was guilty 2 , but d lady uloma ws much guilty cos she knw very well dat he is married. B4 she accept 2 wed him she must hv went 2 his village , met his relatives and friends . 4 me woman na dem dey do dere fellow woman. Did u knw d one lilian did b4 now . Everyone has come here and calling solomon names . Woman should change dere ways . Let all matured women start given dera younger girls adivce or dis will surely continue
Linda, d way u r reportn dis story shows u playn stooge to lilian. Anyways, since she contacted u before d incident I can safely conclude u either bein loyal or der is some level of relationship btw u two. Now my question for u...u have lilians number and news flyin around says Solomon has another wife ( sure u aware of the gist), can u pls use ur honorable office to debunk/ confirm this frm lilian?...also is der a way you cld get in touch wt lilian and solomon or atleast get some gist frm der 'camp' say close friends/ relatives n pls report it as it is so we viewers can make a judgement/conclusion frm it, thanks. I know its ur blog n u av d right to do as u wish....bt rmbr I contribute half of my monthly MB to accessin dis web (visit it like hourly, am actually one of d reasons behind ur highly quoted statistics#multiplevisits) ...lol, bt I stl admire ur cute face n bold personality. Enof grammer...linda post my comment o....thanks
Linda, I love the way you keep us updated on this case. To start with, why did the church say Uloma was never aware that Solomon was married meanwhile Uloma has had an encounter with Lilian? Did the church not investigate properly? What's wrong with the marriage counselling unit of the church? Why did the church have to get involved in this mess? Bottom line of this is that Solomon and Uloma lied!! Imagine what the outcome of two liars who want to lie their way into marriage will be. It's only sad that Lilian is going through this while she's pregnant. It's a shame on Solomon, a fool at his age is a degraded fool forever.
Spill what exactly? Did you read what he posted on his fb pg yesterday or so? Plus SDK posted that he has been bragging about how popular he has become and how he would have hammered!
Since Lilian was not the first wife, and since she married an already married man, I have no pity for her. Lilian knew Solomon was married to Ezinne before she married him. The yoruba adage only came to pass. Nonsense
They are text messages(sms) and not BBM messages, hence u only get a delivery(d) report not a read(r) report
This guy is finished in the Movie industry. Nobody will go and watch any movie he features in. I am a guy and I find what he has done extremely wicked, bad, etc. This guy is dangerous.
Wat is dis kidodo saying??? What reason is ever good enuff 4 waat he did??? Abeg shattap
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