Ibori pleaded guilty to the 10 count charge of stealing, money laundering and corruption because as an elder statesman and patriotic Nigerian, it was in the best interest of the country that its name gets saved the embarassment of a long court process that’d have had the country’s name bandied for the wrong reasons in a foreign court.What a dumb excuse...next pls!!!
Do you believe that?
O dumb gan!!! Who are dey trying to manage.... **rme. Pls unto the next jist abeg, no time for iranu
I just love seeing that picture. How the mighty have fallen.
Just a matter of time LUCKY IGBINEDION will be singing the same tune. Greedy Bastards
What a sorry excuse ! Udoamaka and Co plus ibori...una see una life....I saw her in Nigeria last month parading her ill gotten gains. Obviously the prison and uk government have let her out. May they rot for all the money they stole which could have helped to save a life.
looooooool......this dude's a clown. He should be sent to Belmarsh...
yeye.....am sorry for you sir.
I don't blame Tony or whatever he calls his name, he is being paid by Ibori to say such things but Nigerians are not Dumb to believe that Ibori was innocent but pleaded guilty....Abeg Tony go sit down for dustbin!!!
eya****tnk u sir****lol
His media assistant ought to be flogged violently as well...
Nigerians don't need any interpretation from the media assistant to James Ibori, Mr Tony Eluemunor, to explaine what Ibori said in London court on Monday. To Mr. Eluemunor do whatever you are paid to do properly, there is no gain fooling yourself by lying. Ibori might not be guilty in Asaba court, but in London court he is. Tony Eluemunor, the media aid to Ibori should know that a friend to a thief is a thief. Brids of same feathers flock together. What I see about this case is nemesis. The wheel is begining to turn and every thief like Ibori, pretending to love Nigeria but doing otherwise by stealing her resources blind would be caught one day, for hundred years for the thief but one day to the owner.
The wind has blown, the back of the fowl has been exposed. Ibori is a thief; self confessed thief for that matter. He along Tony Eluemunor should bury their heads in shame.
Lindiwe, thanks. You too much jor....twale.
Do dey think Nigerians are fools or wot!
I just bow oh!
Na God catch am sha!
Next pls....
Totally illiterate assistant. What å shame!!!!
Linda,I see sense in what d media assistant says, although the verdict won't be different but alotta dirt would av already been dugged up and also lotsa embarrassing mess about d country told which may likely incriminate him d more....my totz
na me be goat, lol
Embarrasment ni, embarrasment ko....wait o, this dude luks lyk PETER BUNOR.
As in major next!! Him pleading guilty or not,foreigners already hv d bad image about nigeria so dis wnt change nythin!!!he should rot in jail
His very stupid. Save Nigerians the embarrassment? The whole world knows now (eyes rolling) that we are theives! We like it or not, this is going to rub off on every Nigerian living abroad or the hard working Nigerian going abroad. I hate introducing myself as a Nigerian because. The first impression is here comes another fraudulent Nigerian. You cant go shopping without them looking at you as a theif. Trust me, these oyinbos know Nigerians, when they see one. With our loud and uncultured carriage. To hell with James Ibori! and his cohorts
What a shame.
<1>wat a huge shame.
Elder stateman my foot,patrotic citizen my ass.Pleaded guilty to save Nigeria embarassment.What a load of crap.
The most embarrasing thing is dat in Nig a petty criminal like Ibori cld bcum a govnr.That is what I call disgrace.
They all mad ni...bunch of motherfuckers!tell your children and grandchildren that shit.
*yimu* look at the mugshot, who would have thought that man was living in lots of luxury.Oo
What a pity! Such a lame excuse. Ibori's case should serve as deterrent to other public and private servants. When the long arm of the law catches up with you, there would be no hiding place or a Special Assistant to talk rubbish!
Do u know this thief of a man just denied pleading guilty ibori thieffffffffffffffffffffffffff, barawoooooooooooooooooooo, oleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, u r big thief, anywhere u r seen n naija after ur sentence u shd be stoned to death, u r a wicked man, all those properties for u alone, ha may u never know peace as u have murdered joy may u be always sad, look at my country, look @ my people suffering because of our useless leaders, our destinies wl never forgive u people, our ancestors wl be shaking n their graves for nuisances that u people have become, may God punish u odidirigbogbo or whatever ur useless name is called Iboriiiiiii thiefffffffffffffffffffffffffff, see houses, exclusive apartments, see cars how many do u want to ride @ once rivers boy? how many rooms do u want to sleep in one day, as u r buying for ur families you are buying for girlfriends, useless man wt mouth odour nonsense and to the rest of the thieves ur days r numbered, if man does not catch u God Almighty wl surely deal wt u all
Yeah rit. Just like he tot about Nigeria before stealing. The He-goat even stole from Nigerians so what the heck is this all about????** Omo ole ifo!
Would you just imagine that? Does this mean he is claiming innocence?
Make I hear word joo! when did he ever do anything in anyones interest aside from his own. The mistress is already in jail so it is a done deal, and he knows that
Don't mind them. Pleading guilty gets u a shorter sentence,all na scope.
Even in detention, he still has a media assistant. Na wa oh. Nigerian politicians are funnier than all our comedians put together. Can't imagine what was going through d mind of the so called media assistant to make such a statement.
So dumb!!!mtschewwwww....see saving face!hahahahahaha
Utmost crap!
Look at his Ugly face. Bastard! May he rot in Jail. I pray the rest of the Bastards who has brought Nigeria to her Knees suffer this kind of Humiliation too.
†ђξ guy must be as foolish & as corrupt as his paymaster. Next pls
LOL @ yimz.
Thıs ıs d most dumb excuse ı v ever heard ın my entıre lıfe.(Longhıss)all man for hımself o.on to d next one jare.
We hear oh.well done Elder Ole Buruku
Eya, that's nice of him. He should have volunteered to die for this crime he didn't commit na. That would have propelled him from saviour of his country to martyrdom. Next please.
This is the thing with politics. They get into it and forget there are some toes you don't step on. I wonder who he pissed off. I'm sure his own is peanuts compared to the many others in this country.
hmmm yimu jor but there are always two sides to every story and we only took one for it. all the same the evil that men do now live with them all thieves BEWARE!!!
Here we go again! Some punk trying to make us feel we're daft. So who's gonna sit his ugly butt in jail? Definitely not me. Lol
OMG.........very dumb indeed. and ow can he call Ibori an "elder statesman"?? Abeg.....on to the next one!!
Now he is trying to sound like a "messiah" undergoing temptation...
...Now we await the massive thanksgiving service that will grace his "glorious" return from his "desert experience"!
it s not enough that he stole so much money but to insult our intelligence? Tony,i no go beta for u and ur whole generation!
lets try him for murder and see if he will save the country's image. this is the most stupis ish i heard all year long. (newyorker)
LOOOOOOL'meanwhile @Madphury tweeted @Nobleigwe on valentine's day to tell him that @SenamiJI (James Ibori's mistress) got a Bentley as Valentine's day present (obviously from the man who's behind bars). JAIL HIM ALL YOU WANT.THE MAN REMAINS A BOSS.Respect jare. Y'all come here and vent and yimz'ma nigga is still balling BIG. That makes her number of cars 6 in total. lets not talk about her mad shoes,bags and jewellery.
Anuofia Tony Eluemunor shame on you....can u hear yourself..SHAME....who made him an elder statesman Ewu can beer
nor mind am...wen e de tiff 250 million dollars de stash for foreign accounts, e nor know say dem go look nigeria wan kind abi? see as e don de old. na d only thing why i like uk/american laws. if na naija naw, e for don go scot free de chop im millions. oya make e begin chop millions for uk cell; na? mschewww. public fund thief. infact thief thief dankoliko
Oju ole re
Na thief eyes be this.
You dey steal, I no dey steal.
You be thief, I no be thief.
You be robber, I no be robber.
You be armed robber, I no be armed robber.
He stole as expected of him by the Federal Government of Nigeria and does not want the Nigeria Government on trial for allowing him to steal.
Stealing by Government only illegal if you are caught. Learn from the best, IBB, not the Abacha route he took.
STEALING is natural for a LIAR
the guy must be on cheap drugs and gone mad!..its is only nigerians that lose their sanity when they are given money like sey dem curse them..fool!
Thanks for being this patriotic our dear benevolent king james, beloved of his people. What happened, u look mouse trapped.
Hmm... Awa ni STUPID!!!
Am even ashamed t̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇ look at his eyes, was he ever a Governor? Well seem like a truck driver caught with hard drugs
Such a foolish old man
Na today? E don tey when nyansh get divide. Ibori patriotic? Then the Pope must be black in complexion. Not want Nigeria's name rubbished in a possible long trial involving him(Ibori)? Come on, whose fooling who really. As if he cares. Abegi! Tell that to the birds o jare.
Am so sad really sad.. Hw can one man steal up to dat obscene amount of money? While his subjects die of hunger.. We need revolution in Nigeria.. Look at d libyans, Eyptians and my all time favourite JK ROWLINGS.. Where r d BOKO HARM bois? They should target dese bastards even our so called bad uni bois.. BH bois should stop kiln the innocent people and face d real culprits who made most of us look stupid in d global community..
It kills me.. Cos when u look at the governors who perform, it shows u dat Nigeria has enough resources to compete wiv d west in terms of structural developments and all.. The British just realised IBori has dat amount of money in their bank, is he d only one? Hw abt d rest.. Only nigerians can liberate themselves.. BHaram pls reconsider ur strategy and wipe dese fools out once d for all..
Before d emergence of d revolution, all dese politicians will die before time. Calamities will permanently reign in their homes.. Their children will disappoint them and end up as vagabonds.. Most people in Nigeria r either Christians or Muslims yet wickedness di too much.. Who is gonna stop all dese? U and I.. Dese politicans will die prolonged painful and shameful deaths.. Fashola, Akpabio and Rochas noni... Una dey try..
He has to earn his salary(not interested)
This mugshot --------.PRICELESS !!!!!!!!
Thank you for saving us the embarrassment sir; you're most kind. Could you please also save us public money by committing Seppuku (honor suicide)? Our gratitude will know no end.
Patriotic kwa? Anu ofia, rubbish person, i hope he rots in that jail o, shouldnt even come home. as for his yeye assistant, he should not allow angry Niger Delta boys to catch him o, ozu nwuru anwu!! e go soon reach Igbinedion own sef, all of them.
i think a special place in hell should be made for these peeps shaa.
Next pls!!
the writer is def sick. smh
yimu what a fool
hardly, Ibori pleaded guilty to save himself; the evidence against him was overwhelming.
Mate ur just being paranoid!!some oyibos have d sense to think not evryone is like that dood! Ur insulting their intelligence or shud I say half of my blood
Wetin be this 'YIMU' sef?
LMAO.U r such a meanie.
@Holuwasheyee. Nice to hear from u. Long time.
Indeed, he don see mugu. so it it was death penalty, he would plead guilty?? it's his kids i pity, dad,mum,auntie, uncle lawyer & mistress all jailbirds...
A lie lives a short life, but the truth lives forever. I Hope this warns future public office holders...
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