The reality star, who was at The London Hotel in West Hollywood to promote her new perfume line, was ushered into a private room where she cleaned herself up and opted to go back to the event. The Asian woman was arrested and later released after Kim decided not to press charges.
What Kim told E! Online after the incident:
That probably is the craziest, unexpected, weird thing that ever happened to me. Like I said to my makeup artist, I wanted more powder and that's a whole lot of translucent powder right there.Photo of her attacker when you continue...
LOL :) Serves Kim right!
wooooooow......lwkmd.....wetin she come do dis woman or anyone that warrants this embarrasment......hahaha
I can't believe I'm saying this, but this has totally raised my respect to Kim Kardashian to the roof. The silly woman just turn Kim into a sweet saint.
I know some bad belles are going to be insinuating that it was all planned for publicity sha oh
That's just wrong....she shouda pressed charges.
Omg! It cud ve bin Acid!!!! Kim is so humble, buh she shudda pressed charges! Haba!
Bad belle Asian Woman
All these celebrities can do anything to get media attention....she is trying to get her way into the UK market properly....
She is a good business woman!!!
nt fair,sorry Kim and tanks for nt pressing charges.
Hp it's not a publicity stunt.
lol.......made a good laugh for the weekend . Hopefully this will make her and her family go away
ENOUGH ALREADY ...... talentless bunch
Serves her right.Shld hv bn acid.
Very mean.she does nt deserve it,nobody does.Btw linda u slacking.read this on Eonline around 7am.
God forgive u.hope u dont get what u wish for others.careful there,there s power in the tongue
Get educated! It was probably in retaliation for the allegations against the Kardashians using under aged Asian kids for labour in their clothing line factories.
wow kim what did you do that people are hating you like this? anyway sorry about that.The woman want to be noticed.
Hey, Guys. What's the beef against Kim. She's really smart. She makes money by doing what she loves- dress up. If we all could make money by doing what we love!
Ermmmmm I think Kim deserves this
for those sayin it serves he rite,,,,wat has she done to u personally,,,,why r u guys hatin on her hustle,,,,y'all shud go get a life cuz she works hard to get wat she owns and remember ur hate has zero effect on her.....Godbless
illumi??? lips r sealed.. wetin d woman dey cover? why one eye? hmm is okay?... *grabs popcorn**
May be them don take their boy friend!!!!!!! U never no o!
why flour? den de craze together...all na step jur...after all if u cant dazzle them with brilliance, u baffle them with bullshit
I feel sorry for Kim. She sweet oh, that woman shld be in Jail.
If you guys know how much, Kim Kardashian is hated by many, you won't be putting your supportive comments. When this news is on Yahoo, I can't wait to read the funny comments
What's her offence nah? D woman just dey beef...Bad belle pple
Only God knows what must have made that woman perpetrate that. What has Kim done to deserve this? Reminds me of how someone threw shoe at President Bush when he was on a visit to a Mid East Country. I love KIM's discretion!
Sowi Kim,don't mind haters praying they wish it was acid.since they know acid,acid will visit them.any bloody person dat try to insult me ,let that person ancestors shave him/her pubic hair wit blunt knife.
NA ARRANGIE JO. any thing to remain relevant in the press. we will see how long this reality family will last.
clear case of beef,,,,,,,
Stupid haterz, wish har bad, and u2 will get concntrated acid bath!!#FOOLZ
Hehehe. Very funny. Like someone said, if only she and her people would just go away already. I watched her show the other day, just to see what it was she said that husband of hers did to her that made her divorce him. And it was clear that even in the editing they tried to make the guy look bad. Unfortunately, she was the one who came across as fake and flighty. Psst. I'm here talking. Maybe this is even another stunt to get sympathy. *sigh*
people keep saying Kim is hated by many, so who are the millions following her on twitter, and all the people scrreaming and following her like bees on honey.
i think kim is making the most of her publicity .
but my respect for her actually just soared with this incident, haters will keep on hating.
hate or love, you just cant ignore the kardashians.
sorry Kim the super star u love urself 2 much am sure it serves u well so that u can stick to one place stop being everywhere,lol
9jas so naive...she's got a perfume to plug..her public image has been bad..this makes her look like a saint...and more publicity for the perfume you all probs were unaware of!!..
Think if that was a real intruder she wouldn't press charges??..she's clever she how she made u all look like dummies!!
Wait oh. What exactly did kim k do to deserve hate. And for a poster to say it should have been acid that just raises huge questions. What if that posters. Mum was bathed in acid will that be totally ok.
Kim k has not hurt anyone. Yes I don't watch her show but am still amazed at how someone can do all this and still be on top. She has my respect. That hate was just too much.
I now officially love kim K
ha aha ha...linda. i just saw dis on Yahoo and the british comments are so hilarious..good job putting this on your blog.
Some people might associate this with Illuminatic (i hope i get the spelling correctly?)
media takeout linda u dey try sha! hailings
d king
This is what i called publicity, thank heaven this is not acid.
And even if that's the case I guess in ur opinion assaulting her with flour is the right way to go about it? Issokay.
Dem for pour her shit like wetin happen for Omo Ghetto by Funke Akindele.
You are dumb. Bb
You're an olodo. F9 for u. So because she is hated by many we should join the band wagon and hate her, just cos other people hate her?
And even if that's the case I guess in ur opinion assaulting her with flour is the right way to go about it? Issokay.
Yes. It will be acid. But after someone has poured it on u and ur picture is on LIB and ur soliciting for funds to go for surgery. Bloody idiot.
dt ignorant fool that said it shud have been acid,i hope u get acid poured on u...wat did kim ever do 2 u,some comments shud nt be published linda,so much hate sometimes it's sickening
It's about time...get the Kardarshian's and their lame, clueless, good-for-nothing, SOB's out of our lives & tv screen. Enuff already!
that woman deserves an award...for thrashing this skank hoe Kim!!!
Abegiiiiiiii. She didn't press charges because it was staged for PR. You guys don't even know the length celebs go to remain in the news...
All na PR abeg.
So if people hate her nko? Dose pple wld die if dey had a chance 2 meet ha nd bsides I tink dey ve nthin 2 do wit their time bt jst hating. Abeg jor d lady makes mney off wat she luvs . Fashion. Abeg I like d kardashisns. Hater jump in2 d fiery notions of hell cos dey dnt gve a fuck.
How would we have heard she was promoting her perf if she didn't do something that drastic? Wake up Guys, it's just a cheap publicity stunt. Sickening really
some crazy shit! maybe kim offended her somehow or out of plain jealousy she just wanted to humilate kim.
doubt it being a publicity stunt. she's way past dat.
matured move not pressing charges. sorry kk!
PR Stunt, no? There is nothing The Kardashians wont do for publicity
PR stunt. After her marriage broke down,she automatically went from d loving kim we all watch on KUWTK to a fame whore. People began to despise her. This looks to me like a PR stunt so she could get back to being d kimmie d world loves. Her decison not to press charges is just to get into our heads again. I for one,won't be fooled by this her mother thereasa act. No way KMT.
I guess I appreciate the way she took the issue. That's great level of emotional intelligence. Kim Pele
publicity stunt
where were r guards when this was going to happen?
trying to gain sympathy from her previous madness and at d same time for people to patronise her fragrance
Am sure its all a stunt & am not fooled...am very sure kim hired her for the job, she needed it to boost her good social credibility...think y'all what can't the kardashians girls do!
Unfortunately, with the Kardashians, there are very few unplanned accidents.
I hope it is not a publicity stunt, but it is , a brilliant one. Nicely set up to turn public sympathy but to her.
Guess I am a cynic. her management group are quite devious. Anyway, kpelle sha. press charges
Publicity stunts.... if you ask me. Cant get anything passed Kim's mum.
@ anon 3:54, all of your family will be bathed in Acid, even your future generations, olosi, oloriburuku, omo ale jati jati, akoshi bero, ahn such evil, wishing acid bath on someone that has never don anthing to you personally is despicable. that was how some lunatic on fb said she was going to kick kourtney's tommy and make her miscarry, are you people ok? as in what goes on in your fucked up head......? These ppl saw an opportunity and the are using it the best way possible, if you say Kim is running a sweat shop in Asia, do you have proof of that, at least she is employing thousands of people, whose life have you made better in your entire miserable sad life. As far as I'm concerned these people are working very hard for their money and not waiting for any Aristo to give the contracts, which can't be said for the likes of you!!!
Publicity stunts.... if you ask me. Cant get anything passed Kim's mum.
Too much grammer, Oga Bamidele!!
Pls speak what we can understand
ppl are very crazy and sad! You pour flour on her wait and see what God will pour on you! Senseless things! how do you treat a human beign you know nothing about like that!
It shall be well
Wether u hate or like her she doesn't even know.So haters don't kill urselbes.
i have a feeling kim paid this woman to do this, so that she can stay in the lime light, people do crazy things like this to stay relevant.
BUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh It ain't right but LLLLLLLLLLLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OHMYGOOOOOOOODDDDDDD! This woman did what most folks in America would love to do to this scourge of the earth of a woman BUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhLWKMDooooooooooooooooooooooo IF she doesn't know now that her 15 minutes is on it's last second then she is a bigger fool than I thought!
@ Bamidele - a shoe was thrown at Bush because of his international policies in the Middle East. The throwing of shoes in M.E. is a sign of insult and disrespect. I think the flour was probably thrown on KK because of the factories making her cheap junk where they are probably underpaid and maybe be the woman is just sick of seeing her on TV LOL.
Haters of kim k,,sayin she got no talent,,God has given her talent which is beauty nd knoin hw 2 go abt it...i§ it easy bin endorsed wit millions of dollars ,J̅ust 4 beauty??? Beauty is a gift...kim k wll make millions cos of di§,anytin she touches turns gold lol...
I can bet you that this is a publicity stunt!!! booooo u KIM!
Amen Pastor Amen.I jst wnt d bitch to go away,dats all.
Very funny! e kpele oh kim k!
Sorry o Kim.....Oush!!!!! That's the price of fame for you,those that will love you will love you and those that will hate you will pour flour on you. I still suspect that her mum sha,She can do anything for a Headline.
This one wey u vex so dey curse people,u be Kardashian?Or abi na 2geda u na dey chop d mny.Mumu.Weeping more than d bereaved.U r no better than d prsn who wished Kim was bathed in acid.Bcoz u also wished same 4 dat prsn n their whl family.
Let's be careful wat we wish upon odas.
For those of u wishing it was acid not flour poured on her, may the same be ur portion, evil pple!!!
For those of u wishing it was acid not flour poured on her, may the same be ur portion, evil pple!!!
Bout time.
Then again knowing the Kardashians, it might have all been staged to bring up their TV ratings which fell after Kim's divorce request.
aahh! illuminati...kim is in trouble
U idiot,beauty is nt a talent.Talent is a skill,a special ability.
D reason why pple hate her mostly is bcoz of her infamous sex tape.The only talent Kim has is posing naked which is actually degrading fr any ryt thinking prsn.
Different dumb people sha...
First set of dumb people--- those who sed she deserves it...dats y u will never get to where she's bin, na me talk am
2nd set...those who sed its PR stunt...smh for una.
3rd set...those two fools who sed it shulda been acid/ shit... E FIT BE U O..
4th and my personal favorite...includes just one person...dat numb skull dat sed it is Illuminati...may u never remain dumb IJN. Say amen!
Wow.... why re u ppl full of hatered, wishing a human being like u to be bath with acid. may god ve mercy on ur soul.
Wat has she done wrong? Re marriage brake down so wat is d big deal, was she d only one in d marriage? No. wat about kris
so want her to stay unhappy to please d public. so many women re losing their life every day in silent.
U all saying she got no talent, dis lady is a real business woman. if all ur nollwood actress can hursle like Kim rather dan sleeing around like a dog.
On 15mins fame/staging dis up, Kim is still relivant as far i know n even some Caleb dishing her in interview re using her name to gt attention.
@annoy 7.49 stop bn a fool, d London hotel is in American not here in London she's already break d market in Britain. her perfume is hot cake in west end n it smell great. i remember wen she came to London last yr to lunch her perfume in debenhams oxford st it was sold out n d queu was crazy. shes not d only one unlucky in love not will be d last . go sougth ur own life out.
Leave Kim alone n get a life... peace
Kim KarTRASHian -___-
Hmmmm, are U̶̲̥̅̊ sure she didn't arrange the woman to give her this publicity that she's getting now, so she would appear like a saint afterall? Anyways sorry to her.
ashewo, I hear she is role model in Nigeria? lost people, una no see better person follow na KK? I wish na shit the asian woman pour on her biatch!
They already are....I don' t get why anyone should be hating on this chick. She is just trying to survive....
she and her mum planned the whole stunt just to get in the news
PR stunt, those people will do anything for attention! If this fails she will soon have a 20day marriage, at least she got a few more headlines from this.
Loool! Bin waitin 4 linda 2 post dis so I can laf! Yeah kim serves u right!!!buhahaha!
See this bush girl, something that happened in America, u're saying UK. Just because u heard London hotel u don conclude say na UK. Mschew, I must belong mentality
this are the kind of people corrupting the society they are celebrated prostitute this are interesting time anyway
for we the learned.....thie is called public relations
This is a publicity stunt after the 72 days marriage saga.Am not buying this.......shey be na kim!
Valerie God punish u.Na u n ur family go get dat kain bad luck.KK na ur sista?
Publicity stunts. Nansense. She paid d Asian lady jor.
She should just GO AWAY!!!.....
Itz crazy how there's always news that makes you laugh
i dont know why ppl always hate esp on ds blog. there is never a response to any publication without atleast 80 -90% hate kilode now. i love kim K. as far as am concerned she's working and making her cool cash n u r here just hating on her. she's got d looks, body and money so ride on girl. let ur haters go hug powered transformer. remember that all celebrities have one bad story or d other. so leave Kim alone o.
its a pity
hehehehehe...well,as much as i think this cud be some cheap publicity stunt, i love kim for just one thing n one thing only!: she makes a whole lot of money!!! everything else is arrant nonsense!
I am 100% indifferent about Kim but i will not wish her death or acid been poured on her that is not fair. *an adage in yoruba says-"ta ba bareni ja kise biti kaku" meaning if we are quarreling with someone it shouldn't be to wish the person death.
We are the ones promoting Kim, they need PR to strive in their biz whether fake or real. The more we talk the more their PR increases. If someone that has never heard of Kim visits this page and sees all these comments, d person will definitely want to know who she is but if there was only 1 or 2comments no one will bother!
That woman was so wrong for what she did. Thats assault, no matter how much u disapprove of someone you shouldnt go that far. And the people that call Kim and family talentless...well, they've made billions of dollars out of that lack of talent, makes you stop and think doesnt it?
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