What Amnesty International said about the movie:
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Amnesty International has extensively reported how spills of toxic crude oil from the operations of big oil companies, like Shell, have harmed people’s health and devastated their livelihoods in the Niger Delta. "BLACK NOVEMBER" brings vividly to life the terrible impact of oil company pollution and underscores the need to hold accountable the oil companies responsible.
WOW! Respect! Dat mumu Dbanj can like to tk a cue and stop kissing Kanye's ass up & down! Proud of the Amatas
I'm happy for Jeta. He is one of the very few notable directors we have in Nigeria. The rest are lazy and illiterates. Lol.
I hope we see his work get nominated for the Oscars. He deserves it!
Jeta Amata Movies= Where has been Hollywood go to die...
it has been shot already. it is a re-shoot of Black Gold as black gold was not that great.
Well done Jeta. Oga Zack will be so proud of u!! Nigerians are proud of u too.
Do I see an Oscar in the horizon?
Yes,I do!!!
THIS is a good example of pragmatic and diligent preparation before making a movie. Jeta always puts in hardwork to produce classics while most 'producers' wake up in d middle of d nite after having a horrible dream, gets together his neighbors to make his dream into a movie. Wat do we get at d end of d day? Pigshit, chickenshit and bullshit all in one movie. KEEP YA HEAD UP, Jeta!
Thumpss up jeta!
Good move. Atleast different from the norm then we will hear stella's review on it.lolz
A Thinking Nigerian...am proud of him.....when some director wants to prod a film for faggots, yeye man.
I"ll doff my cap for you Jeta if this eventually happen. What a good way to go.
Cool Jeta...Just come and pay back everyone u owe back in Naija.
All that running each time we met in LA wont work. ALL man get yankee visa, some of us self na green card and u know this from way back in Akoka.
Do the noble thing as ur money dey run interest u hear...
yea, thats sure the way to go jeta...spot on!
i like it wen people use their position in their respective discipline to do impactful stuff.
even the name of the movie sounds "bam" check now...'BLACK NOVEMBER'.u go like just see the movie.
unlike normal naija movies with their kponkilious names eg "i will die for u"
"who will tell the president"...(na me)
Wow, that sounds kinda nice. Not necessarily because of the film, though the focus is quite timely and important but because they are using notable names in Hollywood. Some may argue that Rourke and Basinger are no longer A list Hollywood acts but hey, we gotta start somewhere sometime attracting big names and now is as good a time as no other. Jeta, 7 big laudable gbozas for you. Soon Nollywood will have the likes of Brad Pitt and who knows Tom Cruise in our shores appearing for film roles. WONDERFUL!
Woah! That's really cool. Mickey is A-list not just some waka pass.
I remember them in 9 and a half weeks....
This guy dea try o! watch out for him. ME
Aww would watch this when it's out. Hope it's good.
Check out my latest post on http://payme-my2cents.blogspot.com
well done. This dude sure loves the word 'black' A LOT
well done my bro infact naija for life now this is what we are talking about not people like that ugly dbanj who would be runing up and down like mumu or gene who would be taking picture with them like mumu i hope both would learn that they don't have to run around these people!!!
Thumbs up Jeta, am proud of u.. Can't wait to see d movie.. Keep making us proud..
Oscars! Dream on
@ anonymous 2:14.....why call other directors illiterates? which one have you done? people have different skills and level o" education. don't be a critic jst hope and pray for nigeria to get better. smh
Mikey Rourke is not A list... He and Kim are low B , high C at best... Their A listing went away in the 90s
Come of it dude@Anonymous 04:05. Does it really matter that Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger ''may not'' be A list acts now? The point is that such successes are now appearing in Nollywood flicks and it says a lot of how much the sector's come. So Dude, be an encourager not a downer. How would you feel if someone attempts to reduce your hard works to just nothing by a scathing remark eh? Bet you'd be crying to your mama by now, right?
@anon 1;05
are they not better than using even british award winning artistes? mickey rouke is more of a bankable star any day of the week than for instance a british a list actor.
the only thing I'm scared of is the directing and continuity and attention to details these areas are where most of our movies fail woefully.it would have been better for jetta amata to hire b list director and be a co-director to give the movie a professional touch from those who do it best and for him to also understudy an hollywood director there is a lot we need to learn from even c list hoolywood artistes and directors
Mumu, Jetta is gon' pay those two 4 dr roles in d movie, whereas Kanye is d one paying D'banj 4 being on his label. So what's the basis of yur comparison. Olodo :p
Kudos to jeta Amata
lmao @ Anonymous 2:48. Mickey Roarke has found his way back into Hollywood's group of major actors so he's not really a has-been anymore. Anyway better we have Jeta Amata representing us internationally than Mo'hits.
Lucabracee you said; mickey rouke is more of a bankable star any day of the week than for instance a british a list actor
Are you sure? Is he better than these ones below?
Anthony Hopkins, Sean Connery, Chiwetal Ejiofor, Colin Firth, Orlando Bloom, Kenneth Branagh and Clive Owen.
WOW, this is huge!These are veteran hollywood actors!
...are you kidding me that they are not A-List.Just because they are not in every flick doesnt mean they are not A list.Mickey ROurke for pete sake was in 'The Wrestler'.He got a golden globe, a Bafta and an oscar nomination....Kim Bassinger has a golden globe and an OscarWhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
LWKMD, u wan tell us d guy de owe u? Abeg no disgrace him here ooooo. Lol
@anonymous 9.09am,why must disgrace jeta like dis now?im rotfwl.....ur comment took me back to a similar incident that occured btw two of my very god friends....lmaooo...whatever d case mayb jeta i say a big congrats to u and two thumbs up.
No be only Oscar, na Gbenga...
C'mon Linda, this is very old news. The film was actually premiered recently on 29th Feb in America. We are lovers of Nollywood, but from the history of this film it appears as if Jeta is trying hard to save his film, which has received very bad reveiws under the old title of Black Gold by adding a US set storyline that has enabled the reuniting of Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke. Quite a coup actually, but how much difference it makes we are unsure. We've seen it and its certainly not Oscar worthy.
this guy, if he's as talented as people say. shud try and shoot films with nigerians. i have watched some of his nigerian films, his directing is quite good but this hollywood thing i can't watch.
Why the hi fives...would you have said same..if he paraded some black artists!!..gosh..with all this supposed exposure..just cos una see some has been oyinbos see as people salivate...
I still respect his game just saying...
Some pple sef. Wat are u trying to say???
The movie was screened at the Library of Congress by US congress men in Washington on the 29th of February, my cousin who attended said the Nigerian cast lead by Mbong Amata and Eyinna Nwigwe put up stellar performances And sure looks Oscar deserving, hear Congress man Bobby Rush(Known as the only man to beat Obama in an election) said this was the most moving film he had seen in his life time.
Last night, the Library of Congress celebrated the final [extra!] day of Black History Month with a powerful screening of Jeta Amata's political film, Black November. Guests arrived Wednesday night to the Madison building to support the Nigerian director along with partner, Captain Hosa Wells Okunbo, members of congress, and a few of the leading actors including Vivica Fox, Mbong Amata and Enyinna Nwigwe. The night was hosted by Congressman Bobby L. Rush (D-Il) in addition to Amnesty International and the Congressional Black Caucus, but it was boxing promoter and the always politically active, Don King, who excited the crowd.
The night continued on to One Lounge as the cast and crew toasted to a successful night on the mall.
Black November recounts the true story of the Niger Delta community’s struggle against their own government and a multi-national oil corporation. The star-studded film features Oscar winner Kim Basinger, Oscar nominee Mickey Rourke, Anne Heche, Sarah Wayne Callies and Vivica Fox.
The Library of Congress celebrated a final – and extra – day of Black History Month Wednesday night with a powerful screening of Jeta Amata’s political film, Black November, the true story of the Niger Delta community’s struggle against their own government and a multi-national oil corporation.
A champion for the crowd and the cause, boxing promoter and political activist Don King led the charge as guests arrived at the LOC’s Madison building to meet the acclaimed Nigerian director along with partner, Captain Hosa Wells Okunbo. The night was hosted by Congressman Bobby L. Rush of Illinois in addition to Amnesty International and the Congressional Black Caucus, welcoming a handful of congressmen and a few of the leading actors including Vivica Fox, Mbong Amata and Enyinna Nwigwe.
The star-studded film, which features Oscar winner, Kim Basinger, and Oscar nominee, Mickey Rourke, alongside Anne Heche and Sarah Wayne Callies shined a light on the hardships Nigerians face due to massive spills and lack of government involvement.
Post screening, the mood lightened as the cast and crew’s toast to a successful night continued at Dupont’s One Lounge.
Ok, those arguing Mikey Rourke is 'A List', what movie has he released as the leading man that you actually paid money to go see?
This year, last year, this decade, last decade? Please don't say '9 1/2 weeks' cause you would have had to be over 18 back then to see it at the cinema.
That is what constitutes A List, no more, no less.
Mikey and Kim are great actors, but they are both has beens when it comes to leading a movie.
Are you kidding. Mickey is certainly back in the A list. Didn't he get nominated for an Oscar recently for "The Wrestler" and he's been in lots of A list hollywood films since then. As for Kim Basinger, she will ALWAYS be A list in my books. Nice one Jeta
Did Linda say anything about "A" or "B" list here? Bitter frustrated people, always trying to put down the good efforts of your own country men... God will judge you all.
Double thumbs up Jeta and co...more grease...
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