You were the lion of my history books, the leader of my nation when we faced extinction, the larger-than-life history come to, my life - living, breathing legend. But unlike the history books, you defied all preconceptions. You made me cry from laughter with your jokes, many irreverent. You awed me with your wisdom. You melted my heart with your kindness. Your impeccable manners made Prince Charming a living reality. Your fearlessness made you the man I dreamt of all my life and your total lack of seeking public approval before speaking your mind separated you from mere mortals.
More when you continue...
Every year that I spent with you was an adventure - no two days were the same. With you, I was finally able to soar on wings wider than the ocean. With you I was blessed with the best children God in heaven had to give. With you, I learnt to face the world without fear and learnt daily the things that matter most. Your disdain for money was novel - sometimes funny, other times quite alarming. It mattered not a whit to you. Your total dedication to your people - Ndi-Igbo - was so absolute that really, very little else mattered. You never craved anybody's praise as long as you believed that you were doing right and even in the face of utmost danger, you never relented from speaking truth to power - to you, what after all, was power? It was not that conferred by the gun, nor that stolen from the ballot box. No. You understood that power transcended all that. Power is the freedom to be true to yourself and to God, no matter the cost.
It is freedom from fear. It is freedom from bondage. It is freedom to seek the wellbeing of your people just because you love them. It is the ability to move a whole nation without a penny as inducement nor a gun to force them. When an entire nation can rise up for one person for no other reason than that they love him and know he is their leader - sans gun, money, official title or any strange paraphernalia - that is power.
To try to contain you in words is futile. You span the breadth of human experience - full of laughter, joy, kindness and sometimes, almost childlike in your ability to find something good in almost everyone and every situation. You could flare up at any injustice and in the next instant, sing military songs to the children. You could analyse a situation with incredible swiftness and accuracy. In any generation, there can only be one like you. You were that one star. You were a child of destiny, born for no other time than the one you found yourself in. Destined to lead your people at the time total extinction was staring us in the face. There was no one else. You gained nothing from it. You used all the resources you had just to wage a war of survival. You fought to keep us alive when we were being slaughtered like rams for no reason. Today, we find ourselves in the same situation but you are not here. You fought that we might live. The truth is finally coming out and even those who fought you now acknowledge that you had no choice. For your faithfulness, God kept you and brought you home to your people.
You loved Nigeria. You spent so much of your waking moments devising ways through which Nigeria could progress to Tai-Two!!! You were the eternal optimist, always hoping that one day, God will touch His people and give us one Vision and the diligence to work towards the dream. It never came to pass in your lifetime. Instead, the disaster you predicted if we continued on the same path has come home to roost. You always saw so clearly. Your words are indelibly preserved for this generation to read and learn and perhaps heed and turn. You always said the dry bones will rise again. But you always hoped we would not become the dry bones by our actions. Above all, you feared for your own people, crying out against the relentless oppression that has not ceased since the end of the war and saddened by the acceptance of this position by your own people. In death, you have awakened the spirit that we thought had died. Your people are finally waking up.
At home, you were the father any child would dream of having. At no point did our children have to wonder where you were. You were ever at their disposal, playing with them, teaching them of a bygone era, teaching them of the world they live in and giving them the total security of knowing you were always present.
In mercy, God gave me a year to prepare for the inevitable. I could never have survived an instant departure. In mercy, God ensured that your final week on earth was spent only with me and that on your last day, you were back to your old self. I cannot but thank God for the joy of that final day - the jokes, the laughter, the songs. It was a lifetime packed into a few hours, filled with hope that many tomorrows would follow and that we would be home for Christmas. You deceived me. You were so emphatic that we would be going home. I did not know you meant a different home. The swiftness of your departure remains shocking to me. You left on the day I least expected. But I cannot fight God. He owns your life and mine. I know that God called you home because every other time it seemed you were at death's door, you fought like the lion that God made you and always prevailed. In my eyes, even death was no match for you. But who can say 'no' to the Almighty God? You walked away with Him, going away with such peace that I can only bow to God's sovereignty. Your people have remembered. The warrior of our land has gone. The flags are lowered in your honour. Our hearts are laden with grief.
But I will trust that the living God who gave you to me will look after me and our children. Through my sadness, the memories will always shine bright and beautiful. Adieu, my love, my husband, my lion, Ikemba, Amuma na Egbe Igwe, Odenigbo Ngwo. Eze-Igbo Gburugburu, Ibu dike. Chukwu gozie gi, Chukwu debe gi. Anyi ga afu na omesia.
Awww so touching
WOW....Well thought and written.
I always envied this woman right here; Her bravery and her luck.
I also always defend her when people around me criticize her marriage.
If there is an afterlife I'm sure Ojukwu would be smiling wherever he is right now.
Beautiful. Gives an insight to what their relationship was like, what a lot of people on the outside may never understand.
Wow, very touching.....very wise woman. She learnt a lot from him. May he rest in peace
Deep; Beautiful!
Not many Nigerian women can write about their husbands like this. Not many marriages can see 23 years and still be described like this, what this people share is between them too deep for another to understand. God be ur strength Bianca, it is well.
she's beautiful
Wow! vey well written...may God be with her and her family..Amen.
photo-op...it all seems scripted and phoney to me...i dont feel the "realness" in her words...but then again maybe its just me
Chai! Honesly, although this was a polygamous union, Bianca truly loved him. She was (and still is) VERY beautiful, was young, intelligent, from a wealthy home and coulda had any man she wanted...yet she chose Ojukwu. Most people still don't get it...but i guess they do.
Linda, can see you are still on u.s time..lol
I hope the souls of the hundreds of thousands of children from Eastern Nigeria who died at the alter of fulfilling Ojukwu's ambition will finally find peace.
I also hope the souls of all those brave men who foolishly followed Ojukwu into battle believing his call that even the grass would fight for Biafra will finally find peace.
Nigeria is an interesting country, perhaps the only one in the world where criminals are glorified as leaders, and true leaders are vilified as criminals.
The ever beautiful Bianca, I bow at the fitting tribute written here! I have read it several times, and each time the words get to my heart. I remember when it was such a scandal in my childhood when the beautiful Bianca was marrying Ojukwu, folks couldnt understand, her father CC Onoh, former gov was rich, so it wasnt money, and Nigeria had a hard time seeing the love. Yet they withstood the talks, and raised 3 kids together.
We can only imagine what their marriage was like, to still be able to eloquently express her deep respect and love for such a great man.
Few Nigerians outside of those affected by the war, are even aware of the causes of the war, and what it was all about. They think it was about being a radical and trying to secede,far from it.
Even in mourning gowns, she's still so elegant, and a beauty. God will indeed protect her and her children.
She is one Nigerian ex beauty queen I totally respect and admire!!!! Being Ojukwu's wife na small tng?! That's Ibos personified!!!
Take heart pretty. U r still so beautiful, wowww!!
Bianca, indeed it is well.. My eyes r full of tears, even my little daughter at ds time is trying to clean me up.. May d good lord grant u d fortitude to bear ds irreparable loss.. Adieu Ikemba..
Very deep, very sincere, very moving! He wass a true colossus and had a true queen to boot! Rest in Peace, warrior!! You kept the flag flying till the end!
Awwwwwww so touching.very deep
Who will write dis 4 any nigeria ruler. I feel like crying, touching
Who will write dis 4 any nigeria ruler. I feel like crying, touching
Awwww so touching! May his soul rest in perfect peace. Eze ndi Igbo!
23yrs is nt 23days what a great loss am so touched by dis words, its Really a challenge to me to show extra love to my wife, so dat she and my kids will b proud of me someday, sir Ojukwu u ar indeed a hero, lion, and d king of mortals in Africa. Leonard Odinga.
This is the first time I'll ever comment on a blog but I must this time,This was so so beautiful,I've been crying and am still crying,u can feel the love she felt for this Man,in every word,every line,in th
i'm so touched!
Beautifully written. Bianca GOD will grant u d fortitude to bear his absence.
I have ignorantly question this union in the past, but with this tribute, I have learnt one important lesson in life, To follow my heart in whateva I am doing, it doesn't matter if people are showing dissatival..so far you are happy, it's alright,. I trust your husband is resting well Bianca, he deserve it.
First time I'll ever comment on a blog,I've been crying since I read dis tribute,u can feel the love from her words,every line,every fond memories,She really loved this man wit body and Soul,Imagine the difference in Age and there's a love this strong that exist,It is well wit you Bianca,God will see your kids thru this period and for you God will provide that peace which surpasses all understanding. Ikemba Rest in Peace,May Gods bussom cover you and may you find perfect Peace.
Oh bianca aw sad I am for u and share ur grief, may God see u thru this horrible time
Wow this is deep and very touching they shared and felt things no one else could have been able to describe
Wooow ...I got goose bumps readin this...
No b bianca write am, na one guy write am on his bhalf. Na lady u con trust 2 dat extnt. Dey re senseless animal. They can marry a dog at it oldage if the dog gt money.
May God give Bianca and her family the fortitude to bear d loss,and may Odumegwu Ojukwu's soul rest in perfect peace! Amen
I cried whike reading this...smh a great hero he was
Wow her face and the tribute is jux so beautiful....May God be with you
It is well. Although i never liked Ojukwu that much BUT i don't hate him either . . . Rest Well. God be with you Bianca!
So deep and passionate from a woman I have so much love and respect for to a man I adore and revere. My favourite quote is:
"When an entire nation can rise up for one person for no other reason than that they love him and know he is their leader - sans gun, money, official title or any strange paraphernalia - that is power"
Ojukwu is a Legend and an enigma and even though I was born post-civil war, I am so privileged to later know this great man before he died cos generations from now his story will be told to children just like Alexander d Great, Julius Caeser, Pompey,Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington etc.
Despite d controversies, misconceptions and misinformation abt dis great man I'm consoled dat at death people have come to realise that indeed he stood for truth, equality, justice and fairness for all Nigerians especially Ndi Igbo.
- JesseO
Eze Igbo gburugburu must have been more than we thought he was. More gentle, romantic, infact an all round awesome man. Even I could never be half the man he was. God truly made him the only one in his generation. Bianca sure was his type & for that she earns my respect. God speed king of Igbos! God speed Eze Igbo gburugburu!! God speed great visionary!!! Your legend is cast for all time.
All heros needs there wife to be what thay want to be and he is realy blass by a loving and blessd wife
I hope she told him all that when he was alive. We should express kind words to people when they are with us
So touching, Beautiful Bianca Almighty GOD will take care of you and your children. Take heart.
This was written by a speechwriter..its quite obvious...all the same RIP Ojukwu...even tho he abandoned his people at the end sof the war and ran away..after almost one million of then had died
Ikemba RIP
R.I.P Ojukwu
Hmmh... Patience can write about Jonathan in better English than this.
Wow!! This is so well written that I am tempted to think that it is Ikemba himself, the Oxford graduate, who wrote this while he was still alive. However as someone has rightly pointed out, Bianca did learn a lot from the fountain of knowledge and wisdom embodied in Eze Igbo Gburugburu.
A masterpiece penned down by a gazelle meant for a lion..
Awww,dis is so touchin. I pray God continues to protect and provide for her.
touching and sweet,R.I.P ikemba
wow this is beautiful :) thank you mam for sharing and RIP Sir the struggle still continues and the revolution will be televised and heard!!
Even those of us who didn't care much 4 d Man cos we never really learnt much about him, after reading dis... This is extremely touching, u get to hv an insight who dis Man truely was. Its painful that he got better then died! That's heartbreaking but he left wit d hightest Ovation! RIP Sir.
Bianca is such an admirable Woman! Not many Women in her shoes wud hv stayed thru their marriage! And to think she's Scandal Free! Not many ex-Beauty Queens we know are scandal free and dis has nothing to do wit d Man Bianca married, its just her person! Some of these "ex-beauty queens" r married to men of great repute, some r even married to Men of God but we keep hearing about their Sexcapdes! May God deliver them
As for Bianca, no words can comfort u but God will gv u d strength and fortitude to bear dis Huge loss and Time will heal U by HIS GRACE! Please living d examplary life uv lived so far!
As for u Linda, Bianca must read all wat I hv written o (pulling my ear) LOL
Hv a great weekend pple
I am touched. Late Ojukwu stood up for what he believed in, not something we usually get from Nigerian leaders. He lived a fulfilled live which is most paramount. Rest in Peace!
Wow this actually brought a tear to my eye. A beautiful ode from a wife to her husband. Touching. May God grant her strength and may His soul rest with the Lord.
PS: What an eloquent and superlative piece! Men, learn from the great Ojukwu, marry a woman that will uphold your legacy and make you proud even in your passing.
Cant believe i cried reading this. Gonna respect this lady henceforth. Deeps words....Well written....RIP Great one
Deep!!! I was floored..pray God gives her the strength to bear the loss and forge ahead and may he rest in peace at last.
Y'all should read this! This is what Ojukwu was fighting for...support my blog please :)
'Our Nigeria?'
Hmm ,u re such a brilliant, beautiful wife 2 the late genius. I envied your well planned and constructive speech. Thumbs-up 4u. May his soul RIP
I always try to mind my business when i see 2 people getting married ...even if i think they donot match. If its made in heaven let no man put asunder. They loved each other and had a good time.
Heart-wrenching. May his Legacy live on. R.I.P Sir.
Heart-wrenching. May his Legacy live on. R.I.P Sir.
true love abounds
RIP eze igbo gburugburu
but wait is Bianca wearing black gloves n dat picture on d left???
God be with youm and your children...
Well the only thing i dont quite understand about this lady is the fact that she married her fathers friend that was at her naming ceremony!!!!! Thats just so retarded. Now shes a widow at a very young age. So would she start dating other men in front of her kids and they would now have a dysfunctional family? I pray not.
the last 2 paragraphs actually made me cry.the entire tribute was so touching
Only christ knows what dat man did dat dis queen loves him like hell
Deep, Insightful, Revealing and absolutely touching
I am tearing up.Our beloved Ezigbo gburubguru anaaaaaaaaaaaaah.May your brave soul find eternal rest in the bossom of our lord. And for you Mrs Bianca Ojukwu, we will continue to lift you up in our prayers, the Good lord is your strength.
Wow, touching. Btw, she's sooo gorgeous!
Anyone know how Linda got this letter?
Oh wow! This is so touching. God will comfort u Bianca and ur children.
Bianca is jes a triple B beautiful, bright and brilliant.........
rip my mentor my hero my leader..ka omesia adiue ikemba
wow this brought tears to my eyes..i hope every woman is lucky enough to have a man as brave and wonderful as he was..i have no idea what those igbo words at the end meant but they actually touched me the most:(
She is now an hero yet nobody is talking about the age difference?how she was an home breaker?marrying her father's age mate?yet if its a nigerian celebrity hell would b let loose,
Double standard o
Wow..touching and eloquently written..this is the sort of love I pray for..may God be with you and your children Bianca :(
this actually made me believe in Love! No man would have been able to love her the way he did! Sooo sweet of her to actually pen this down
Had to come back to add this comment:
"I was your queen, and it was an honour to have served you."
Father Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, I pray that this will be the portion for me and all my fellow female LIB readers. In Jesus mighty name. Amen. May we be queens in our marital homes and feel honoured to serve our destined kings on earth. Amen
sooo deep, May GOD give dz intelligent woman d strength n fortitude 2 bear d loss n move on.
Wow....this is very deep and touching. It says a lot about their relationship and intimacy.
I must commend her choice of words.
Dont worry Bianca...God knows best.
May God rest his soul..Amen
Wow! this is really touching.....a great glory indeed is gone.
Dats about d best tin i've ever read/heard frm a widow.dat means ders still wonderful women out der n ders still hope 4 d gud men.RIP Ojukwu
"In my eyes, even death was no match for you".... I hope someone will descrobe me like this when I die. God grant me a wise woman for a wife and children.
May Almight God be your strength bianca.
Beautiful!!! And well said too.....awwww, I'm so touched. Chukwu debe gi, gozie gi nwanyi oma. May the haters and critics see the truth that was ur marriage.....
There were indeed made for each other!she is an extraordinary woman,and I am so proud of her ,I only hope God can give her the grace to raise more ojukwus' .Adieu ojukwu
Very touching and HE fought like a lion as he fondly called . Bianca you did what a good and lovely wife will do. Take heart, God knows the best. May His soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.
I didn't know so much about Ojukwu but the little I've read has given me the impression that an awesome gem that Nigeria will miss has departed!
This is a beautiful write up from you MRS Bianca Ojukwu. God will give you the fortitude to bear the loss!!
Nice, touching and Insightful. Life is not about how long you live but the legacies you left behind when you are gone. Live a life that matters.
Rotimi Unilorin
Beautiful and well thought out speech.written from deep within.u can tell she's truly grieving.I'm absolutley blown away by d sheer brilliance of this write up.I pray almighty gives her d strenght to move past this difficult period.
wow linda how u dey get all dis gist sef well thumbs up.
i feel for bianca sha but life goes on!!!
check me out on www.thotsofmimi.blogspot.com
This is so touching and deep. The Lord is your strenght mam.
aaawwww i actually creied reading her write up, i actually feel for her, hay his soul RIP............. BTW lets assume it was GEJ that died nd Patience had to do something like this......... hhhhhhmmmm it will be epic, because instead of us mourning we'll be laughing at her grammatical errors............... Ojukwu RIP we Igbo's have lost a good leader, and dont know if there is someone who will replace you.
Beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. May he rest in peace. And Chukwu biko, let this inequality end, or at least reduce. Sigh!
Ojukwu showed us that you can be rich and principled,rich and honest,rich and (friends with the poor,rich and be friends with d needy,rich and scrifice for humanity,rich and remain modest.Ojukwu used his wealth to pursue peoples cause,while our present day "thieves" we call leaders use "our" money to persecute us.Rest in peace Ikemba
I may have been among those who had doubts about these people, but today Bianca opened a new page of a hidden treasure only her and the Dim would have understood bianca you are a monumental asset to Nigeria and Ndi Igbo the batten is now firmly in your able hands please keep the race on track.
one could tell that the marriage was real,nice words to say,if he could just hear does words.....she is really going to miss him,the country will miss him
Chai! Will my wife feel like this when I'm gone? This is true love!
Whoa this is awesome
Deep!!!!! Rip ikemba!!!! God be with you and your family Bianca
Deep....May God Strengthen u Bianca
utterly amazing and beyond speech and emotions! Nwanyi maru obi diya, u nailed it Bianca.
Don't wither God will be your guide and companion; May the soul of IKEMBA rest in peace...! Amen
4get jo.She get sense,atleast inheritance and appointment dey wait for am.Wait oo,why b say na only She Uncle Jonah c 4 d family give appointment?What of the Great Ojukwu eldest son?I suspect somtin with Uncle Jonah ooo.Anyway,Ojukwu remains a hero anytime anyday.Meself go find one of dis Miss Nigeria mary ooo.
just amazing...
Anonymous @March 3, 2012 3:33 AM
You captured my thoughts and phrased them exactly. Oftentimes, we judge people by our own standards of happiness; we assume that what makes us happy will make others happy also. How many who criticised Bianca and Ojukwu's union can boast of what she had, and for 23 wonderful years!
Bianca, God WILL strengthen you, of that you can be sure. Thank you for your tribute; for reminding us of the legacy your husband left...
God bless you and your children
How about this for an eulogy! I do wish that on death's bed I would have someone who would view me in this light in this life or in the hereafter!
Ojukwu was truly a great hero! He would sorely be missed.
Veri touchin. May God give u the strenght to bear this great loss.
Very touching . But you sure are going to be a very rich widow , hope you will not marry oooh no let another man enjoy ikemba money ------- Just saying .
What a tribute to a lovely one, very touching and nice choose of words. May his soul continue to rest in peace.
Depth, beauty, wisdom and emotions.. This tribute leaves me speechless.. The warlord would have been impressed and full of pride if he could see this. May God watch over you and your children Bianca.
ah this woman is wise oh...MAANNN!!!
God knows this is breathtaking. I have my opinion on what Ojukwu did in Nigeria but your relationship with Him is one i would not question! I am happy for the years you spent with Hima nd pray God will be your strength when you're lonely.
Beautiful forsure love respect and happiness resided in that relationship
Oh dear! So touching! Rest in Peace our warrior!
It is well with you and the Children, Bianca.
This brought me to tears, I felt her love for him in every word... so deep.
Bianca the Lord is your strength.
RIP Ikemba Nnewi
this is so touching. im actually close to tears. may his soul RIP n may God comfort her and their kids. Amen.
More than an eulogy,rather a summation of their sumptuous years. Amazingly courageous, Nigerian ladies emulate...
TOUCHING, dis brought tears to my eyes!
Very touchy indeed,may God be ur strenght BIANCA.
Touching tribute,I agree - with much love & tenderness. Gives new meaning to the expression, "better to be an old man's darling than a young man's fool". We share in your loss, Bianca. God bless.
My namesake.This woman is FIERCE. Not just a pretty face, she's intelligent also.
I saw an interview she did a while back and she talked about her husband, that was when I fell in love.
May his soul rest in peace.
may his soul rest in peace
This indeed is an epitome of true love. Thanks Linda for sharing it with us. Sometimes, we cant fathom true love. Only the 2 people involved understand. May the good Lord comfort you Bianca dearie. I confess that I used to judge these 2. But after 23 years of successful marriage, I promise not to judge 2 lovers again. Good night Odumegwu Ojukwu
Deeply moving.
I am both moved and challenged by the words of this woman. She was the strength behind her husband and could tell so many stories that would explain Ikemba Ojukwu in a myriad of ways.
It is a testament to their relationship that she had something to say about a man who wore many caps and who she related with in so many ways, beyond the public persona.
I wish her many years on earth and the comfort of the Almighty. May her children bring her joy always.
ori i mi wu oooooo. Lovely!
Chai!!!! Beauty wif plenty brain. Bless U darl. May Hiz soul RIP. Amen
Awwww :(
Beautiful speech by a beautiful woman..these words wld make any man smile "Your impeccable manners made Prince Charming a living reality". Bless her family!
Lovey dovey...may chi grant our ikemba the nicest place in his palace;(
follow link
Speechless! RIP Ojukwu
So sweet, no one can understand what you are feeling but only the heart of the bereaved knows the pain of losing a loved one. Be assured that u and d kids now have an angel in heaven watching over you. Take heart
I pray God blesses and keeps her and her kids... She knew and loved him for all of him, these words r not the children of forged emotions.
She has given me some encouraging words right there... that thing about 'Power' i hope we learn both individually n collectively.
Aaaaawwww Ojukwu will be so proud of you mt dear! May the Lorg give you the strength to take care of your kid......... RIP Ojukwu Nigeria have lost one of their greatest........ Ene from Ghana, and I studied about this man in school, he was a hero... I hope he left an impact on the new generation and hopefully someone woll take the brave step he too....... Adieu!!!!!!!!
Wow. She loves him n she loved her. He was a true prince. He represents honesty n intergrity.
Speechless...May God help us all to luv like dis...
Very Deep.... even in death the Love between this two is so strong.
I always knew they had something special. Why would anyone judge this woman for falling in Love.
If you want to know what TRUE LOVE is.... Bianca and Ojukwu lived it.
Bianca....You are in a class on your own....
and you both deserved to be together...this tribute is beyond me....
RIP great ikemba
wow!....when i read ojukwu's biography some years ago, i had a lot of respect for him. after reading this..the respect is multiplied by 2. this was deep..gives an insight of how beautiful their marriage was summarized in a few words.
wow! deep. i dnt really know much about Ojukwu but from this piece it seems he was a very very loving person. i pray God will continue to comfort Bianca and her children. it is well
woow! this is touching ! but i am not suprised as per bianca's pedigree! Although critics may think or say oherwise, we must remember that no marriage or relationship is perfect......
This goes to show that biance is indeed a woman of virtue and a certified Beauty with Brains, which is rare this days.
Adeiu ikemba of igbo land. may ur soul rest in perfect peace.....
Yes our queen you are in the best position to describe ojukwu de great
How a marriage shld be, there's no doubt u were truly hapi and will miss ur lion very much...take heart
An epic from a woman who is @ peace wit everybody (Queen of our War lord). Shows they married each other well. She Knows her husband...and he knows her. RIP..Igwe Ojukwu.
GOD is your strength Bianca.Now Ojukwu is gone, who do we have to stand strong and tell the truth?. God help Nigeria.
this woman fine sha
bianca God is your strenght, this words can melt the biggest ice, l have always loved you, my heart melt reading this.. what can l say.
my GOD,this is touching,who will fill this vacum 4 ndi igbo,ikemba,u left us wen we needed u most,but God knows why,Eze igbo laa nke oma
So touching!!! If d man can see this am sure he wud love her more! I doff my cap for u Bianka
So moving and straight from the bottom of her beautiful heart. I pray
for strength for her and her children, in Jesus' name.
Gosh.... i was deeply moved by her tribute. Bianca, May grant u the fortitude to bear the loss....my heart goes out to u
I shed a tear. Igbos should stand as one. Enough is enough.
hmmm,well i dont see d reason 4 a wk long burial ,to me its a waste
cos d man caused the death of so many people and left them to face the music
Awwww what a beautiful piece..... She learnt well from her husband and more she is still as beautiful as she was back in the days. I know that some big eyed igbo men have already started eyeing her. May the soul of Ojukwu RIP.
great odumegwu lives on
Awww :(
Bianca is beautiful
What a really genuine and heartfelt tribute- despite the age gap, I have always understood why she fell for her husband and it is clear that she really loved him.
dis is so beautiful...God, please strengthen this lady
Linda, since morning. What is it na? U r not in america again so y av u not posted anything since morning? Take ur time oh
Eyah, I pray for solace to bear the loss.
~~www.youreliteshoppers.com. @YEShoppers~~
personal shoppers toh bahd ;)
nawa. God Knows everything.
May d good lord give you bianca and all his kids the fortitude to bear dis loss. Beautiful piece from a beautiful woman
Onli those hu no the tru meanin of love can understand this tribute
No wonder. The only ibo man with good qualities. And he took them away with him. So unfortunate for the ibo nation.
Odumegwu Ojukwu is like Mandela of S.Africa.he is like Moses to Israelites. Bianca DIBEE, NDIGBO DIBENU.Lord who will be like him to his people, GOd pls send another Moses to ur people
This is so touching. It brought tears to my eyes. She is a beautiful writer. May his soul rest in peace *Amen*
I cried...
RIP Ojukwu. But, Bianca is a VERY beautiful woman. I remember a friend saying she is more beautiful than Biancan. Nne, you lie!!!!
Mummy nice speech. your husband was a hero, i love it when you said he was fearlessness. And i believe he must have imparted you with a fearless spirit.
They had such a beautiful life together. At least he had joy and peace @ home after the embittered war. The Lord will comfort you dear and be a father to your children
R.I.P my mentor,God knows Y he gave u young beautiful Bianca 4 a wife,she is strong nd fearless able 2 stand d taste of time lukin after ur children,training dem 2 b like u nd succesful in future nd nt like d children of Zik,who dia is noting 2 write home about dem not even 1 of dem can b mentioned among d least of noble men in 2day 9jria,well its a price ZIK hv 2 pay 4 disterblizing IKEMBAs plan 4 us igbos BIAFRA, wit his selfish idealogy of1 9jria.
if ur not dere (in marriage) u'll neva understand wat Bianca's tribute meant.Ojukwu leaves oooN! Cz i can see it in here.God be wit u n ur children,Amen
Soo touchin dear, bianca, may Ʊя hus soul rest in peace, ujukwu was a hero n none can be like him apart frm god
Oh God, *tears dropping* Bianca, you were in love and still in love with this brave man. What a marriage!!! 23 years put down in a page yet i could imagine what it was like. I love this woman, her courage and life with Ojukwu. I doubt if we will ever have this kind again. May his soul rest in peace.
Thank you.Thank you.Thank you fr taking d words ryt off my keyboard.
For ur info, Ojukwu married each of d four women in his life one at a time. The 1st marriage ended in divorce, he was seperated with d second wife, d third one ended in divorce, and He married Bianca till death. Just don't say what u aint sure of!
Lmao at the person comparing ojukwu to mandela. Lmao. U gots to be kidding yourself.
you cant pretend about love, indeed there's love in this relationship.
this is very hrt touching for Bianca to express her depth love to Ojukwu. on Ojukwu side, he could have married even a younger person since 23 years if he did not love Biance.
May God console her. Adie Odumegwu.
i can't hold d tears, its rolling over & over again. Awww may d lord grant you the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.. Farewell Ikemba.
rip to the dead.
that cleared up, puhlease, spare me, she is not different from any good looking young woman marrying an influential powerful man the same age as her father. ( i.e check out the Abiolas, Fela Kuti, Okoya, almost all the 'after first' wives in the Danjuma 'dynasty' etc)
And the Ojokwu is not that different from Yerima and his latest wife. Someone that was at her naming ceremony.tufia!
But it is interesting how nigerians develop amnesia so quickly and the kind of people we 'eulogise' as heroes.One would think that the man who happily , invested his youth in brutally killing several of his fellow men was Jesus or Mother Theresa.Someone even referred to Mandela, abeg o! Mandela had the opportunity to revenge and murder people, he didnt take it! THATS WHY HE IS A LEGEND!
Look If Ojokwu's name was islamic and he wore a jalabiya, he would be addressed and villified as boko haram.
Linda i know you are ibo and might think of him as your hero to publish this comment but at least you read this and KNOW THAT NOT EVERYONE IS EASILY CONNED INTO BUYING THIS MAN'S 'HEROIC' ACTIONS!
Brought tears to my eyes...if ever a woman loved a man, so did Bianca. For 23 years, indeed it was a love that saw parental disapproval, a huge age difference, societal mockery etc. but they had the best days of the their lifes together. Those are memories Bianca will never forget!
Ikemba, Odumegwu the warrior has ascended!
Awwwww....dis is deep!!! Bianca may the Lord give you the fortitude to bear dis huge loss.....RIP Odumegwu Ojukwu
Bianca, thank you so much for having been able to look after Ikemba this long. Apart from his parents, you probably have done greater than any Igbo. Ikemba was a super human, absolutely next to God,he had no comparism and I had unshakeable respect for him. In fact, you said everything, he was one in a generation, and I hope we would have a natural clone of him in one of his children in their generation.
Once again, thank you so much for doing this great.
May God give us the fortitude to bear this monumental loss.
Deep and insightful.Bianca,take heart but you have said it all.May God continue to protect and guide you all. Must say was really touched by your tribute, and i can feel the love you both shared while he was alive.God knows the best.Adieu Ikemba.
Now that her Lion is gone who will be "brushing" her. She still young and beautiful be left untouched
If Ojukwu was a criminal, what was Gowon who order those killings in the name of fighting a war? Was it Ojukwu who hacked down thousand of people in the east and shelled the homes of innocent citizens. I think your brain has taken leave of you, else you won't make such silly comment.
I must confess there marriage puzzled me as a person but wat can i say,its not about me its about them.never knew their relationship was more than wat anyone including me could imagine..it is true that you can never know someone until u get close to them.This tribute made me cry because wat am feeling right now words cannot express.what more can i say.God be with you and your children for he is the husband to all widows.
my prayer for her now is to find another good but young man to share her life with,becos she deserve to be happy.
Bianca...Remain strong. Remain resolute. Remain 'prayerful'. Remain diligent.
Continue to stand firmly on God's word and promise.
Sabina and I were with you when the journey with The 'Ikemba Nnewi' started. We prayed with and for you as you walked the many roads with him.
I remember 'Enugu-Ngwo'.
I remember the delicacy of garden egg and peppered ground nut butter.
... I remember The 'Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria' Pageant.
I remember The 'Miss Intercontinental' Pageant.
I remember the glory of the crowns.
I remember the regrettable 'palace' coup of the flying silver bird.
I remember your counter coup and distinguished resignation.
I remember your swift audacity and attention to nip it in the bud.
I remember those early days in Ikoyi.
I remember the big black Mercedes Benz cars.
I remember the flat tire.
I remember The 'Ikemba' pulling up at my modest home.
The giant of a man. His presence unequaled...'Dwarfing' mere mortals around him.
That glorious night, his actions, as he bent down to change the tire, despite overtures from me and the gathering crowd, taught me a lesson so great. A lesson that rules my world till date.
He was an enigma. He was an icon. He was a phenomenon. A rare breed of a man. He was special in more ways than one.
Now that he has to heaven journeyed....Know he will watch over you. Know he will watch over the kids. Know he has graduated to a winged ANGEL....
Your angel. Our angel.
Kese Jabari
tears oozing out from my eyes...this is touching....sooooo touching
Sooo touching!!! Brilliantly composed. Could not stop myself from shedding tears while reading this. Bianca, it is well with you and you children. May God give you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Take heart!
Very touching. RIP Eze Igbo Gbururgburu
whoever said someone wrote this for Bianca is Disillusioned and obviously yet to come across her interviews or other write ups. Bianca is a seasoned Lawyer pls dont Trivialise that. Lawyers always have their ways with words. She is Beauty personified, poised with great pedigree and yes it wasnt de money, her father was the former Governor of Old Anambra State and like she rightly said we can never understand their love and affection. So critics bugger off
Love borne of poetry.RIP Ikemba.Eze Ndigbo
i have never written on a blog before, but this is for Oloriebi baba bukata, You need to grow up, purify you mind and get you brain/head cleaned. If you are dirty minded always remember that everyone is not like you.
And for next time,never disrespect a person who has lost someone.
Grow Up joker!
I always saw your beauty but never the brains! You are smart and beautiful. God will console you as only you know the void that Ojukwu's demise has left in your life.
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