She was once a guy. He was born Dapo Adaralegbe, but he's now Stephanie Adaralegbe. Dapo was a popular homosexual law student back in the day in Obafemi Awolowo University but was expelled in 2001 because of his identity crisis. He moved to Spain where he is now living as a woman.
Ms Stephy baby...work it girl! :-). Another photo when you continue...
ok, can someone pls explain to my how to pasty looking blonde person to the right is related to the dark-skinned person in the dress?
OMG! I remember this dude's story back when I was in unilag. Na wa o!
he looks good i must say
WOnders shall never end. SMH
it is wrong to go to people;s facebook page, take their photos and write a storry about them. very wrong Linda
Plz no one shld write anything negative about this guy! U are not God so dn't judge!
A phot of him...oh! Sowi 'she' was stil a man would hav helped to judge the wonder comparism...all the same, guy..ooo! I too dey forget, d babe take style sexy sha o! Lmao!!!
U are not God! Do not Judge this guy! At least he is happy and did not use ur money to transform himself.!
She's soo sexy oh sori he nd who's dat ojuju in †ђξ second pic S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ scaryy lmbbo.
Nna mehn...the world don spoil finish. Chukwu nna, the things you will jugde ehn...Chai!!
Pls, I don't get it...who is the yellow person? Or did he bleach too?
Y wld u post this on ur blog? u knw ur readers are gonna tear him to pieces! this is sooooooo not fair mehn! He is living his life and it shld not be anyone's business!
Madness of the highest order !
U got the pics from his fb page! This is soo not cool linda! leave the guy alone!
Omg! ( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ ) wtz ds world turni into? My oh my! 9ja don rily dy copy d bad tins frm oyibo! *smh*
Linda,ds ur coment aproval thingy tho*.ℓ☺ℓ!
This is nt just gender crisis ! He is white too! Wow! She must have gone through hell@ schl, wish I all d best n inner peace.
hmm, this is serious. She now has monalisa chinda's and rita dominic's complexion...lolol sorry was "attempting" to watch a naija movie from way back when...i couldn't recognize rita...i had to check the credits, to make sure she was listed...since then, i've been having nightmares...pls ladies, u are beautiful just the way u are...then again u can do whatever u want to your body..to each his own...
Dis is d height. Nawa oh! Hope she does nt have a dick oh
Pls is d fair n White person d same as d dark person if so mehn !!!!!!!!!!! Is all I can say Cos I'm speechless
may GOD HAVE MERCY on dis ugly humanbeing,see how ugly he looks,what amuse me is dat if a man can have a feeling for him upon his sexuality change den d man can hav feeling for a woman now.i jus pray ol dis gays should stict 2geda and never seperate when doin dere stuffs.am sure his parent r weeping were ever dey r
What fuckery!
this is going to be good! *grabs popcorn*
Yoruba people will not kill us in this country bikonu
LINDA! LINDA!! LINDA!!! sometimes you act like you dont have the fear of God in you...just because something is popular or the IN THING or generally acceptable as because those in the first world say it is doesn't mean it is right...it's one thing to be gay which is wrong according to the bible its another thing to then cut off your man bits to become a different gender because science affords you the luxury to do so ..so you are saying GOD MADE A MISTAKE in making you a man..then you too YOU ARE SAYING GO GIRL....BE CAREFUL ooo pele you too don CIVILISED FINISH ABI? see how he don bleach finish..KMT
wonderful..he-she looks nice in d second pics but amazing how man have taken the place of God now kris-krossing genders.
ife chukwu-nna ge kpe nu wa...kai!
I have just one important question,why is she black in a pix and dark in the other pix.
Yeah, I remember dis story. My brother used to tell me about one Dapo then in Ife, who liked to act and dress like a woman. Na wa o.
WTH???? The transformation is unbelievable in da 1st pics. Which level of bleaching is this....
Wowwwwww crazy!!!
what about the breast, what did he do to it
Linda, are you sure of this? and how come of the breast in that case.
Alright, Nigerians, spew forth your bitterness at this transsexual whose life and actions do not affect yours in any way whatsoever.
He is a fucking bastard and waste.
OMD!! Dis guy jst didn't give up.
Remember one day when he/she came into our female hostel(Mozambique hall) at past 10 pm thinking he s a she, we gathered our smelly pant water and poured on his/her head.he/she cried like a baby that night...lol
How do you expel someone because of their gender issues? That contravenes the UN Charter on human rights...
He was Born DAPO OSIBODU , before he discovered his supposed father was not really his father after his mothers and realised it was a love child ,to another lecture in OAU , he claimed he was molested in KC and there came his gay side , there after he had a feeling he was was meant to be a woman .
Sad, the poor brilliant boy lost it , but lived his dreams .... My fiend wit the tie.... RIP
He/She looks so white in the second pic. What happened? He can actually pass for a girl. Guys shine your eyes
why d complexion change :s am confused
Yes, he was legendary back on campus at Ife! I think his parents are professors there cuz he used to live in quarters! Besides his obvious gayness, the guy has serious mental issues oh!
Willy Willy reincarnated o !
Linda!!! Are you sure that is Steph in the 2nd picture? hmmm... Anyways good for you Steph that you can now be true to yourself; can't believe you got kicked out of schools cos of your sexuality.
I dont think pple lyk dis are normal i dont think its ordinary o cos dis is total absurdity,a nigerian.
Whats with the bleach though? He looks like a ghost. Not sexy at all!
nigerian lil kim.LOL. he had a nose job, skin bleaching and now looks like a woman.
That is one ugly lady.D freak shld ve remained a dude.
So sad that he was EXPELLED for his sexuality. Africans and backwardness.
well life must have been rough for this special citizen, i feel for him/her.
Who are you to judge? How beautiful are you?mscheeeeeew tatafo
the other day u posted a comment about wendy williams being a bully...how are u so different...if this guy grants u an interview then thats awesome buut if u got this off his facebook then u suck linda....i love u but this is just wrong.....the guy was bullied out of nigeria, treated injustly for being himself and now u invade his privacy by publishing a story about him
She's very pretty in the second picture. God bless her journey.
Its one thing to sex change...but dang! to completely change ur skin color, wear blond wigs is just sad. Do u really hate ur race that much?! I'm sorry but dude is either mentally deranged or seriously hates himself in a sick superficial manner. Like wtf?!
ONOME says.........................
I have said it before:our actions will definitely affect/influence how the world perceives us;it's not rocket science it's just human psychology/sociology
Be that as it may Linda I have to agree with people who have criticized your posting this on your blog.I do realize that this is your blog and you are entilted to post what you like,i also agree that your blog is dedicated to gist which i like and read religiously :))));and yes i also am guilty of enjoying reading about other people's juicy bits(i dunno,the human is complex in alot of ways)which they may have preferred to keep quiet and hidden and commenting on their lifestyles(as if i have the right to judge anyone);but in this particular story I think you should have exercised a bit more restraint and steered clear of this issue.
I know his/her profile is on face book,i also know some of his/her classmates at Ife.So it's not exactly a coded story;however Lindoooo,consider his/her parents;learnt his dad was a professor before his demise;perhaps they would like to keep this story properly hidden under the wraps.It is a touchy,extremely touchy gist;and yes you do post gist of other people;Whitney,the Adeojo guy,Annie Macauley etc and we all guzzle the gist....but for the sake of his family i dunno me thinks u no for post this one sha:)))))
BUT HEY IT IS YOUR BLOG DEAR AND I DO ENJOY READING THE SCOPES...i dunno the human is complex like i said:)))))))))))))))))))))
Does castigating linda,take a hike! If he wanted privacy he wuldn't be on facebook exhibiting himself and his sex change! I cannot really comment on his/her sexuality bcos God is d ultimate judge not man,thus its left to God to handle dis in His own perspective. But duh guys leave Linda alone already!
To Miss Linda, I think you are totally irresponsible with your biased presentation of the story. You obviously know the kind of readers you have, and you are just fuelling the hatred and prejudice in their hearts. You are by your actions a peddler of hatred. It's such a shame....your 'blog' could be put to better, positive uses
why is everyone shouting Linda, pls leave my Linda alone,she's only updating us.remember what this blog is about -1 -- gist 2 - gossip 3 wink!!
haba! Linda! na lie! this is photoshop!the guy, i mean the babe! Dapo, you better go meet the physician that did this to you 'cos he don cheat you! go collect your change oooo! how much you pay sef? i won't judge you but i think you wasted ur money ooo! may GOd forgive us all( including myself)for we know not what we do Amen.
Went thru hs frnd list nd realisd 95percent are male...na wa oo
crazy world! but let us not judge anyone....every body is a unique being...
See I'm not entirely bothered about the fact that he changed to a woman..its his life, his decision...i just don't know why he bleached and got a nose job.
Why are u guys so emotional about d whole thing? Its a BLOG so expect to see anything. And she definately didn't put it up to judge d guy n y'al know dat! Btw I luv dat red dress
Ur Gay!
Ur an idiot for that statement.hw can u change what God gave u?think again before u put ur silly comments on d internet.
He still looks ugly even with the surgery's.he has finished his life.bloody gay bastid!
fuck this shit, am kinda lost here!! wtf!!!
Y RIP? He's nt dead.
All i can say is its probably someone's husband that paid for his trip....
It ain't pretty but it's his/her business... Got to say one thing though, no matter how far he/she goes in trying to change his/her genitalia, he/she will still be male inside. He/she for instance can never be allowed to compete in any endeavor specifically reserved for females... Like in sports for instance. Hope he/she informs future boyfriends of his/her history. For me, the only type of human that should be comfortable dating him/her is a transgendered female (female to male)...
To those saying stuff about Linda being wrong for posting the story, guess what? When you publicly do something, expect to be in the eye of the public... It goes with the territory..
I know Dapo very well. Infact i was so happy to find out he is still alive. God knows he's been beaten black, blue and all other rainbow colours several times over. The amazing thing is that this guy is HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, like seriously people. What i dont understand is why he kept on going on about being a girl on the inside. He was kicked out of school, disowned, he was homeless for years and even worked at a carwash on Adeyemo Alakija to survive. The guy don suffer.
He didnt change his skin color, he just rubbed some stuff on his body, i guess being white is his next project.
I'm relieved he's still alive and not suffering all that hate anymore. Its easy to judge and condemn someone but if you were in this person's shoes, it would hurt like hell. This guy has feelings just like everyone of us and i dont think he deserves all these insults. Believe it or not, God loves him just as much as he loves you guys. Paul was a murderer before Jesus saved him and used him to win millions of souls. Dis guy neva kill anybody o.....
As per taking the pics from his FB page, you dont have to worry about that cos Dapo LOOOOOOOOVES attention.
get your facts right. he wasnt expelled in 2001. it was more like 2004-2005. i left oau in june 2004 and he was still very much a student.
i cant believe people didnt knw him then. he had an interview with Jumobi when she was anchoring kakaki on ait
Why do homos lie to themselves? They say they like men but go out of their way to be women, i do not get it at all.
Why is Nkiru Sylvanus's picture here?
wonders shall never end.Rubbish.
i think berating Linda for publishing Dapo's story is being out of point.How is she unfair?His story is a well known story and is known by many.Dapo himself has never been secretive about his feelings right from day one.We read other people's stories on this blog and Linda does not get scolded for writing about them for our consumption,so how is Dapo's own different?Is it because he is a transexual?Why are some being unnecessary ultrasenstive about his issues unless maybe they have something in common.His story is just like any other story and pictures can be gotten from anywhere to support a story.Anybody that puts his/her picture on facebook for the public view has no issue with privacy so stop being his advocate.
Shim is beautisome
i look at this n d only thing i see is HEll Fire! ! ! .... not judging
I was at OAU when it was there. He got some mad beatings across board. Remembered one day he walked into a salon and wanted to buy colour 33 lolita braids ... wasn't funny.
Free madness
Don't contradict urself by saying 'for being himself' if he indeed was there would have been no cause for alarm! He jas mental/psychological issues ...... Probably from a childhood trauma .. Hence d madness
Sorry what is 'backwards' in that?!? We are Africans and what we despise is what we despise. We don't have to copy white pple or emulate their character.. Like Mugabe said 'to hell with you' when he was informed about gay rights
Wat do u mean judging? Wat is wrong is wrong,u guys shud kp on petting evildoers until d world wil bcom a place where even those who do right r d bad ones,sentimental rubish
OMG!!! O_O That second pic tho(light-skin)?!?!?...O_O
Look,he wasn't expelled for his sexuality or whatever u call it..its simple,u can't do jamb åπϑ enter uni as a guy (Male) åπϑ then start claiming Female on ur consequent registration after a while...u either keep claiming Male or do another Jamb åπϑ enter as female...I J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ feel all this gay or lesbian bullshit α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ people who seriously need help,dey re J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ confused åπϑ helpless...May God help us all..
goshhhhhhhhhh...am scared......i cant watch this...mehn!!!!!! this is just so absurd...sheboy i guess...this world is coming to an end oo..wphewwwww...are you sure this sheboy dont need to visit rehab center....am confused here...she/he needs a serious prayer,this is beyond physical reigm...GOd have mercy on HE/SHE...it is written in the bible that everything God created was good...is he/she saying God made a mistake making him a man in the first place??? Linda!!!! how about his penis...did he cut it off and replace it with vaginal or what?????he/she went ahead to bleach his skin...i prefer him/her dark rather than white cus he/she looks like a ghost.....PARDON MY FOUL LANGUAGES PLZ....he/she is on my facebook list..i will try ask her about her past....kai...never knew her story...everyone gat a past..i will understand only if she tell me the truth.....
STFU.Stp berating Linda for this post.Jornalists go to almost any extent to get a story.So Linda did nothing wrng by getting pics off his...her(the freak's)fcbk page.
Mr. Dapo aka Ms Stephanie, u r sick, stop hiding in d name of anonymous and judgin urself right. Linda will go 2 ur fb page n get more pics becos she needs 2 prove dat u r insane. yes u can do wateva u like wit ur money na u sabi. u need 2 be locked up in a mental home. Linda, biko, eku ise jare.....
@ Anon 1.13am,I agree with you. Linda unless this boy granted you permission to write this story if not this is so insensitive of you,invading his privacy and putting up his pics on your blog so your commentators can bash him as if he has not received enough bashing to last him for a life time. Like that woman said about Wendy Williams,dont use your fame to bully people...
Nigerians are to quick to accuse, judge and sentence others especially on issues that bother on decency, God and morality.Please let God judge her. Can't you pity her? She must gone through a lot. Years of proper gender search and identification, years of discrimination and rejection, years of loneliness, sadness and pain. If she's found happiness now in her new state and location, please let her be. You guys are not God.
God his bless her. Human beings are full of wickedness, we hate our own. Stephanie i am happy you have liberated yourself and free to be who you really want to be.
There are many in Nigeria who are living in bondage, hating their existence yet judging your freedom
You are a blessed child of God. May God forgive all those who made you endure so much humiliation and depravity. Hopefully their ignorance will be replaced by love and enlightenment.
God loves you the way you are, He created you and understands your private and public pain. You are only human,and our humanity is less than perfect. You are a true inspiration who stuck to her guns against all odds.
There are not many who have your courage that's why they resort to insults and in secret die from self hate. Love covers all. Stephanie, I love you, you are blessed and more importantly God loves you best; no more or less than any other human he created on earth.
Love and kisses from me. Remain blessed always.
I was watching an American movie the other day and a gay guy was crying and saying do they think he chose this type of life for himself or do they think he is happy with the constant bashing he gets for being gay? To me I feel its a problem,we all have one major weakness in our lives we wish we did not have and fight so hard to stop that we cant,it might be loving sex,it might be that married man you are dating,it might be lying constantly,it might be excessive drinking and smoking, we have them and know its only the grace of God that can take us out of it,that is the way it is for this people so please before you throw judgement and all that please check yourself because nobody is perfect.
what an idiot
Holy Moses!
good for him, but he needs more work. If you are gonna go under the knife, please make sure u come back looking fabulous.
im sooooo sick of people who encourage rubbish in the name of being open-minded,i pray that ur male children will wake up one morning and decide that he wants to become a girl,lets see how estatic you will bcum at such fantastic news....pls stop running ur cess pit and talking rubbish about my girl linda...if u think its easy to keep this blog going..go start your own...na ppl like una dey deceive odas to follow d wrong route,while u protect ur own at all cost...enuf already..linda ikeji i love you..thumbs up girlfriend..u rock!!!!
Almighty Allah is the creator of all beings. He created this guy as He pleased just like he created Siamese twins and the likes. We all dont know what happened to make him gay (if true) and from his "black picture", its clear that he has always looked like a woman. Allah knows best. Lets all allow him have his privacy cos we all have one defect or the other that we all are ashamed of too. thanks
something traumatic must have happened to him while growing up....i feel for him. Jesus loves him regardless
I guess he used the same plastic surgeon as Michael Jackson....lol Obviously he/she has issues.
Linda is just sharing news with you. You don't like what she has to share, then in the words of Beyonce, to the left!
The bible says "THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE" we all know its wrong but hey there is a story behind every person.there is a reason why they are the way they are.think about dat before you judge anyone.
Strange you kinda looks like Mercy Johnson in the last pix!:)
This is Linda's Blog.who no like wetin she post,go get ur own blog..Linda,u get plenty fags for ur blog o..
If he didn't want anybody 2 c it he won't put in on d internet...so can u plss shut d fuck up! Mttttttttcccchhheeeww.
Posting stories and pictures of private individuals in the name of news is not the way to go.
Who the hell re y'all to judge? you gays& lesbians in ur closet. U dare come online&hide behind anonymous & say nasty things about someone's sexuality.
Jones, not only are you daft, u are so foolish i should feed my dog with your brain. How can u say: *yoruba people will not kill you in dis country* u don't bring an entire race together because of one man's decision. Sango ll visit u dis night.
Linda, u invaded stephnie's/ Dayo's privacy. Let her be! Her decision is her choice. Hypocrites!!
My Goddddd.This dude did not change.I use to beat this guy eah time i see him on allen.Yes when I say beat real beatings cos he was fucking so irritating moreover I was fully on the streets so just imagine a situation where u are smoked up on weed,drunk and you feel like having sex and the next thing that pops up is one dude on lipstick.I was his biggest nightmare anyway I bet he is in an environment where he is accepted.
I use to beat this dude far back 2003 @ ogundana thinking e could change and alas he never did.Well I am happy e moved to where he is accepted cos if na Nigeria e for don die .
One word *SPEECHLESS* this is d most real it can ever get, had about his gist back in OAU but was hoping it was some mid-life crises some mother's prayers wud resolve. Very Sad!
I think we all can learn a thing or two from her story.I think we Nigerians are very judgemental and can be inconsiderate...am moved to send this message to U Stephany becos I've heard tales of ur persistence,how uve been abused,bullied,and disrespected...
I dnt realy know much about how U feel and what u may have felt especialy in those periods of loneliness,pain and all U may ve been subjected to,but I do know that U r a person of great strength,a fighter,U believe greatly in urself,ur dogged in what U believe in...to sum it up U inspire me and I appreciate U...familiar stranger.maybe we all can apply some of her traits in our lives...d country sure will get better!
leave the guy alone! Its only God dt cn judge him.he has a case 2 answer b4 God!
Funny story....
Who the hell re y'all to judge? you gays& lesbians in ur closet. U dare come online&hide behind anonymous & say nasty things about someone's sexuality.
Jones, not only are you daft, u are so foolish i should feed my dog with your brain. How can u say: *yoruba people will not kill you in dis country* u don't bring an entire race together because of one man's decision. Sango ll visit u dis night.
Linda, u invaded stephnie's/ Dayo's privacy. Let her be! Her decision is her choice. Hypocrites!!
From all the comments i read, Musiclover hit the nail on the head...
How our minds works? Is still a wonder to me. uniport basic studies list
Nobody should judge this guy woman. Or even linda o. All of us like entertainment ab!?
Whatever happens to this boy is a mystery. Now why would a guy want to turn to a girl? This is highest homo in the making!
Don't know what to contribute, but i did spend my time reading all the opinion of people here. One thing is clear. Everyone here is entitled to their OPINION! Ride on Linda.
mystery- a woman with three breast- see pictures
People are so overly sensitive. GROW SOME BALLS.
So what, if she got his pics from FB, isn't it the same social network that people put their personal business out there for the world to see. So, what's all this crying.
Moving on to this bobo here, DAMN(mouth open) I'm speechless.
Some people will have extra explanation to do to the CREATOR. That's some real transformation.
Just checked his/her profile on facebook....i am still in shock to say d least. He's now completely white! No trace of black. How safe's dis bleaching procedure? Shim must really hate d black race 4 d 'perceived or real' persecution.
I remember this guy from OAU...back in the days! So he never gave up on being a girl LOL.
Our VC Roger was treating him back then. Roger is a Psychiatrist so that tells you this guy is mental.
nke a bu onye mmuo
She looks like Miss Jay in ANTM
For those who don't know Miss J Alexandra... check him out on d link below.
Are u by any chance suggesting dt his friends should have renounced and deserted him even if they have been before his drastic change of life and lifestyle? The other suggestion by ur insniation is even more pathetic! With due respect to you, u sure need prpoer education on 'friendship'. Casting d first stone as though u have no stains... Goodluck to ur holiness.
just went on her facebook page and its amazing how many nig blokes are commenting on how beautiful she looks....all u ladies saying rubbish abt her..u better check her page cos ur man might be one of them living it on the down low...guess she is having the last laugh hahaha
also can she tell me the name of the bleaching cream she used...guessing its more effective than the one micheal jackson used...hahaha
Lemme be sincere,many today are born with female traits or male traits...sometimes i jus wonder if its not dis same God that gave dem...*sigh*..life...i think aunt linda shudnt be d next. African wendy. Williams tho,...tank u.
I read so many GAY comments on here...... I pity the future of nigeria..... Tueh
Well well well, life is just so surprising. To think that this guy suffered so much and took a lot of beatings and brutality. Obviously he or she needed help more than anything else. God only knows why , we shouldn't take our stable psychological state for granted. It could have been anyone that was this disturbed and would have been treated very badly. Just thank your God.
Dis wan pass bleaching, what kind of pills did he take as in, what whitening injection did he use.
Even, his blonde hair. Dis is a oyibo abi na spanish from head to toe. I thought only Michael can have pale skin, now I know.
Naija men will comment on anything, even a she goat.
I can't imagine d headache, heartache, he brought on his parent esp being a naija. Wonders shall never end o.
God, i am disappointed in those of you dat re in support of dis transformation,u guys must be crazy 2 support it,first he was gay,secondly changes 2 a girl,will u eva allow ur child get married to dis nonsense,and sumone said he was molested at k.c hope its not the k.c i know...let us not support the act of this white people dey re leading u guys to hell,take the good ones and drop wat is bad without thinking pls...
I have view his or rather her fb profile and think she really need ppl to notice her new look so dont blame Linda a bit for dis post and as for those crucifying d babe, i dnt think u r better off cos u mustn't change ur identity to be a sinner or was it written in d 10commandments that thou shall not change from man to woman or vice versa?....lol. is her life and is left her God to juggde her. Linda i need to see her pix wen he was a guy to know wats really wrong wit his looks....
Cant understand why people are trying not to say anything, protecting her/him and yet calling God's name in this matter.This guy does not believe in God.What he did is an actual questioning of God's sensibility. Does he think that he is wiser than God? good ridance to bad rubbish.
@Anonymous Feb 27 11:02
yea he/ did go thru hell @ school.
and she still kinda looks d way he used to look back then, just a bit better now...but only in black o; d white version is...
what i dnt understand is, is he claiming gay?u cant claim gay and transform into a woman, that makes a no gay.
first he changed to a woman, next a white woman, are u all are saying he is searching for his true personality.which is?white woman?
common,this was how MJ started.
this guy is a confused being and is still depressed,i will understand claiming gay but not transforming into a woman cos he is no longer gay, so which brings me to d question what does he really want to be?a gay?a black woman or a white man.
real ladies never see husband, how ds 1 go see. someone said at list his happy, how do u know that? happiness is never quantified by doing what u wanna do, but how u feel after doing what u planed to do, how the result makes u feel, and what GOD says about your actions. anyway Please remember to pray for him.
He looks beautiful. All you hypocrates, please hush! Transgendered people are not 'evil'. SMH naija
He looked better dark, bcos the pale skin looks weird on him.
Why are some nigerian men calling him beautiful. Are nigerian men that desperate? Oh, I some of them are gay and on the down low.
As long as he's ready for the consequence that is to come.
see devil in human form
eya. I knew about him in Ife back the o! eya
end tym, devil want 2 take ova d word
end tym, devil want 2 take ova d word
God Help Us ooooooo
So this guy actually went this far???? I knew him back in school then... Tot they said he was born again at a time???? Oh so sorry for his parent oooo. And he happens to be a lecturer's son i I think Na wa oooo wonders shall never end!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus a bottle of wine... Roll out the show!!
Breast implants
All he needed was help and counseling at that time instead of all the stigma. He probably wouldn't have turned out like this.
How crazy can dis world get????this is indeed madness of the highest order and an indirect way of mocking your creator...how can a normal person go bananas overnite?...father forgive them for dey knw nt wot they do...
To all the people who have admitted to inflicting violence, humiliation and pain on this guy, in Ife and Lagos, when he was cross-dressing, why don't you publish your name???
I know him as a person when he was in Abuja 2006 through a cuzin of mine who knew him back in school days (Ife) . There was a day he was seriously beaten up by a man who carried her and thought he is a woman only to entered the hotel room and realized he is a gay. Honestly this guy needs deliverance. God ll delivered you.
From thew story one could think that he probably hated himself and subjected himself to such abuse from childhood just because his father did not pay him much attention.
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