A picture of Erykah Badu with the word Allah written on her bare shoulders has touched off a firestorm in Muslim-majority Malaysia...
Erykah Badu was supposed to perform in Kuala Lumpur today Wednesday Feb 29th but the concert was abruptly canceled on order of the Communications and Culture Minister, who said
"With the graphic exhibition of "Allah" on the body of the singer, it is sufficient to warrant irrefutable religious controversies from among Muslims who disdain such practice. The committee's decision to disallow the entertainer to perform publicly is in our view justified."Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga and co know not to mess with Muslims and their religion but not Erykah Badu. She better not go to Malaysia o...
All this crack heads sef!anyways nah show biz!
Na wa o,linda heard she's in malaysia already but not allowed to perform.How can a normal human decorate her body lyk dis ehn
So what?!
We will never see the end of this people and their wahala.
# very long hiss...
Erykah is in Malaysia, she's just not going to perform.
Abi oo! If lady gaga and nicki should come 2 nigeria,they would be over-joyed,pple wud rush for their concert not withstanding they blaspheme
Erykah Badu is a BIG fuckin FRAUD! It's all
show she ain't that damn spiritual, her ass is
lost like the most of us. They don't like
nakedness over there, she should have
went to Paris doing that shit, they would
have loved her ass for that. Young ones
don't follow Erykah Badu because she will
hand you a one-way of thinking straight to
HELL! She be smokin that herb from
overseas and be high and trippin hard....she
creative though I gotta hand it to her, but
her ass be gettin off key her lately.
thumbs up to malaysia,may ALLAH CONTINUE to bless dat country...
i beta
gud of minister
only f she knows that muslims v zero tolerance esp when t comes to d names of their god, erykah go to malaysia get beheaded - sefini
@ anonymous bullshitter she is NOT a crack head... and linda she wasnt banned in malaysia as a tourist but as a performer so she can walk around as she likes in malaysia
ONOME says...........................
She wrote Allah on her bare shoulders and she was banned from performing?:)))))))))))Wetin be that piken wey dress like pope go awards?Make she try am with muslims na she go hear am.Arrant nonsense!!!
I dont understand why these people do anything and everything for attention.She knows its offensive to the culture so why do it.
Mumu sumborri*rme*
I'm actually really impressed with these people.yes you don't mess with their religio. These artists think because they are "entertainers" they can go around doing whateva they want and when there is a backlash,they blame it on "art".there are a million and one ways to express yourself artistically without blaspheming.Good for her next tym she won't try this nonsense. I just wish we christians could take a stronger stand against the likes of jayz,beyonce,ladygaga and co who openly and happily blasphem against Jesus and christianity because they feel we are the "quiet ones" so they get away with it.lady gaga shld sing abt Allah one day na and see what will happen to her.expression of art my foot maybe by the time we start boycotting them and their shows their eyes will clear! Nonsense
Haba!! Why crucify her when u don't even know d true story behind d picture? She was asked by her producer 2 pose as 'THE PAINTED LADY', a character in d 70s film, 'THE HOLY MOUNTAIN', in which d character had diff names of God painted on her body during a photo shoot in Malaysia. A malaysian magazine had published d photo as one of the means of creating publicity 4 d show, but the minister felt dat particular photo, out of several others, could cause confusion as d country is going 2ru election period! Meanwhile, 'she' was not banned, but the concert in Malaysia. Thank you!
Linda are you tempted yourself to mess with
Muslims and their religion
Tatooing Allah on your body is disrespectful to the
religion and to Muslims Period
Non Muslims need to learn about Islam and Muslims
and what is offensive to them before they travel to
Dubai Jakarta Jeddah or Kuala lampur
As long as you stay away from Talking About Allah
Prophet Mohamed and Quran you will be fine
Even non practicing Muslims will be offended the
same way about these subjects
Fearless u r a fool.Unlike a knuckle head like u,d so called ''these people''have respect for the God they worship.
And by "these pple" u mean muslims,ryt?.
U r hoping to see d end of Islam n muslims?
And yet they call muslims terrorists.
U cn hiss frm now till thy kingdom come.Islam aint going nowhere.U disgusting bigot.I hate pple like u who hide bhnd their keyboard and say shit.
For the first time...Im seeing objective people commenting on Linda's post about Muslims..May Allah be praised!!
i have been in malaysia for a while now and this is the first time they canceling a show that has already been announced,that shows u how much they respect their religion,Nigerian Christians wake up and learn from this,boko haram is busy killin yall in the name os islam and u guys aint doin shit,turn the tables around,breaking news:"okob mahar" is bombing mosques.maiming n killing muslims in the name of Jesus...what will happen?
I just nsincerely hope that thingy is not real tattoo ooo.(Awon oniwa pala-pala)
Simple respect for other peoples religion will solve most of the religious crises across the world today. You cant write the name of God on a bare skin and expect to be welcome in a Muslim country. I am a muslim but i still have no respect for people who write the name of Jesus on their bodies as tatoos.
To think she's 41. Some people don't have self-respect-_-
nicki minaj is an idiot for what she did recently...mocking his holiness Pope Benedict.....stupid fake ass bitch!!!!im seething with rage....
Ah ah Y EVILS!!!
Make she come do am 4 zamfara make boko pple catch am
Shey u pple see dat muslims are passionate abt dere religion if it is nigeria she wld still perform and our govt wld give her private jet to go wit sef! Lol na dem sabi! If we emulate dese muslims in d world I dnt think celebs wld call d "God" in vain or even say anytn relating to it esp dem lady gaga and d rest! ....hiss!
I find it hard to believe she didn't know Islam prohibits such behaviour
I hope it's not just for publicity
She shld have known beta. She wanted publicity bt went abt it d rong way,even as muslims we nt allowd 2 do such tins(its prohibited). By d way i lent d tatoos r temporary.
Shen may have a 'fatwah' on her head even as we speak.... Hmmm!
You guys are so STUPID. She is only using a figure of speech. Dayum! You guys need to stop being necessarily insensitive.
Ok, I know you are trying to sound so cool and American but that is no way of writing. You can speak that way in conversations but when you write, your tenses must be correct. Quit copying "akata" way of talking it doesn't show intelligence...and to think you have a blog.
Decorating her body like this? I don't like it, but it's the show biz world where you've got to be different and identified.
The reason for the tatoo is deeper than we all think...she is passing a secret message and its got nothing to do with just islam...she is implying, from the different expressions of the names tattooed on her body that she is "GOD"...she is demystifying the supreme being!they are implying that you don't need "allah", or Jehovah" or "budah" or whatever it is you call God..."You can be God". The same thing JayZ meant with the song "HOVA"...see, this whole thingy is deeper and bigger than you all think and that's why I'm suprised some are busy attacking one another here...
You dumbass Fearless was referring to muslims.Thr is no two ways about dat.And by "you guys" u also mean muslims.BTW u need to check up d meaning of firgure of speech.
Oh my God!you too make sense,when has God Almighty turn to toy,I wonder why some people will blame muslims for taking their religion serious,God is God any where,and HE should be taken serious.
So wat if she got a tattoo saying Allah, Arabic is a language and she printed God in a different language just like people have Chinese tattoos and Christians have the cross and or even have God/Jesus. I'm a Muslim & I'm so ready to get out of this judgmental circle , ppl just switch the word of God. No wisdom in religious shit this days. Just be spiritual and talk to God 1 on 1.
@sonofman...u rilly took the first step to tink outside the box,take a look@d pyramid on top of the name allah,its all written in subliminal codes.
I guess the wild reactions to her last controversial video 'Window seat' wasn't enough for her...
It is bad enuff that she stripped herself naked from d begging of one her video to the end , and now she wrote the names of God in Islam all over that same body............. She should at least respect her body and fear GOD irrespective of religion .......moi moi face
It is bad enuff that she stripped herself naked from d begging of one her video to the end , and now she wrote the names of God in Islam all over that same body............. She should at least respect her body and fear GOD irrespective of religion .......moi moi face
And she is into santeria, she once said on the Monique show that she goes to Cuba to meet her voodoo dr. why is she messing with Allah now? She must be really desperate for attention. The naked stunt she pulled for her video is not her enough. She should fire her voodoo dr. lol. for such a talented lady she is really very ignorant, sorry to say.
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