White House hires first Transgender staff (photos) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 19 August 2015

White House hires first Transgender staff (photos)

White House, as in - US govt official house - and transgender as in a man that transitioned into a woman. Raffi Freedman-Gurspan (pictured above) has become the first openly transgender woman hired by the White House. Her recruitment was announced yesterday. She will serve as a recruitment director in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel. She also made history as the first  transgender woman to work in the Massachusetts State House.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This dude didn't complete his transition. Still looks every inch like a man. Anyway, congrats on your appointment.


Unknown said...

This dude didn't complete his transition. Still looks every inch like a man. Anyway, congrats on your appointment.


Trendyify said...

Ugly beast

it is well

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Lord help and save those in dis act of transgender least their souls end up in hell.

Pls desist frm dis act bcos its abomination b4 d Lord and it pathway is hell.

Anonymous said...

Nice one...#nohomo #live #love

Unknown said...

Waooooo.nice one guys.i pray for nigeria eyes to open an see the truth behind or this there pretence hate.
Buhari is there inviting isis leader secretly.

may God bless america.
#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Waooooo.nice one guys.i pray for nigeria eyes to open an see the truth behind or this there pretence hate.
Buhari is there inviting isis leader secretly.

may God bless america.
#sad indeed

Alloy Chikezie said...


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Unknown said...

Waooooo.nice one guys.i pray for nigeria eyes to open an see the truth behind or this there pretence hate.
Buhari is there inviting isis leader secretly.

may God bless america.
#sad indeed

ary said...

He looks Mexican

Unknown said...

Waooooo.nice one guys.i pray for nigeria eyes to open an see the truth behind or this there pretence hate.
Buhari is there inviting isis leader secretly.

may God bless america.
#sad indeed

Anonymous said...

Stupid Obama wit indomie head

Unknown said...

This one na john travolta relation? Dem resemble oh

Anonymous said...


Cute G said...

If gay can be legalised, what else is left to be seen or heard?

Unknown said...

Yaaaaay! Nice one.. People should be who they are as long as they aren't hurting anyone and are happy

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Property Arena Ng said...

Obama the defender of the gay community

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Lord help and save those in dis act of transgender least their souls end up in hell.

Pls desist frm dis act bcos its abomination b4 d Lord and it pathway is hell.

Anonymous said...

This is Obama mistress, he is bringing her closer to himself

yawanow said...


yawanow said...


Anonymous said...

Choi! Yeye geh

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Good for dem

Anonymous said...

This just shows you were given birth to by people who shud hav never being allowed to be parents

Anonymous said...

We don't expect anything less than what u've u said sister onyiyechi. Hope u saving for urs?

Anonymous said...

U are of Age now so u can still go for 14yrs. Watery anus like u

OSINANL said...


Unknown said...

And they keep shoving it on the faces of the people to make it seem normal and highly acceptable. Truth is, God will always remain God. If humans like, they can mock him and keep disobeying his commandments. It doesn't change who He is. When His grace period for the world expires, He will end the world and every offendant will pay for their sins. Nonsense

APPLE said...


andre kelvin said...


Unknown said...

She wl employ 70% of r pple

Anonymous said...

Ode tell us more defination of White House....when did u first know where White House is.mumu don't go and born pipkin.

Anonymous said...

Guy take several seats. If you like, bend outta shape. ..you're still a man.focus on your grammar and leave sexuality alone.

Unknown said...

Whatever rocjs Americans boat who cares!!

K-REX said...

Ugly bitch! i hate seen this mother fuckers

KING Nwa AMAKA said...

Very very good. We are all equal in Gods eyes.

Mihearty said...

All I see is a man wearing wig and lipstick. Nonsense and ingredients. Mtewwwww

Anonymous said...

Keep promoting this crap and see how fare it takes you. Nothing last forever. You will see.

Unknown said...

Wow, so ugly

Anonymous said...

She was hired because she is transgender and not because of her skill? Obama's white house is Killing me.

Anonymous said...

She was hired because she is transgender and not because of her skill? Obama's white house is Killing me. That is illegal'

Anonymous said...

What a ugly man woman.SHE/hE looks like a bad dream.That face will make any baby cry.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

ever notice her head in the 2nd picture be like egg,congrat trans.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, Hes still a man. cant cheat nature.

Anonymous said...

LMAO, Hes still a man. cant cheat nature.

Unknown said...

jeez d shape of dis man/womans head thou.

Anonymous said...

Born throway like you

ONYI P.K. said...

Something is definitely wrong with Obama. Why allow all these nonsense to happen during his tenure? Same-sex marriage, first transgender staff in white house, even stripping naked has become rampant, especially in the US. To me, he is obviously a bad African example.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which god do you call on each time
...baal, dagon, chemosh, diana, sango, queen of heaven, allah etc... cos I'm amazed how The Great God gives us d chance to decipher yet men, for d love of sinful pleasures (death traps), these wicked gods offer... HOLY JESUS be praised 4ever and ever...

Anonymous said...

Onyx dear, go to Jesus with a sincere heart and ask Him how to live your life. He'll show you and lead you in the right path...
ONLY if you're truly sincere, dear.

Unknown said...

This guy bending is just one of the wanna be's, sadly we do not accommodate a man transgending in Nigeria, bad luck for u guy.... Stick to ur calling bro, God might just choose to have mercy on u

Anonymous said...

U re reading what an Ode wrote, what dose dat make u??? This Ode u r reading from is ur mentor. Foolish u

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is horrible. So what is he feeling like ? A gueen or beast

Anonymous said...

Na dis kain one dem see employ? This kind?

Anonymous said...

Very true!
Akpu aka!

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