18 year old Adigwe Anointing Jessica Obiageli who went missing on August 14th has been found.
"A friend found her at the corridors of Madam Tinubu hall university of Lagos between 8-9pm yesterday and dragged her to her sisters room. She claims to have wandered off on her own wanting to be alone and away from people." a family member wrote
ahan!!! :(
Lol....@dragged her to her sister's room. Thank God she was found.
Lol....@dragged her to her sister's room. Thank God she was found.
Thank God . Such a beauty.
Change is here.............
Thank God!!
Depression signs. She should be properly examined.
Good for her...maybe one guy don hurt her nw
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
What a relief! Thank she's been found alive
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Thank God
Thank God,cc beauty but pls dear u ned to stay close to ur fam even if u hav problm with dem jst try n talk to dem abt it n settle it okay.....family are everytin
Good for her...maybe one guy don hurt her nw
#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise
Thank God
Yeye! She for wander enter sambisa forest y stop @ madam tinubu hall?
Something's not right!!
My fellow diploma student.. Be safe biko
for a moment you were popular.
Hmm she seemed to have escaped a ritualist jazz
They shud keep an eye on her........pple like her depressed and prone to commiting suicide
She went for dick. She's lucky she's gotten another chance at life. Be careful young ladies, be safe. Magicblackxxl@gmail.com
Jonzing gal!
Pls watch her closely, girls like this are crazy. She kinda looks like a druggy to me, all those stupid girls that can commit suicide.
She prob took a few rounds of a thick hard d*ck up the ass! Silly geh
Anonymous..... Becareful with ur speech......she may be going tru more than anyone thinks
Can u imagine. I believe She went there to see a man, noting wrong with her @ all.
Thank God for her
Thank God for her
Her family shouldn't just sweep this incidence under the carpet. They need to take her to a psychiatrist because she maybe having a kind of depressive disorder.
Eya,thank God,please d family should get close to her nd found out what could be wrong with her,mbok.
Bitch. U got us all concerned.
Where have u been?
Am just so glad she's back... But next time she wanna go see a man, she should at least inform someone.. I just know it's a man's house she's coming back from.. Case closed!
Thank God she was found
Onyx where have u been
Some of u are so stupid! Which one is that she went for dick! Nigerians and their stupid judgmental attitude. I don't think u have ever suffered depression before! Poor girl, i hope she gets the help she needs! Pls, u're too young to think and whatever u're going through just know that its a phase and it will soon pass! In the next 5 years or so, it wont matter!
Thank God dat her case is now found no longer missing. Its well wit her soul. I wish her all d best.
U do not declare a person missing until after 2 - 3 days. Linda pls take note so that u do not just accept to pick up someone's similar message next time . Tnk u 4 ur anticipated understanding
she never talk true
Who u wan deceive..u don go do .......... finish...u come dey wander wander wander till you turn to wanderer
Praise God she was found hail and hearty
Haaaa!thank God they found her.
Tank God she was found. Visit www.poporination.blogspot.com
You sound really ignorant and try too hard being so aswell.
Thank God!
I think she need pastor councilling. All shall well OK.
She was with a guy! Been there, done that! Ages ago!! Now I'm married with a child. Thank God for maturity!!
D girl went to flex herself .
Story management. While she was somewhere straffing one guy.
They should examine her physically and mentally,something is wrong somewhere.
Make dey hold am oooo, before she go kill herself or lost final
Hahahaha, nice story, she don disapear go do runs un
She don go collect better oko, na today the boy release her...lol
Thank she is alive not dead
Tnk God for her safe return
I guess it was a stunt to be popular .Linda please am missing, find me.
Wetin that one come mean? 18 yrs old getting lost & being found in the same University environment. Abeg Lindiwe if u don't have news to share u better lie down & sleep. Mschewwww
Onyx no wonder.I was wondering how u cld be a regular student in OAU.so u neva enter school
Thank God, she's alive and safe. Linda take note!
Thank God, she's alive and safe. Linda take note!
What a lie. They dragged her out under a guy lol. Fucktards
Oniranu oshi.....m sorry for her
She is definitely a runs gurl.
I hope she is not a schizophrenic.
Lol! Me too
The lass is unwell. She needs psychiatric help before she hurts herself. And all these noise about dick..as if Nigerian men can fuck. Retard indomie noodles lot.
Don't mind them joor,some people don't think before writing.When we Nigerians change their mentality?pls her family and friends should ask her questions,and the take her for a medical check up.It could be depression or something she wouldn't want to disclose.
Careful what u wish urself cos shit Happens
Too much anointing
All of my friends have fucked this chic tho
Abeg wetin dat one mean. No insult some body for hereoooo
ogun idile
SHe went to visit a boyfriend of hers
Thank God but where u waka go?
Ehyah! She's either depressed or went to see her man!
Thank God
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