Granddad claims UFO was chasing him when he crashed during nighttime bike ride | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Granddad claims UFO was chasing him when he crashed during nighttime bike ride

A granddad claims aliens in an UFO tried to abduct him while he was out on a night bike ride.
Francisco Acosta Tostado, 68, says he crashed his bicycle into bushes as he tried to flee the craft as it pursued him from overhead.
Mr Tostado told authorities he was riding his bike on a highway in the city of Paso de Ovejas in Veracruz, Mexico, when the UFO flew so close to him that it knocked him off his bike.
The pensioner was discovered on the floor with a wound to his head.

He told officials that he believed "aliens in the craft had been trying to kidnap" him, the Express reports.

Mr Tostado was spotted lying by the road by car mechanic Policarpio Carvajal who said he alerted emergency services.

The pensioner was reportedly 'out of his mind' when police arrived at the scene and was taken to a nearby hospital.
He is now too scared to venture outside for fear of the UFO returning.


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...



Lol super story. They should please check his mental condition.
Nothing was pursuing him.


JustPorsh said...

Life outside Earth is still unconfirmed.
Granda dad might just be loony. lol
Or was he right? 'hmmmmm'.


***adult content***

Him madness still fresh like cow milk...

Blog It With Olivia said...


Pls Pray for me as I write my final paper today....can't thank God enough for bringing me this far.....4years of stressful days in school αи∂ finally am a CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANT


Unknown said...

They are aliens in this universe!
Both undercover and in space
But God pass them

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha were are d stray jackets, this man is a lunatic

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha were are d stray jackets, this man is a lunatic

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha were are d stray jackets, this man is a lunatic

Guineacar said...

Lmao. I believe this man sha. Aliens r real. Aunt Linda Pls paste d LIB giveaway winners.

Unknown said...

Na him sabi biko. I can't deal. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Na him sabi biko. I can't deal. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I hear

Unknown said...

Na him sabi biko. I can't deal. Linda take note!


He should be taken to a psychiatrist o jare,na so madness dey tk start

Unknown said...

Aha! Dis grandpa is indeed out of his mind and must b experiencing some mental challenges. Its well wit his soul and I wish him speedy recover

ary said...

LOL he must have had too much to drink. UFO my a**

Unknown said...

Aha! Dis grandpa is indeed out of his mind and must b experiencing some mental challenges. Its well wit his soul and I wish him speedy recover.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Wetin that one dey drink abeg.... Lolx...

Unknown said...

Allien. Indeed,,lolz ur comment wil b visible after approval.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lmao...he has watched too many cartoons

AMARACHI (LindaIkeji's Daughter) said...

But what if aliens are real and they just watch and laugh at the craziness of humans. What if they r waiting to take over the world

Unknown said...


muyixone said...

Lmao... D man is jst being delusional.. #jst saying

yawanow said...

THis can't be real, sounds like a movie.

Anonymous said...

Could this be real though! We have been hearing tales about UFO's lately.. Hmmnnn

mccoy said...

Chai! Wonders of kai kai

Anonymous said...

hallucinating much!

Juleslouis said...

Only God knows if this UFO thingy is real or not.

Anonymous said...

Aliens are real but I can assure you that they are not hostile. Only humans are hostile because most of us are ruled by our unconsciousness! Aliens are higher intelligence and want to teach us their way

Anonymous said...

Aliens r real. If u dont believe, go and watch Zola Levitt ministry on youtube. U will learn morw

andre kelvin said...

Too much film

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