Dear LIB readers; My neighbour's wife is trying to seduce me | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 17 August 2015

Dear LIB readers; My neighbour's wife is trying to seduce me

From a male LIB reader
My neighbour's wife has kids but she's quite young. For sometime I have being on leave, each time she's always asking when I'm resuming I keep telling her soon. One morning she came to my house that she needed my help to do something online and I noticed she was not wearing a bra and as if she wanted me to notice it going by her body movement.
Last week she brought her laptop that she wanted me to check it for her and that she was going to pick it up the next morning. So while checking the laptop I noticed there were some pictures on the desktop.

)ut of curiosity I opened one of the pictures and noticed it was her nude pictures. So I opened another one and still the same.

When she came the next day I told her the laptop was fine. Then she asked me the she hopes I didn't look at her pictures ooo. I was mute and said what pictures? She laughed and asked me if I liked what I saw? Honestly I was shocked. 

I told her no that I needed to do something that she should please excuse me for now. The husband is a good neighbor and I just feel very guilty and angry. I just moved in the compound 9 months ago and all these?

How do I stop all thus nonsense?


World People said...

Tell her u know what she's up to ...and warn her to stay away from you unless you would inform her husband firm .

Good luck

Iam_Blaise said...

Adonbilivit... Tell her husband

7F098C19 said...

Then pack out of the house. Badt man. Linda someone was burnt to death, I guess his a thief at coconut APAPA this morning. Close to my place. Engr Emy

Unknown said...

Taaaaa story 4 d gods....abeg say sumtin else joor

*lib's namesake*

Unknown said...

Lmao...probly d husby is nt active

Unknown said...

Avoid her b4 u guys do the unthinkable n the wrath of the gods will visit both of u.


Its very easy, just tell her plainly you belong to Jesus.


Unknown said... to her and if she continues, endure, after your house rent expires, find a new place.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Lagos.

Mandymice said...

Some ladies are just shameless! My dear u try and u have a good heart dats y u are asking for help. My advice,...... tell her husband! Let him knw u came to him first b4 dat woman will blackmail u, remember Joseph in d bible.

Unknown said...

Stop being friendly, simple.

Unknown said...

Keep ur stand and never giving in to her temtation.... Just give her one hell of a quarry though....

Goziem Oh LORD said...

Run for ur life ooo

Miss Tara said...

If she knock at your door again don't open, she'll respect herself

Anonymous said...

Hian,na wa o nothing wey person no go see fa,married woman,abeg guy no look there o b4 u commit big sin.

Alloy Chikezie said...

Please just tell straight forward that she should stay off you, that you're not interested in her advances, and you might add a little threat that if she doesn't stop, you'll tell her husband.

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Blog It With Olivia said...

Pls be a gentle man αи∂ don't fuck that hoe, she wanna put u into temptation but show her u got self control αи∂ that ur disciplined.
If its possible , be very strict with her anytime she wanna enter ur room....
Αи∂ keep ur distance....don't allow d Delilah to lure u into having sex with her, its better u go out αи∂ fuck a call-girl than her
Be warned

#HELL NO I can't keep CALM
BeCaUSe Am gRadUATinG TOday

#IT will ONLY get BETTER
#it MUST end IN praise

Anonymous said...

Hahahah..You see your life? You saw a picture on the desktop or on the laptop and you opened it? Curiosity kills a cat

Anonymous said...

Hahahah..You see your life? You saw a picture on the desktop or on the laptop and you opened it? Curiosity kills a cat

08138681195 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I have seen this news before, I have really seen this before

Girl caught her elder sister sleeping with her Boyfriends [Pic/video]

Unknown said...

Tell politely that you appreciate her beauty but it is against your principles to go out with a married woman, and even more being neighbors. You would not want any rumors or scandal that will ruin your reputation in the compound or neighborhood. You are ready to be a friend but strictly on platonic level. If she does not desist then do what you deem fit to get her off your back.

FRESH said...

Why did you look at the pictures, knowing exactly what they were? You will need superman strength to avoid this.Already,you think her attractive.

Unknown said...

Your asking us how to stop the nonsense?
You better go out of her sight and run for your dear life.
If you dnt know, some women are devils.
And some men can't forgive when you sleep with their wife.

Unknown said...

Avoid her

Unknown said...

Your asking us how to stop the nonsense?
You better go out of her sight and run for your dear life.
If you dnt know, some women are devils.
And some men can't forgive when you sleep with their wife.

Miss Tara said...

They will rush and marry even when they don't love the man because their friends is getting married thinking marriage is competition, look at how she's misbehaving now. Ladies marriage is not competition, God's time is the best

KWEEN said...

Nigga, flee from temptation I tell you. FLEE!

BLUNT said...

Adultery is the worst sin! This woman is poison personified. My advice is this: make sure you record her next flirting conversation with you, then give her a very stern warning to stay away from you. The essence of the recording is to protect yourself because women are next after the devil. She might out of frustration try to set you up, maybe accuse you of trying to rape her or even tell her hubby you've been pestering her. But whatever you do son, don't ever fuck another man's wife! That's the lowest point!

Anonymous said...

Give her a vry sound warnin!let her knw ur stand,dnt let her in2 ur ouse again,let her knw if she continues u wil hv no choice but 2 report 2 her husband...

Unknown said...


Mide said...

Please don't do it, let her know the very reason why u are not doing it u are even lie to her that u have STI's just to let her leave you, and u have to be very careful so that she doesn't implicate you....

Jasmine Joseph said...

Abeg bone the useless woman, e be like say na from village dem they follow her

Jasmine Joseph said...

Abeg bone the useless woman, e be like say na from village dem they follow her

Jasmine Joseph said...

Abeg bone the useless woman, e be like say na from village dem they follow her

Jasmine Joseph said...

Abeg bone the useless woman, e be like say na from village dem they follow her

Unknown said...

My brother...thread carefully o...when a woman like that wants something, she can go to any length to can't run away from your house and you can't tell her husband and you can't be rude to you are in one.

Anonymous said...

Man, you need God's wisdom to handle her. Hence forth try to be avoiding her but be careful not to call her a bluff otherwise if she is mean she might set you up.
be nice to her but avoid her entering your room and odd hers talk.

Anonymous said...

Get an evidence if possible a recorded piece,cos she might want to implicate you for fear of you telling someone then avoid her completely

Unknown said...

Be firm and issue her a stern warning.

Anonymous said...

Bro it's pretty simple just keep ur stand cause what you do to others will be done to you and try not to tell her husband because he'll think otherwise. Try seeing her in open places like when she wants something from you tell her to wait @ the door and you come out to her. Thanks

Unknown said...

Lol maybe she's been fucking other neighbours too

Anonymous said...

Nigga u dey fcuk up big time oooooooo, how u go dey run from free P, don't do that, its. It part of the boys/men code, pls hit her hard, there is this joy u get when u hit a friends girlfriend, am sure same applies to marriage

Anonymous said...

Bro it's pretty simple just keep ur stand cause what you do to others will be done to you and try not to tell her husband because he'll think otherwise. Try seeing her in open places like when she wants something from you tell her to wait @ the door and you come out to her. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Nigga u dey fcuk up big time oooooooo, how u go dey run from free P, don't do that, its. It part of the boys/men code, pls hit her hard, there is this joy u get when u hit a friends girlfriend, am sure same applies to marriage

Eze said...

Nigga u dey fcuk up big time oooooooo, how u go dey run from free P, don't do that, its. It part of the boys/men code, pls hit her hard, there is this joy u get when u hit a friends girlfriend, am sure same applies to marriage

Eze said...

Nigga u dey fcuk up big time oooooooo, how u go dey run from free P, don't do that, its. It part of the boys/men code, pls hit her hard, there is this joy u get when u hit a friends girlfriend, am sure same applies to marriage

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Dunno if ah can resist.. Can be a hen 🐔 at times

Unknown said...

talk some sense into her head and try to avoid her as much as u can.


Stop whining joor and warn her. U r sounding like ur enjoying d attention sef.
Bt that woman is silly sha,what if u had saved d pictures on ur phone and blackmailed her with it nko? I bet d lady has a fish brain and isn't thinking clearly bt rather being guided by her p***y. Olosho

Anonymous said...

story story.........................story for the gods

AMARACHI (LindaIkeji's Daughter) said...

Report her to her husband

75billion said...

Run or flee!!! Whichever one...

Anonymous said...

Give her one ace serve and pack out.

Anonymous said...

mr man pls tell us the truth,you don already enter the place just continue to enjuy urself, oniranu oshi.

Unknown said...

My advice for you is to be very careful an be prayerful cus she might want to implicate you

des said...

ignore her as much as you can. dont open your doors for her. avoid being too close to the husband too till you marry.

Maslow said...

Hey my good friend you can hardly avoid a woman who has deepened her mind to doing such hence you stay in the same compound if you are still single or have no woman by your side. So put a shade to your face and pretend you don't know who she is and mind your business.

Anonymous said...

Stop talking to her when there is no one else around....

Diary of a Naija mom said...

Ignore her!

A man's love or a woman's submission, which should come first?

Baylove said...

Brother fleeeeeeeeee!!!!

Unknown said...

Young man be very careful. Record her conversation with you as and evidence against her. Then never have any discussion with her in yur room .make all transaction outside.Finally, make your stand clearly known to her and worn her and tell her you will report her to Her husband.

Lexy Esq said...

restrict her from entering ur room, cos u might encounter unpredictable trouble if u give her the magic stick.....

Baylove said...

Brother fleeeeeeeeee!!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm my brother be careful. Just try nd see if she has a friend that comes to the house to talk to her or better tell the husband to warn his wife

APPLE said...

How do you stop it?? JUST STOP HER NOW! Wether the husband is a good neighbour or bad neighbour doesn't matter. She must have been doing it for long. Stop been friendly, remove your eyes too so you don't die on top toto.

Anonymous said...

Very simple just avoid her,anytime u see her just great her $ throw ur face off

Anonymous said...

By stopping to be nice to her about it and tell her off abruptly.

Anonymous said...

Some have shoes ...but av no legs...abeg forward ur address make we swap for just few months ODELABI oshi#

Anonymous said...

Talk to her. Tell her that what she's doing is not good and threaten that you will tell her husband if she doesn't stop or see reason. Do this first to avoid causing trouble between you and the husband, but if she doesn't listen to you then you should tell him.

Anonymous said...

Record your next conversation with her and tell her to leave you alone. If she refuses, just play the recording for her.

Better still she might just be a LIB reader and now she knows you are not interested

Unknown said...

JUST stop giving her attention, i beg you please dont fall

Unknown said...

let me be the first to tell you that you are a stupid boy. You are looking for trouble and I bet you that if you don't desist from leading this woman along, you will get it. Don't you have control? why are you humoring a married woman who is obviously going through some issues and is confused? I a man like you and I tell you that you are the one looking for what will tempt you. Behave yourself!!

Unknown said...

This is serious dude. you've got to stay away from the house when she is probably alone or better still ensure she doesn't know you are home before she lands you into what you have not bargained for. Again beware that ladies have the upper hand in issues like this. if eventually anything happens between you & her, it is her story that will be heard and believed. Be guided!

Anonymous said...

I c she is a demon incarnate. pls stop her fast fast from getting close to you or even saying hi to you before she give you ortomokpo. Bro shine your eye and run for your dear life.

Unknown said...

Bera b extremely careful ...women lyk DAT will do anytin 2get u!

DTN said...


Obidiyakool said...

Be a gentle man,if u don't want to be tempted u will never be tempted is as simple as dat

gentle said...

Hahahaha! Sounds like some super story. Call her bluff nw, nt like she can rape you.

olumayo said...

licking is allowed.... hehehehe

AC£S said...

Temptation! F*** her or tell the husband

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Daughter of Jezebel. O' boy rebuke the Devil ASAP. Linda take note!

JohnCrown said...

Any reasonable person wouldn't advise you to tell the husband. Here is what you'll do, keep rejecting her advances but make sure that as soon as she enters your room, put your phone on record. Make sure she speaks loud enough and record all your conversation. Do this always and have a backup copies. This is because sooner or later, she'll accuse you of rape. But above all, pray to God for self control to be able to resist her

Unknown said...

Don't let her into your house again.

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Daughter of Jezebel. O' boy rebuke the Devil ASAP. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! Daughter of Jezebel. O' boy rebuke the Devil ASAP. Linda take note!

yawanow said...

easy. warn her from stepping into your house, flaunt your girlfriend around for her to see. Trust me she won't come close.

mrpencil said...

hey Mr, go get a cd of p-sqaure's album and listen to TEMPTATION, you might get a solution there......

Linda Boyfriend said so......

Baddest Puta said...

You too bring your gf home

Unknown said...

Mr man lets stop deceiving ourselves. U and I know that u transferred those pictures to ur phone and laptop.

injo said...

Lash her one HOT one an let ur apartment out! #Punisher

Unknown said...

Even a saint can fall for aa naked woman. Koju ma ribi gbogbo ara logun e, u better run before u see urself in bed with her.

Unknown said...

STOP HER FROM ENTERING YOUR HOUSE BY ALL MEANS. Before she comes at a time your flesh is weak. Remember that the adulterous woman only hunt for the precious soul. Resist her VEHEMENTLY if you dont want to crash your life.

Anonymous said...

This is One of the reasons why I don't talk to my neighbors, the other flats in my house have beautiful ladies but I have trained myself not to even greet any of them. I bring in my babes from outside and I earn my respect.

Unknown said...

Stand up to her and threaten to tell the hubby if she doesn't stop....but with a face like dat why will anyone try to seduce u? JK.

Angie said...

Well, next time she comes to you to fix sth for her..tell her you are not a fixer. Be it, phone or laptop..or anything. If you don't tell her off now, soon you'll start fixing her body gadgets.

Anonymous said...

Runnnnn.. Brother.... Runnnn... Hope u didn't pay 4 more dan a year rent?. Cos immediately ur rent expires.. PACK OUT!!.. Nd make sure she dusnt come to ur room again.. Any discussion u 2 wnt to hv.. Make he dey 4 were pple go dey see una.. Hope u rememba d story of JOSEPH nd POTIPHAR'S WIFE!?..

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Dis LIB super story monday morning is superb and cool. Well composed and straight to d point. Nice one!

Dis is my tak on dis issue which is, first and foremost, kindly distance ursef frm her for d words of d Lord says we should stay away frm every act of unrighteousness and sin.

If she persist on still coming close report d matter to d hubby so dat she wil maintain her boundary and keep d distance away frm u.

My brothers/sisters it pays to flee away frm adultery and fornication for d Lord distaste and hate people dat commits dis sin's.

I read in a book written by Evan. Iyke Nathan Uzorma dat d Lord prefer a drunkard to someone dat indulge in adultery/fornication when d Lord took him to Heaven and revealed so many tins to him.

My fellow brothers and sisters, of all sins, fornication and adultery r d worst sins bcos its b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body. Pls desist frm dis sin's.

Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise.


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Dis LIB super story monday morning is superb and cool. Well composed and straight to d point. Nice one!

Dis is my tak on dis issue which is, first and foremost, kindly distance ursef frm her for d words of d Lord says we should stay away frm every act of unrighteousness and sin.

If she persist on still coming close report d matter to d hubby so dat she wil maintain her boundary and keep d distance away frm u.

My brothers/sisters it pays to flee away frm adultery and fornication for d Lord distaste and hate people dat commits dis sin's.

I read in a book written by Evan. Iyke Nathan Uzorma dat d Lord prefer a drunkard to someone dat indulge in adultery/fornication when d Lord took him to Heaven and revealed so many tins to him.

My fellow brothers and sisters, of all sins, fornication and adultery r d worst sins bcos its b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body. Pls desist frm dis sin's.

Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise.


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Dis LIB super story monday morning is superb and cool. Well composed and straight to d point. Nice one!

Dis is my tak on dis issue which is, first and foremost, kindly distance ursef frm her for d words of d Lord says we should stay away frm every act of unrighteousness and sin.

If she persist on still coming close report d matter to d hubby so dat she wil maintain her boundary and keep d distance away frm u.

My brothers/sisters it pays to flee away frm adultery and fornication for d Lord distaste and hate people dat commits dis sin's.

I read in a book written by Evan. Iyke Nathan Uzorma dat d Lord prefer a drunkard to someone dat indulge in adultery/fornication when d Lord took him to Heaven and revealed so many tins to him.

My fellow brothers and sisters, of all sins, fornication and adultery r d worst sins bcos its b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body. Pls desist frm dis sin's.

Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise.


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Anonymous said...

Ignore hear like she has ebola..dont talk to her, dont let her into your house. She's an agent of satan! for you to have posted this here, am sure u read LIB alot, so you know the kinda gory stories we read here, I wouldnt want you to be our next rip story if her husband gets to know any thing funny. Tell her you know exactly what sshe's upto and you aint interested.

shemexd1 said...

seduce her back with hot slap.....and she will hate u for life..

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Just frown ur face anytime u see her. Lol

Anonymous said...

When ever she come around you ask her to bring her bible so you guys can read or stop her from coming to your house if she needs your help meet with her at her house not yours.

Kelam said...

Simply tell her off... And mean it o.

sexy Cha Cha said...

Don't give her chance to come close to u. if she persisted pick a quarrel.

Anonymous said...

May Allah continue to bless you my President. Please do not forget to look into the issue of Petroleum Technology Development Fund(PTDF). There are a lot of scholarship racketeering going on there. They are kingpins running that agency, who award scholarships to their friends, family and kindred. The scholarships are also being sold to the public. This is not what it was meant to be. Thank you Mr President.

Anonymous said...

If them seduce u,seduce her back nah... dee

Unknown said...

Spend less tym at home,or tell ur girlfrnd to visit u often or u pack out

Unknown said...

Move out

Unknown said...

Spend less tym at home,or tell ur girlfrnd to visit u often or u pack out

Unknown said...

Eat, clean your mouth and run...... Pheeeew

Unknown said...

flew every appearance of temptation. dont give her a chance again.

Unknown said...

This is an issue that can sour your stay in that compound. I suggest you avoid letting your her know you are at home especially when she is also home alone. If you fall for her antics, i bet you that it is her story people will believe. your story of she is trying to seduce you will be null and void. Watch it brother and be nice to the husband whom you say is a nice guy too.

Unknown said...

Why come here seeking for advice? You are a grown adult, you know what to do. Or do you expect us to tell you to fvck her? Use your brain

D REAL JAY said...


mzmaris said...

Y u open am? Ashawo

cutest sealord said...

Guy u sure say u no edit this gist. Abeg play original version for us jare

TUNEX said...

I just pity the poor husband because for his neighbor to have seen her wife's nakedness picture or no picture is very painful. As for you my guy, please don't fall for her. The beginning may sweet but the end will be too disastrous. Please be warned!

Unknown said...

Run for ur lyf bros, no be every free food person dey chop.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a bad boy sef

Anonymous said...

Reject her, but stay away from confrontation with the husband...I doubt you would want to feel like you're the cause of the failure of the couple's marriage

Anonymous said...

Only God will save you because once a woman wants you Hmmmm it takes only God to save the man

For all your quality and affordable female wears, accessories, handbags and footwear,kindly add us on bbm pin: 2bb40d42, we deliver at ur doorstep thank you.

Unknown said...

Nawa oooh some womrn with cheating habits since 1908!my brother just try to aviod her by making sure you dont get to help her with those unnecessary things again.

Anonymous said...

Wt dis ur ugly face if so the woman is in need of u bad nature?

Anonymous said...

Once she tries again, tell her off and let he know clearly that you aren't interested and she can sell herself to someone else who cares to buy.

Anonymous said...

You be okobo bro!

Anonymous said...

My guy y u edit dis story na? And y u open d picture in d 1st place na ur laptop wen u come dey go tru am? Ashawo like u

Pro said...

Hmm brotherly tell her to get behind thee... goodmorning greetings alone enh don't even tell her good afternoon, evening and night just good morning. Run Lol

That vuvuzela P guy

Anonymous said...

You have to set clear boundaries. Tell her in clear language that you are not interested in helping her commit adultery. Next time she tries to engage you in conversation, secretly record it on your phone. Someday you might need evidence to exonerate yourself. Who knows, this might be a modern day Joseph and Portiphar's wife drama unfolding. Run away from her like your life is in danger. Cos it is.

Fash said...

Married woman ke.......Abomination

Juliebabe said...

When ever she comes to your house, do not open the door for her and may sure you avoid her totally, when she comes again with her laptop tell her you are not an IT guru. She is a bad wife

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmm gash the yash

Anonymous said...

It has happened to me as well when i was still single. the woman was my neighbour but her husband stays at abuja, an Alhaji. she has 2 sons both in boarding school. anytime my girfriend is not around, i will go home very late. atimes she will come knocking my door at odd hours but God helped me i scaled thru and did not give in. to the extent that people were looking at me somehow. one elderly woman even called me to advise me not to do such. women and their wahala. May God help you bro, just be careful

Anonymous said...

Dumb ass. Who said this is his picture?

Anonymous said...

You will be Ashawo, you have it in mind to Fuck the woman , Bloodyyy Rascal.


ary said...

LOL. This is quite funny and is actually a sex harassment of some sort but because it is a guy involved the world would laughter it off but it is what it is.

Unknown said...

Hmmm.....try to avoid her cus once you start seeing each other it's gonna be very difficult to stop.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Dis LIB super story monday morning is superb and cool. Well composed and straight to d point. Nice one!

Dis is my tak on dis issue which is, first and foremost, kindly distance ursef frm her for d words of d Lord says we should stay away frm every act of unrighteousness and sin.

If she persist on still coming close report d matter to d hubby so dat she wil maintain her boundary and keep d distance away frm u.

My brothers/sisters it pays to flee away frm adultery and fornication for d Lord distaste and hate people dat commits dis sin's.

I read in a book written by Evan. Iyke Nathan Uzorma dat d Lord prefer a drunkard to someone dat indulge in adultery/fornication when d Lord took him to Heaven and revealed so many tins to him.

My fellow brothers and sisters, of all sins, fornication and adultery r d worst sins bcos its b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body. Pls desist frm dis sin's.

Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise. Shalom!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm. Dis LIB super story monday morning is superb and cool. Well composed and straight to d point. Nice one!

Dis is my tak on dis issue which is, first and foremost, kindly distance ursef frm her for d words of d Lord says we should stay away frm every act of unrighteousness and sin.

If she persist on still coming close report d matter to d hubby so dat she wil maintain her boundary and keep d distance away frm u.

My brothers/sisters it pays to flee away frm adultery and fornication for d Lord distaste and hate people dat commits dis sin's.

I read in a book written by Evan. Iyke Nathan Uzorma dat d Lord prefer a drunkard to someone dat indulge in adultery/fornication when d Lord took him to Heaven and revealed so many tins to him.

My fellow brothers and sisters, of all sins, fornication and adultery r d worst sins bcos its b committed wit d temple of d Lord which is d body. Pls desist frm dis sin's.

Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise. Shalom!

mccoy said...

Obviously he is excited about it..
"How do I stop all THUS nonsense?"
and Linda you couldn't even help him correct it?

Unknown said...

Baba sharply tesojue

Unknown said...

Na this face dem dey seduce?

Unknown said...

You need to stop been friendly with her....

Anonymous said...

Lol bonario! Yes ooh!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

By telling her husband na before she accuses u of rape

Unknown said...

This is always d case when you marry a trophy wife instead of a crowned wife...A virtuous woman who can find?To the singles,look before U leap,a way may seem rite unto a man but the end is destruction

Dave said...

This is what I call a lobatan code

Unknown said...

Just hear yourself "you opened one, then opened another. I guess you liked what you saw? If you wanna avoid been lured, then stop her straight from coming to your apartment. Good luck.

olusamjide said...

Truth be told, you give room to this nonsense to manifest. In the first place, you shouldn't have allowed her into your house when you know fully well that she's a neighbor's wife. Secondly, why do you have to open a file on someone's PC without his/her consent. Be truthful to yourself, you have feelings for the lady in question. Stop pretending as if you are not. And you are heading to a big mess. Women are very dangerous and desperate, you need to try as much as possible to have either video or audio recording of your conversation with her whenever she comes around again to be able to exonerate yourself whenever she try to play victim. After having an evidence, then tell it to her face to desist from what she's trying to do that you are fully understand but not interested and not to ever come to your house again. it is morally wrong to entertain your neighbor's wife in your apartment without her husband in present

Unknown said...

My dear,i'll advice you don't tell her you gonna report her immoral steps/signal to her husband. Because such evil woman can end up coming to your house some day and start shouting rape(talking from experience of a coursemate back then)
So,i suggest you take record of all her moves/steps then report to the husband and play what you've recorded with your phone or something. In that way,you will have a upper hand even when she comes up with loads of lies

...NA ZO

Teacher said...


Teacher said...

And face The judgement of GOD

Unknown said...

Use dis opportunity b4 ur leave expires and make sure u hit it hard... then giv her d snobing of her life after that. Bring home ur g'friend regularly after that and play so much love around d house. Trust me, she will change

Anonymous said...

Jam her joor and clean mouth b4 ur leave is over

Vigilant Citizen said...

And you call yourself a man? If you really have no interest in sleeping with this bitch, you would avoid her. Do not let her get to you, do not do things for her, do not let her into your house.Do not go into her house unless her husband is there. Keep your conversations with her to the barest minimum, only say the usual neighborly greeting and please keep it moving. above all, you better pray to God that she hasn't gotten into your head yet, or else, you will not be able to resist her. If you have to shout at her, please do so. Or better still, go find yourself a girlfriend, even if its not a serious relationship.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I will advise him not to tell the lady's husband bc that could break her home. I think both husband and woman need help to save their marriage . If she doesn't get what she want from this guy, she will look else where to look for help. Which still amount to her husband being cheated.

The man should try n talk to d woman with wisdom that he is not interested. Now, how d man present d matter to d lady matters a lots. If this guy is matured , he could councel d woman . Who knows she may change for better.

Vigilant Citizen said...

And you call yourself a man? If you really have no interest in sleeping with this bitch, you would avoid her. Do not let her get to you, do not do things for her, do not let her into your house.Do not go into her house unless her husband is there. Keep your conversations with her to the barest minimum, only say the usual neighborly greeting and please keep it moving. above all, you better pray to God that she hasn't gotten into your head yet, or else, you will not be able to resist her. If you have to shout at her, please do so. Or better still, go find yourself a girlfriend, even if its not a serious relationship.

Anonymous said...

Young man, clear all avenues of interacting or meeting her. Do not i repeat DO NOT attempt to give her the impression that you understand her moves, besides you have no proof. Attempting to tell her husband is a suicide mission, she will levy allegations on you that you cant deny. lastly, stop that attitude of Mr nice guy, avoid married women so you will live long on earth.

Unknown said...

Pack out for what?


Vigilant Citizen said...

And you call yourself a man? If you really have no interest in sleeping with this bitch, you would avoid her. Do not let her get to you, do not do things for her, do not let her into your house.Do not go into her house unless her husband is there. Keep your conversations with her to the barest minimum, only say the usual neighborly greeting and please keep it moving. above all, you better pray to God that she hasn't gotten into your head yet, or else, you will not be able to resist her. If you have to shout at her, please do so. Or better still, go find yourself a girlfriend, even if its not a serious relationship.

Unknown said...

Na that kind neighbor I dey find, but she's married sadly. E for be everyday strafing. But she's married, too sad.

unibenmerro said...

Inform your girlfriend, invite her home and introduce her to the Jezebel, I also love then idea of recording your conversation also. Do it fast, otherwise you may not be as lucky as Joseph

okesimma said...

I had a similar experience and i resolved it with Proverb 6vs23 to 7vs6-27. study it and extend it to her to study meditate on it.

Unknown said...

Tell her you know what she is up to. Tell her to stay away from you or else you would tell her husband. And for the record, don't ever help her do anything again, like fixing her laptops and the likes. She shouldn't come to your room, and don't go to her apartment when no one is home. It is well.


Anonymous said...

If she reads LIB, I think you just did.

Unknown said...

U sef go marry!!!

Unknown said...

you should go on your knee and pray over it because this might lead to unkind expectations, pls be sincerely abt it. you can even relates this issus wit a sensable elderly person and also your pastor or who you might think is right to talk to. this life is a funny place and full with wicked act. the lord is your strength.

Unknown said...


Everything Women said...

Follow me on IG:@for_classy_ladies__ for quality ladies shoes & accessories. You can also add me on bbm 33598E36.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Hopefully your thing has not stood in her presence. Tell her if it's the D she wants, you are impotent. So, end of.

Anonymous said...

The woman that was trying everything to sleep with me end up crying after 4months,
i called her up one morning she was trying to seduce me again and i
asked her if she will be fine and happy if my wife will be trying to seduce her
husband or if she catch her husband sleeping with another lady?she started crying
and saying that my over beauty is making her lose control,that was the end,,speak sense into her or warn her with a video recording so that if she ever blackmail you
to her husband you will show up the video record

Anonymous said...

Next time she shows up, tell her that that you have all her "rubbish" pix in a flash drive and that if she doesn't get off your back you will post her pix online and even share it with her husband. Period.Kapish.

Steve Chikere said...

This is no story at all. He's an adult and sure, knows what to do. the options are left to him to decide.

Juleslouis said...

If u wantt all these to stop right away, war her to stay clear or u tell her husband and tell her your wife is aware of whatever she's up to. And its better u tell your wife o cuz some women can end d world with their lies and blackmail.

Anonymous said...

It's very simple. Just tell her that u would love to fuck her, in fact ur always hard anytime u see her, but u have a MAGUN covenant with ur gf or wife (if ur married). That both of u will get glued in the process for sure, but u don't mind on ur own as u really desire her too. Na she go rush carry her lappy bolt out of ur house. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I cannot be tempted.

I have high libido


Anonymous said...


Maestro said...

Guy remember say her husband fit put Maguun on her without her knowledge....Avoid public disgrace. Better still avoid d sin against u own body & God. Shalom.

Chinedu, Correct Guy said...

Leave your neighbor's wife alone.
She fine?
Text her address, I know be una neighbor.

Unknown said...

She's a die hard. Don't stop at warning her, get a solid evidence, something like a recorded conversation, keep it handy then go ahead and report her to her husband. She might set you up or accuse you of rape, hence the reason for the evidence.

nunulicious said...

give her a link to this story on LIB

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u'r really man don't give her that chance. in case if she come to ur room work her out

Unknown said...

Tell her husband

Unknown said...

Tell her hubby

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