Consecrated virgins are like nuns, they live chaste lives, the only difference is that they don't live in convents and they are not obliged to take on any particular work for the Catholic Church. See pics from the wedding after the cut...

"My students asked if they should call me Mrs. Hayes when I come back to school next week, and no, I’m still Ms.'But I am married to Jesus.'' she said.
'I think that in some sense, we’re all called to be married. It’s just a matter of discerning how. So, my marriage is to Christ and someone else’s marriage is to their spouse,' she told Wane.
God please open the eyes of the "blind" please......
Mk she welldone
Oh so this is where the popular saying 'I am married to jesus' came from...
Hehehe good for her.
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Thank you Jesus
Nah wa oooo,
Orisirisi la mama gbo.
She should just tell us she can't find husband
Rather than covering it with marrying Jesus.
Father! Please let her keep to the convenant she's had with you. Keep her away from all the sins in the world. Amen.
Buh she cud ve as well not marry at all
Me self wan go marry Jesus oooo....... coss me self be Virgin...... hehehe
Good 4 Her.
This is one of the reason why i hate religion. Anyway, good luck for her
Who Are The Ten Virgins? Part 5
What! 38 years and still chest?
Who Are The Ten Virgins? Part 5
Awwwww... So nice, I wish.
Are u kidding me right now. ... where did she see jesus to marry him? This world is turning to something else wallahi.
Hmmm wow congrats to her.
Congrats to her.
She's a model to women, who aspire to live a pious life.
Madness in practice.. .
Well...Let God be the judge!!!
Woooooooow! Dis is worth emulating. Congrats to her. Linda take note!
Woooooooow! Dis is worth emulating. Congrats to her. Linda take note!
Woooooooow! Dis is worth emulating. Congrats to her. Linda take note!
Is this story true...
Wow, lucky her. Dat dos take some nerve.
Wow speechless but good HML to her!she has made one of the most wonderful decision of a lufe times she got the best husband.
Lol I guess the priest are her men on suit.. I don't know where they get all these from, they should keep deceiving themselves not me..
Her wedding song shuld b "am married to Jesus satan leave me alone"..Congrat to her
Wow...that's a huge decision....congrats to her!
What? Did I just read right? Heeiii....things we hear everyday!
Good 4 her...
RIP to my friend mom...who passed on dis nite.u ll be missed
@least we still hear some good news coming out of the States.
Congratulations 2 r
Congratulations 2 r
Oh dear....religion
This woman did not known what she missing
I will do the same very soon!
Her song from now on will sound like am married to Jesus Satan leave me alone....
Eeeeeh?who Seeeend am dem tell am say jesus need wife?shuooooo mke she go chop agbalumo abeg!!
She's sexy though. I'd hit that
Very good because now u can sleep at nite without thinking that Ur husband is cheating on u.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#
Is a wa o.
Where is the precedence for this in the bible?? Idol worshippers! She wowo, abi Na transgender sef!
Looking like an ordination. Good thing is that no one is born or forced into it. In that same America, people are changing their sex and marrying the same sex, meanwhile another set of people are consecrating their lives to God and marrying Jesus. Lol. Irony of life
That's nice
Never.had of this b4.
She is beautiful.
Let God be the judge.
reminds me of the popular xtian song,am married to Jesus Satan leave me alone,my husband is coming to take me away,through everlasting life,where are her in laws,God the father,God the son and holysprit,and mother Mary,funny but nice.
It is well with her....
Good for her. Catholics and their plenty doctrine
Hmm! Hearing and seeing this for d first time.
Wait wa?
I'm quite amuse concerning the ignorance of people whose negative comments shows that they neither know their Bible or know Christian history. There have been eunuchs and consecrated virgins from the early days of Christianity. St. Paul encouraged when he wrote to the Corinthians concerning getting married and living singly in order to have time for the things of God. Our generation is so perverse about sex as if it's the goal of marriage. Even in marriage sex is to glorify God. Congrats to this brave and courageous model for our time. God strengthen your resolve to follow him in this state.
Pls is christ. Aware of dis?...did he agree...pls m confused!
There is nothing I will not read... Uwa mmebi...ðŸ˜.. Virgin and which Jesus? Odiegwu o!!!
abeg this one is better than hearing about transgenders
, the kadarshians all the time.
Brother saints still exist in this sinful world. Her action has nothing to do with inability to find a husband, is pure choice. I mean look at her she is pure beauty, finding a husband definitely isn't a problem for her.
Na wa for you o. You sef where did you see Jesus and yet you believe in him. It's the same thing bro.
I doubt if she'll miss anything anyway.
So who is blind and who can see.
Good for her, even though she will be missing alot in life as a woman
Who Are The Ten Virgins? Part 5
The Love of a Selfless Saviour
Lol,she for kukuma marry God na....
Pple can be funny ooo,so Mary will nw b her mother-in-law and Joseph d father-in-law.......Chai!!!!!!!!!!!
Dat prayer shd go to oloshos in ur house & on ur streets
Congratulations to her. Some folks who can't stay a day without sex, think everybody is like them. You better accept Christ b4 its too late. Benedicamus Domini...
***adult content***
Mad women now where white gown too...ok
God bless her. Shame on all those criticizing her, but this same people can praise half naked women living immoral lives abi?! *smh*
Open what eyes of the blind? Seeing transgender news and naked women is cool, but some one dedicating the rest of her life and her chastity to God in a country where people are loosing their sanity is now blind?? You need high quality googles urslf.
Like seriously, I didn't knw abt all dis marrying Jesus, I would hav done d same, now am jealous, some ladies marrying my Jesus. She shld be pure inside out nt only passing being virgin cos all my Jesus needs frm us is 2 love him, our neighbour's and obey his commandments.
Them turn Jesus to Polygamist
Smile... silly you
No be everybody dey find husband, some people can live without dick!!!
She is a light in the midst of darkness.
May God grant her the grace to be faithful to her vow of chastity.
All LIB readers, can we learn something here, we can be different!
nw ds is funny
That's Good, that's what we need in the world now
Am so marvelled at this! Congrats to her, pls Lord deliver her from every temptation ahead.
Like seriously
I wonder oo..married to jesus???..o nwekwara ife mmadu na-agaghi a hu na uwa nke a
Gbam!!..let them be deceiving themselves..i wonder if it's nt the same Bible that everyone is reading, maybe their own is different
Is finding a man to marry becoming a challenge and your biological clock ticking? your own children can bring the happiness you so desire. Consider intrauterine insemination today.lets chat on whatsapp
Na wa for ppl o. Man marry man una complain, woman marry woman, una go still complain. Person talk say she marry Jesus u complain again. She only termed it marriage and not real marriage in that sense. She is a Virgin and she has decided too serve God in her chastity and not become a Rev.sister/Nun. That is how it is done in the catholic church.
Wow that is quite something! I couldn't make that sacrifice. This is very admirable.
Congratulations. I prayed God Almighty will give you what it takes to be a faithful wife till we meet our Lord in paradise. God is with you.
Congratulations. I prayed God Almighty will give you what it takes to be a faithful wife till we meet our Lord in paradise. God is with you.
Big drama
People and how they think sef...
This practice of consecrated virgins and eunuchs has been since the inception of Christianity. St. Paul spoke of this in his epistle to the Corinthians. It is worthy of praise and emulation in a world that worships sex and immorality... there are still some sane people who tend to keep themselves holy and pure for the Divine Spouse. The power and prayers of such people are influential before the eyes of God. Remember: Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God.
And religion does not like you either! Anu mpama!
You have been Deflowered since you were TEN(10)
where did she see jesus to marry him? This world is turning to something else.. Latest Entertainment News
There is nothing as good as being a muslim. Honestly, u cant hear this in Islam. Everything is clearly stated. This is madness in the highest order!
There is nothing as good as being a muslim. Honestly, u cant hear this in Islam. Everything is clearly stated. This is madness in the highest order!
Since she refused to stay in the covent, what if she gets raped?
U r a big fool. U just want to create a topic. Fool Ode!
Catholics and their madness
I Think its a good thing to dedicate your entire life and worldly pleasure to whom you save, I really appreciate this.
Dedicating One's Entire Life To God!! #GRACE!!
Please Linda can you put the season 2 of this movie we just watch now.
Inspiring to live a chaste life and also pure in heart. The only difference is would love to have my own family.
Mumu man wey go dey sleep tire not knowing his wife is even cheating more than him...
How can you hear this in Islam where sex, women (even little tender girls are all succulent) and full blown lust from here to eternity (12,000) virgins promised in Al-Jana after acceptable rotation of even more than the so called "4four" wives here on earth... HOW?
Not catholic, but how else will dis not be really strange to Africans generally where whole families and communities are dedicated to all manners of assorted lustful demons and devils ( lust for human blood and perverted sex). Repentance is not hard if you're serious with your God. Afterall, Jesus died to save us from sexual enslavement and bondage too.
This is by far better than man-to-man or woman-to-woman... Not getting married to any man is better than marrying a man and you are still alone, fending for yourself or even feeding the man in the name of marriage. for those who cannot do it will always condemn it BUT THIS IS "GRACE", "FAITHFULNESS" AND "DEDICATION OF ENTIRE LIFE TO GOD"
@ ibrahim opeyemi if I was hearing something like dis abaut Islam $ not d killing, bombing $ slaughtering of innocent people dat Islam is known for, I wouldn't have hated Islam so shut up!!
Nke wụzi na onye nwe anyi Jesus nwa Mazị Christ awụzikwaa nwa okorobia n'amaghi nwanyị.
Are u thanking Jesus for getting married.
I love her dress
U are d one who is stark raving mad
Going through all this comments and most people are giving more of negative opinions ..... Who are we to cast stones on other people's decision ???? That is her decision and we all need to look at the good side of it not always criticise people .... Marrying to Christ means she is fully committed to following Christ all the days of her live not forgetting she is chaste also. Same thing happens to when you marry your husband or wife.
What is good about being a Muslim?? State out bro lets hear....
Where did d bible tell u abt linda ikeji n internet.these r d things we should b so concerned to marry like dedicatin her whole life to Christ dts exactly wht it is.hw does dis look sinful if u wil explain to me.she jst did d ceremony to stamp her dedication to God in front of people to show her seriousness wit her servin Christ all d rest of her life
This is my first time of seeing this. I always sing it as follows : I am married to Jesus, satan leave me alone 2ce. My husband is coming to take me away to everlasting home.
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