His father actually described his coming out as gay as
'worse than death'. Vancouver-born Tyler who is 15 and now lives with
his aunts shared the Facebook conversation he had with his dad after he
publicly came out as gay on social media. His sisters and mom have
however accepted his sexuality. A pic of Tyler after the cut...
Chai.....how does a parent handle dis kinda situation?
Eyah. I can feel d dad's pain. It is well
Fathers always have issue with their sons being gay
I don't blame him
But he should accept his son like that
Even though is very hard
Hmmmm! De keep coming out everyday....very soon all men will come outta d closet.
The sane parent sees such and be happy, I feel the man's pain.
Person see toto n breast..but say na shit him go fuck n suck..it aii...na these bigots get HIV pass..
true some things are more shameful than stealing........
true some things are more shameful than stealing........
true some things are more shameful than stealing........
Eya......I pity his father
Na wa
His father is just saying his mind
Linda dis one na family matter biko... i no fit put mouth abeg. (Gayism is ungodly)
Dafe writes via old itel mobile
Too bad for his parent
Hmmm...na wa oooo
I feel d pain of d father, dis is completely absurd... I just cannot understand y pple ar doing dis... Lord have mercy.
I really feel sorry for the dad,
must really be painful,
d man would have wished he was childless,
l pray none of my children dream of such
cos my reaction as parent won`t be good too...
Linda when u become a parent u will understand y?
It happens.lindaobserve
See what this fine boy has done to himself...... At age 15 what does he know......this whites grows so fast......when i was 15, i didn't know there was something called sex.....talk less of gay.....this guys are so so possessed
Can you imagine! Those still enjoying being lesbians and gays. It's not too late to desist. Rom 12:1-2. @Bishop_Dammy
So sad honestly.
Eyaaaa so sad he should forgive him and accept him thats life shi*******t happen Jc
Dirty bloody anus
Dumb ass Son of a dick_ 15yrs wasted just 2 get dick inserted in ya butthole. *Asshole*
Dumb ass Son of a dick_ 15yrs wasted just 2 get dick inserted in ya butthole. *Asshole*
Exactly. I just wonder how a parent handles situations like this. I bet even d parents that willingly or forcefully accept it always wish for a miracle deep inside. Smh! God plssssss, don't put me in this kinda situation. Don't think i can handle it either!
Eeyah....the dad is really pained
I love what the dad did, God created women for a reason.
Hmmmmm can be embarrassing tho .... I wonder wat they enjoy fucking assholes
It's quite unfortunate, I feel for the man. May God deliver us from the youth of nowadays with their so called civilization which a times are abomination.
very unfortunate
Now dis one will soon commit suicide oyibo na dey waste time since his father doesn't want dat kinda life
Though the boy may be on the wrong part but his father didn't do right, there are other ways he could have made the boy understand. Linda take note!
Though the boy may be on the wrong part but his father didn't do right, there are other ways he could have made the boy understand. Linda take note!
I hate dis kinda disgusting story
Its hard to swallow but this is who he is
The dad has to accept him that's it.
The dad must be really heartbroken but that is his part and nothing can be done about it.....
This too shall pass!
Cmon sharrap
Ish is begining to look like Dude will start teaching at the age of 2yrs any male kid he brings forth about loving and fucking Dames cos this gay ish is getting outta hand.
Older Gays are Grade 1 Child molesters. Infact, they start abusing kids from when their mind is a Tabula Rasa and you see these kids growing up with that retarded memories of anal pleasure.
Lord help us.
Whites sucks, I hate them with passion #gay
I have a son who is a baby at the moment and the love I have for him is unimaginable. If he were to come out as gay 15 years from now will that love diminish? I pray for him and hope he turns out well but if anything like this were to happen I wouldn't turn my back on him. Maybe it is us mothers and women who have this compassion. Even this young man's mom and sisters have accepted him. Men I think feel threatened especially if it is an only son. No one to continue their legacy or carry on the family name.
U sharap annon fool
I really pity those that still exist as gays and lesbians. Come to think of it, what do they enjoy sleeping with a fellow man! Isn't it even irritating? Not to of the spiritual complications then consequences. Rom 12:1-2. @Bishop_Dammy
I really pity those that still exist as gays and lesbians. Come to think of it, what do they enjoy sleeping with a fellow man! Isn't it even irritating? Not to of the spiritual complications then consequences. Rom 12:1-2. @Bishop_Dammy
We feel his pain, but did the boy purposely decide to become gay? So young? Who taught him?
Theses things are sometimes in the genres and can't be stopped...
Papa, park well!
You're not thinking of whether your son will or will not contact diseases, it's about the shame you think is worse than death. Ever died before?
By the way, is this boy supposed to be having sex or studying in school? If it's Kylie jenner now...
**Bonaparte NN
Shut up,u don't know what u talking about
I watched one interview between a mother and a daughter who came out as gay... The mom was like" if I knew you would be gay I would have aborted you,it's better for me if you were a bandit..
This isn't done in Kuala Lumpur
This is the most stupid comment i read today bonapart you are an effin moron, a super retard at that
Too bad. What is this world turning to??? Gush!!!
Ahh stop oh we are not all gay it might not be wrong but it's disgusting
that man must be crying all the night for that wayward son
3 Things That Make People Cry
3 Things Christian Churches Can Do to Fight Ebola
7 steps to reciprocate the love of Christ
But actually I am just asking how are pple gay if dey like ass holes don't women have ass holes
Next thing he will commit suicide or attempt self harm.. Mtcheew
...Mama J...
make una allow the boy.when all d girls dey form bae, wetin u want make he do? my guy carry on jhor... enjoy your fag life. Not everytime you eat pussy,sometimes suck preek
make una allow the boy.when all d girls dey form bae, wetin u want make he do? my guy carry on jhor... enjoy your fag life. Not everytime you eat pussy,sometimes suck preek
@hotbillzz. Shut up dear. Wasn't it on this blog that we all read abt a teenager that commited suicide bc he wasn't accepted by his friends and family? Hw n who will it help if this young child outta frustration/rejection commits suicide. Instead of conderming, y not show them love n pray for them. This isn't just a physical battle
U are not wise for saying that
It's better than putting up with your bimbo attitude.
That makes you even more vulnerable. At 15 I was already getting sex edu from my mom, cos that's the age range your hormones are probably at the peak. So keep that in mind when u have your kids.. it helps to talk about these things with kids early, so it doesn't get sticky when it's too late.
Anonymous 9:02, you don't know no shit. Just wait till your son turns 15, and tells you that he's gay. Na then you go know how far. Mumu dey talk rubbish.
A bishop and you condone hate? You are a disgrace is your calling is even real.
The issue here is how a father can make something about his son's life all about himself.
It is a shame that we can't forget our own selfish feelings for once to consider the pain of others.
In the meantime, Dammy, stfu, get your dirty wretched mind out of other people's sex life. Loser.
Transgender and Homosexual which one worse pass
Thank God for my life, I would have been a lesbian, but Godwin. It's not inside any gene.
You did not use that hashag properly it looks like you're gay. And don't be such a fucking racist.
I jst. Feel for d parents
He is only 15.How does he know ge is gay? NA wa o
Very painful for a parent I must say
Hmmmm...its a pity
Anonymous,something tells me u're gay & ur conscience must b judging u.repent 4 d trumpet shall soon sound!
Gayism...that means we should query fundamental interaction/magnet and magnetism which all these physicists postulated and even attributed to daily human lives/activities!. Like poles tend to attract!.
But why are most cute dudes swaying the other side though?.#<ForTheLadies.
Put ur name and comment "idiaaattt'! Why comment as anonymous I wish u Dad was a gay and never had you!
Stop abusing people who only air their view soon even stealing would be acceptable and covered up with a language in law. We'll I pray all ur children come out as gay when u start having them. Or maybe u b gay sef
this boy is so fresh, i would hit him anyday. GAYPRIDE
Well a 15yrs old coming out as gay means he is doing it already! And Linda pls forget the hate things some things has to stop we can't always accept any rubbish just Bcos it's their nature. What if it is the nature of some people to shoplift?
Gay is not ungodly, the men of god have all found each others arse
Vote for Buhari and you will have this happening to your little brothers, sisters and kids.....Wise up Nigerians
Ah, c dis fyn boy.. Plus, hw does he evn knw he is gay?? At 15?? Is wa
Poor child i just hope he realizes pretty fast and understand the pains his family will be going through now cos of him being gay. Then go to rehab for change.
And ISIS has been busy beheading and throwing down gay folks from high-rise buildings; but scarcely has seen the perverts streaming on the streets in protest!
They've been rather cold about everything...
Methinks the gay thing would have long been nipped in the board if it had been followed with raw iron hand!
#Just saying...
God forbid any of my kids turn gay. the Judas that will turn gay shall die before birth or maturity. that saves the lamentation of a father over his child in such a matter
How come onyxx didn't comment today? His people are showing up and he is no where to be found.
Awwwww... He's so cute
Doesn't change d fact u're still gay & ur portion in hell awaits u...loooooool
Another fine boy gone to waste....
Heya what a shame. I honestly don't know what I'd do in the father's shoes but I certainly feel his pain, and at the same time, I feel for the boy.
Sister linda,we need a like button on blog,please. We should be able to like or dislike comments posted by people.
What a bunch of idiots.
I understands how his dad feel
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