Hmmm, na wa for this rumour mongers o. Some people approached me yesterday and said "Madam blogger, why haven't you reported that Anna Ebiere is pregnant for Flavour". I said, I've been hearing the rumours o, is it true? I thought she denied it?'. They said, is she supposed to not deny it? It's 100% fact. MBGN 2013 Anna is pregnant for Flavour. In fact, she's in her second trimester." I said 'O tio!" Are you people sure? They said yes o! Ask your entertainer friends, most of them know. You bloggers sef, una no dey know wetin dey happen for town. Call people you know"
So I picked my phone and called an entertainer friend of mine who is close to Flavour, and he confirmed it. I said, are you 100% sure? He said 101%. They are hiding it. And I hear her parents are very disappointed. Na wa! So anyway, I went on Anna Banner's instagram page and realized she hasn't uploaded any recent pic. Well, this is still rumour until we see a baby bump. Flavour already has a child with ex-beauty queen, Sandra Okagbue!
Lets wait n c ...lindaobserve
Lets wait n c ...lindaobserve
Old gist!!!
I heard that rumour a long time ago. I thought the baby will have arrived by now, that is their business sha.
Linda!! apropko master lmao na u sabi
Hmmmmm, Linda!! U sabi ur work wella
Nawa oo.
So this small girl too dey f**k!?
This is real amebo
Another 2baba in the making, I don't know what's wrong with Babes nowadays, Am also disappointed if it is true.
Bia flavor, so u don't like CD just like u prefer bein shirtless all d tym abi?? How many Amu u get sef?? Hope isn't tru ooo..!
ts well with us
It's everywhere.
flavour he b like say this your thing get flavour well well.
Him wan b like 2face ni
Linda! Linda!! Linda!!!
B4 someone wil beat u up in d name of carrying rumour dat r not confirmed. All d same it all good for ur business since dis blog is gossip carrier.
When u didnt report it since i thot they paid u to keep quiet. But hence uv said u dirrint hawia hall dix whail....issokay
Lin Lin na really oti o, u already told us she is pregnant na
Flavour my man...keep depositing jare, it's your bank :d
Na wa o
Linda you and rumour 2day
Well I've been seeing this on other blogs
I think is true
But flavour na sharp shooter o
Dating two girls at once
We got anoda 2face on our hands
Another tubaba in the making... ~ceze
I guess 2Face has handed over the Batton.... And this Flavour doesn't play o he goes for the finest babes to produce fine babies.... 2 down more to go whose next ladies?
This must be 2 face idibia's story on repeat.. weldone flavour
So Flavour is our very own Leo Dicapiro, they only date models; mostly.
Na wa for all these rumours o.
If true, then that flavour guy is one hell of an irresponsible murraforker. Whatever happened to fucking responsibly???
All these noise makers that call themselves entertainers impregnating oloshos all over naija have no freaking idea about the kind of COMPLICATIONS they are introducing into their lives. But i bet they will understand by the time they are retired, married and raising their family with a different chic to their baby mamas.
But still on still sha, LIBERS LOVE AND HAIL THEIR KING.
Chai!!!!!!!!!AIDS is real ooo.
Hehe...adanma putakene na ogbo ife dinma so after d music una go run tinz ....ok delivery in advance..
Flavour pls marry one na ...haba!!
Flavour d sharp shooter... Be shooting ex-beauty queens wt fish brains... And d SOB will still go on air and say 'he is single and searching, and nt redy 4 marriage'... Eisshhh...
Odi egwu! Hahahahahaha
Flavour! Flavour!! Flavour!!! How many times I call you??? Carry serious time, don't reenact 2baba's life biko. Linda take note!
Flavour na sharp shooter!
Flavour! Flavour!! Flavour!!! How many times I call you??? Carry serious time, don't reenact 2baba's life biko. Linda take note!
She luvs flavour and flavour took advantage of tht,,all these actors be sleeping round without protection...hmmm
Abeg Stella dimokoko Don break d gist since
My thoughts exactly
hmmmmmm Lin lin you too like amebo. I like am sha.
I'm not surprised. Kinda asked what took so long to conceive. Congrats to latest baby mama2.
Ds is jes hrtbrking
rumor i wait to hear
Lol Lindiway wont kill me wit laff ds monday oo.
Yes linda, it's true
Anna is studying in middlesex university here in dubai, but she has gone back to Naija. If you are pregnant in dubai, you have to present your husband and marriage certificate to the immigration or else you're going back home.
Dat dude Flavour is "James Bond" and he is just tasting all d beauty queen's. Biko someone should tell Flavour to go and settle down instead of all dis having babies out of wedlock. IT DOESN'T LOOK RESPONSIBLE.
Am waiting.... Aftermath of Gollibe.
Anna was two months pregnant as of December 2014. We in Dubai knew what's up since last year and even when and where the deed was done
If it's true, no b new thing na. I blame dem ladies
Oga o, let's wait and c o,
Hmmmmn I actually heard this gist a long time ago. What were u thinking Anna??? The man has publicly stated in interviews that he is not ready to settle down and that he is "SINGLE". also heard she had to leave her school in Dubai cos single motherhood is frowned upon there. #sigh#
Another Tu face. SMH.
Lol Flavour scored again with his "golibe"? Na wa o
Lol sandra ugogbe flavour indeed,remember what I told u sometimes in onitsha after u spoiled Tony Nkiruka home.flavour has also used and dumped u with ur baby,tell me who will marry u again?u waa such a lo Ely lady when u were dating Ejiofor Nwokedi,all of a sudden u turned to a hoe.well so sorry ugbegb flav
I see anoda 2baba....isokay....
Dis guy na fertiliser ooooo
na today! E don tey since
Flavour abeg u in the name of God no near my CHIDINMA
Eh eh...old gist ke.....ok o its d century of baby mama's......the in thing now!!! Linda watch!
When will he marry her!
I guess dis is why he refuse to
Settle down. Good 4 him.
This favour na sharp shooter o. My guy just dey donate belle dash all the beauty queens. Em em Linda, when u sight Flavour coming abeg pick race o bcos same runout has it that you're his next target. Hehehehe
old story
Flavor... na ex-beauty mk u dey give belle up and down oo.. hian!
Abi ooooo....I just wonder why....Linda watch!
Be it rumour or fact the truth will surely come out oneday,good thing is one can definately not hide pregnancy.
It had better not be true cos I'll feel so bad for...emmh...ugegbe flavour.
Good for them.
Do u knw der status....dnt be mean o! u even knw ur status?
Flavour flavour the producing champion, no oh the parents shouldn't be disappointed
Abi ooooo....I just wonder why....Linda watch!
Eh eh...old gist ke.....ok o its d century of baby mama's......the in thing now!!! Linda watch!
Lol,Linda ur own amebo na 1st class,u a doing ur work well.
Aunty Linda u like #Amebo sha!dey ar always approaching u.i wo ni kan ni?.......*sips bissap
Juu Suppy fun Suppy joor!
Na chidinma next
....Hope is not true? Cos if it is; yawa go gas O!
Y won't her parents be disappointed,real shame,even me dey shame for her sef,she's obviously d kid she is,real shame,smh,its absolutely through else she should com out from her hiding place,her plan is to rremain hiding until she gives birth and loses all the baby weight bfor she coms out,pfffffttttttt,I swear I feel like spanking dis child called banner
Shay na beauty queens dem say make e dey turn to baby mama ni? Na waoh anoda tuface breeding.
Though an old gist bt yet whether it's rumour or not,to say I'm highly disappointed in Anna is me saying d least
Da fuq was she thinking
You know a dude already has a baby mama and yet u still go open leg
No wonder d foolish dude had d effonts to say despite d fact he has a baby mama he iss still single and searching
Ok oh!
<hahahahah it is called Ime okwa.
I blame Flavour for not keeping it in his pants. How old is she compared to him? He should know when to break in the sweet talk and when to proceed. He's changed the direction of this young girl's life in his serial whoring.
i just hope its not true.....flavvour biko no fall my hand
Old gist
Young naive girls everywhere . Date boys that are ready to marry u and use your head before loving. Look as this one done useless her beauty as a very young age . Shakara don end . The truth remains that anyone you meet after winning your crown is most likely to use u. Shine ur eyes beauty queens
awwwwwwwwww.....2baba second on d way.........
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Flavour wats your own with MBGN... U want to get all of dem Pregnant ni? control ur Egg plant ooo
Sandra ugogbe flavour sorry,Anne Ebiere is the latest now,u biko dod someone mentioned Tony Nkiruka here,abeg I know d gist wella,Tony dated sandra well well infact he changes cars for her every year,at a time his wife had to leave cos Tony and sandra was d talk of everywhere,but sandra u would ve married Ejiofor Nwokedi naa,u would've been a happy girl cos he is doing pretty good now in uk,but sorry it's late cos he's taking,u too love money sha that's why u dumped him for Tony .u see nemesis now
hmmmmm......nawa oo....well, i don't have much to say until i confirm it
Flavour is sowing seeds everywhere he goes! MTN baba
And he said he is still single and searching.
Linda u re becoming to lazy! OLd news!
Always slow!
The gist isn't complete!
She ran away from dubia
Her parents are so mad @ her that flavor hads gotten admission into a uni in southafrica for her!
Her mum even wanted her to abort the baby,the little witch ran away from d hospital!
She will so suffer!
Flavor askeð her not to tell any1 he is responsible,else he abandon her!!
And it was jude Okoye's wife that introduced flavor to her!
God will continue to punish flavor!
He wan break Tuface record :) Nwanne piaba ife.. Hardcore 042
19 year old girl...smh small rat like you see wetin you don do yourslef mshew
We can only wait
See gobe. waa flavour must u fuck every girl without condom
Getting pregnant it's really not a big deal for anymore.
With all due respect ladies, must they always open their legs, moral and values are so gone, God help us.
Old news.... 2nd baby mama!!
Smart guy... knocking all the beauty queens up... 2face the 2nd... pls come and knock me up too... I am a beauty queen in my village...
Omo flavour like better thing o,he keeps getting beauty queens pregnant
The dude only move to beauty queens... hmmmmm
What the hell is wrong with all these babes?TUFIAKWA
Flavour My Man the sharp shooter. 2 down more to go. Who's next on your list. I suspect its Juliet Iwuno. Linda take note !
If this is true then I'll really be disappointed in this girl I swear, come on na, I use to hold her such high esteem. Mscccceeewww so vexed nw, and is she so dumb not to ask him to use protection? These celebrities that sleep around anyhow, she no dey fear deadly disease abi?
Good for them....guess we have another tuface in the making
Following Tuface's foot step. Hmmmm.
Later, he'll not marry her and say he doesn't have time for marriage because when he finally wants to get married, he'll wantu be there for his family.... Smh for him and all the girls that open their legs wide for him. May God help us all.
No matter how small of a something, doing a small something is better then doing a large nothing.
Heard the gist also since.
I think some chicks just want to have babies for someone who is popular.
chai! chai! chai!
Linda, na u next. Hehehe
Azin ehn
if it is true then it is unfortunate. she is beauty without brains then.
The girl wants the baby... Flavor did what he knows how to do best and then she decided to keep the baby. Having a child out ta wedlock is far better than having an abortion though.
Flavour I na aturu umu ewu utu amu.chai aids is real.
!!!Flavour!!! Tuface
Wetin be ur own madam
LINDA d real amebor
No be small
Babe Nawa o
Flavour wants all his baby mama to be beauty queens lol top. Shooter
2baba has got to be his role model
I don't know why girls mumu themselves... does sleeping with the so called celebrities add anything to your life or make you richer. Prolly flavour's d**k is GOLD PLATED.
this is wat happen when u hv so many babes desperate to bear U as a man a child! who is next? d love of money lead to many going astray
It is 100% percent true. Anna has stopped piking my calls. Her parents r soo disappointed. She evn got expelled nd flav moved her to S.A. Evn flavour's younger broda derek hasn't replied my message. I rili pity d poor gal.
So flavour is on a mission to break tubaba's record......... Wish him all d best.... all ex beauty queen be careful... U may be the nxt victim....hahahahahahah
damn! Anna whyyyy why will some pple not have sense eeh. have meet this babe a couple of times and she sounded like reasonable to me, wth will she do this to herself. all these girls be making it seem like all beauty queens have fish brains. plss oo there mistakes shldnt be used on all them queens i know alot with serious sense nd wants to do sometin reasonable with there lives.
God Save Us
Flavour is on a mission of vengeance. Flavour Plz forgive women if we have in any way offended u. Linda I heard this news months ago too. As soon as he send the woman to maternity leave, he moves unto another woman. Now am hearing he's dating Chidinma kedike o, and yes it's real.. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Ad I waz on my own wen dey said linda is tripping for am yet to confirm sha
Golibe Golibe Ur mama born u well...flavor d serial shooter...chai Pls chidinma run away o dats if him never do sef
If this turns out to be true, I won't be surprised but I am left to wonder what happens to values of our young ladies who ought to respect the sanctity of marriage rather than begetting children for men who don't even have a meaning for love, family and values. smh!
Hmmm... Just observin wit hands crossed... Mayb chidnma cld b nxt #ololufe
Flavour want make all him kids fine na y he dey pursue Ex beauty queens
I just no like that guy, for this useless baby mama ok oh make una carry on soon d baby go hurt una
Ashawo Flavour.
Am jus shakin my small head. To bcom baby mama is now a competition. Hmmmm....
Disappointed too. Beauty without brains. Pls babes know wen to draw d line. Phewwwwww.
I wish her safe delivery.
Flavour is gradually joining 2baba leaque
Flavour is following Tuface's foot steps. Lol
2nd Baby mama!...doing without rain coat!!.....Very high risk!!...Zero Morals!!!
Chidinma take cover o! he nor dey wear condom ni? alright, 2face in the making. *in patience jonathan's voice* kontinu
Ur Reactions to d gossip kwanu!! u too like aproko!!.... We dey wait for the Baby Bump!!
This goes a long way to let you know how cheap, confused and visionless most ladies are. grow up girls.....
She's a HIV positive. Dats why she's saying it
I thought you people say that he is gay. Watch out for Uti Nwachukwu. Smmmmsh.
The niggar is planting ex beauty babies every wia, he can't even control his d**k, he can't even afford cd wit all d money he has, hm,its even all dz fine gals weda carry disease pass. D he-goat b putting his tin into any fine tin in skirt,kai arm falling for our ibo men, chai. Shey na him sing ashewo, e don cast em sef, he's d ashewo.
Shey he sang ashewo, na him b d ashewo b deceiving ex beauty queens, planting ex beauty babies, rawing every fine tin in skirt. Wit all his money,he can't buy cd.
His sharing the flavours in his loins...So happy for her, she don hammer.
~Vavavoom Marker~
Chidimma exile abi na ekile is next
Linda this is old gist nau we don read am tey tey for other blogs. That's why she's off social media/gathering. I hear she also had to leave her school in Dubai. She don chop wetin keep am awake now she can sleep. They are hiding it but people known already
He's really stepping into 2face shoe, na all d ex beauty queen he don gv belle finish n no ring, vry soon he wl go 2 Congo n gv a lady ring der n marry r. Rubbish
Wat is CD?compact disc ?
Linda Ikeji what is rumour has it that? Pls lets call a wood a wood she is pregnant and her parents especially her mum is very furious about the circomstance and she had to leave skool in dubai before the pregnancy starts showing because of the law and flavour has accepted full responsibility but has also threatend that if she goes public with his name as the father of the child he will leave her and the baby anna is just a naive child and flavour is a stupid excuse of a man he doesnt even call her as he used to na she cone dey run follow am as i am typing now anna is here trying to call him and he is not answering anoufia know d gist wella
@Linda you are so backwards...this has been trending even when she was in her 1st trimester...secretly though. But I move with the ants u know *wink*
Flavour shaaaa! E just dey find beauty queens all over the place, dey fire dem goal. O ga o!
Tslow go back Facebook leave dis place. Amebo lol
It's better to be the weded wife of an older man than to be the baby-mama of a young man.It's more honourable!!!
Kikikikikikikikikki LMAO!!!!!
Yes it's true. That was why she had to leave Dubai. You cant be pregnant and Not married in the UAE. Her university reported her I believe. She's lucky she wasn't jailed for having sex and getting pregnant out of wedlock.
I'm not surprised. But one thing is sure now, she's a complete fool! Flavor is an obvious playboy. Why open your legs to a man who isn't ready to settle down and just had a child with another woman barely a year ago?? Just because he's popular, so you lost all dignity and self respect. I have no pity for her, she should reap what she has sowed. When she was moaning and f*king without CD, she didn't know the after effect abi? #vulnerablegirl
Lolz serz wahala
reckless lifestyle...
Very stale gist
So shld I conclude dat flavour deals wif beauty queens??? Lmao so Anna na wa o
Are you wedded to an older man? Lol
Oya give us the low-down. ;)
Double Hmmmm... Very deep message.
Too late. ;)
Sooo true,,,ws with @2nitederek,,,he just got bk frm cameron nt quite long. He ws trying to deny buh later I got d truth. Flavour is such an idiot.
Sooo true,,,ws with @2nitederek,,,he just got bk frm cameron nt quite long. He ws trying to deny buh later I got d truth. Flavour is such an idiot.
Sooo true,,,ws with @2nitederek,,,he just got bk frm cameron nt quite long. He ws trying to deny buh later I got d truth. Flavour is such an idiot.
nawa, fine babes husttling to marry established flavor, na real wa for una, okay na, baby mama 2 loading, we wish her well
Hmmm.....let's wait and see..
No surprise oh I also heard d news long time thought Linda would ve investigated it and tell us
Bia flavour take it easy ooo..don't give all our gals belle
After Sandra gave birth, flavour was asked if he is hooked with anyone and he replied 'SINGLE AND SEARCHING' dat was wen I knew he is so irresponsible. Na d girls I blame. Yeye de smell
Y'all shld stop calling chidinma,,,wts wif d ish bout,,,u shld talk bout urselves nd leave others out of ds shit. Nigerians,,d most annoying pple on earth. Chidinma ekile has ntn to do wt ds. #signingout...
Y'all shld stop calling chidinma,,,wts wif d ish bout,,,u shld talk bout urselves nd leave others out of ds shit. Nigerians,,d most annoying pple on earth. Chidinma ekile has ntn to do wt ds. #signingout...
Chidinma should just b careful wit him cos he has no respect for women
Dabota Lawson! Face ur marriage.desist from frequenting blogs. Attention seeker. Marry ur old man.let us rest!
flavour idibia
Kai, Poor girl.
My question is where were all these girls when flavour was on the come up? Where was Anna and co when he had nothing?
Was never a flavour fan.. bu now i officially am. Flavour keep catching your fun. Don't let nobody tell you any different.
Why now Anna???its your life anyways...
Another 2face on the block girls no get shame oh man Don finish ?
idiot! he no go marry you! ode
This is 2nd tubaba in action. Flavour is no dought a real play boy. Sex without protection is magical. A baby appears and the father disappears. Just watch how flavour will disappear from your life. What a waste of beauty.
This is 2nd tubaba in action. Flavour is no dought a real play boy. Sex without protection is magical. A baby appears and the father disappears. Just watch how flavour will disappear from your life. Wish this is just rumors. What a waste of beauty if its true.
This is 2nd tubaba in action. Flavour is no dought a real play boy. Sex without protection is magical. A baby appears and the father disappears. Just watch how flavour will disappear from your life. Wish this is just rumors. What a waste of beauty if its true.
Auntie Linda, let's not forget Onyinye o. The babe dey carry belle for Flavour too. She's in her first trimester (she has been with Chinedu since 2012....yep even when he was engaged to Beverly she was and still is his "main side chick"). So that's two babes pregnant for Chinedu at the same time! Chai, all the dicks they are sharing. There is God o! LOL!
Flavouur is just being a stupid guy without control. He will regret these in the future not now. She is also very foolish..seems she has no dreams of her own
D gal de craze.. She no fit close her leg
funny tales
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