The president in his address reaffirmed elections will take place as scheduled. President of Catholic Bishop conference of Nigeria, Bishop Ignatius Kaigama, used the opportunity to draw his attention to the plight of Nigerians displaced by the activities of Boko Haram. More photos after the cut...
Smh.. WhoHimHelp?? *yanwns*
Waka Waka.. E Remain Mosque...
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Jona jona....may God bless ur hustle
Oga Jona well done, you done go round the whole church in Nigeria. Linda take note!
wowoooooooooo dats good
Oga Jona well done, you done go round the whole church in Nigeria. Linda take note!
Oga Jona well done, you done go round the whole church in Nigeria. Linda take note!
I pray he wins
Bt Mr president ur visiting don too much oo. Election don dey reach u don sabi d rd to every1 houz abeg cum visit me too naa cus I knw say u no dey go empty handed
Jona jona oo til 2019. Outstanding winner
GEJ just dey visit everywhere, won't b surprise if he visits d graveyard too. Mtchewww
Good for him.
Will these visit bring light to nigeria?will all these numerous visits bring pipe borne water? Better education?jobs? After 6years what have we benefitted?what of when Gej was vice president? Or don't vice presidents do something. Oga I beg go chill for bayelsa.just retire already
Na tour be this.
What's this? from one church to the other.
If he lik let him go 2 Gurumaraji in Ibadan..... Ds wunt help him ds tym
•Dat Akwa Ibom Corper from Akwa Ibom•
If he lik let him go 2 Gurumaraji in Ibadan..... Ds wunt help him ds tym
•Dat Akwa Ibom Corper from Akwa Ibom•
If he lik let him go 2 Gurumaraji in Ibadan..... Ds wunt help him ds tym
•Dat Akwa Ibom Corper from Akwa Ibom•
seriously, whats with GEJ and church campaign self...this is sooooo wrong. wasting our resources on brown envelope everywhere...there is God oh.
Gud one GEJ! Success' urs!
Jonathan can do this every where apart from the Catholic Church. He thinks that true and real Catholics are fools!! He is using these six weeks to spend Nigerians hard earned tax payers money to bribe all and sundry.
IT WILL NOT WORK. Please I call upon all Catholics especially this lent to pray and seek the lords face for a true leader for our country Nigeria please
Lol ...GEJ is conducting revival all around the churches
Dis man no wan rest ni? Left lagos like 1am today n already @ another church... Jonathan for presido ooooooo
GEJ is officially MTN everywhere u go,smh.. d fear of losing election is d beginin of wisdom na wa!
Not interested
Because after election he won't remember them again
I tier o..lmfao
Winners chapel ni
My parish! Thank God say I no go Church this morning before those SSS people will push somebody down! Sigh
Jona biko don't also forget to visit d babalawo u visit secretly but this tym around, openly o...!
Season of visitation
Obviously he is scared of d election.. Dats y he is seeking for help from above.. Mofo, u'll go back to otuoke dis time.
Obviously he is scared of d election.. Dats y he is seeking for help from above.. Mofo, u'll go back to otuoke dis time.
GEJ the pastor
gud work GEJ in u we trust
This man is the real hustler....
Lin, you had the inside scoop on Obi Asika and now you're all "Jona this" and ""Jona that". Deris God oooo!
GEJ till 2019
He will soon visit mama put in night mile...
His church attendance these days na wa
He is winning just watch out
Lol@winners chapel ni
Going from one church meetings to the other won't make him elected if God doesn't want him to.........
U r a fool
He is winning
Gej will visit anywhere just to win election, bet you none of them will see him again if he wins, sai buhari joor
Olodo wat. Do u knw abt life??? Empty brain
U just showeed u r a fool
May God strengthen him & give him d win he deserves.
Even if APC say NO to PGEJ. GOD almighty has said YES. Tell me who can battle with the LORD?????? GEJ 2015 till 2019. Amen.
You guys still don't see it please check Jonathans past records he is destined to complete His 8 year tenure as president. People mistake his silence for stupidity which is a huge MISTAKE. He has been ordained by God no man can change that Unless God and God alone(like the case of Saul).
Nigerians n sentiment, @list hez beta dan Buhari dat goes from CNN 2 Uk n so on, he has d right 2 visit everywia in Nigeria. Sum even said he's spendin Nigerians hard earned money.. "HELLOOO" mayb u saw him sharin money 2 d congregation. If u cnt appreciat him, fine. Buh let him b. APROKO
My President, God will surely do his wonders in your life.
whic of d gods are u talk abt..abegii keep ur god to ur self
And shrine
Gej my able presido ... You are already the winner
Just passing by!! *Batsh say so*
This is becoming irritating...! He should go to his Church alone, GEJ Pls stop campaigning in churches. !!!!!!
Gej is the chosen one .... Its only in a 3rd world country that an old uneducated ex tyrant former president will come back to contest for election in this jet age... geh is our president till 2019 ... No vacancy
GEJ celebrated new year 2014 at the same church and it didn't make headline news then. FYI, SP Mark worships there too. How many churches are in Nigeria,and how many has GEJ gone to? If he visits the grave yard too it would be for a good reason.
PGEJ till linda marries me....
Currently hustling 4 LIB giveaway
Laff it out,,,
Husband: Sweetheart, am going for 3
days church conference starting Feb 14.
Wife: OK but let's commit your Journey
into the hands of God in prayer.
Husband: lead us in prayer then.
Wife: God grant my husband great
Husband: very loud Ameeeeeeeen.!
Wife: Don't let his manhood erect if he
try to commit adultery.
Husband: Silent.
Wife: Don't let him return safely if he
manage to have extra marital affairs
with other ladies.
Husband: sweating
Wife: In fact, holy spirit kill him if he
Husband: Ohhhhhh! shut up,. it's OK,
am not going anymore because
holy spirit just told me that the
conference has been cancelled.
Linda,why is this news?? Na wa o
Old man lyk u ... Dis corper tin just dey shack ur head sha .... Wen ur mate are already doing big things in the real world
Naijakoko.com #the koko
The koko. Naijakoko
#smh - THE FEAR WHEN YOU KNOW YOU WILL LOSE ELECTION IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM. This is almost record from PDP, achieving more in 6 weeks vs 6 years. VOTE CHANGE! BUHARI WILL SAVE NIGERIA!
What about your grandfather Buhari, that is going from one forign network to another. He was with Tony Blair the other day as if Tony will come and crown him king here.
Jonathan reserves the right to go wherever he wishes. Even if you dont like him, others do.
BUHARI had better take these few days and go do his medical check, instead of trying to confuse/convince us that all is well with his health, because it is not. He looks like CANCER personified. God help him.
GEJ has been worshiping with us. Please say what you know. Thank you.
Gej till 2019.
Lol @abokiDawarriboy, very sue GEJ will visit air. Lol!!!!!! Even does GEJ visit sky I'll never vote for him. #ihavedecided to vote for #change# Nigerians wake-up and #change# from ur negative ways, u and I know that PDP Government are bad and they re not suppose to be voted in again to rule this country Nigeria, let us make a #change# so that we will be free from this evil we are seeing almost everyday in Nigeria, and for how long are we going to be swimming inside corruption, insecurity, darkness and poverty? U can see the way they recycle themselves so u need to wake-up and join #ihavedecided group and vote for #change#
Jonathan! Everywhere you go!!
They said Buhari will take us back if elected President! Nigerians say it's a good decision to go back when you've lost your way on a 16yrs PDP journey where our destination as a nation is no longer visible. Please, Buhari, take us back to the era where:1. One Dollar was less than one Naira. It is incredible today!2. Everything was on first come first serve basis.3. There was zero tolerance for corruption.4. Oil refineries in PortHarcourt, Warri & Kaduna were built & running at full capacity.5. Anybody with questionable wealth was afraid to display it in public. 6. There was Zero tolerance for indiscipline. Everything was in order7. Nigeria had no debt at all.8. Neglecting your children was a crime9. Littering the public place was a crime10. Twenty oil depots were built and functioning.11 Western world can't interfere into our nation.12. Chad invaded Nigeria, we sent them packing but did not harness their Land13. Our economy was NOT running on generator14. We can sleep with our eyes closed because we were secured.15. Countries like Indonesia and Malaysia need not to set example on how to deal with drug pushers. 16. The Maitaseine Islamic Sect insurgency in the North was crushed on record time. 17. We want those days when Buhari was a military Governor but did not amass illegal wealth. 18. We want those days when Buhari was a Minister of Petroleum but did not hire a private jet for N10 billion. 19. We want those days when Buhari was a Head of State but did not loot the Treasury. 20. We want those days when Buhari was Head of PTF but did not steal the Fund even in the days of Abacha when stealing was the order of the day. Pls, Buhari & Osinbajo, take us BACK! We can't afford another 4yrs of waste in the hands of PDP!!! Take us BACK to the good old days of this our great nation. #ihavedecided to vote for #change#
Aboki will shut your gutters. What the president is doing is called campaign and you need to reach out to people in which ever way or means possible to ask or seek for their votes. How would you know what campaign is called, when you are in one remote mapless village in the north eating gworo and masa. American president goes for rigorous campaign and visits every nook and cranny to seek for votes. I wonder why aren't in samba forest with your cronies.
Please oga GEJ, e remain CCC, C&S and SCOAN before you start with the mosques and native doctors. #SMH #shameful
Dis is so ridiculous n stupid wen foolish ppl say GEJ is ordained,did God whisper dat to u or d babalawo from otuoke told u.
Hope she was not allowed to make any speech
Campaign continues, no medical check up. That's my fit president
Who's the Fanatic?????????
Smh...jst. Abusing christianity
Goodluck2Buhari 29th may
Mr president u are really a diligent man aswel, I pray the Mighty God will serve will help u in the Election and also help u with Ability to know ur RESPONSIBILITY as a PRESIDENT of NIGERIA..
Who's the Fanatic?????????
Smh...jst. Abusing christianity
Only fools will undermine the eficacy of prayers. We rather go to the house of God and worship than those that wl carry bible to snap bcos they want to win by force even wen they are not Christians. GEJ until 2019 if u like it or not.
"On the tape, Obanikoro asserts himself: "[I] am not here for a tea party, am on special assignment by the President."
"It’s all fabrications," he told the Wall Street Journal. “Why should I investigate things that are not real?"
"That was despite the key figures on the recording admitting their participation. Late last week, even the political traveler Femi Fani-Kayode, who is currently the spokesman of Mr. Jonathan’s campaign, controverted his boss."
"Few things in Nigeria can demonstrate why Nigeria does not work as the “Ekitigate” tape does. Every time there is the opportunity to do the right—and sometimes easier—thing, Mr. Jonathan chooses the wrong. Even on a recording in which his name was deployed to do evil, he failed to identify the opportunity to defend what is right".
My verdict: Jonathan is a fake man and a lair! Visiting a thousand and one churches will not save him.
If dis stupid Badluck Jonathan likes, he shld go bamuda triangle inside d red sea, he won't smell dt seat again. March4Buhari
I have suffered too much.he can't win
This anon.u be satanic goat
All you stupid APC People,Get a life or relocate,GEJ till 2019,it is undisputed.lol
I thought hmmmmmmmmm...
Buhari is more educated and smarter than your dumb fuck gej. Chosen one my ass. Ewu gambia!
I thought he said the '6weeks' was to fight boko haram? Boko haram dat has been with us since 2002. It appears the 6 weeks is to campaign! All I can see is visit and campaign and no fight against boko boys..This election shouldn't have been postponed, we want change fast
Jona is working...
Carry ur joke comot for politics page. We de vex for gej
It's time we honour him with the title Rev. Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. I attend Jehova witness and our pastor announced today that we should always make the church premises clean cos our president is currently on nationwide church inspection tour, our church maybe next week. Our pastor also assured us that we will all visit the new president Buhari in aso rock by may. God bless.
That's what people that didn't perform well in Office do. Moving from one church to another.
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
All this man ever does is visit! No meaningful contribution!
That's a healthy president if u dont like it go and stop him
The hustle is real shah....
Jona will visit even hell fire bcos of vote for election....wat a world
GEJ stil 2019, hater should go nd die or beta relocate to chad.
To be honest I keep on asking myself why is he visiting all this religious places all of a sudden? Our religious leaders are just hypocrite and poor beggers for the national cakes cos religion shouldn't be mixed with politics instead tell the politicians the truth, I shake my head for all this people.
Both will never be, skunk!
Buhari should beg God to save him first. Nigeria will be worse under Buhari 'cos he's so frail.
Anon 1:15 thank you jare!
Some people r spewing trash here.
Jonathan is reaching out, it is what pple do b4 elections not plotting how to rig elections.
God help GEJ to become president!!!
Buhari should beg God to save him first. Nigeria will be worse under Buhari 'cos he's so frail.
lol, Mr president Weldon ooo
His visiting is becoming too much he should cut it down a little
Would you hav preferd that he goes round d whole babalawo houses. This is campaign period ok. Did u not see Buhari going around meeting bishops and Northern Christian leaders?
Grap the change naow, that are u waiting for? Let me ask sef, is it 10 Naira change u need or how much own sef....?
What is this man doing here? I hate to see this man in catholic church, I hope they didn't pray for him.
I can't jst wait 4 dis election 2 be ova so d likes of aboki & Irabo will shut dr guts & hide in dr caves till d end if 2019, shame go catch ppl 4 dis electn, I'm watching. Talkin abt GEJ goin evrywhr, wt of ur GMB dt visited d catholic Bishops dem & stil went 2 London 2 campaign? pot calling kettle blk. Dey are campaigning so dey are free 2 go anywhr & evrywhr.
When is the desperate moron going to visit babalawos?
Hahahaha! Nice one.
My able Presido. Goodluck till Buhari produces his certificate!
Lol@winners chapel. U no nice o
@AbokiDaWarriBoy u asked who helped?
Answer: Who u serve?
President GEJ is using the old script for this election. He thinks visiting religious leaders, traditional rulers, etc will help him. Most youths who are on social media know better. These leaders have failed us and are not worth listening to, so why should we vote for the candidates they endorse, after collecting 'brown envelopes'?
Today's Nigerian youth is hungry for change. We see the progress of other countries and know that only good leadership can give us a better life. We are only going to vote based on credible character and performance, not tribal/religious sentiments. Afterall Muslims and Christians suffer from the same problems of insecurity, unemployment, inaccessible healthcare/education, etc. Bombs do not kill only people from one tribe or religion.
Please Nigerians, refuse to sell your vote, think of your future and that of your children. Before you vote, ask yourself if the person has demonstrated visionary leadership in the past, if he is concerned about the masses, if he is truthful, if he will make a difference.
Vote wisely!!!
It's GeJ till 2019
@AbokiDaWarriBoy u asked who helped?
Answer: Who u serve?
Nuisance would just open up their buccal cavity to dump dirty...try control a few group of persons nd c how far u can go...
Weldone my President, the Lord is your strength.
More educated ..hahahahahahaha. has he found his certificate?
If u insult a seating president, u wud never reach where he started . That seat is divine. Watch ur comments about the throne of a king. .#eyeball2eyeball#gejispresident
How come you never see mama peace going to churches with her husband... no be woman dey do church runz pass abi na she dey handle d secret cults corner. ... just thinking ni ooooo
Wise man talk am say "E better make person live for country with security and peace of mind with wetin person dey earn than to live for country with no security and no peace of mind with wetin person steal or plan to steal".
Dem also talk am say "if you willingly share from stolen money, na you and the person wey steal the money steal am".
"We" no be wise men, "we" be greedy men wey don share stolen money with Pastors, Imams, Security agencies ogas, News media ogas, Movies people, even plus including Bloggers, etcetera, etcetera. So, next time dem dey advertise "us" to you, na to collect more souls for "us" so dat we go plenty for dat line wey dey for people wey dey steal and ruin after the rapture.
"Our" Madams wey dey tie "200 wrappers no reach ground" go don dey serve una and una children food for una dreams when sleeping. If E never reach you, make you no rush, E go soon be your turn. Dem dey follow the shared money waka.
"We" don dey addicted to stealing.
Our oga at the top don talk am say "stealing no be corruption"
How "we", him "boys", go come get elected if "we" no steal elections?
Abi you no want criminals for Political offices?
Okupe, Abati, Fani-Kayode, Fayose, Obanikoro, Kashamu, Bode George, Omokri, Dokubo, Tompolo, Edwin Clark, our uniformed protectors, etcetera, etcetera, make una join put voice, no be true be dis talk?
"We" tire for this "make Nigeria better" people o!
Have you ever made any meaningful comment or contributions in this blog?! No wonder you're looking sideways and hiding your ugly face in this you photo!!!
Sai Buhari March 28th Live.
This is political prostitution. When is he going to visit the Ogboni confranternity? Oniyeye ajeyin Awo.
He will be alright!
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