A Tumblr user named Swiked posted the pic of the dress on online on Feb. 25, and wrote "Guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can't agree…"
Twitter & Facebook exploded with opinions and reactions. Some are saying it's White & Gold, while others insist it's Blue & Black. Biko, my people, what colour is this dress? Even US celebrities, including Taylor Swift and Julianne Moore got involved. See some tweets after the cut.
1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»It happens when u just wake up and light reflecting into ya eyes...that's white n gold....but latter on e do turn blue n black. Lindaobserve
It happens when u just wake up and light reflecting into ya eyes...that's white n gold....but latter on e do turn blue n black. Lindaobserve
Its blue and black biko!!! So many color blind pple... Instagram has been on fire since last nite!! Lop
Blue and black.. No more no less....
Lilac and red
That's Pink And Yellow Na, Are People Blind?? ↔↔↔↔↔↔↔⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴↗↗↗↗↗↗
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Black and white ke shey dem blind ni
Lilac and gold
I go slap those blind people blueBlack o,don't tempt me
Lindiway dis has to be a joke...lol
I go slap those blind people blueBlack o,don't tempt me
I go slap those blind people blueBlack o,don't tempt me
haba the tin dun change again
They get time sha.
Even if its black,does getting it right come with a prize.
White nd brown. Lol
pink and orange. LMAO
Looks to me like white and gold.
This is white n gold nw...abi them blind ni.....
Welll,i opened dis post again,and I'm seeing gold n white..whats up with that?? Dis is scary!! Juju things
Jazz Colour!!!
White and gold na...abi?
How is this blue & black exactly?..... I think its white and gold too
White and gold ooo
Blue and Black
Very simple... white soaked with ink....abeg next! Sumtin wey no get head no fit worry me
This is white and gold
Ugly dress,its white nd gold na
Isn't that burnt orange and lilac?
Linda, u no get eyes? it's white n gold
Am seeing Gold and Blue
Linda God bless you for ths post is causing serious argument on instagram oo. some sed dey saw a white and gold dress but nah black and blue im seeing oo.
White/gold? Are they colour blind?!!!! This is a blue and black dress.
Are they colour blind. It's blue and black.
Blue and Black
Is white n gold biko. Which 1 is blue n black again
Lol saw it on twitter too o... I think it's lilac and gold
Green and pink. NEXT!
I see blue and black.
Hmmmm me am confuse but I think is blue nd another colour lolzzzz tongue out
I tire for the argument oo, what I see is blue and black
This is the blue and black vision of the dress, the original is white and gold
White and Gold o
Bullcrap...I don't understand it either....this is a plain blue and black gown naa
I tire for the argument oo, what I see is blue and black
lool...It's White and Gold joor.
White and gold na! Or Ivory and gold.
We may be seeing d picture in a different colour resolution than others though.
Since non of u knows d colour,d colour is RED n GREEN
The whole idea about the cloth is not the color. When you open the video, it makes a porno sound and makes people think you are watching porn. its just a title to make you open the video.
White and gold
Lawd!!! This is scary!! I see white and gold while my sis sees blue and black. What could this mean????
Blue n gold, blue and brown, blue and carton colour
White and Gold
Its blue n black naa, are dey blind
Its White and Gol. I guess the people that said Blue and Black just woke up from sleep.
Looks like blue and brown
Lilac and gold
the dress is white and gold.
Haba! Linda are u this blind ni? The color is green and pink,can't u see it?
Its White and Gold/brown
Purple and Black
It's blue and brown.
White n gold, keh! K o, me i c yellow n pink, wt a touch of red! Lol!
blue & black nw
ah ah! Are they blind? Dats Yellow and pink naw
Gold and White
White and gold
blue.and gold or army green
Blue & black ke? Lmao! Na really juju
Kai Linda! I know you just want me to see your new dress
Obviously blue and black.......Some people must be colour blind.
Since noone can identify d colores,very simple d colored r RED n GREEN....lol
Na purple and gold me I dey see ooo..
Plz tis white n gold, how can someone say is blue n black?unless they have colour blindness.
Since noone can identify d colores,very simple d colored r RED n GREEN....lol
Linda honestly i dont understand what is happening, i see a white and gold dress, my sister sees a blue and black dress, i put it up on my social media and most of my friends are seeing blue and black some are seeing white and black and others are seeing abstract colours i dont understand. Biko, who is colour blind? #thedress.
Lol, I can c white n gold oo. Dnt no whr d blue is comin 4rm o
Blue n Gold..
No comment
All dis talk for one dress
it is white and gold
Not my business jare
it is white and gold
it is white and gold
Feel itz a trick too.. bt al I see is blue nd black
Lol, crazy oyinbos. Mtcheww
No, its orange and red. Mtchewww
blue & gold
the color is white and gold
Purple nd blac
the color is white and gold
Biko it's red and green......
Mind game
Looks a lot like blue n gold but I certainly think taylor swift is color blind lol
Hahaaa white and Gold ke?its blue and brown me am seeing oooo. Hhehee
Definitely white and gold, those who see blue and black are legally blind.
the colour is white and gold..
D colour is my colour and my colour is d colour......bu hahahahaha!
you all are MAD!!!
It's blue and black...haba
#Well, evryone hld hold to his or her opinion. Its blue, brown, black n gold. All in one.
Those people saying is white and Gold are obviously albinos.
if this dress is white and gold,then black people have been gold people and no one told us.someone is about to get fired!!!!!!Scientist?????
It's white and gold nah..
Linda oooh, now everybody in my office is arguing, some saying blue and black while others are saying white and gold. Me is white and gold am seeing though....
Do u really see blue and black or ur just kidding?
Indigo and burgundy
Its obviously black and blue.....don't see any white and gold traces sef
linda I am seeing while and gold at the background so both parties are correct.
The people seeing white and gold are high on some funny substance!
I saw an earlier picture and it looked white and gold...but this one looks blue and black
Chineke me ooo,whr did u guys see black and blue? Its white and gold joor
It depends if you see it from a black and white PC or a coloured PC...:)
Orange and white
It is Skyblue and black
I tire o
That dress is gold and light blue and black @ the down
it's blue and black... Anybody dat sees smtin diff is colour blind...
Unfortunately u color blinded too, thats Blue and Gold
When I opened it initially I saw white nd gold nd then I went back to the pic nd it had changed 2 blue nd black.some devilish shit right here
Illuminati things!......
which kind nonsense colour debate be this?
its the laptop screen or phone screen,i see blue black ,i see gold white purple e. t .c
its the laptop screen or phone screen,i see blue black ,i see gold white purple e. t .c
is lemon & red!
Its definately blue nd black,4 God sake I can't see Gold dere
Linda u better publish my message. Becos that dress is gold and light blue wit black
obviously black and blue
its the laptop screen or phone screen,i see blue black ,i see gold white purple e. t .c
Hahahah lilac and red? Rotfl
Una np go kee me
Obviously blue and black
Hahahah lilac and red? Rotfl
Una np go kee me
Obviously blue and black
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
I guess it could be from the medium/gadget /browser etc used. For me it is white/ gold.
I am using Firefox 3.60, win 7, hp probook laptop
Human Being is Not God
How are people seeing white and gold???????? I can only see blue and black o hian
Quit d drama, what's scaring you? All u alarmist
it blue and black
Nancy! Do u hv 2 lie ehen? I opened it b4,went bk & it's stl d same way. Chaii
Chooii..wia is d orange,or white,or red,or gold...dat dress luks like violet nd black..i dnt knw wat u all ar saying....u all av colour blindness like my dad...lol
The dress is white and gold colors
White and gold
odikwa serious......looks like blue n black tho
Am sure its a campaign
The negatives...which you can activate with the negative mode of your camera phone is white and gold...But as it is now...its blue, black...thats the mental wizadry
It was white nd gold ,den wen I went bck to see it ,it turned blue nd black....dem don start deir winchy winchy
at first i saw white and gold, later it changed to blue and black, but final say its Blue and Black. funny sha.
Come of it...it's Green White Green
How on earth culd dis color be white? Am so so surprised at some people saying white for dis blue nd army green colou. White ko white ni.
Blue & black with shades of gold.
Linda what's the fuss about? It is so clear that even a blind person can see that THE COLOUR IS GREEN and RED!
lmao, na blue i de see but d oda color no b black oh... How dem de take c white and gold?
So how does knowing the right color affect the price of garri in the market? We all look but see differently. Linda take note!
So how does knowing the right color affect the price of garri in the market? We all look but see differently. Linda take note!
So how does knowing the right color affect the price of garri in the market? We all look but see differently. Linda take note!
So how does knowing the right color affect the price of garri in the market? We all look but see differently. Linda take note!
I see blue and gold...
I see white n gold oh.....so wtz d trick in dis pic
If you ask me eeeeee,na who I go ask? The matter wey you see so,na big wahala so if you ask me,na who I go ask
I can swear it was white n gold when the page was loading...now it's black n blue...I wonder wat d real story is.
Like seriously!!! I ain't see any trace of black oo. Where dem see black faa
This has to be a joke.
Hehehehehehe, am seeing things. This is real American wonder.
Just 3mins ago, I checked the picture and saw "gold & white". And now am seeing blue and black.
It's really strange.
holy crap linda i cant believe ths i saw white and gold agn. mehn ths cloth is possessed
All i can is brown and black o, where u c d black, I don't know
This is serious! I see blue and black oh. No trace of white or gold. Though the blue is also looking like purple. Na witch?
Pls lemme run 4rm dis blog, i 1st saw white n gold but its now blue n black..witchcraft thingzz
Purple and red..lol.joke of d month. Ndiara
Blue and Gold.
Blood of God!!!!! Hooooooooow? Saw the pic the first time, was a gold and white dress, scrolled down and while returning up, it's now blue and black. #NeedAnExplanation
The devilish dress is actually changing, I first saw white and gold, then went back to read other news then came back to it and its now blue and black.
Hahaaaaa is what ever another colour? Hehhheee
Champaign gold and sky blue
its red and gold joor #tongueout#
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lol...orisirisi....is sometin wrong wth u pples eyes...this is blue n brown....linda,i must mae it o
This people re funny , how did they see the white and gold may be with a microscope. ..lol that blue and black
i see white and gold. that dress has no black at all, the white sometimes look blue but it's white.
D colour is white nd gold. Its annoying cos I cant see any black colour on dat dress
Being opening dis page a while now n it's still blue & black. Why hasn't it changed on my fone or does my fone hv juju antedote?
Guys!!! I swear when I first saw it it was white and gold!! I was so angry that people were saying blue n black n the next time I went on instagram it was blue n black..now I still see blue n black! Like wtf!!!!!!!!!
I see white nd gold. I ave taken my fone 2 every part of my house. Same colour.
Being opening dis page 4 a while now & it's still blue n black or is my fone a juju antedote?
Its skybblue and gold.Shikena
Exactly o
Primal Biology...
This dress is obviously WHITE AND GOLD....
Many people are missing the point here.
It's a lesson to the world that in most cases, perspective differs. You only see what your eyes want to see. Nobody is right or wrong. Just perspective here.
Your perspective is borne from what you percieve, your earlier experience and what you were taught.
The color you think may be true. It may be that the cloth was thrown into ray of fluorescent light or colored light and those seeing the other colors sense it.
This being said, people see things differently. If people cannot agree on a simple color of dress, what more politics, religion, existence of God, morals, sexual orientation. You shouldn't take a simple idea which is your own perspective and kill people or insult people over it. Remember there are other sides of wheel... there is a static thing and people view it from different angles based on their experience.
You see, even one reader said it's one color and berated others who saw another, calling them color blind. Now he came back and saw a thing different from what he saw before...that is life 4 u.
This is the lesson I got from this dress thing.
**Bonaparte NN
I see lilac n army green....ds z gettin serious
I see a blu and black dress. I think d camera angle made it look otherwiswe.
Many people are missing the point here.
It's a lesson to the world that in most cases, perspective differs. You only see what your eyes want to see. Nobody is right or wrong. Just perspective here.
Your perspective is borne from what you percieve, your earlier experience and what you were taught.
The color you think may be true. It may be that the cloth was thrown into ray of fluorescent light or colored light and those seeing the other colors sense it.
This being said, people see things differently. If people cannot agree on a simple color of dress, what more politics, religion, existence of God, morals, sexual orientation. You shouldn't take a simple idea which is your own perspective and kill people or insult people over it. Remember there are other sides of wheel... there is a static thing and people view it from different angles based on their experience.
You see, even one reader said it's one color and berated others who saw another, calling them color blind. Now he came back and saw a thing different from what he saw before...that is life 4 u.
This is the lesson I got from this dress thing.
**Bonaparte NN
Many people are missing the point here.
It's a lesson to the world that in most cases, perspective differs. You only see what your eyes want to see. Nobody is right or wrong. Just perspective here.
Your perspective is borne from what you percieve, your earlier experience and what you were taught.
The color you think may be true. It may be that the cloth was thrown into ray of fluorescent light or colored light and those seeing the other colors sense it.
This being said, people see things differently. If people cannot agree on a simple color of dress, what more politics, religion, existence of God, morals, sexual orientation. You shouldn't take a simple idea which is your own perspective and kill people or insult people over it. Remember there are other sides of wheel... there is a static thing and people view it from different angles based on their experience.
You see, even one reader said it's one color and berated others who saw another, calling them color blind. Now he came back and saw a thing different from what he saw before...that is life 4 u.
This is the lesson I got from this dress thing.
**Bonaparte NN
where is the black here
I see blue and BROWN, Linda. Oya, I got them special eyes. Lol.
I wonder how dis came to b...d twitter handler dat posted dis must hv tonnes of followers now..evin kim kardashian has commented..mshe sees white and gold like my self but her husband sees black and blue.."Like seriously is dis a joke or wat?
Now dis is some devilish shit. I see white and gold. I show it to my kid broda and he swears it is blue and black. Dis is sumtin i dont understand and seriously,i dont even wanna b involved in dis kind tin,biko.
Blue and gold?? Mehn alot of guys have astigmatism and don't knw.
The dress changes colour because of light and the angle at which you view it from....it's simple logic --- chocolaterose20@gmail.com
i really dont understand. the first time i saw the picture it was white with gold lacing. now its blue with black lacing.... abeg where that woman get the cloth? she definitely knows something about this strange dress
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