Star actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, her husband and some of their friends hosted some orphans and widows via her 'Give and Let Give' and OYEP foundation end of the year event. The actress brought gifts and other goodies for the widows and kids. See the photos after the cut..
Photo credit: Daniel Sync
God bless. It feels good and fulfilled to put smiles in the faces of people.
Awww datz so kind of u Omotola.....may Allah elevate u $ ur family more $ more
It a beautiful loving season share love for no reason
So? Na dem be d 1st? Ukwu ka akpa nnu!
Allah will reward u $ ur family Omotola.
Stay blessed Omosexy
Awwww, great job Omosexy. Meanwhile, her hubby's beard is distasteful.
Nice of them. Y didn't her husband shave na.
Nice work, God bless you. Linda take note!
I salute the Ekeinde family...Well done Madam rise above others at all times..
I salute the Ekeinde family..Well done Omotola, You rise above the others in my book always...
Choooooo dat oyibo man fine and clean ooooo. I will not mind....*wink*
Look at those beards and the whiteness makes em so distinguished! Mmm I likey.
God bless her good heart! Her husband beards tho... He used to keep it clean b4 now!
A beg omotola hubby should shave those beard.It looks unkept.
God bless them
Awww d kids all look happy,enven dancing Shoki..haha.
bros the white beard is on point. try keep am. #BeardGang
Ah love this woman..his husband will never regret having her as the mother of his children..she;s not a lazy woman and she's blessed among women
Woow that's nice. Happy for her. I like the husbands swag. Very cool
Thats very kind of her but biko warris that thing on her husbands face??? not nice at all.
Na Tom cruise dey there with them so? Mr Omotola, abeg, the Moses beard no just do am for me.
Awww dats so sweet of her and her husby May the good Lord bless u guys richly in jesus name (Amen) omosexy my rows model *in funke's voice*
one reason you can never make it in life..FOOL
What's the state of Mr. Omotola's pubic hair if his beard is this white?
God bless ur good heart
Seriously, he should either shave or dye it to be the same color with his hair. He looks rough.
Good job, but the beards on Mr Ekeinde won't let me look at those pictures very well, it's digusting and nasty, it's giving me guise pimples.
May God reward u omosexy and hubby. U are doing a great job!
God bless your home#lindi change your profile picshure#:)
Nice1 OmoT may God bless u!
Godbless Omosexy
lovely couples God will bless you and your family.But there is something going on the husband does not look well.he look like someone that has cancer or diabetics.his bears is not okay he need to shave it off.i know u re a good man but please do and if you are having an health problem Almighty Allah will heal u...Thanks
God bless her
This omotola's husband shud go and shave jare! He looks quite untidy
God bless her efforts
All na wash, big PR stunt, after being blasted for being arrogant. Abeg waka pass
very distasteful.msteeeew
Wow 9c 1....may God cont 2 bless her n me too
Nice one Omotola, God bless you for remembering the needy....This Mr Mathew's Beards though, Am sorry but am so not feeling it, I find it disgusting
Waoooh wat a kind hearted couple, God wil replenish ur heart desire n jesus name amen.
Blessed is d hand dat giveth God continue to enrich u omosexy nwa ijn by evergreen
God will reward yout kindness.
Guys, Do you want a 'serious' relationship? Try
BV HookUps
His husband's beard loooooooks SL disgusting
I don't know what u guys are praising or happy about, bcos from the look of things they didnt spend up to 100k, its too cheap joor, its all for attention
Dats good
Dats good .and right
Nice one....
Thumbs up.
I love anybody who does things that puts smile on widows n orphans's faces. They need us as support system, kudos omotola
Nice of her,God bless.Observation ::wife dey young husband dey old
God bless deir seed sown
Gods bless them abundantly. More power to their elbows.
@Princess, it lik u d vigil on LIB.
if only our dear captain can ditch BLEACHING...
UK Tog
Omosexy, thanks for your philanthropy but please tell your husband to shave when next he wants to attend a public function as this.
Kudos to her and her friends.
Busy Fingers.
Good of her
God will continue to bless Omotola and her family. Amen. That is so kind of them.
She try abeg kudos. .
This couple is fyn
I tell u
Omotola and Genevive are over 40 years old but they keep reducing their Age.....whose fooling who?? Lolz....
She is not blessed among women. Be mindful!
I'm so glad Linda didn't give U the 100k giveaway. The Bitterness is ur life is quite unbelievable. Plus U have several times been rude to Linda on this blog. Bitter lady!!!
Leav her husband beard alone,i guess dats hw he wants it.Goodmorning Tamia
Nice one... may God replenish their pockets....But the beard on her husband though
God bless your Family Omosexy, how come the sudden grey beards?
One and Only Ada David Omobabalanu
That so thoughtful of her,may God continue to bless her so she could reach out to others.
God bless their hearts
So laudable... This her hubby's new look tho
Bad belle people, we see you
Na her choice,show us ur husband's own...mshewww
I love the beard too
All dis celeb eh!every little thing they do,d all world must kw(they already receive their reward)+her hubby shud get a shave jor
Its good...that's what we need frm dis celebs.
God bless and increase u, Amen. Omotola n her hubby are the best!
This is very good of Omo T
Why is her husband's beards like dat? All white while his hair is dark
May almighty God bless u Omotola and family. May you continue to experience joy and happiness all the days of ur lives. I hope other celebrities who have the resources can take a queue on this. Mac10...
God bless her and her family #onelovefromsnow#
I like d white beard jor.
Love this woman more and more, each passing day. She is not empty, she got substance. Whilst others ate flaunting latest additions to their fleet of cars, she fashions ways of bringing smiles to faces. And don't tell me she doesn't have things she can flaunt. Example of a role model
Wat kind of person are you?can't you learn to appreciate once in your life.nawaoooo.let's see ur own give and let give ooo and send d pics to linda but starting wit sambisa forest.lazybone
Nice of them
Pretty woman. As she you give, so will you receive thousand more.
Wow. Its so cool dat as a rich person u still remember the needy nd dat u do wat u can to put smiles on their faces.
Pretty woman. As she you give, so will you receive thousand more
nice thought.God bless her
Good one from her. But why is the hubby so bushy.
Lwkmd!! You af start ds year bah?? Why you a bitter woman??
#okbye #spaghi
Nice hearted woman
Good works God bless them...
my God will continue to bless you dear Omotola. thank you, on behalf of the beneficiaries.
Nawa for u oooooo, am sure you can't give your 1kobo to a beggar, yet to appreciate those giving is a problem for you, you seriously need to relax!
D bear loooks nice on him #prof look#
Good gesture. Whatz with the white beards na
God bless her!
omotola God has been blessing you and you've extended this blessing to the less priviledge people around you, God will enrich your pockets and it will never get dried up.
Publicity stunts.........
God will continue to bless u and strengthen your marriage.
Dat so thoughtful & nice of Omotola & family!! Datz more like it. God continually bless U.....
Nice initiative. Godbless her handwork
which kind bear bear b this abeg tell ur husband to go and shave
Omotola Baby, Thanks a million times for remembering the widows and the orphans in this season of rejoicing, may the good lord reward you greatly for your reached-out love and care @ Mr.Ekeinde you are not left out in these multiple streams of Gods blessing, You are blessed bro.
thats why I love this woman, keep it up omosexy.
God bless you 4 puting :-) on dr faces
Omotola Baby,
Thanks a million times for your reached-out love to widows and orphans in this season of rejoicing, may the good lord bless you richly and reward your efforts @ Mr.Ekeinde you are blessed greatly as you are the driving force to her looking sweet. Keep the good work bro.
her hubby doesnt look one Omotola...
kip it up 😉
Omotola Baby,
Thanks a million times for your reached-out love to widows and orphans in this season of rejoicing, may the good lord bless you richly and reward your efforts @ Mr.Ekeinde you are blessed greatly as you are the driving force to her looking sweet. Keep the good work bro.
@ Eze. Please what have you contributed to humanity such that people would smile about. What positive impact have u made in the lives of people that surround u. You throw hateful comments via ur tecno phone.
p.s: pls can someone explain captain's beard?
If its up to 100k or not, she did sometin, beta dan dose buying d latest car every year, nd 4 ur info, d bouncing castle alone cost more dan 100k...
Wow dis is lovely. God bless you and family
ahan,y does dis man look like this?....last pics from their Dubai vacation,he dint v such beards na...kilo hapn?
Omotola Baby,
Thanks a million times for your reached-out love to widows and orphans in this season of rejoicing, may the good lord bless you richly and reward your efforts @ Mr.Ekeinde you are blessed greatly as you are the driving force to her looking sweet. Keep the good work bro.
good woman, good husband, good family, good course. God bless ya
I always admire her effort. God will continue to put smiles on your face.
woah very kind of her.....omo sexy is a fulfilled woman...wanna b lk her ....
good one.
D white beard is a no no for me...he can as well dye his hair black for all I care..he looks like a tramp sorry OMo **DOPEY SAID SO**
and u say God wont bless they that remember the widows and orphans
Is dat a father xmas with omotola? **DOPEY SAID SO**
Is dat a father xmas with omotola? **DOPEY SAID SO**
D white beard is a no no for me...he can as well dye his hair black for all I care..he looks like a tramp sorry OMo **DOPEY SAID SO**
D white beard is a no no for me...he can as well dye his hair black for all I care..he looks like a tramp sorry OMo **DOPEY SAID SO**
D white beard is a no no for me...he can as well dye his hair black for all I care..he looks like a tramp sorry OMo **DOPEY SAID SO**
Omosexy well done..kip it up..#goodwoman# #rolemodel#
Omosexy God bless u n ur family
Like seriously? Dat beard rocks
My screen goddess will never disappoint me. I love her to d moon n back. God bless u plenty
God bless u Omosexy
I really do acknowledge her efforts ohhhh.
But giving as I was taught was meant to be sacred. Like the right hand mustn't knw abt what we gave to the left hand.
The part of showcasing the items is what always kill my affections.
Making pics with the kids and woman and telling pple more abt giving goes along way....
Snapping all what u gave should be out of the advert.....
God bless Omotola
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