The actress, producer and writer who had an amazing 2014 with great starring roles, the release of her own movie, Matters Arising, the launch of her own clothing line, K&R and the acquisition of a Range Rover SUV, is sexy in these photos styled by Tiannah styling. More pics after the cut...
Nice outfit, beautiful lady.
Have been searching for the sexiness since yday, her complexion is great
She looks gud
She just dey fine dis days happy for her
Lib ugegbe
Congrats to her. seems like THIS IS A YEAR OF CARS.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Jesus is Lord.
Looking sexy
Wheres my dictionary, i think i forgot what sexy means... NEXT!!!
Once an mgbeke, always an mgbeke
Who cares!!!
Which kain firewood village legs be dis naa??? Ruth biko yichie ukwu gi joor...
nice dress buh I don't like d shoe.
How market?
MR EDDY said.
Looks good on her. But her shoe is a big No for me.
^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Nothing wow about this ,just better than all those her trashy jeans. Bawse lady
Chineke mu kwa? Pls where is my dictionary maybe I don't know the meaning of that word.'Sexy' .
She look fab.
#Royal Priesthood#
Shez jst dere...bub i wuld have prefered a more subtle shoe on her
Visit my blog
Sexy indeed. Linda take note!
She look so gorgeous,
#Royal Priesthood#
Fine lady!
See her laps. God forgive me small.
If d lap is dis fresh, I wonder hw dat department's wil b.
#Royal Priesthood#
Broke bitch....
Hmm, show off time
She looks good
>>>> Clothing line? how dare, she can't even dress properly and she has a clothing line, WTF? Only for the first time in this pic she ever look good and its because of Tiannah Styling of course. <<<
This laday nawa oooo baby oku
She must hv done the makeup herself
Stupid girls,all bleaching about.its just inferiority complex worrying dem,they are suppose to b role models
Ok..the effect of whitenicious is really working on her
Fyn gurl
#######LIB MY BADT HABIT#######
i think we will rather stick with just her name.....seeing her on here is messsing her up....she need learn how to dress well from her younger sister. beckky
glad for her.
Nice congrats for ur achievements.
Fotoshop too show for the kneel!
I luv this actress
She aff bleach finish
Sexy but not classy
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God bless Toyin Lawani/Tiannahs place...for making this lady experience class in her lifetime. I have waited!
Ruth wat happened to ur complexion?? Obviously u re bleaching,no peel ur skin wit cream sha!!
U will just know wen tiannah styles somebody, dey will just make u look lyk deir CEO
Don't see no beauty..see her rainbow leg
Ruth God bless ur hustle. Ur a hardworking girl, and hard work pays. But pls visit Shape you for ur own clincher, cos ur really gaining some belly fat.
Fine gurl
She's got something to offer, but please watch nudity.
very boring
She try but not sexy!!! Too mgbekeish
Not impressed!! See how her knees disappeared within her legs. I'm sure twas foundation thatt was rubbed there, hence the awkwardness of her legs..puff puff cheeks
not stylish
Nice outfit. Me likey
Kudos girl,well done
That's THE Girl
The legs tho...
She is becoming white...the hustle is real
Ow cum she cum yellow lik dis na?
Am just interested in what is under those laps.... Lolx.....
My beautiful friend
D design looks very familiar..
Hmmmmmmm, linda, u sf dey fall person hand, do I read sexy der? Sexy indeed
Smart girl. Hardworking, may God continue to bless you.
Errmmmm! Linda SEXY? With those legs? Am done.....
She no dey smile
Trying so hard to be relevant.
She is really keeping up these days, nice outfit with good fitting
Beautiful indeed
I tire for pple wey dey form sexy.....
Wow, really sexy.
She's beautiful but i don't like her legs joor
My kind of girl me like..
She looks hot
COngrats to her if got genuinely. I love it when people work hard and are rewarded but sometimes I just wonder how some of these people make money. Someone features in 10 movies and the next thing you hear is she's buying this or that.
What shall if profit a man if he chooses to do just anything in order to belong? Nothing.
Ruth is fine sexy and hot kudos babe
Olofofo Jules Louis. Her legs are amazing! Show ur pencil legs let's see. Along with prove that u hv created at least one human being before. Silly hater!!
Get a life hater
Linda can hype for Africa
Funny-looking knees..too much foundation on it.
U spoke my mind. All I see is Toyin Lawani here. The whole look and even the poses too.
Nice of her.
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