The police officer whose terrifying execution by two masked gunmen was caught on camera in Paris yesterday January 7th, has been identified as
Ahmed Merabet, a married 42-year-old Muslim. He was a cycle police officer who was assigned to the Paris neighbourhood where Charlie
Hebdo’s office is located. He was one of the 12 people killed in the terrorist massacre...
6 of the Charlie Hebdo journalists and staff members killed in
yesterday's attack are pictured together in this photo, taken in 2000.
Circled top from left is Philippe Honore, Georges Wolinski, Bernard
Maris and Jean Cabut. Below them on the stairs, from left, is editor
Stephane Charbonnier and cartoonist Bernard ‘Tignous’ Verlhac (source: UK Daily Mail)
Oh, such a Handsome Man.. Rest Brov... Islam is VIOLENCE!!
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
So many crazy things happening may their soul rip
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The young man has been deprived of existence just like that. RIP sir. May we not meet untimely death in Jesus name. Psalm. 118:17. @Bishop_Dammy
Eyah so sad RIP man
May they RIP
RIP. Linda take note!
What a great lost. May all of their souls rest in prefect peace Amen
RIP to them. Justice must prevail.
God hav mercy...
May his soul rest in peace.
Btw, plzz watch AIT now, my president Don vex. Jeez I have never seen him talk like this!
They are mostly old timers, probably because newspaper cartooning is a lost art! If someone had told these guys that 15 years later some crazed gunmen would stroll into their sanctuary and shoot them down in cold blood, they'd probably have laughed it off!
They are mostly old timers, probably because newspaper cartooning is a lost art! If someone had told these guys that 15 years later some crazed gunmen would stroll into their sanctuary and shoot them down in cold blood, they'd probably have laughed it off!
May they rest in peace and their killers in pieces.
May their souls rest in peace.
May their souls rest in peace. Amen
This is really sad, may their souls RIP....
Sad indeed
So sad... RIP
Chai God save us from this extremists.
I'm still left dumbfounded at the speed at which the criminals' identities were uncovered. We have a really long way to go in this country.
May deceased rest in peace.
May *the deceased rest in peace.
Awww! What a pity. May their soul rest in peace, amen...
May their gentle souls rest in peace. THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH
It is well
This is so sad
SAME RELIGION, WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> Am sure he was reciting koran to them begging when he was shot, heartless souls. <<<<
It's so unfortunate. May their souls rest in peace.
May his soul rest in peace.
Crazy people!!! As much as one tries to remain neutral and objective on this issue because of the peace-loving Muslim I know, it is tough. I think those of them who feel by these ones should do more to step up and assist in weeding these people out! Am I sure we can all agree that they are more than "a few" and they are in your neighbourhoods! I really don't understand why you want to impose your beliefs on countries that have either been founded on a non-Islamic religion or is a secular state. If you want to practice your religion any how you want go to places like Saudi, Sudan or the Emirates that is purely Islam. In countries like that it is a crime to practice Christianity or even bring in a bible . You don't see anyone there demanding and protesting for the rights of other non-islam adherents there. Psychos!
Somwthing's wrong if exercising freedom of speech makes victims of innocent bystanders. There should be mutual respect for personal beliefs and choices in an open society. This magazine was being sued by the Catholic Church for their cartoons. The French should caution not to confuse islamaphobic incitement by the magazine for freedom of speech.
So sad!
God help us
Very sad,.. I feel bad about this attack eps cos they r journalists whom should never killed while carrying out journalism.. it's so painful
Very sad,.. I feel bad about this attack eps cos they r journalists whom should never killed while carrying out journalism.. it's so painful
Very sad,.. I feel bad about this attack eps cos they r journalists whom should never killed while carrying out journalism.. it's so painful
People wey sabi!
So sad
May they R.i.p
RIP Nigger..
RiP... Engr Emy
its a pity may they rest in peace
Only 2 masked men did this!!!! They must be slow in France well what do I expect, it's europe..those 2 men would have been gun down n this event in tbe states, security men with guns would hv been present daily at that media house in the U.S.
What were the buddy guard there for? They had no weapons to fire back. Am sure the 2 gunmen did not find very one in one room so while they r killing in one section b4 they move to the nxt area, the security or body guards should hv intelligently positioned themselves to target the men...this is police n security intelligence plus they know inside that office better than the gunmen..can't stand slack europe..this would wake up their police abit. MAY THE SOUls Of THE DEAD rest in peace.
RIP to the dead, moslems welldone
R I P...
Wicked sons of Jezebel....God will punish them one by one. R.I.P to the dead
enough of all these Islamist shit
So Pathetic
too bad..i pray whn d attakers are caught, dey shd b executed instantly.u just cnt take som1's life unnecessarily....
enough of all these Islamist shit
Hei yah, the family should take heart. RIP
Hei yah, the family should take heart. RIP
ahh........the killers wont be happy with this development. In their sick heads they thought they only killed the cartoonists or infidels..........
Wow, menakutkan sekali ya Polisi-polisinya.
May their souls RIP
May the souls of the departed rest in peace amen.....God in heaven will surely purnish all this blood thirsty animals. ..
RIP officer.
May his soul rest in peace.
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Very bad RIP
GEJ till 2019
Ehyah,may there soul rest in peace
may he and the other people killed RIP. really hope they catch the 2 brothers that did this
RIP to the dead ones.
Is too early oooo death here n there. God protect us ooo
Jeez. Whats dis world turning into. This place is becoming unbecoming. Too many lunatics on the loose; Father pls send down ur psychiatrist down here
May their souls Rip...france should see to the root of this beasts in human skin.
May their souls rest in peace...Amen
Awwww..too bad.
May their soul's rest in peace.
such a sad loss! May the Good Lord strength his family
pls visit my blog...
So sad **DOPEY SAID SO**
Those people should be brought to justice
What a wicked world we live in may der souls rip
Hmm may the dead once soul rest in peace amen
May there souls rest in peace
Untimely death is not our portion. RIP
Ur an idiot...d police officer killed is a xtian ba....oponu oniranu oshi
Eiyaah, RIP.
I believe you are a muslim...that is why you justify the killing of newsmen...listen, no one shuld kill a fellow man-not even for religion.let God fight for himself.Why do muslims tink all other pple who arent muslims are out to 'GET' them?That magazine had stirred up controversies both on religious topics(christianity,judism,as well as Islam e.t.c) and politics.why havnt they been attacked by the other religions.IT HAD TO BE MUSLIMS! islam trully a religion of peace?...may God be praised!
So sad!
RIP to the dead #onelovefromsnow#
RIP God is the throne
Dunno what u going on about lord kaiser....personally I say Fuck islam! It's a religion of blood. Why are u guys so angry???? Islam this islam that...left to me I'd say all u guys stand for is intolerance..why anyone would wanna be in such a demonic religion of blood thirsty savages is beyond me
Mchewww this is tragedy...
May their soul rest in perfect peace
How! Amazing... I like your post. Tanks for sharing
Rest In Peace
Thanks mbak..
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