In its 2014 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index released today December 3rd, the group said it ranked 174 countries it surveyed based on how corrupt their public sector is presumed to be. The measurement is based on a scale of 0 to 100 with a score of 0 perceived as "highly corrupt" and 100 "very clean". Nigeria was ranked 136th with an index score of 27.
actually we are no 2.
Not in this generation.Don't think Nigeria can ever be a corrupt free country
136th? They got d positioning wrong. We ought to be the 1st nah.
No be lie
we corrupt die...
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Just 136? I tot we were closer to dat? Mayb 2nd or 5th
Na wa for 9ja. Why una no carry first?. Lmao
This's not good at all and the worst thing's the so called leaders don't even care..not nice
they dont know.. we shud b numbr one
Thank God we ain't 1st ,100 oh.
Long live LIB™
Really thought we would take the 1st position 'lol' #onelovefromSnow#
136? Nigeria should be 50...this country is corrupt eehh
I cry 4 naija
There's only one logical explanation for this....transparency international has being bribed by Wealthy Nigerians and therefore corrupt :(
I agree. Corrupt from bottom to top.
We shud be no 1
Well that's far! I was hoping to see us around 1st 10 or 1st 5 even.........
Nawa ooo...God hlp 9ja
i knew it i think they are correct
Okay.Nigeria will be better
GEJ's legacy
we have our issues but whats there own.they are mad.
wow... thought we should be way higher.
That position is hopeful
Thought we were num one in d world
Lie we are 1st ooo Naija lols
Lols if I hear
Anything dat cums b4 1st na wetin we country naija be.....hoohaaa! Obodo ndi ojoo!
and i thought we are the number one..
Okay ooooo
One and only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
Yeah, that's my country. Great people, Good Nation.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Nigeria deserves it. mjabdulk@gmail.com
That isa not enough material to rank Nigeria. Every country has her own hiccupps. They should leave us alone abeg.
How transparent is this infor?coz it seems hell is empty.All the corrupt homo sapiens are here...
They re right. Tho I expect us to be among 1st ten. Nigeria has only one problem and that's corruption
I hope Mr. President (toy horse rider) is seeing this.
Worth administration I've ever experienced in my lifetime. Am neither for their PDP nor APC campaign. I just want a best NIGERIA.
Bryte Tablet from Konga.com
9ja still try oooh,i thought we were number one
Good news I guess. #Lol#. <>. REPORTING<< LIVE FROM PORT NOVIA>>
Linda, Nigeria is 136th least corrupt and 27th most corrupt. That's the correct reading of the rankings.
At least nigeria is not ranked the first most corrupt country in West Africa. But this is really bad that the state of the nation is really retarding so rapidly
Corruption is allowed. Infac,Nigeria dey learn
Thank God we ain't first o......ologunifemidolapo@yahoo.com
Where do you start killing from. Obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
We deserve no 1 spot
Naija don fall person hand finish, wetin we for do, I think we deserve that position. Cheats and thieves everywhere. esebeauty21@yahoo.com
132??? Na lie
Bfor nko na we b d head of corruption
Eeeeh we are improving
Linda u see am paste na God go bless u jare
That's an impressive improvement from the days of Obasanjo when Nigeria was either the first or the second always...
Hope we can continue to improve by doing away with old brigade politicians
The ranking is incorrect. They should go get their facts right, Nigeria should be No 1 on that ranking.
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All to clueless goat called GEJ.dat is wot happened wen an indecisive person is in power.africans used to look up to us but now we re asking chad for help. wot a pity. let leave tribe and religion out of this. jonathan as a president is a mistake and obj know it and is high time we collectively accepted d fact.dis man aint continue..#king Nebu out
136......dats so wrong
Linda u see am paste na God go bless u jare
An impressive improvement from Obasanjo days when Nigeria was always either First or Second. ..
Hope these old brigade politicians will let this continue
Ehnnn!!so countries still dey this world wey corrupt pass nigeria??? **na wah
Asi Asi. We are 14th
I think dey got this Wrong but I biIiv In Naija regardIess
Na we get d no1 position, y dem dey cheat us
Is a lie...we r No 1 la
Where is that dunderhead Apple. Are you proud of this? If you don't feel insulted by this, then you must have very little to show for dignity and integrity.
Nigeria should be ranked worst than that position.What happened to Abba Moro, Stella odua,Madueke and many of the govt functionaries?
Are they sure?to me I feel we are nos 1.demn corrupt.
Oh. Not as bad as I thought. Hmn
Why can't they for once give us first
I tot Nigeria is first self, Lol, useless leaders dat call themselves president nd senators, mtcheeeeeeeew
Lmao...136 in d world ke?i guess dey made a mistake dere we shld b closer dn dt n 3rd in west Africa couldn't agree more lol Nija tho.................NJ
Oga ooooo
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
No surprises
9ja ooooooo
See now....they are even cheating Nigeria..we carry first dem no gree give us our title.
Nah we are no 3
Nawa for dis people dat cal dis results we shud b d head nw I mean no 1
We are progressing I guess. So there are really some countries that are more corrupt...
So if dey cheat Nigeria for everything dey go cheat us for dis one. We suppose take first position.
*Anticipate brand new songs coming out soon. #Ugomma #Onyinyemu #Oyorima
Naija bad oh, dey even went ahead to bribe b pple ranking all dis, cuz we all knw were we suppose dey.
Naija bad oh, dey even went ahead to bribe b pple ranking all dis, cuz we all knw were we suppose dey.
The naija wey me I know no dey carry last o, so why we no take first near na?
*Walking away
Linda, pls explain well. The 136th is from the bottom not top. US is ranked no17 and UK 14.. The two most less corrupt is Denmark no 1 followed by New Zealand no 2. Nigeria is at no 136th just above contries like North Korea, Iraq etc
Wer is America? They are meant to be no1...
Too bad our leaders are not moved with things like this. Just when your perceptions of a leader is cleared of corruption, you wake up the next day and hear of money lundering pointing to the person you see as stainless. I look forward to the day I'll proudly say am proud of my country Nigeria without reservations.
Them do ojoro...we suppose be 1st
... thank God we r reducing small small in coruptn lol
When did nigeria start coming last. We ought to be first jare.
Last year we were in third position, why are we goin back, abi these pipo no investigate us well? Nigeria police number one 4 d world, #emmarock#
Na wash
What?! How can they steal our rightful place? The one sector we work very hard on & excel at & which our wonderful president has outdone himself & worked tirelessly in promoting & with all his effort we are the 136th?! No way! We won't take this lying down, we will fight for our right, they can't steal our rightful place which should be in the top 5! We totally condemn this fake & inaccurate survey. We humbly request a do over.
I feel cheated.so all dis countries are jealous of us.we are number 1 when it comes to corruption and nobody should cheat us.......dis is APC at work........
na wa oo
Every country in d world is corrupt but I dont think we shud be ranked 136th whn we shud be topping d corruption champions league...lolz.
Linda I think you mean least corrupt...because if it was 136th most corrupt, then that means 135 countries are more corrupt, which is not true, so the list goes from least corrupt to most curropt...hope you correct it
This is so wrong why do they like to cheat us in everything ... We are NO 1 Corrupt Country on plant Earth
thank God we are not number one.
Na number 1 oooo aunty linda pls post my comments
Lol, wrong ke! Right now i'm sure FG will be having a meeting on how 2 bribe dem 2 push us a bit farther.. *laughs in spanish*
Lol. They made a mistake.
It is what it is! That's how we live day-in day-out.
ah! I hope this ranking no partial? They suppose to give us number 1
They don't know what they are saying! Nigeria is No 1 position. Nija No dey drag Am with anybody. Na their position tey tey.
Chai! We don suffer oo
Hehe you Nigerians sef....so una wan be nos 1 *smh
Funny but not funny..
True no be lie to corrupt from grassroot to the Top
136??? On a scale of 174??? We try Na
Not surprising. Your fisherman president said "ordinary stealing, some people would be calling it corruption."
Corruption is not strong in Nigeria yet,knew dis long time ago.our pple still get small conscious
Dey don rob us of our position, we all know dat naija dey first 3, Abi which country sabi am pass us..... Transparency international sef corrupt!
I'm kinda of sur they got d position wrong
........naija 136th for wia....no 1 all d way...
They got it wrong Nigeria should be first in west Africa and 6th in world
>>>> They should please recheck, nah nah nah, Nigeria if not first in the world must top Africa's ranking <<<<
136th lyk seriously, we shud be on the top of DAT list.
the rank is from behind which means we r 39th most corrupt nation... thank me later Linda..
We shud be, 0 den others follow...
There is somfin wrong with the way they ranked it. I guess the ones with the big numbers are the more corrupt.
Wrong rating, we shouldn't be on that list… tnx
Wrong rating, we shouldn't be on that list… tnx
Thank God say our number far....
9ja i hail...corruption
They should check well.... There is a mistake some where... We corrupt like mad... We should be first
#on top one bottle of star#
Nigeria is indeed a corrupt nation, we don't need Transparency International to tell us that, but it is not a helpless situation, where there is a will, there is a way, it can be curbed with a good government.
Yet we say that GEJ is corrupt, and we have forgotten that Nig. Was ranked 1st in the World during OBJ time and nobody talk anything because if you dare talk EFCC and ICPC will be on your neck. Sentiment.
Seriously? The 1st 11 comments are from dumb and irresponsible young Nigerians. This are the kind of comment that makes the western world see u people as animals. Nigeria is 136 and fools like u say its wrong it shld have bin 1st or 2nd . What is wrong wif this generation. The questions u shld ask is who is sponsoring this ranking n how well is the research buh well, young Nigerians already gave up on the country.. Do u knw America is really really corrupt. The media paints ur country worst and some fools are dancing shoki to it. Ur fooling ur selves and creating an unsafe environment for ur unborn kids .
This generation has lost it, every body is a criminal cos they say crime is inevitable ..
Sis Linda y u no tel dem say we no 1 say Nigeria b d there head
I hear abegi make I hear word jare! And which country is d number one corrupt free country? Ednamaka3@gmail.com
Lol make dem go do am again oo. 136 ke
Thank God we are not first, corruption seems to be the in thing now in 9ja.
If I hear mtchewww with all dis politicians ere and dere
Lolzzzz. Niaja no dey carry last, dey must b in every headline lol
We should be ranked no.1.
Its okay we re even lucky
We failed the exam in the world..136 out of 174,,am buh We passed in Africa..lol..our leaders should be ashamed of their self..buh we often make headlines..famous Naija
Lol..u so funny.
Hmmmn, just 136th, I thought we were even the most corrupt country nah, nawa 4 nigeria o
I disagree with their ranking.
I am appalled!!!! How dare these people call us the 136th most corrupt country in the world when we are clearly number 1?
Na wah for naija
e tire me o,i wonder what the first country will be like if naija is thiis bad
Well...It sounds like good news. How many countries dey d world b4? It doesn't sound too bad, na dem sabi, wats my biz. Linda go quickly post ds kind of pix. If na where dem dey commend Jonathan, she ll neva post it.
We must go 2 court 4 dis cuz we ought 2 b number 1...
i think we should be the 1st(eleyele1@yah00.com)
Thats good! We use to be among top 10 during OBJ regime.
This is cheating na, 136th ke, how come? We should have ranked first five. EFCC should look into this #tongue out#
Guess she is more corrupt than the assessment , even though its really devilish to have this huge and industrial scale corruption in Nigeria and the people that double as perpetrators and checkers say we are not. Once the President, supposed custodian of the ethics and ethos said stealing is different from corruption in an attempt to cover those financiers that brought him to power, i knew we re hopeless. Our only major problem is corruption, corruption, corruption.....
Being 27 on d scale of 0-100 with 0 being d most corrupt.means naija is stil very corrupt naa.some libers dnt even get it.smh
I doubt that result,I believe its still part of our corruption that makes us to be 136 we should be no1. Naija land following with corruption n looters
Now I remember wetin I do u?
Post dis one oooooo
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Honestly, cuz my country Nigeria have failed us..*sighs*
Nigeria in 136th position in corruption hehe I don't think so with what we are facing in this country know" there should be mistake somewhere
This is not a leadership issue. Everybody in nigeria is corrupt, including you!
It's a headway
136th that's improvement, more work need to be done.
May God Nigeria
Nah today...
Which country com b first
LOL am dats a mistake ts should be 1-10 and nt dat far
Any ranking wey be overall....nigeria no dey ever carry..first....later...dem go dey say 2 much corruption,,,,,we nah reach self #ab1
There's a mix up somewhere. Which country now come jack 1st position? Dats our position for crying out loud!!!!
I thought we would be higher than that, cos Nigeria corrupt die. So corrupt that people view a lot of wrong things as normal acts
Why are these people denying Nigerians of their due rights? Shuo, even this one, that the world knows we are not only no 1 but coordinators. Mc Baba Oloye says so.
am not surprised....
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lolzz......dem no knw say naija suppose dy first........frankenstein said so
136th? We ar not corrupt na, we suppose 2 b d first mtcheeew
Linda wey my comments in all ur post?no try me ooo
Nigeria is 136th least corrupt in the world, ranking 27th on the most corrupt index, Linda. It's 39th most corrupt.
Oga there is no need to sugar coat anything and deceive ourselves. Nigeria is a very corrupt, lawless country were people are above the law and impunity is at its peak. I used work with the government until a few months ago and these guys steal money like they are fetching water from a drum. Nigeria is corrupt from top to bottom we don't need any foreign agency to tell us that. At least even if the US is corrupt they have a system that works, how many Nigerian institutions function properly? Educational, health etc have all been destroyed by corruption, so call a spade a spade and stop deceiving yourself. Besides Linda read it wrong we are actually 39th
Linda re u kidding? it can't be. Nigeria should be labeled NO 1 with capital leterooo
How I wish plp will read or listen to d news. D ranking was done from down up ward. So number 1 is a country that corruption is not really found. So pls u guys should find ur facts b4 replying. It's not nice to b ignorant.
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