There's no way this is appropriate. C'mon! (photo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 11 December 2014

There's no way this is appropriate. C'mon! (photo)

A Facebook user posted this to his account showing his girlfriend & her son both naked in a bathtub! He quickly removed it after serious backlash from other users who saw it as inappropriate and asked for child services to look into it. Even if that is your son, why get naked with him? Or is this OK?


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Unknown said...

Chaiiiii, this so wrong meen

Unknown said...

It is not appropriate at all

Unknown said...

To hell no..this is nt appropiate at alllll

Unknown said...

It's inappropriate

Unknown said...

Its absolutely wrong if shes just a girlfriend.. And if shes d mum.. Its still quere

Anonymous said...

This is bad faa.

dennis onyukwu said...

That's terrible...just like bathing wit ur little daughter (for guys)

Unknown said...

Ahah iru katikati wo le le yi abeg unto d nxt thing

Unknown said...

It can never be okay!! Its the so called mother I did this pics get taken.some pple dnt just deserve the term can't be a nigerian am sure

Unknown said...

Linda what would you say about the Zoe tribe that live their lives naked? Do everything together naked. That one blind?

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Abeg dats their problem jare #chizzy says so..

Nusitech said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. She is the boy's mother for crying out loud not some random person. I guess it would be "OK" if she was a girl?. #Doublestandard.

togsonkaks said...

she looks like Linda..just a little bit older

togsonkaks said...

she looks like Linda...just a little bit older

Unknown said...


Joyce said...

This is very very wrong

Anonymous said...

This is inappropriate.

Unknown said...

Dis is totally wrong

Unknown said...

So not appropriate jor..wat was he for d women,she needs to be tot properly how to handle childs...(my 2kobo comment tho)

Unknown said...

NEVER!!!...wife a b*tch...

Anonymous said...

Dat ain't right

Unknown said...

Of courses it's not okay, so so wrong on many different levels

Anonymous said...

Nawaoh..linda where is my comment?? Meanwhile dis isn't alright atal..its soo improper

Unknown said...

If this wasn't posted of Facebook by mistake, it's wrong, why to we need to see it? People don't ask themselves certain questions before they act.

BrightQ said...

He didnt know it would turn out the way it said...

this is not acceptable

Anonymous said...

So silly. (adajesus)

oma said...

it is not ryt , u not meant to dress up in front if a kid ,talk more of bathing with him. vivianoma@Yahoo. com

Walsmorgan said...

He needs psycho checkups.

Anonymous said...

What rubbish

mzmaris said...

So these days are smart....chai...someone took that pics o....probably d bf.....maybe naked too........what is she actually trying to teach that kid?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

That shit is weird on so many

Nkechi Nwabueze said...

this is so inappropriate by all standards, what the f**k..........

Unknown said...

Its nt owk sewiousli! Its not

Unknown said...

This is too bad

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lack of understanding is disturbing this woman

Unknown said...

What I don't get is why this is ever made public?

Lucky Lu said...

Lindodo the facebook user did wrong and so did you for posting it on ur blog

gab2shoes said...

Linda u have no right to censor that pics, wen we see it then it is up to us to judge for u to censor, pls feed our eyes beta too not just urs...take time!
This endowned bobby u blank out, u be phcn...

prittyog said...

Is not proper at all

Unknown said...

This is insane

Unknown said...

He doesnt cherish d gurl

Unknown said...

This is bad

Unknown said...

Na today ... families who live in face me-I face you apartment - in one room and have three to five kids. Their kids always see their nakedness every time. for me I don't think is a new thing in Nigeria. only if it's outside Nigeria.

Unknown said...

She needs to be flogged naked.

Kindly visit @divinelabels on instagram to get very awesome wears for this xmas at very affordable rate.


Unknown said...

she needs to be flogged naked

Kindly visit @divinelabels on instagram to get very awesome wears for this xmas at very affordable rate.


Unknown said...

Soooo wrong. So much evil happening this days.

Anonymous said...

That is so wrong on so many levels, that is how incest starts smh!!! Linda don't forget me o @!!! Whizman

Anonymous said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this. Posting it on social network is the wrong. I mean that's her son.

Anonymous said...

After age 2 years, boys should not be shown the nakedness of a woman.


Jack said...

so badie

Anonymous said...

Wats the big deal

Unknown said...

Inappropriate and abusing.

Unknown said...

no this is not

Unknown said...

very wrong

Unknown said...


Denky Awesome said...

This is totally unacceptable, inappropriate and condemnable!

Anonymous said...

it is totally unethical

Kingsley Lotanna Ezeonyido said...

This all junkie.
Dont see nothing wrong with family having a good time.

They've got no bad and dirty intentions like we and the supposed offended do.

Am OK with it full-time.


JOYCHY said...

Showwering with a toddler isn't out of place, but being dis cosyyy! Hmmmmmmm!!! Besides d so called BF is insane 2 post dis online. some pics are beta left in our phones!!

Anonymous said...

I bathe with my 5 year old brother. We usually play with dolls in the tub and sing. Its not inappropriate but the sexual evils that have been happening in this world has been making it seem inappropriate

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Unknown said...

Lol this is not proper

Anonymous said...

Not at all. I hope that the kid is even hers

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