Redeemer's University students blame schoolmate's death on poor school clinic facility | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 10 December 2014

Redeemer's University students blame schoolmate's death on poor school clinic facility

Abiola Olaleye, a 400 level student of Tourism Department at Redeemer's University Ede, Ogun state died on Monday Dec. 8th just six months before he was due to graduate from the university.

According to his friends, Abiola fell ill a few weeks ago and was taken to the school's hospital where he was for a while receiving treatment. But when his condition didn't improve, his parents took him out of the school hospital and moved him to a hospital in Lagos where he later died.

Now some of his friends are blaming his death on the poor medical facility of their school. They alleged that the table water he was given had no NAFDAC number and that the food provided by the school is bad. They also accused the school's VC of mismanagement. Continue...

Some of the things the students wrote on instagram...

 Abiola Olaleye's chat before he passed...


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Unknown said...

They will collect huge sums as school fees.. I wonder what they use it for.. Corruption is everywhere

Unknown said...

it might be true

Ayodunni Oloyo said...

Very funny, someone dies and the next thing you do is blame someone for it. Yes the clinic might not be perfect but at least they taking him to a lagos hospital should have helped or was it immediately he got to lagos he died. You just don't run your mouth like uncontrolled tap because you wanna comment or something, u need to sit and think of do u think people don't die in public school? If person die for private school u go turn am to big wahala. I knew him and even saw him few times, it's sad he is dead but blaming the school won't bring him back.

Unknown said...


ogechi0502 said...

Most private universities are badly managed .I guess they should all be banned cos selfishness is always the order of their day, Hugh sums of monies are collected as so called school fees , they build great infrastructures for outsiders to see but the welfare of students are zero. i wunt even let my enemies kids go to a private school.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

every soul shall taste a death.

Unknown said...

RIP, lindyway u hardly post my comments, wats up?

Unknown said...

may his soul rest in peace....but the vc is not to be blamed for his

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda doesn't even have the real story.
First of all, Ede is in Osun State, not Ogun State.
Secondly, he was sick with typhoid (the University's new location isn't quite great). He asked for a permission to leave the school for treatment but the school denied him and referred him to the schools clinic. A week after, when the hospital in the school couldn't help, they finally allowed him to go home; which was already late. It is sad. I feel for his family.
Also, you need to be considerate Linda, I really wonder the type of human being you are. It's not everything you post. Give his family the privacy and respect and allow them to mourn. said...

RUN shld b checkd. D death rate in dt schl is too high. Wat sef. Every year! 10k God 4 d preservation of life. Wen my VC; Tomori was der, dt was a school. Now, its nufng bt crap. #I dislike d new vc n everything associated wv him.

Anonymous said...

it's funny seriously that these students are oblivious of the fact that the VC is trying his utmost best to see to it that the school be run smoothly. Abiola may his soul rest in peace was only in the school clinic four days and here the world sees it asif its the schools fault. if you have that view discard it cause i myself attend the same university. it just isnt fair that some silly ajebota children would find everything to tarnish the image of what the VC is trying so hard to keep......just is not fair

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