Sanusi had spuriously claimed in a leaked letter to President Goodluck that $49.8 billion in crude oil revenue was missing.
The detailed report according to sources at the Senate also cleared the NNPC and the Ministry of Petroleum of any wrong doing.
The report however directed the NNPC and the Ministry of Finance as well as other relevant agencies to reconcile a sum believed to be around $300 million dollars.
THEWILL can also report that the Senate said the suspended Governor of the Central Bank was hasty and got his figures wrong.
The report further recommended the immediate passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) as the Minister of Petroleum, Mrs. Deziani Allison-Madueke continues to sanitise the industry.
The Senate Committee on Finance is under the chairmanship of Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi (Kaduna PDP). The committee took about 5 months to complete its assignment.
Source: The Will Nigeria
good job!!! Nigerians are just too gullible to believe what the evil caucus "APC" says. the earlier we know that some small group does not want this country to move forward the better...
The money dat was missin is no longa missin... Lolz. Who com dey deciv who? Nigeria my country. -A country wr thieves are leaders. A country wr heavy billions of naira disappears into thin air. Funy
Ofcourse we BELIEVE our Senate?!
Why am I not surprised? If I had a bullet for every corrupt Nigerian politician that deserves a buttet, then lead, copper and brass would run out. The acrimoniousness of my heart towards our avariciously minded leaders is disheartening!
Its just sad d way we hear all dese million and billion dollars and its only our selfish stupid self-centered leaders spending them, not fair at all
Wonders never seem to end in this country! So now no money is missing, Nigerian politicians playing politricks with Nigerians
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Nigeria I hail o
Na wa oh... all diz moni $billion n I never see my share as a citizen. Deris God oh
What a country! It took them how many month to declare no money is missing. Hmmm! Senators don get their shares... Senate report my foot.
Ahaaa Useless thieves,they have done wat dey knw best,d committee of thieves wia ask to prove thieves,then who is who??#confuseface##
I pledge to nigeria my country to be a thief forever, u all are thieves so u mean sanusi is a fool he dose not knows is job na thunder go fire that ur mouth
Which way Nigeria?
It's a lie jor......which way 9ja?
Guy, they just told you it's false alarm. Do you av any evidence to prove it's missing?
There is God oooo....
Why would they not say d bulshit they said when alert has entered their phone. Dats why politics in Naija is a do or die affair. Heavy paclkages when you enter
Naija 4 show...can u imagine?He did not gt his figure right SMH
SMH....Dear Senate Committee on Finance, you really mean to tell us that the money was never missing and that the Governor of the Central bank "spuriously" accused people of stealing it??.
Well well well, who would have thought or imagined such rubbish in Nigeria then? Good job on your 5 month hearing guys!....Thanks for the good work.
Aye country yi ti baje....the life of this country is done for....
No money stolen ke....and yet these people live outrageous lifestyles...and our army cannot be properly funded, polytechnic students are on strike for almost a year....people are hungry and starving.....God sure has a lot of judging to do
@ shoutozone you had made up your mind on what you want to hear, even if money is not missing, is off no importance to you. All you want to hear is $50 billion missing. I pray you never find your self where somebody will make a scapegoat to escape from the crime he committed by labeling you what you never thought off in life. Marshall
It has been their way ever since
Dem set up inquiry, dem say moni no lost oooooo!!! [Fela]
Dunno who to believe oo.. I av a feeling d money was usd by sanusi to sponsor bh nd put d blame on nnpc.. bt seriously I dnt trust dis govt. So bcos he was hasty den he noticed dat kind of money was missing. . Pls dey shld say something more convincing
Ok naa, isorite !
Petroleum Minister is an alias to the President. The Senate Committee on Finance are PDP members, Mrs Deziani was cleared of Stealing not on Corruption; Very soon she will be charged for " Corruption'' at International criminal Court in Hague *
Dem don use dollars blocked them mouth. Nigeria we hail thee
God help us!! No money is missing again!!
God help us in this country..The level of corruption keeps getting worse every minute..so Sanusi does not know what he is saying ? It is clear they embezzled the money already..this country is being runned by thieves and greedy men..God deliver us
Wu dey deceives wu
Sanusi used our money to sponsor boko haram. I think it's more honorable to steal money to enrich oneself than to finance the killing of innocent citizens.
God save this country
if u had a brain u'l know that u 40billion $ cant disappear without affecting the financial markets....sanusi is jst too much of himself,.. wants to be seen as a martyr
Where is sanudi lamido sanusi
Have you heard of the YOYO. Those guys are yoyo.
Can't u read? Is ur father that took the money
Nigeria. I hail ooo
I said I had given up on Nigeria since but now I mean it
And a thief of 5k will be given jungle justice in d same Naija. Na wa o!
Campaign strategy,after all 2015 is around the corner,now money is no longer missing. Born thieves!
Na only God go help us 4 dis our obodo nigeria
Abracadabra...the more you look, the less you see =Naija politricks
Nigerians will never believe that but they will accept and continue to endure as usual. This government see us like mumu people! Chai.... When illiterates rules anything follows!
Dem say moni no lossi o dem dabaru everybody supervisor uncle Jona moni no loss dem shout again.nice tidy yeye pepo
exactly !
I smell rat,probably Ghana must goes don change hand
Our not so distinguished senators,i wasn't expecting different.No problem.posterity will judge us all,when your family members and yourselves drop off like chickens,you say its the enemies.
Good luck
Shame on SLS. After studying Islamic studies in Sudan how can he get his figures right? Glorified Almajiri.
Go to hell with your family idiot. So you believed SANUSI before?. Mumu
The are all liars
My country, my country.
Like fela said in ITT (international thief thief) "dey set up inquiry, dey say money no lost oooo, dey say supervisor obasanjo, make e shut up"
Waaoooo!!! No more missing money??? Hiaa Nigeria. Tufiakwa MTchewwwwwWw
The Oga at d top of Central Bank says money is missing@NNPC...the corrupt politicians says money nor miss blame it on hasty calculation! Do u believe this corrupt GEJ govt & its puppet committees? Smh
They said no money is missing...and I can't find the 50naira I kept in my pocket. Okay
Na so......- I wish youths of dis nation cld do d kinda revolution d̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ did in Ghana where the youths executed dia corrupt old leaders.Just one bomb fit do dis kind work.....
In fela's voice " money no loss they shout again .......... Ta ra ra!!!! " lol God have mercy
Prince Jobless,u are no longer relevant on this blog. We'll appreciate if u commit suicide ASAP!....thought u've bn interred wen u stopped commenting,not knowing u are just rat broke #enditPCRIPieces#
What do u do 4 a living,scallywag?Get a life,will u or just end it by hanging#disgustingfag#
Hahaha Ds our Govt self, imagine dt Sanusi was hasty when he sed dt $49.8 was missin frm d Petroleum sector & as such got his figures wrong. He was hasting to go & deliver a baby bcos he was hving labour pangs.Luk at wht grown-ups who call demselves Senators are blabbing like nursery sch kids. Corruption has eaten so deep into d fabrics of ds country dt our so cald leaders no longa reason very well,since dey are in d habit of tellin lies atleast tell mature lies & not ds.if sanusi culd mek such a huge misrepresentation in a hast & neva realised it & yet he had bn our CBN gov dealing wit facts & figures 4 almost 4yrs.Senator,instead of ds Why not just share d loots as usual & let us be afta all we don't talk abt probe in ds country so what d heck?
Itz rily infortunate.....shehu shagaris regime wz d mst corrupt of all buh itz lyk GEJ iz trying to rank topmost interms of corruption. Person wey no wear slipas go skul.....mtscheeew!!!! Smh
According to Fela of Blessed memory, Money No Loss, Go report to UN.
Did he?Is it?
What are we saying. Don't we think SLS used it to cover his fraud in CBN.
I mean who does dat?all d committee members are PDP,its not done.they
Should av include other senators frm d other parties too then we might believe no money was missing.
Thank God am a Canadian
Ola Brampton say so
Rat don steal d meat ooooo
God will steal d breathing hearts of all known inconsiderate thieves using power n interest to bury der attrocities if it truly exists n only fools eating crumps under dem will say it dosnt ANIMALS!!!
Ahhhhhhhh Naija. Oooooo so no money is missing again?odiegwu.
Stupid senate...no money was missing..i hail oooo
What make them different from book haram, bunch of thieves, may God deal with them, they kidnap our economy into their pocket, is as a result of misappropriate of our money that create room for BH , no job for youth, idle hands they say is the devil's workshop. May their family know no peace, for making life difficult for Nigerians. They've sent many to grave out of frustration.
Pls bring back our gals n take all d pot belly politicians, abeg
Awon Olosi Oloriburuku ole jatijati....God punish u all
@Aniekan ! Don't be deceived ! The money is really missing...that is what PDP will use to rig the elections.
Iam not surprised you are from Niger Delta....your people will continue to suffer in poverty. Nigeria will never change as long as we continue to express tribal sentiments
Which good job Aniekan, I believe u are part of them, after sanusi left d office, minister of finance confirm d money was missing how come d money is not missing again after several months? No peace for d wicked.
Money has changed hands!
Wicked leaders
Rubbish comment
Its $49.8b and not N49.8b.....the diff is very clear and plenty.!
Bukola Saraki is also a member of the Senate Finance Committee. Saraki is Sanusi's godfather. He facilitated his CBN top job through Yaradua. Saraki also is behind the "missing fund" scam. If this report is true then it means Sanusi has been thrown under the bus.
Remember there is God o.
Useless theif theif government. Is this not how Ibori was declared innocent here in Nigeria by all the arms of government. Useless govt especially that nonentity of judicial arm we have. Don't worry, we go soon bombard and boko haram that una govt and kill all those dirty lichen lawyers and judges.
My friend u didn't jst make sense, sip easy b4 u come here pls.
............Atutu said so
Why are Nigerians spewing out rubbish here? Before now we all know that the whistle blower was raising a false alarm to discredit someone or perhaps he was playing the script of some unscrupolous elements in this web called Nigeria. Those that have position themselve to benefit from the stupidity of that hausa cow(sanusi) to score cheap political points will be soo disappointed now. When God is with you, no jupiter can bring you down. ITS NOT THE LOAD THAT BREAKS YOU DOWN; ITS HOW YOU CARRY IT.
We have been robbed....God help dis country
U clearly know nothing about SLS.
This ιƨ PATHETIC! Αѕ Nigerians, we have accepted the result.
This boy, I shake my head for u. And e be like say u go school small o! Waste of ur parents' money.
That money was definitely stolen. What do u expect from a PDP committee?
So you want us to be quick to believe the Senate? Dumb if I will say!!!
Fela is such a prophet!
We all know? False alarm? Do u really believe all the crap u just wrote or were u paid for ur soul?
Just from some of the comments here, I have cause to seriously doubt that Nigeria will ever get better. This is a clear case of daylight robbery and niggas r on here justifying it? Smh
Welcome to Nigeria, Mr. Finance. Our economy is so inefficient that such leakages r commonplace and have little immediate impact on the market.
Fool, u ll remain poor for ever with dis ur sentiment mindset
Do you guys know what is $40 billion dollars? It can't just disappear . Even sanusi that make the initial accusation scaled it down to $28b then $12b when confronted by okonjo. It was just an APC rouse. Remember saraki is in the committee so assuming d money is missing it will be a big deal for him and APC... All their plans are back firing..amaka
Aniekan or whatever your name is, I feel for your generations to come...shame on you!!! It was in this same country they cleared Ibori of no wrong doing and where is the Ibori today?
I knew from the onset that if any money was missing it won't be up to that amount cause if it were they would have been a serious impact on our economy...
Thieves covering thieves up. What do you expect. All the committees are corrup. Once they are sorted, they write in your favours. Nnpc even pays them for sitting. They will use all that money to treat ailments. Just watch. God is alivem
you people this woman has settled them with 5million pounds this is from a reliable source ,she gave the house this sum but they wanted 10million pounds until they negotiated it to that sum to kill the 10b jet scandal.you will see how that one too will die.as for the senate she has settled each one of them with oil blocks ,why do you thnk she is so confident?its a shame.lamido sanusi lamido i think is the best amongst a lot of us even though i don't like his tactics but he is honest and true .we tried to bribe him so many times to keep quiet but he refused to compromise himself ,nothing moved or impressed him apart from wanting to do the right thing.
linda this i a confession of someone who is around this people.may God forgive us all
That is democracy for us. The money missing issues is a total madness from the nigeria government. Who are we to believe now
Abrakadabra!!! What were we expecting? Has anyone wondered why she went to court to stop House of reps from investigating the allegations?...not senate?
RIP baba Fela great prophet of our time,1976- 2.8 million dollars ,Oil money is missing,them set up enquiry they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Obasanjo,na so enquiry come close oo.
2014:20 billion dollars,oil money is missing,them set up enquiry,they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Jonathan,na so enquiry come close oo....
RIP baba Fela great prophet of our time,1976- 2.8 million dollars ,Oil money is missing,them set up enquiry they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Obasanjo,na so enquiry come close oo.
2014:20 billion dollars,oil money is missing,them set up enquiry,they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Jonathan,na so enquiry come close oo....
RIP baba Fela great prophet of our time,1976- 2.8 million dollars ,Oil money is missing,them set up enquiry they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Obasanjo,na so enquiry come close oo.
2014:20 billion dollars,oil money is missing,them set up enquiry,they say money no lost oo,dem dabaru everybody,supervisor Jonathan,na so enquiry come close oo....
Hmmmmn dieris God oooo money no lost again abi Una don do cover up as Una dey do am
*cough* clear throat" every1 has is opinion here but ur words can neva get to them or make a change now, 1thing we can do is comment! so u r free to express ur mind on hw the matter looks like to you. Firstly I will say I'm proud to be a Nigerian, $49.8B was miSsn later $20B and now No kobo is MisssssN in the federation acct. Hmm! I smell crap. Does Sanusi ave acces to d federation acct? Yes he does, becos he handle the inflow and outflow of transaction. Mayb he must ave smoke Juanna or get high wit sum vodka before he made that statement. But he really knows the consequency of wat he can face if d money wasn't truly missN and he knws d consequency of wat he can face if he cover up the Huge sum carted away without is consent. The is Nigeria! No More new things in the Government, the Government is founded wit Corruption wat did y'all expect. Fela don talk am wen he dey alive money miss and dem make inquiries money no miss again. Wats New in it. 9ja 4life! #ProudlyNigerian
i wnt dis thieves arrestd n thrown out of governmenr
It's simple!kill all the evil politicians in govt.bomb them during their meetings just like in ghana.shikena.
They are right. The money can be found in their pockets. All theives including Sanusi.
so after investigation all they could come up with is "Senate said the suspended Governor of the Central Bank was hasty and got his figures wrong"
if the allegation is false, what happens next. why not question Sanusi over the alleged report on NNPC and Deziani?
I pray our leaders and future leaders will bring peace, development and stability to our great nation.
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