Tweet fight: Eedris Abdulkareem vs Nomoreloss | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 12 December 2013

Tweet fight: Eedris Abdulkareem vs Nomoreloss

The tweet fight between the singer and the rapper began after Nomoreloss addressed the BON/IBAN artists ban. Then a fan accused Nomoreloss of standing against a 'true reformist', @Eedris Abdulkareem. Nomoreloss' response about true talents standing the test of time must have annoyed Eedris because he replied Nomoreloss and thus started the exchange of words. Eedris went as far as threatening to beat Nomoreloss up. See the tweets after the cut..



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chinnybest said...

they r acting likes kids.....mttchew *just passing*

Anonymous said...

i think nomorloss has no respect.

Fammie said...

Them no dey shame....

Anonymous said...*continues with her barbie*EvE

eji said...

Edris is razz abeg!!!

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Dem don chop belle full na

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Dem don chop belle full na

WISDOM said...

i dont know if commenting on this post bout the 20k issue is right buh everywhere is filled and i apologize, well 20k will help me get something for my lil nephew this xmas i really want to do dat then a lil for myself thats all. Thanks ansd i hope you read this. UCHENNA WISDOM.
07060498146 said...

This 50cent issue has been 'over-milked' by Eedris. These our Naija celebs sef, some of them get as e be!

Anonymous said...

This Eldris na fool oooo

Unknown said...

Am will not trade words with what are both of you doing?singing??!...bunch of nutcases...both of you had better get back to making music and stop acting like kids in nursery school....smh

Unknown said...

Nomoreloss may God bless yur swit soul.. Yuv said it ol..

Anonymous said...

eedris is a dissapointment.. he should come to shrine and fight with you?

Anonymous said...

U guys should grow up. Emulate Madiba. kensport

Unknown said...

Am will not trade words with what are both of you doing?singing??!...bunch of nutcases...both of you had better get back to making music and stop acting like kids in nursery school....smh

Anonymous said...

Nomoreloss... I love ur level of Maturity!!!!!

Blog King said...

Who be Nomoreless?. Is it a name of a place, animal or thing.

Unknown said...

Dıs Eedrıs lyk fıght pass querrel!
Bıkko dey shud keep entertaınıng us!.

Unknown said...

Idris dahs totaly uncalled for

Hottie of the day said...

Edris is really a fool tho

Anonymous said...

Idris na pure taut abeg. so he wants a fist fight wit nomorloss. Hediot

Unknown said...

Get your canada,australia,schengen,qatar and dubia work permit visas,we dont collect payment until your visa is ready and confirmed by yourself in the embassy before paying us for our services,call:08141667392

Unknown said...

Watz there problem na, abeg nomoreloss dnt go 2 the shrine oo, mk Eedris no cum fat ur eye o!!

Bonita Bislam said...

Lol kids stucked in adult bodies

Unknown said...

Watz there problem na, abeg nomoreloss dnt go 2 the shrine oo, mk Eedris no cum fat ur eye o!!

Unknown said...

Watz there problem na, abeg nomoreloss dnt go 2 the shrine oo, mk Eedris no cum fat ur eye o!!

Anonymous said...

Nomoreloss is being quite matured here n i think Eedris is the immature one.He is just ghetto.

Unknown said...

Watz there problem na, abeg nomoreloss dnt go 2 the shrine oo, mk Eedris no cum fat ur eye o!!

Anonymous said...

Nomoreloss if you get liver enter shrine make we see.

Anonymous said...

Eedris is senseless, a fool at forty. Secondary school yarns" I dey shrine if dem born u well...." Ode Celebrity.

beesonova said...

As much as I love to support this eedris of a man, somehow he dissapoints me. And he should please stop talking about fight revolution for someone cos he was busy making money then as well and when the odds turn out, he dissapeared. Fine he might have been one of those that started hip-hop but he should stop this class of a thing. Those kids he's referring to are busy making money while he's smoking with thugs at the shrine. Am sure if he dies, he died for nothing cos carrying the Olympic torch doesn't make him a fela or a Mandela. He should go get a life. He sucks and irritates me.

Anonymous said...

Eedris abeg what is it ehhh. If ur so much more than him then ignore him----C21

Anonymous said...

Dis ppl r definitely behaving like kids...mtchewww!!!

Anonymous said...

These two people still dey?

Blog Queen said...

Passing where? Pls grow up.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Henhen let d struggle begin *laughn*

Molokwu Peter said...

this celebrity sha with there numerous tweet fight ,dont be suprised tomorrow it will be tonto and

Anonymous said...

I swear I cnt stop laffin, idris oooooo....lmfao....wait oooo,so our celebs done learn new tin,tweet fightin all d time ...issokay. I dey wait 4 ur call lindodo ooo thanx a lot *Debbie Chelsea*

Angela said...

Seriously dis tin does not make any sense to me. .. it does not worth fighting for. ... Please Aunty Linda I don't know what I ave Don to u dat u refuse posting my comment on your blog...

Anonymous said...

nomorloss no be small boy too if idris go old pass am nothing less than just two years , idris pls go back to studiod do a good song not all this fight man , that shrine u dey boys fit drop u oo , so shut yur mouth

Anonymous said...

Smh# Linda abeq no 4get mi bad sight*divy*

kaizerba said...


Anonymous said...

WHERE IS BONARIO HERE, 100k e hav sure 4 him as linda hav talk. He is d star of LIB. Buh really, linda is sure a smart ibo gal. This is d best strategy to shut those haters criticizing regular commentors on her blog as being jobless and attempting to scare them away. The haters have sure left anonymous 2 post with their names 2 become permanent commentors so as to win linda's 100k. B4 u kill an igbo persons business, they already strategize a way 2 execute u. Linda, SMARTEST GIRL EVER LIVETH. I trip


C old men ooo abaaaaa.

Your Loyal Fan

Unknown said...

Whew!!! I repeat...Twitter a battle ground for minorities...#lightsUpBlunt

UGLY BOY said...

thu I like dis oda guy's comment..eedris shuld grow up.shikina#ntn consine me#

Anonymous said...

This eedris na agbaya o. So so he still wanna be fighting at what age? That's how he said he'd wooz don jazzy the other time. Help me tell am say I dey Lindaikeji blog now, if he get power make he track me, my name is Duke. #PicksRace.

Anonymous said...

Dis Eldris is a disgrace, y referring 2 50 cent after he don beg 50cent over n over. Anyway he is a thug and joking with his future.

Anonymous said...

Hi linda,am a student of uniabuja i'll be very grateful if u consider to help me wit the 20k to pay my school fees and my name is Ekene 08037986738 and it has been difficult to comment on d main post that is why am doing it here thank you and GOD bless your heart

Afolasayo said...

Idris has been disappointing me since his unneeded come back..... from mediocre song, now to street fighting....oga oooooo..... he don old pass all these things abeg

Anonymous said...

Twitter war again. Too bad.1. 100k give away money for Lib readers. 2. Your Birthday 2013 and general updates of Linda Ikeji. 3. When you bought your Car IX35. 4 Post on how you featured in magazine dressed in a newspaper attire. 5. Goldie Harvey's Death. Thanks in Advance. May God Continually bless you and grant your heart desires. Stella Phasua. 08028485607 or 07085148974.

Anonymous said...

The love l had for Eldris died the day he insulted 50 cent. Big FOOL!

TGBENSON said...

No more loss truely has no respect! He shd know how to talk to older pips in the game before he gets his ass whooped! No moreloss that had no carreer for once in the music business should know his boundaries with pips who truely fought for what the music industry is2day! @nomoreloss_ u are about2av more loss in yo life if u don't go n beg czu don't know whom u are dealing with n what he can do to u.........

Anonymous said...

The love l had for eldris died the day he insulted 50 cent. Big FOOL!

Anonymous said...

The love l had for Eldris died the day he insulted 50 cent. Big FOOL!

Etch said...

Don't mind them, they are fighting becos der dnt hav issues to worry about, more grease to dier elbows. Sha, dear Linda, this one is an honest heart cry,I answered your question 2day bt I doubt I'll b among the lucky 9 dats y I've com here 2 make a special request. + the comments on that post are so many, cudnt even find mine sef. Sha,all am sayin is, after the whole xmas give away to we ur loyal readers,you should please come n do me my own happy xmas. Please please please I beg u.rily need somthing to happen dat'll make this Christmas special n different n I think Aunty linda can make this happen. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Linda will u for once post my comment,liber since 2010 but have never seen my comments here,between i need that 100k even if its 20k

Anonymous said...

Na wa edris never learn hmmm. @ lyndahlicious say so.

Unknown said...

No more loss is bin childish and eedris is an old fool... I think the both of dem are jobless... And eedris in particular is juz too razz... Boko haram blood dey run for hin vein.... No more loss learn how to respect ur elders.

Anonymous said...

So no be d'banj don jazzy again? As dem no even c ur stupid towel u dey carry, na nomoreloss be d nxt victim? Eedris take time o

Unknown said...

Lol.....anoder war,after flavour /waconzy,now its Eldris n normoreloss....let's they fight begins.....tape rollin,action.


Nomoreloss should acknowledge that Eedris is his superior and Eedris should also handle the whole thing with maturity....wateva it is,,they should learn to settle amicably....

switchloe said...

Rubbish... Linda pls am still here. It'll mean alot to me and i'll foverer remain grateful no mata aw little.. Tnk u

Anonymous said...

Wetin come cause quarel na?

Anonymous said...

Idris should cordinate himself like a man & stop ranting about him making d industry

Etch said...

Aunty Linda pls make this Christmas the best one ever for me, I'll be forever grateful...a special xmas present is all am asking for. Please make me 1 of the beneficiaries of your Xmas give away spirit...thank you in advance...08185893880

Rough Diamond said...

Nomoreloss finished edris.
Two old fools! Abeg make una park well! But nomoreloss if edris catch u, hehehehe 1blow 7akpos!

Adanna said...

And as usual, our celebrities have turned to twitter to fight their wars.. When are we ever going to learn?? Smh..

Unknown said...

"Grow up! Being raised on d street doesn't make u a thug" eishhhhh.... well said nomoreloss. I personally don't believe Eedris fought 4 anybody but himself

ella said...

Dis edris mumu get convoy.I wonder wat he thinks he is.

Anonymous said...

Lindod am still expectin ur call sha. Thanx. *Debbie Chelsea*

Unknown said...

Dis jagajag man never forget 50cent story. He always proud of wat he did, but dat's not achievement Mr man. Think of something else and move on with wat u know how to do best. Not to be wat u are claiming now. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 


Abeg these celebrities shud grow up already wats all dis?

Anonymous said...

Chai!!!! Idris....nawah ooo u jst fall my hand:B

Anonymous said...

Idris is the biggest fool who ever lived infact I. Just pity the goat I sure say. The 50cent he claimed to ave fought can buy his generation of fools na to smoke things wey go kill am him sabi infact I can't just say I disgusting the guy is frm the look of him am sure he has bad breath I just pity the guy I swear

Anonymous said...

Which Legend wey this edris be sef, what has edris got that made him a legnd No No No lets face the facts here Edris is a fool he thought that fighting 50Cent would have boost his populartity rather it killed the little carrier people were tryin to help him build. Edris's problem is just poverty, when he thinks about tuface's popularity and dough, then Donjazy's sudden world recognitions and too much douhg, he then sits smokes lots of weed at the African shrine and makes a lot of noise with the agberos, he's just looking for any oppourtunity to be in the News, before he attacked Donjazy but the don shuned him because he knows that his problems was cashless economy, the next thing he can hire assasins to shoot him because he knows that he is already outshining him.. inshort Edris you should just go and rest, just take a fat weed mole and rest because you are just nothing to write home about abeg Linda next gist, i hail you nomoreloss.. From A concerned citizen Stino peace outta here

Anonymous said...

Eidris na baby!!!

Anonymous said...

None of my biz Lin Lin i dey hail ooo

Unknown said...

Mr eedris, na wa for u o, play it cool man. This guy showed more maturity where u shld have done so. Why are u guy putting it on tweeter?? Pls try and settle amicably.

Anonymous said...

Eedris is such a pathetic fool,Mannerless brat,Agbero Oshi

Anonymous said...

Chai!!!!! Eldris u don fall my hand ooo

Unknown said...

Eldris is a big fool, he dey shrine dey wait 4 who? stupid he goat hissssss, so what? if he has bn in music industry b4 d rest wetin he dey sing sef . eldris u dey hear me go park 4 brt lane wait 4 gov fashola

Atobatele said...

Old fools. Trading words over nothing.

demoworld said...

Lmao....Eedris will never just let that 50cent issue die...greatest achievement 4 him!!!!

sweetie said...

Eldris na mad fool

ary said...

Eedris is just a f*cking a**hole! Arrogant man! Bragging about fighting 50cent, is it an achievement? You carry olympic torch, how many grammy you don win? Go ask the person wey design Nigerian flag 'how far?' Make you know say no be by olympic torch! Hold yourself guy, no dey show yourself!

Anonymous said...

Nomorloss is a confirmed fool cos if every oda person is talking about music industry in Nigeria,nomoloss is no where to be found.he had only 2 singles en he's making mouth as singer.u are given chance to be part of d judges at project fame,he nomorloss condeming a contestant named GOLD.fool u be Nomorloss.AKOGUN 08167331803

Anonymous said...

I love you, Edris Abdulkareem. I love you, Sir. May God continue to grant you wisdom in all your endeavours.

Mab said...

Eedris o 50 cent does not even remember that event, take it easy and who is Nomoreloss

Anonymous said...

He's pained?!

Please Read

Anonymous said...

Both of them should park well joor

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Dis nomoreloss no well...who sabi am only 1 song I dn hear am sing...wey hin dey mince word wiv eedris...eedris na persn wey no dey get d credit hin nomoreloss abeg parkwell

Anonymous said...

Eedris! Eedris!! Eedris!!! how many times did I call you??? answer me now, before I change my min. why are you so troublesome?? you're just a broke loser. grow up man. always quarreling and fighting wth everyone.

Tunde Fatoki said...

What is wrong with these kids of nowadays? I wonder what Fela the Abami Eda, who fought all his life for the downtrodden masses will say to these kindergarten activist. My advice, Eedris and Nomoreloss should go back to the studio and release one 'hit' song instead of exasperating their energies on non-issues.

Anonymous said...

Nomorelos,pls respect your elders,eedris has paid his due in the industry,linda I go threatened you if you no post this,did you hate me

Anonymous said...

edris should go and sit down. why does he want to over flog this issue of fighting 50.mumu.

Unknown said...

They are both attention seekers.linda better gi

Anonymous said...

Anty linda I don't no if dis is my opportunity 2 register my exam?am just a jjc here but I wil be the hapiest amomg all if u can assist me wit anytin n it wil b a history 2 everybody n I pray to God almight to give u more than the once u r abt givin out n to grant u long life,protection,grace n enternal life.07036866430

Rx Mams said...

Seen *StrollsAway

chicksom said...

Am a student and 20k will do a lot for me dis xmas,@least I wnt disturb my mum dis xmas.tanks.

Anonymous said...

Both of them re old school. They should shut their fucking mouth up jare

Anonymous said...

These niggas still hold the beef from way back. Abeg make una chew am joor. Even ruggedman and eesris don settle wet in come be normorlous own. Hiya

Livvsreamblog said...

Honestly i still respect what edris did with 50cent,it takes only few artists to do that,some call him thug or whatever but those people are the real cowards.....he fought for most of the artists that are enjoying show today

tayo said...

Nomoreloss shld have stopped replying him..this is too much..both of dem are actually non-relevant..Besides that,eedris is jst seeking recognition like d "rap Icon" of Nigeria..

Anonymous said...

Eedris is clearly high on something, it always has to be the 'Fist' way with him! And he fought for the music industry and therefore he owns it?And he is the leader and nobody should actually talk when he is talking? Or oppose him? He should take several seats jarey!Mandela, Abiola, Saro Wiwa, Dele Giwa, Martin Luther Gandhi.. People that fought 'Big fights' won and never paraded themselves as kings!Legend ko! .. SOMY..

Blog Queen said...

Linda,I didn't participate in d race for 100k because I don't like d idea of leaving my phone no for rats,cockroaches and lizards to see. U know we pretty gals need to be careful about how and where we drop our phone numbers.*winks*

Anonymous said...

See them, acting like Kids..Eldris go sleep jhoor, ur own no pass fight mtcheew

Anonymous said...

E bi like say dat 50 cent issue na one of Eedris greatest achievement 4 life ,person no go hear word for how many yrs now .abegi make dem love in 2faces voice.

diamondblinqZ said...


The Stoic. said...

Why naija celebs dey act like kids?. What are the teaching the young and coming artistes...

Abeg o aunty LINDA a wan c ma comment oo.

Shinelle said...

Who are these two 'Has beens'....? Abeg make dem shift n Carry this Childishness to another planet!!! Imagine over 20tweets..

Unknown said...

Mcheewww!!!! Nonsense!!

Unknown said...

These niggas still hold the beef from way back. Abeg make una chew am joor. Even ruggedman and eesris don settle wet in come be normorlous own. Hiya

Anonymous said...

No.....I think Idris Abdul watever is just a Bully... .bigbully

Anonymous said...

Truly this idris guy makes too much noise, he alwayz brag abt opening the way for others, Olympic torch, fighting 50cents... this nigger is so inferior. he doesnt deserve any respect. i watch his one time interview where he claimed he'll win the Grammy (joker)... where are you today, poor poor poor!!! "Pride goes b4 destruction" IDRIS GROW UP!

Anonymous said...

Una fit carry this kind naughty news and i remember my friend sent you guys a press statement of them been oppressed by HKN to put up and even willing to pay, you guys bluntly refuse because davido told you not to put it up!!! How will Nigeria change when there is politics even in social media... make i pass i beg

Anonymous said...

Linda no make vex for u,why u no dey post my comment again.wink.

Unknown said...

They all shld grw up plzzzz..enof of d twitter fyt...

Anonymous said...

Eldris is very razz and arrogant. Wat he always claim is dt he's d 1 dt pave way for all artist,I wonder wat 2face should be feeling like. 2baba,I love ur humble life. He doesn't shout neither does he have grudges wit any artist,dt is wat make every artist respect him a lot.

Unknown said...

Shut up and stop talking like a idris who is threatening to beat someone up the one that should be respected?

Unknown said...

Shut up and stop talking like a idris who is threatening to beat someone up the one that should be respected?

Avril said...

Always a thug.......hmmmmmm!

Avril said...

Always a thug.......hmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Dem get tym. Anty linda God wil bless u u'l b savin a lot of lyvs wit ur 1.5m promo, may ur pocket neva run dry.

MrsBankyW said...

Lol smh

Anonymous said...

Dem get tym. Anty linda God wil bless u u'l b savin a lot of lyvs wit ur 1.5m promo, may ur pocket neva run dry.

Golda Awosika said...

Ds Is d best twitter fyt eva,dey shud be gvn awards,quite entertainin #*karlishah*

MrsBankyW said...

Lol @ zan chi ubanka...

GOZZY said...

Dis is fast becoming a routine among dze naija celebs,not cool.#OkBye

Unknown said...

Eedris should pls grow up! Nomoreloss gave it 2 him hot n spicy! He's sounding lyk a 16yr old agbero! Btw both deir careers are dead, dey should try taking a back seat.

Anonymous said...

D guys r funny

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell this Kano born idiot to keep his mouth shut,this way he is claiming to have brought Nigerian music industry to the lime light is the same way his elites are making themselves born to rule..This hausa/fulani can not seize to show their Born to rule and born to claim everything in Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

This shrine has done more harm than good to the youths of Nigeria. Imagine healthy Nigerian youths begging for food after smoking Indian hemp in the so called shrine. Armed robbers and street nuisance find refuge in the shrine. Hmmm, i guess the man begging for a fight from the shrine is high on the Indian leaf too. twitter@amfestus

Fuck your opinion said...


Unknown said...

Abeg dey shud leave us alone jare .were we deir wen dey started dier fight? Na only God knw wetin cos dis comotion. @nomoregain or loss nd idris abeg make una play mature oo nd leave us alonea. Cos we d amebo group of ave enough Tins to handle e.g assu,Boki tins

Anonymous said...

Legend stout or legend of †Ñ’ξ seeker! Legends don't make noise but let their work speak FO̶̷̩̥̊͡Я dem. Can't even remember †Ñ’ξ last time Eldris had Α̲̅ song or video. Over-hype mofo!!!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Very juvenial of them both.

Femi Oredein said...

Imagine 2 has-beens tweet fighting?!!
They better go and get their acts together and do something else lucrative since music isn't clearly their line!
*mscheeeeeeeeeeee* *eyes rolling in utter disgust*

Unknown said...



Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

All dis matured men behaving like kids, they should even fight let us see who yhaaff power among d two of them....eeheeeeenn aunty linda I still need d 20k ooo plsssssss...Stanley...08166794254

Justyswt said...

See kids fighting. Na wa o. U guys are just seeking for attention.

Anonymous said...

ghenghen ok na let d fight begin,08122227031

Anonymous said...

Edris wanna beat up everybody,wat has he done since d last 5yrs..d guy is soooo backward

iya kekere said...

Dear lindi kom kom,
I saw the massive traffic congestion on d post regarding your increase in giveaway price.I am indeed proud of you..well I couldn't type in my own answer cos of d traffic,and since I happen to be a very tiny person,I dint want to be pushed inside the gutter...I need my complete teeth to shorp christmas fish. Your five top posts are:
1.The post about the 1million naira giveaway
2.The most current post regarding the increament in giveaway price of 1.5million
3.Linda ikejis 33rd birthday 2013(where we all anticipated an upload of the bday pics abroad)
4.The Goldie Harveys shocking news post
5.The post about your new SUV ride.
Lindi komkom,I desire to win this 100,000 cos presently,I finished service without a job yet,am squatting with a friend cos my parents are seperated and I lost my mom to cancer,my bestfriend is depending on me financially(I wish to sow a seed in her life).everyone I meet regarding assistance wants to have sex before dropping a is hard I swear! 08177354999.

Anonymous said...


Madewithpassion said...

Eldris n Nomoreloss bi 2 anamu. Song una no sabi sing,so y d noise abt legend and street? Legends don't make noise biko. For boring quarrel. And u Eldris if u see nomoreloss for shrine make u yeye ursef u hear? U wan fight? God forbid oo.

pwitie B said...

Choi dis Eedris na really razz yoruba boy tek note 2d replies given by nomoloss Education is d tin jor

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha this cheap celebs won't kill me oh! Eedris is so razz! Imagine "come,i dey shrine"
Hahahahahahahahahahahhaha *sips sperm* hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha *sips sperm* hahahhahahahahahahhahaha *sips sperm*
Linda pls don't hide my comment.

Uncle Babs said...

Nomoreloss should respect Idris

iya kekere said...

For the love of God is this exchange of words even called for?..let sleeping goats bleet abegi.kpom

Anonymous said...

Edris is a foolish child..razz..why act lyk a street urchin..ewww

Anonymous said...

Whts dis madness all abt?
4rm Gnomic Pretex

Mademoiselle said...

Well if he is in the shrine I guess he has smoked out his senses by now,he really sounds like a tout am not disappointed in edris cuz I always knew he was razz.

Unknown said...

Small boys, respect each other be matured for ones

Anonymous said...

Una don belle full...


Ghen Ghen!!

Na where Waconzy their own just end,

Na there Eedris and nomoreloss own begin.

From one set to another.

This twitter-battle-ground is so hot.....

Commercial break please!

Anonymous said...

To whom brain is given wisdom is expected,Eedris just show how shallow minded he is, @ his age he still dey do street fight oga o. I still love him dou,
Ay sexymami

Anonymous said...

Evrytin dem carry com tweeter!!aunty linda plz put a smile on my troubled face,iheanacho.f.chigozirim 6171578741fidelity ,am facing alot in skul,07033661573 tanks

Olaitan said...

So shrine is idris's house now? Haba! You are truly a role model. Yeye guy wey dey call himsef baba for industry and never prove it with common sense. I guess u should emulate tu baba ways.

Unknown said...

Pls aunty linda, if u can pls give me 10k for me and my parents for this Xmas I will be so grateful sis, thanks.

Anonymous said...

To whom brain is given wisdom is expected,Eedris just show how shallow minded he is, @ his age he still dey do street fight oga o. I still love him dou,
Ay sexymami

Anonymous said...

2 loosers, that's what they are. Edris go and get busy you hear, nomoreloss ve lost it already

Unknown said...

This s soooo funny,mumu tweetfight.Agbayas

Unknown said...

Omo eedris neva see fight ooo na I'm make him dey talk about fight ooo .............mtcheew Kids talking


Lol... Kids is an understatement, they are acting like pikin wey still dey for belle

Anonymous said...

This is Eedris is a big Fool, he should go and sit down abeg, stupid thug,miscreant,always shouting that he is a legend, he obviously doesn't know wat that means! Dude never acts his age..claiming he talks to presidents and his broke,always in African shrine smoking weed,shameless Agbaya! The Nomoreloss was even trying to be respectful

Anonymous said...

Hi linda,first of all I jus saw ur giveaway post cos of nepa en deir wahala so,ma ba3 was flat.2nd of all my enemies will not let my comment go thru so I decided to use dis post.I hope and wish u acknowledge it. Well ma answer is 1) the 1.5 million giveaway(it's full 2 capacity. p.s my comment culdn't go thru) 2)goldie's death.3)ur 33rd bdai 4)afrocandy's gist 5)toke makinwa's view on ur being a model (can't rilly remembr hw it went). I really hope u consider a student and culd have gone 4 d 20k ques. But my christmas wish is a christmas miracle,so I decided 2 go 4 d 100k wit faith. Esther 07030386515

Apple said...

Eedris is a thug!

Anonymous said...

Eedris gbaguan wella. Rosa Parks turn Roza Packs. So tey torch turn tourch. Make him park well joor

Anonymous said...

*jez passin by

Anonymous said...

Please act matured and settle your scores. Out of twitter.

Anonymous said...

Na so dis eedris wey hin career don finish go attack jaywon. He is so immature in his ways, must everyone know u are in d shrine to......eedris go park well, ur grandkids like wizzy, ice prince, davido dey do well and dey make deir money, u dey behave like agbero. A fool @40 is a fool forever. Na nomoreless dey give u audience.

Unknown said...

Eedris. Na Agbaya#ghetto/slum fada,no wonder he nva went far in his career,he cldnt hv bin a role model with such razzness,yukkk!#stinks

Shanding2k2... said...

Normoreloss, pls respect elders o,
abe u no get elders for ur village?

Shanding2k2... said...

Normoreloss, pls respect elders o,
abe u no get elders for ur village?

Unknown said...

Eldris abdulmalu hw u dey... so u don turn boxer abi... u need to knw that some people are very cultured while some are just animals... muyiwa no mind dis old malu... if him dey look for his mate make him go ikoyi cemetery dem full dir... na brokenly dey worry Eldris abdulmalu...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. Y r these two behavin like my kid bothers dat r 8 nd 9? Aunty Linda, i pray u r not plannin 2 pass me bye oh. Hope u've read my comment sha. * Phil*

Anonymous said...

I don't knw y we can't be truthful for once, noremoloss started d fight and I don't knw if he, normoreloss stood the test of time oshisco

Anonymous said...

eedris is a kid, with all this he has said, i cant respect suca a baby. he's indeed an agbero

Anonymous said...

War is not an excuse for proving a point..

Anonymous said...

I just don't like Edris he's too full of himself!old papa wey no wan grow,every small thing na fight must end am!onye egbuwa brain mtchwwww

Anonymous said...

This eeeedris sef na foooool! I just hate d stupid black monkey. Hez so razz

Unknown said...

Edris is childish...

Unknown said...

Eldris abdulmalu hw u dey... so u don turn boxer abi... u need to knw that some people are very cultured while some are just animals... muyiwa no mind dis old malu... if him dey look for his mate make him go ikoyi cemetery dem full dir... na brokenly dey worry Eldris abdulmalu...

Unknown said...

Them don chop belle full no be small *ywans*

Anonymous said...

Idris Abgaya...tout oshi

Anonymous said...

I dey tell u, Eedris should not be the person talking like this especially on twitter. This just shows how childish he is.

Anonymous said...

Edris shut up.. Gunit wud hv killed u without raising an eyelid.den just pity u o, dnt think its cos of ur gragra..useleSs man. Tout Edris.

Cute B said...

No forget say OBJ don curse eedris(nigeria jagajaga).na cow horn he used lol

James said...


ROFL! Really? First time I'm hearing of him.

Anonymous said...

Pls, is there any special thing i should do b/4 my comment is publishd? I mean, i c a set of ppl's comments consistently n hardly c mine. Aunty Linda, u r not encouragin me atall oh. Well guess can't help it. I'm just addictd 2 ur blog. But If u don't post my comment, i can always entertain myself wit dat of others. What do u think? #winks#

Anonymous said...

Eedris will always be known for Eedris, trouble maker. I commend No moreless for his maturity. One love.

Anonymous said...

Pls, is there any special thing i should do b/4 my comment is publishd? I mean, i c a set of ppl's comments consistently n hardly c mine. Aunty Linda, u r not encouragin me atall oh. Well guess can't help it. I'm just addictd 2 ur blog. But If u don't post my comment, i can always entertain myself wit dat of others. What do u think? #winks# *Phil*

dubecinfo said...

Dis Eedris should go and rest abeg

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha! See english, they are acting LIKES kids. Thank God u are just passing if not you for don kill us with ur english

Anonymous said...

Pls, is there any special thing i should do b/4 my comment is publishd? I mean, i c a set of ppl's comments consistently n hardly c mine. Aunty Linda, u r not encouragin me atall oh. Well guess can't help it. I'm just addictd 2 ur blog. But If u don't post my comment, i can always entertain myself wit dat of others. What do u think? #winks# *Phil*

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