The disagreement between Vector and his label started a few months back after the rapper complained about his progress-rate and the label's nonchalant attitude towards his career and simply suggested more professional hands be employed to help his career, which the label took as a threat, and when they refused to heed to his suggestions, Vector hired hands he was paying personally.
He has been with the label for over four years and never asked to leave, all he asked for according to his camp was more work and results. Things actually got worse after Vector took a self-sponsored vacation to the US and returned to his record boss' anger, claiming he went to the States to sign a record deal. Continue...
Weeks after, Vector received and invitation letter from the Commissioner of Police of Lagos state and was summoned to the Area-E command (Festac). On getting there, he was presented with a "breach of contract" petition, claiming that he has engaged external hands to work for him. His parents got involved (as his dad is a retired police officer), and it was settled amicably.
Feeling unsafe and threatened, Vector surrendered the car and apartment provided for him by the label and acquired a replacement for himself. Thinking this was over, Vector went about his daily life (as lawyers were already handling the case) till the 10th of June. He was to be shooting his scene of the Ghetto RMX video by Shank, at his childhood neighbourhood (Mcarthy Barracks, Obalende, Lagos), when men of the police force came to seize him and his personal manager (Michael Umoru) and took them all the way back to Festac, this time it was a proper arrest and they were detained from 3pm till 10pm when his lawyers came through.
According to sources close to Vector, he has been receiving series of personal threats from the label, and he hasn't felt so safe and really did not want to talk to the press about it.
Just yesterday, his twitter account(@vectorYSG) with over 100,000 followers suddenly disappeared, and has been confirmed to be deactivated by his label.
Vectors manager says a new twitter handle @VECTORTHAVIPER has been activated and is now his artistes official handle, alongside the launch of his official Website www.vectorthaviper.com. As at the time of compiling this report, efforts to reach his record label has been abortive.
Same old story told in a different way, happening to a different person...
Hia! Ogini kwanu?
Disgruntlement looming!
Nawao greedy monsters they won't leave the poor boy alone. awon oloriburuku
same ol' greedy story.. we are too greedy in this country! these so called labels and stuff only want to use the artist but these artists aren't slaves.. "dog eat dog world"
chei press i knw say una go carry am.. callin lanre right away *walkin slowly nd chewin kolanut*
Thanks for the info Linda. God punish YSG. won fe ba aye omolomo je! Dont worry V. We love you pieces and we rrriiigghhtt behind you.
Hmmmm Lanre.... Just like yesterday I remember how u spend so much time in the library with the likes of Day wanting to make a 2-1 from Unilag at all cost till 300 level when the Music scene swept u off ur feet... Lanre is an extremely good calm boy I remember your dad coming to school few times and ur brother... Trust in the Lord Nothing shall by any means Harm you... Wish u all the best darling... if I call u what I call u in school u will certainly no it me so I won't.....winks...
Nufin like being ur own boss... Its all a phase Vector,, it'll pass...
hey vec,der are beta record labels out der,its obvious dis peolple dont shit about music
Haha,u can say dat again,disgruntlement indeed,that summarises it
This Guys Should Let Vector Be Nah...Hezz Nah Used To this Press Issssh...Na wa Oh...Bro Itz A Steping Stone To Yah Greatness
Shiii...I dnt want dis for ma fav rap artiste...ma anger is dat...dis dude works so hard for YSG...anyhw sha! E go better!
it's a phase like the previous anon said! it will pass! my understanding is that if he feels the record label is not doing anything positive re his career, he has every right to leave! he is not a slave!!! greedy monsters!
Yes the fight started with T-REX and Vector
shame on you YSG Ent.....i should have known better that you guys are fit to lead only motor park touts....whats with all the harrasament? just cancel the contract and move on but know they must bring area thinzs into the matter....aba market things mtcheeeeeewww
Larry Gagga,wetin dey happen nah??
starboy on his own now,vector leave d fucking label,...we goin buy ur cd,download ya song and play d jamz
Well that's Vector's side of the story. What of the record label's side? I don't think the record label would be going thru all that trouble arresting him over nothing. Remember, lawyers has been involved with the first arrest and then a second arrest was still made. Who knows the condition of the agreement he signed? It has happened to many many artist in the past. They sign any paper in front of them cuz they will get a house and cars and money and over the years they wont deliver or they would feel why make all the money for the record label forgetting that house and cars and contracts cost the record label money and time. Let Vector check himself jari! This is an old story. Next!
we know YSG is Young Shall Grow Motors na... the children built the arm or something, that's old new... ehn ehn, Vector kept calm all these while and didnt leave the label? even was willing to personally foot the bills the label should? Eeyaah... I hope he comes out of this trial bigger... Amen
Don't worry Vector, they only gave you label and not talent. And i wonder if they gave you talent you hmm...< just engage the proper authority and go about doing your thing, they will soon get so tired and will leave you alone. just trust God.
Most of these Nigerian record label owners are just greedy sharks, that treat the artist anyhow
being detained for a breach of contract.. hmmm. where is the contract document, let me tear it apart.
This igbo thug record label boss wants to be a Nigerian Suge Knight. Vector i will work for free with your lawyers. Go and look for where Suge is. Anuofia record label!
Lol I don't get how you arrest someone for breach of contract. Or how you continuously embarrass someone with the police because of civil issues like these. Vector I think you need new lawyers too.
Vector God is ur strength
Stay strong Vec, we right behind yhu man
The story of Vector's police harassment (if it is true) is as sad, unlawful and unjustifiable as the popular stories of exploitation of artistes by some labels across the nation.
I am sure Vector's lawyers know what to do to YSG and anybody directing it. Our laws punish companies and in deserved cases, the directors, staff or too will have their bouts for their respective roles.
There is wisdom in knowing how not to carry an elephant on your head (even if you can) and at the same time searching for snail with your legs.
Never do buzinex wit an igbo person dey ar always greedy n wants all..bastardise set of people..well guess itz the Yoruba peeps that always falls their victims. Engr Odion James
Dy wan disgrace dis young man and deprive him off his hard works...E no gud o
I don't want to sound tribalistic, but what I am about to say is pure facts. Yorubas are usually liberal. Some Igbos can be difficult, not all. Those who have ears, let them hear. Yoruba-Igbo business relationship is purely at your own risk. In most cases, it turns sour, maybe its the love of money that the Igbo man has that leads to the disagreement, I can't explain it. Just look at P-square and May-D for example. I know guilty conscience would make some people reply this comment. The truth is always bitter so insult yourselves all you want, back to sender!
When Olamide was saying in his sond baddest nigga ever liveth tha slave ni won ni record label won I knew it was vector
Until we hear wot d label has to say for now no conclusion
Hey Linda, you need to get your facts right. Vector is not at war with YSG.
oga ooo
Stupid YSG. Leave Vector alone Oooooooooo! Vector this is just the beginning of your success. Sometimes, to grow, you needs to moveeee! Damn those idiots disturbing you.!!!
igbo pple can never change... greedy set of people. pls leave the young man alone biko... n Yes IM IGBO #dealWithThat
if your are aspiring to be an artis?it is better to hustle and do your own label cos nigeria label are swindlers.from kenis to banky,psquare are swindlers.
Bros!!!! Free those people and bounce to Mavin Records. Your talent can fill the void left by D'banj and you'll be working with Naijas best producer
I will be damned the only copy copy rapper dat copies jay z is caught in a stupid controversy hear him i did not know that Y.S.G stands for young shall grow and it is affiliated to the young shall grow motors dude ur lying u knew u got in cos u wanted to make it big time well before yu signed your contract you should have asked dem to include a buy out clause or an indemnity clause or a walk out clause if the agreement goes south this happened to p square and may d the okoye brother invoked it and threw may d out well vector abi na rattle snake dem dey call u sort ur self out
Hmmm, as I dey look for record label so. God no let me enter greedy ones hand oo. Yes na me be FRAYOO D-REAPER, the young upcoming rapper.
This is one sided!
Most of you people talking don't seem to understand what a contract really is, you think if it was as easy as him getting up and leaving YSG he wouldn't have done that long ago??
Contracts tie artists to their label hence people like WizKid haven't left their own labels. so please if you don't have something very constructive to say please keep shut and let them settle their problems amicably.
We have only heard one side of the story!!
Eziokwu! What do u mean his twitter handle disappeared? Am following him and was still able to view it. Record companies tho, upcoming artists should be wary of contracts they sign to avoid putting themselves in a tight corner
Same old story... Vector, why not go independent... All dis master/slave relationship that exists in d industry... Why not contact your lawyer on how to successfully severe your relationship with d label if you are no longer interested
2) You can appoint a mediator (if that was actually provided for in your agreements) to adjudicate for both parties why they settle for a better term in their contract.
3) If vector has successfully severed his contract with d label, he shuld get a perpetual INJUNCTION frm d court to restrain d label frm any further disturbance frm them.
VEctor baby u ll be fine.
YSG una no dey try,so person no fit travel again go chillaxe abi,Vector don't mind dis people trying to bring a brother down,it won't work.na only twitter account dem dactivate dem for change ur name na yeye people.oloshi!!!!!s
Pls let's face facts here,yh I knw vector to be a cool guy and obiora too .obiora doesnt event want to be in d public,he did a lot for vector down to very xpensive cls and range rover sport obiora gave vector,bt let's get real ,an agreement was signed before he got into d record label,which states dt any deal he does,d management will take a certain percentage which is d right tin,cos vector is like an investment dey made.it is wrong for vector to go behind dem and sign contract deals and chop d money alone.vector shld pls speak the truth.dnt give ur management a bad name.i was at the festac police station d day he was arrested 2wks ago,he was even begging ,cos he knew he went against their contract agreement..vector is a good musician no doubt,bt he shouldn't hv signed deals wit other companies behind his sponsor,dtz wat I call greed.God help his career all thesame
I would personally fight for Vector ... The Label CEO is using a his Socialite powers to drag vector into the gutter. Vector has returned your properties but yet u choosen to re-arrest him because your father is a big man.Bia!!! Obiora Vincent Obianodo please let the poor boy be.... FYI we see you at Southern Sun almost every sunday having breakfast with your Dad and other family members... So don't think you are invincible. Vector has fans that would standup for him freely.
Young Shall Grow, Omo Igbos are very rich but u will never know.
Why r u cursing d record label.hv u heard their own side of d story.for an arrest to hv bin made and lawyers involved,dere was a breach of contract.dnt just open ur mouth and curse just hear both sides first,it's possible vector signed a deal behind dem,which provoked d management,I knew larry gaga was his manager,how come another manager is mentioned here.dis story get as e be.
The drama btw record label and their artiste will not end.. Dis days everybody is porting to better places..wish Vector all d best.
Has anybody heard the story of Piddy and Mary J. Blige. or 112. musicians never learn.
Yess oo! We luv vector! Don't mind dat stingy young shall grow son n his father! Useless ppl!u wud get a better record label dat wud sign u nd a better record deal!
Instead of d greedy obiora to concentrate on his fathers transport business he decided 2 start a record label he cannot manage properly! Awon ode..
YSG,pls leave d boy alone 2 finds a beta Label group dat can promote him in bigger and beta way.
Ysg paid vectors bills,even sponsored his many trips to d U.S,why is he complaining nw.Ysg already has made money from their transport business,.d md just put up dt record label bcos of his love for music,he provided vector wit everything ,he would need to promote his songs,so why is he biting d fingers dt fed him by signing contracts witthout informing his management.imagine as inyanya signed MTN deal without letting his record label into it,dtz wht happened in vector's case.
He has got d military blood so pls don't mess with him cos am military too
some pple re very good at talking rubbish and responding without any clear knowledge abt somthing.smh. must u condemn YSG? who knew Vector before now? there are always "does and don't" in every contract agreement. And no one among the two parties is to go against d rules. i luv Vector and his style of music but u cant take decisions on ur own when u re under someone. he returned the keys and all jst because he think he has arrived and tryno make YSG look bad... lolz. to me, dats jst biting d finger that fed and breaded you.
Old boy,just get on with what seems good to you and don't get distracted with those young shall grow (AGBEROS).They are bunch of hooligans that want to be relevant in the music industry instead of them to face their transport business.AWON OLOSHI ABAYE OMOLOMO JE.God no go gree for them. VECTOR DON'T BE DEPRESSED( VICTORIA ASCERTA).
Vector doesn't deserve this shit. He'ss to good ,should .be heading. Roc-nation's african movement joor
People should understand what agreement means! its left to you to wait and finish up on fight for it no two ways!.Same issue came up with Wiz and his Camp! an investor won't just let go put ur self in that shoe and understand it better!.
Oonu!!,u peeps should free him jo,label or no label,vector rocks
Bia Linda post my comment biko
We re right bhind u Vector, as 4 ur recoed label na ur progress go kill them, they aint seen nothing yet. Awon oloriburuku somebody. I hope their YOUNG SHALL GROW with this their dubious act.
Vector is set to join Morgan entertainment record label which is based in US..You heard it here first..
Vector needs to go back to church! For real. He need to get down on those knees n seek God's face.
cant these dummies learn from their USA counterparts? YMCMB, MMG, Def Jam, etc.. these Nigerian labels still got a fucking long way to go! Mudafuckas need to be schooled!
Dats y Its always good to think twice so u dnt end up signing a record deal with a leachy label- if ur a good singer, add me up bobby 2a6f2335
Hmmm!! Everybody don talk?...if u ask me,na who I go ask, cos d matter wey una c so..e tay wey e start...no be my mouth una go hear say teacher mama die....before we talk, make all of us see d contract wey dem sign,bcos na vector side we hear oo..we never from YSG! Gbam! D matter heavy for mouth.
Looking for a songwriter..27917449..holla @ ur boi.
a no 4 me!!! Notin like being ur own boss... Its all a phase Vector, it'll pass; kodos 2 u, devil punish d devil way no want mak u progress, u r my love & u most mak it...
How u carry sabi sef?
Wen did breach of contract bcom a criminal matter??? Dis country of ours sha.
Igbo's and their style of doing business. i had a problem with the agent that got me a house, had my lawyers write him and the next week he was in my office to arrest me with Police. That is their style of doing business and by the way i served in the east and i know how they trade. Igbo's CEO's owe their staff's and many numerous they do.
They r really not promoting dt boi, larry dat don't knw anything abt music, hs own is jst to be eating there money and traveling abt, he cld nt even carry vector to dubai for tuface's wedding.... What I'm I even saying he didn't nt even carry hs own wife to d wedding...... Smh, the boi shld leave en jor and move on... Larry is ur friend ones u r hot and he is benefiting from u, if u pretend broke he will run from u, dts hs way from unilag dayz till date
Best thing 4 him is 2 strive 2 establish his own label where he can control all his affairs otherwise he'll always be exploited, especially being a very talented Rapper that he is. Na monkey dey work and baboon dey chop thingz
Don't even go dere! This is just greed on d part of d record lAbel. Vector don't worry, God will fight 4 you. Me love yhew.
Mehn....dis pple r tryin shit wif africa finest rapper....i tink dey r cracked up
Stories are better told from the inside and not the cover of the book. Vector has talent but the label helped him discover, the fundamental problem can only be told by both parties. I know the label and the rapper. YSG. Is bigger than the artist. Jor ohhh
Oshamo ondun... That's arguably naijas best rapper. He is my favourite. Try listen to any of his songs, his word play maad.
nawa o
Make i help u.......Oloshi!
well, they still have YSG Entertainment on the "new" website?
Nawa oo..so YSG is yung shall grow..bt dis pple are wicked..an artist needs help,they are not treating him well..he is big enough to be a Boss..he shld open a label................THE DON
Small small na em foul yansh they open.oh Vec u can smell the coffee? Chubby, Your Anger will lead you to destruction. Ka anyi ne ne !
omo ibo doesn't joke withi bizness
Men! I think vector was picked from no where now he thinks that he is a star, ur record label is no a charity org.
Hey homeboy don't miss the chance one million people are looking for nobody will tell you the truth .having a label that will spend so much on an artist and still have not seen any returns right from start,boy don't even think it no matter what the problem is go beg your boss and stay focus.people are telling you some wrong stuff .there's no label is country and africa that will do all those for you a house, car, and 200k . monthly.boy use your head o:even 2face never had this chance the number one face for africa on music .have you caculated how much you've given back to the company people will not understand how much the company has invested in you. Over the years now they watch you on t.v and hear you on radio but will not get how much has gone down everyday on you }soul E one big example at the end of the day you will not see any of this people telling you to go on and move on OMO me dey sorry for you o
They please let my Lanre be oh, he's one naija rapper I love so much
I know his boss he is my gay partner...no joke
Its funny how these boys that have access to money, masturbate over issues. Chubby i thinks he has bragging rights but he should go to the east and express power not here in lagos....because he has not worked hard to earn anything he is trying to cut Vector from working hard and progressing in life. Chubby please grow up.
Its funny how these boys that have access to money, masturbate over issues. Chubby i thinks he has bragging rights but he should go to the east and express power not here in lagos....because he has not worked hard to earn anything he is trying to cut Vector from working hard and progressing in life. Chubby please grow up.
I brought up Vector, did he's first production with his group "badda boiz" took him to the studio for the first time. I mean, discovered him from his secondary school days. The vector i know does not spite people, neither is he ungrateful. First day i met him after i left the hood, he told me about the Label, and i told him "quit", cos i saw it coming, this was like 2 years ago, same thing, when he came to benin for the Tuface concert, he told me about the rift, and said "hercules, i only want them to get me new managemnt team, cos i dont intend to leave" he still loves the label, and actually before the arrest wanted to stay, but with this arrest how can he stay? just spoke to him now, and he is still not happy with what they have done. His parents should be left outta dis. The dude only wants the good of the Label, when he grows, they grow as well. vector that i know, can not stand redundancy, he loves to work, and guess what? he is always loyal and ready to break his back for his buddies. I raised him, and the entire Lagos Island knows what he is made off. U know what? the real gangsters of Lagos Island are behind him, lets not start a war we cannot fight. I've asked him to settle the rift peacefully. He is not asking for more money or a new car, just better/capable hands to further plunge his career into more like an international act. YSG should sit him down like a family member and sort things out. But for the arrest, i would say HELL NO!
For the record label to be on his case this bad with arrests and all, he is obviously making them some good cash... They need him as much as he needs 'em. So y'all need to shut it!!!
Na their own wahala b that
Hmmm chubby abiakwa
@anon 9:11pm Chubby is your gay partner ? Hrd he was into it in ij.
i think most people are being sentimental.and economic with the truth..u have 2 respect contract.the ceo invested in him.he has 2 pay back.having talent is one thing.then u need someone 2 take u there.all great musician didnt make it alone,one needs investment
Exactly!jst his own side of the story
All dis record label sef.
Nobody knows where it hurts... only the person wearing the shoes can tell. So dont judge expt u wearing the shoes.
Bloody famzer....I bet u dnt knw him...
Linda,thanks a lot,I've been wondering about the twitter account.
YSG Ent, Y'all sign an artiste and he gradually progresses and becomes one of the best rappers in the nation and arguably the best lyricist and word-play wiz and u come up with this shii? Seriously mhen (•͡_ •͡┌П┐
Becos the yorubas are stupid mugus
No one even has ur time...mtchewww
True, anybody wey curse u na hell straight
Shai see Obiora nawao, he don dey appear on blogs now.hmm
Hahaha....this is too funny. So this is what it feels like to be a celebrity and faceless people leave comments not knowing the a or b of the story. Vector o...you know you're full of shit though. You and idiot gidi think this is a sensible strategy? Selling 10% of a half truth story to linda ikeji?your label needs restructuring that's for sure but you yourself you need an overhaul of ur behavior because you're always going to have a problem with any label that signs you. Have you ever considered why major industry artistes like wizkid and iceprince them don't wanna mess with you? Could it be your attitude maybe? The attitude that the public don't see? So living in ketu with your parents now and jumping cab up and down is the replacement you got yourself? Self-sponsored vacay? Really lanre? Lol. I know how many lies I counted in this story gidi cooked up. The people that know you know you. This one here is for the people that don't know you.
Libers! please!!! the whole thing has turned a tribal war already, the story is still one sided, hear YSG ent out first, non of us happened to be present when this contract was signed, so for people to come in between the contract to act as chief judge(s) is totally absurd!!!
all d pipu sayin is rec label did dis his rec label did dat, vec is d one wokin fr d moni. i knw lanre well nd he is a good guy. ysg r stingy pipu. dey dnt even giv him d alowee monthly lik dey promise, una dey shout house house una knw hw d awz tak b.. pls if u pipu dnt hav ani meaningful tin to say is betta u shut up ur mouth. so bcos dem invest on am mean say mak dem dey use am as slave? d boin go wok e no go c moni nd u expect him to stay dere? ysg dnt even knw shit bout music nd all d shallow minded pipu wey dey d ysg team sef knws notin.. i knw lanre wella nd i knw wen dis wahala start but he neva want it to get all lik dis.. y dem go dey arrest am? i no do again na im b i no do again. leave d boi alone abeg nd u pipu callin him ungrateful shuld stp dt bullshit lanre aint ungrateful nd he is a nice guy.. live nd lets live! Vec Deserves better.
ysg team comin to defend demselves here, larry is dat u, or no is dat t-rex lmfao... gidi dis gidi dat, abeg go siddon fr poto poto, if nt dat d ysg is dumb y dem go arrest gidi nd vec? dem say dem no do contract again na im b say dem no do wetin com dey bring arrest? u say vec is full of shit, then tell ur team to leave dis shitty dude alone haba.. na by force? if u knw d rec label dat much lik u claim abeg help me pass dis msg across to them tell them say i talk sat e no go better for all of them if they kip disturbing this poor boy, tell them say i say anytin they lay their hands on no go propser. com helep me tell dem say deir yeye ysg managment na bullcrap nd mak dem jejely go die inside bush.. he livs in ketu, he jump cab, is mor berra dan dat coven ysg as putten him in.. nd fr d rec he no dey jump cab.. lmao.. so abeg mak all of una park far. precious said so.
ibo boys all the same, the moment they put one kobo on you, they will want a pound of flesh; p square and them all.... guys mind you helps you break in your career becos some people that have money are all 'poor in the mind" THE GREMLIN Has SPOKEN!
Stupid famzer,with your dry tale!
Where did this 1 come from???mtchewwwwww #tak 2 seats abeg!
Lmaooo....love the back to sender part!
What's wrong in him asking for improvement ? Stupid record labels, he feared his career is nose diving, why can't they give him the little token he is asking for? Hence this is his first time in 4 years. Car, Apartment, Twitter...Gone! So why are they still chasing him around? They want a refund of all the money he has been paid? Greedy Fools!
Chekele said so
Vector remain one of Nigeria's best rappers but I think he is with a wrong record label...this guy's rap is very clear and meaningful but not shabarabara boborobol.
Mina said so
Stupid famzer,with your dry tale!
Where did this 1 come from???mtchewwwwww #tak 2 seats abeg!
Hmmmmm...what a story
Who is dis idiot? Its very clear u don't knw lanre, d fact dat he lives in ketu, means what? and for ur info he doesn't jump cabs, and his record lebal did notin abt his vacation, well not surprise am sure u are part of those igbo fools
I know YSG so well they are a stingy set of people them no dey pay their staff well in young shall grow motors and rockview hotels. Vector abeg run from them
Ysg my foot. Larry gaga idiot says he knew notin abt d aresst dat he is behind vector but all na lie.
who d f****k used my name, hercules of silverbird. pls leave me outta dis, vector is my boy, homie and everythang. YSG,my fam. We'll sort it out accordingly. Please let dem be. Who ever wrote this must know us very well. No use my name again oooo
The fact that Vector is having a problem with his record label. We heard a rumor last year that Vector is shifting to a new Record label. He was accused of having a deal with Morgan Entertainment USA. And YSG Boss confronted the CEO of Morgan Entertainment Emeka Morgan who denied the allegation about signing vector when he was asked on silver bird net work he denied and said that Vector was his childhood friend and he was asked are you will to sign him he replied it is too premature to discuss about. I believe YSG Boss is very energetic and brave while the Morgan Entertainment Boss is born politician and too diplomatic now I believe they are all from east both CEOs need to debate on Vector who ever will carry the Rap World make we check the debate between Morgan Entertainment Boss and YSG boss
Who will rule the Hip pop World YSG AND Morgan Entertainment Boss at war over Vector
Anonymous I support all wah u av said its d truth.VECTOR y not jst lve dem self 2 me dey r broke nigas nd as 1 of d best rappers.n Nigeria do u knw hw many people might jst wanna sign u self or u cud even creat Urs atlist ur boxed up already ma frnd dat was in ur house told me all wah he saw as u were watching CNN tru out their stay.Bro ur talented jare God bless u nd distroy YSG bad plans against u dey Shud b greatful self in any of ur song ur always repping d stupid idiot.bro u will alwys b ma role.model till I kick d bucket
Who be dis o, every body justt deey lie so where is d real hercules? I knw hercules well and he will neva write dis, uhmm am sure dis is one of d igbo baster's
Paschal O or what's ur can't u read. He returned the car and house the label gave him and he got himself another so where vector go wrong
Y do we always have to tribalise every issue?
In Nigeria and many other parts of the world, artists have issues with their record label, it's a normal business disagreement.
Olamide (a yoruba artist) had issues with Coded tunes (owned by I'd Cabasa, a yoruba guy)
WhizKid recently left EME Records also owned by Banky (a yoruba guy)
Kennis Music at a time lost most of their big artists
Even Jesse Jags left Chocolate City where his Brother (M.I) is Vice President!
D list goes on and on...
So pls let's stop sensationalising and tribalising this issue.
In business, most entrepreneurs want to maximise their investment, some of us call it greed.
If Vector has issues with his record label, let dem resolve it amicably and if he has to move on, best of luck to him cos many of the forementioned artist are doing much beta after leaving their record labels. E.g Olamide
So dis could be Vector's lucky break!
- JesseO
in the end it all comes down to this fact "you cannot walk out of a contract" like you want to take a pee.
If you have to sign a contract and you can't read, get someone to do it on your behalf.
This Vector problem is getting out of hand while the CEO of YSG Mr Obiora is accusing the Morgan Entertainment CEO of trying to reap where he did not sow. However, he also accused Morgan Entertainment to use his power to abused the Nigerian Police Force. YSG boss said it is not a wise thing to do to snatched someone his property because of power game play. We are still waiting to hear from Morgan Entertainment Boss which we have contacted his Personal Assistant about it he stated that the CEO is too busy to play a dumb politics and he is not interested to talk all he said is that YSG and Vector are into business and they should settle it within them not with the police or the public. However, he said he can debate YSG boss any day any time
Let's face the fact and call a spade a spade. Vector visited United States last year claiming he was going for award without knowing he was going for a business talk. He met Morgan Entertainment Boss at his guest house in Harrisburg where he spent hours discussing his possibilities going into the record label Morgan Entertainment. He also visited Morgan Entertainment in Las Vegas home for the second visiting pleading for contract. However, the press asked the Morgan Entertainment CEO if he met vector in Vegas which he denied, but we also have a picture that was taken by vector with Morgan Entertainment boss driving on his half a million dollars covette this picture was snapped by vector with his samsung galaxy phone. The fact is that Vector is looking for a new record deal he should not trying to blackmail his record label. And YSG Entertainment is accusing Morgan Entertainment to stop using power to intimidate the police and them. We are waiting to hear from Morgan Entertainment soon
4 real! U no lie...
Finally, we got in contact with Morgan Entertainment CEO in USA. PLEASE SIR DO YOU KNOW IF MORGAN ENTERTAINMENT IS STILL INTERESTED ABOUT SIGNING VECTOR? I don't remembered having a conversation with Vector about signing him all I know we are friends from childhood up till today. ARE YOU WILLING TO SIGN HIM IF YOU HAVE ANY OPPORTUNITY?
It is too premature to discuss about it and I believe right now he has a record label (YSG)they are good people and whatever the problem they are having right now it will be settled Obiora the CEO is a kind man and Vector my friend is also a good man it will be settled.
Again I don't know him but I believe every human has the right to express his thoughts.
It is a white lie don't have no issue with him.
Again am free to debate anybody anytime and any day we may not have everything in common we may disagree and agree some how.
For right now this is all information we got from the CEO before the network got disconnected and we are going to call back next week for more details
Hmmmmmmmmm.......I don't know why many of us in this country are so poor minded to the extent of trying to change A to become B cos of sentiments and tribal differences,the way most Yoruba ppl treat igbos is so alarming to the extent that any thing involving Yoruba and igbo must be one sided and this is very bad cos its affecting everything in this country.This is the major reason why our country is not developing cos the people in the country have no sense of common goal and belonging.Just imagine this issue of Vector and his management YSG.I am so disappointed what most ppl especially from Yoruba is saying about the igbos and the way they are understanding it.It show a poor reasoning and people must learn how to appreciate and call a spade a spade.
I am so shocked that Vector and YSG is involved in this.Who are you to decide about you management,are you the boss?I pity you Mr Vector cos if you are listening to this your tribal people that are deceiving you by telling you they got your back and not telling you the truth cos you really fucked up.They think that seeing you on TV and radio promos are just cos you are vector not know that its someone's hard earn money and time that got you there.My brother know this everybody got talent but its all about resources and sponsors to develop that talent.
People will be telling you now we got your back but the truth is that when they stop seeing you on those levels they used to see you,they will turn and mock you trust naija ppl.Don't be fooled by anybody its all about your future ,the truth is that you messd up but all stii depend on you I believe you still have the chances of going to Beg YSG to forgive you and dedicate yourself to work with them cos I know they have invested much on you.You can deceive people but remember GOD they ooooo.
Be wise bro
tuface left kennis
dbanj left mohit
olamide left toni payne
wizkid left eme
brymo left chocolate city
vector left ysg nd som ysg team com here to rant lik mad dogs. so wat if morgan signs him. no b morgan dey manage babykonga... if all of u ysg dnt hav ani meaninful comment to post here den u all shuld shutup ur stinkin modafuckin mouth up nd do watz right.. if tinz aint workin well d artiste as a right to air is opinion, so bcoz he signed a contract nw he cant talk anymor,, if vec wasnt good d rec label wouldnt hav signed him so y ysg team com here com dey say na deir hard earn cash dem tak sponsor am abi craze dey worry una fr head? no b cos una c say him gud na him mak una sponsor am? i no do deal again na im b i no do abi na force? mtcheeeeeeeeeeeew obiora ko, obioponu ni.. abeg mak una park far i still dey talk am ysg dnt deserve dat guy he shuld look fr a berra rec label.. naija rec label r bullshit sef... abeg free vec joor *teamvec
I believe Vector is just backing all his on hope on his so called friend Morgan Entertainment Boss who I believe he must dump him. I was reading a Global express magazine where the Morgan Entertainment CEO denied vector and is working to sign Mr Raw younger brother Hype Mc. Vector you need to go and plead for your record label I swear with my life Morgan entertainment will not sign you because they know that u aint going to make money for them. YSG like music and you as a person, but Emeka Morgan love money as a pure business man. Call YSG Now or Never
Vector if you like allow your so called teamvec to fool you.where were they before YSG signed you?If you no go Beg your Boss,the fact is that you can never get any better label than YSG and you know it.Nobody will be willing to spend on you the way they did and you know it.I know say you hi dey see yourself like say you don ripe na lie you never even start.If you go and following all those area boyz at obalande that are illiterates,go and be giving your ears to those ppl that their life have bend at obalande.If you don't go and Beg you Bosss ,I see you ending up as area boy too and that time it will be too late for you.ppl might be promising you heaven and earth now but when the time comes they will abandon you and go.Be wise Mr Vec cos this all about your future.Don't think say na u Rap pass everybody ,na lie oooooo,meself I no be artist but if they spend money on me and hype me the way they hype you,I swear go even Rap more than you.Everybody got talent bro but who is willing to bring out his money to develop that talent we got.ppl in will be telling you they support you now but when its gets rough they will mock you trust naija ppl.Remember where and how you started don't be carried away bro.Forget all those ingrates and area boyz that are deceiving you,go and roll on the floor and Beg your Boss to forgive you so that you can move on with your bright future which they have given you.I don't want to see you on the road tomorrow as Alaye i want to see you as a super star.There is still plenty of time for you to amend thing now cos had i know always comes at last.
greedy monsters dey wont leave my vec alone.. stupid pipu
All dis record label wetin dey happen Morgan Entertainment boss they in trouble over the Mc Loph allegation why YSG they in trouble with police arrest wetin be the problem omo igbo na only two remaining record label you people get want fall down ooo
Morgan Entertainment boss Emeka Morgan pleaded on behalf of his friend Vector when he called the YSG management that vector issue should be resolved according to our source it was said that the discussion with both CEO's ended up unsuccessful
Abeg oh' u pple shld nt say wot u dnt knw
Ur nyash!! #Hater
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