Saadi, 33, was executed for abducting and raping 18 young children, while Baili had been convicted of murdering an Asian couple.
The men had provoked widespread revulsion within Kuwait - Saadi became known as the 'Hawalli Beast' after the district where he carried out his crimes. He lured 18 boys and girls under the age of 10 onto rooftops in the area before raping them, according to the authorities.
Saadi was arrested in July 2007 as he was about to board a flight to his homeland, and confessed to the rapes - but he later claimed the confession had been made under duress. He has also complained that he was not given consular assistance by the Egyptian embassy ahead of his execution.
Baili was sentenced to death after killing an Asian couple in April 2008 by pouring fuel into their flat and setting it on fire. He later tried to do the same with an Egyptian couple, but they survived the attack.
The men were hanged around 8am today in the presence of the public prosecutor and other legal authorities.Their bodies seen hanging from the gallows in the pic above.
Culled from UK Daily Mail.
First to comment, yippeeee!!! Will come back to comment. Sandra baby
way to go,over here our Governors are running away from signing the death warrant,but quick to ask for the money from excess crude account.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I think he deserve death with all the million jobs around.. U chose to be a rapist. But its Bad sha.. See his face.. Date a Millionaire In Nigeria, Sugar Mummy and Daddy, Rich Kids and Meet A Millionaire Friend Today
Na wa oooo. ..y the death by hanging? But sha like the Bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked
Whatever a man so dats wat u will rep.
That is why i love Arabs, no excuses for raping a girl, you are hanged immediately. This wat 9ja seriously need full stop.
I'm not sure how I feel about capital punishment regardless of the crime. Yes, rape and murder are wrong, but life imprisonment would definitely be a better punishment. Hanging people looks like such a barbaric act! Maybe they should've been given a fair trial, who knows if they're innocent? Jumping into hasty conclusions hanging people looks like the way people were being accused of being a "witch" or stoned to death for adultery 100 years ago. I guess I just see things differently and am not a huge supporter of capital punishment.
Rest in hell,y raping underage children.9ja make una learn fm dis,am out.
Beasts indeed......,serves them right.
So sad *Shivering* EVE
I am strongly against capial punishments. They should have been sentenced to life in prison instead of been handed. Even if they authorities wants them dead, are they no other ways like electrocution instead of this mundane act of hanging a fellow human.
I guess justice is served sha.
Now Linda can you get some sleep please?
Gud 4 dem
I have been to kuwait couple of times, their women are one of the most emancipated you wouldnt believe you are in a typical muslim country ,they wear tight dressess but nobody it blaming it on the evil these rapist committed.
Correct, this is how they shld all die
That's just cruel
Islam... Muslims...
That's just cruel
What a wasted life.SMH
wow! i hp t'was fun
the guilty must be punished serves them right.first to comment.yaaaaaaaaaaaaa
But, I don't just understand why some people are like this in this world..
This is sad.... There are better ways to lose one's life and still make heaven...
What goes around comes around...d wages of sin is death.
Such a Pity.
Good for them... first to comment though lol
Justice well serve. Linda, I am definitely d first to comment
No one is allowed to judge what if God sentence us for our crimes . They should be locked up for life..#
Good for them jor! Der shall be no peace for the wicked!
I wish dis kind of judgement can take place in Naija...linda pls post my comment o.remember 1st come,1st serve
God have on dere soul!
Isshh a slow and painfull death could av been better, by chopping each of their fingers off daily and giving cement τ̅☺ drink as breakfast! Devil hand ŊO̶̷̩̥̊͡ dey dis matter @ all.
Awesome! They should rape satan when they see it in hell oh!!!!! Lol
Nice one. More of that
What a pity. But pity no criminal. Well as a good catholic and a good christain. I was taught to always forgive and forget. This kuwati authorities should have pardoned these men. Painful death. RiP men.
Good... Justice is served... But d heart of man is desperately wicked..
Is a pity....
aunty Linda its kuwait* o not Kuwaiti sorry for being a grammar olopka but i just had to.
No pity for them at all! They deserve it! Although I am against capital punishment.
Rot in hell both of you...greet your father the devil.tell him Jesus is Lord
18 boys and girls raped by one person? This is sexual perversion in the highest order.
It is Kuwait not Kuwaiti.
OMG, wat a judgement... ds is serz o, well, ds can't happen in 9ja where D men wld av called pple dey kw in higher authority 2 bail dem out. 9c 1
Mmmmn,what a fate!
GOD have mercy on their souls...Amen
They still hang people these modern times. That's crude
I trust awon Arabas!!!! They don't send anybody.......see as they are just standing there talking as if nothing happened and right behind them you see 2 bodies dangling. I won't even be able to stand in that car park talk less of bn that close to dead bodies.
Linda, If not for the intervention of India officials, they almost executed an indian also. A lot is going on in Kuwait right now. Search for "kuwait page" on facebook and you will see more weird stories..
These pictures are so FAKE. If you look at the supposedly hung men, you will see that they are suspended by a rope tied between the chest and waist. Someone who is truly hung will be completely limp and lifeless. This is what they do on movie sets.
I think all confirmed rapists should be castrated.
this is some FAKE shit!!! How can you hang someone and the arms are not completely limp? Look careful, bodies are not limp and arms are arched at an angle. No try to deceive us with this nonsense, abi na film be dis??? mtsechew ***tosses mic, spins around with hands on the waist and walks away***
I knw what they did was very bad bt if God can 4giv us of all our sins wit out counting y cnt we giv d bad ones 2nd chance beside hanging dem is committing murder which d Bible is againt. Thou shalt not kill.God pls 4giv us our sins o
Schizophrenia leleyi ooo, ko n shey lasan!...hehehh
wow,i guesss it served dm right!wot a pity...
Now,dats justice well deserved! 18young children?WOW! And a couple too?GEEZ! Deres notin 2 say except JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!GOOD JOB!sum pple aint just fit enuf and aint human enuf 2 roam d earth.dats a cleaning process!
Na wah ooo. What a way to die. First 2 comment yeah!
Des hardened criminals should be treated like dis to reduce d prison population, if u can kill then you should know what it feels to die miserably.
Good decision, else dey'd hv broken out of prison to continue dia crimes... Oh and Linda u speak good English, proud of u.
~D great anonymous!
Never liked rapists.God will judge the rapist and murderer.such terrible occurences.
but people can be so earthless! How can a human being set the house of a human being like himself on fire? For what? They want to turn to boko haram?
Damn, they deserve it
But why are people so heartless n stupid? Why do people do this kinda evil? God loves everybody, pls people should change n accept christ
Hmmmmm! I can imagine hw it feels walkin 2 ur death. Chaiiii!!!
sad....but such cannibals are not suppose to live among humans.wish the others would learn some lessons.Izuu Stan.
First to comment.. Nigeria should watch and learn. Those who do not value human life should be executed.
Serves them right mtchewwwww.if only naija can be like dis then tins would would be a little bit better.let them go to hell nd burn to arshes. Rubbish! First to comment.
Dey both got wot dey deserved, ope dia souls rots in HELL.
Naija make una •̸Ϟﻉ purnishment ooo
May they have no peace! Rest in pieces
@d end Justice speaks!.. May they burn in hell tru eternity *sigh of relief*
Serve dem right...
how terrible it is knowing that fact that he is going to die by hanging.
Things human beings are capable of doing to their fellow humans. God please save us!
God dey sha!!!
That serves dem right,let dem rot in hell.
God have mercy on your pple, but the wages of SIN is death.May their soul rest in perfect peace.
Very good! Ds shud be in niaja and hand dem fuckn rapist!!!!
Hell yeah! We need this in Nigeria abeg, and for the polithieves too!
the end is really near the evil that men do na wa oooo
If this measure could be applicable in Nigeria, it would definately go a long way to cleanse the land.
Na wa ooo...really sad! Dnt think i can stand to watch ds kind of tin if i have the opportunity to witness such!
Well...justice served so well, though i condemn death penalty but justice served anyways!
Chei!!!!!!! Its gud ƒσя dem,wonders shall neva end. God wil βε̲̣ S̶̲̥̅Ơ͡ angry wit dem,luk @ d way d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ jst waisted deir lives ƒσя rubbish n d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ weren't evn given a priest to @least confess dem n pray 4 dem durin deir last moments.Men kai wat is Ȋ̝̊̅†̥ wt rape n Ʊ ppl?Wat shall Ȋ̝̊̅†̥ profit a man to gain d whole world n loose his soul.A̶̲̥̅♏ sure d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ knw wher d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ re headn nw..SMH
Good radiance to bad rubbish, may God deliver our generation from beast in human form
I think mre concentration Shld be placed on Madonna university because a security man was caught yesterday around 11pm tryin to rape a student a few weeks after d fire incident whr a life was lost n 3 were injured badly. Dis security men were nt even around to help stop d fire. Ma question nw kis dat, r students payin campus security fee to turn victims to d security who meant. To protect dem, I think NUC shld jus close down dis skul cos dere has been constant crisis in d school 4 weeks nw........... Linda pls help us tell whole world d evils dat is goin on in dis skul.....
He raped children not women who wear tight clothes...would you say the children enticed him with their flat chests? this is a demonic act. and death by hanging should be the punishment of rapist in nigeria.
Oh pls SHUT UP!! Wot do u knw?? Where u dere 2 knw dey didn't commit d crime?? Dose arabs dnt jst carry out such act ignorantly.n such crimes over dere dnt jst go unpurnished! So always tink b4 u drop ur comment! I'm out.
This is just the beginning. the wages of sin is death
Death sentence shoulb b abolished
serves dem ryt....ndi ala
*Sow | *Reap | Retard
Wenvu children re brutally raped or you parents burnt alive den ur pity ass views will change.Idiot!
Like seriously, I don't know how I feel about this,hmmm ....
Ur a confirmed bastard. I bet ur a rapist urself!!! Dint u fucking read the story?? He raped 18 young kids both girls and boys and your talkn about tight clothes.God punish u
I love u 4 ds commeny
Ok in every situation there will be a doubting Thomas and in this case you are!!!! Maybe u shd take a trip to kuwait and see foryourself then you can be convinced...
Wen ur children are brutally raped then u shud forgive
No Be Person Go Tel Person Wey Chop Pepper To Drink Water...smh***
I LOVE THIS! Before anybody will commit crime in that country the person will think twice.
Sorry goat,u r d 100th 2 comment
The wages of sin is death. Having sex with someone must be on mutual agreement of both parties. Raping someone is capitaly WRONG, even though the judgement seams to harsh but the deserve it. Life imprisonment should have been more polite option. Concerning the Murderer, He was well served. Even burning him to ashes will be more perfect. I hate those who took the life of others. Welldone Linda for the update. The arabs can't be compared to Nigeria , im sure Rev.King is still catching at Prison.
Rotflmao........at " raping Satan when they see it "....................... satan na badda homo guy where these two fools dey....lol..... their two arab nyanshes go be practice for "IT". hahahahaha.
They should have been boiled alive in a drum of crude oil. Shege banza
As far as I am concerned a person who takes the life of another has no right to life and should be executed. Also, a man who feels it is okay to rape children has no business walking on this Earth; he should be executed. Finally, why should tax money be used to keep alive demons walking in human flesh? It really, really annoys me when bleeding hearted liberals claim that the 'human rights' of people such as these two men should be respected. Utter rubbish!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Shut ur dirty trap u jobless and hopeless fool! Wat has religion got to do wit this? There are rapists in every religion and every country, ur still in school ryt? I'd advice u stay there a bit longer, so ur retard brain cells can develop a bit more! Fucking moron
Don't be stupid. oh crap, that is impossible....
Hmmm..like the bible says curse is he that is hung on a tree. It will be nice to do d same in 9ja, only thing is dat a whole village of men esp in d northern side will have all their men hunged from sexual immorality!
price jobless, wht hs muslims n islams got 2 do with dt? i pray it doesnt happen 2 any 1 of ya family? every country has its peculiar way of dealin wit criminals.inugo?
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