One of Nollywood's brightest stars, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, and her better half of 12 years, Roderick James Nuttal are no longer together. The two parted ways amicably a few months back, following 'irreconcilable differences'.Continue reading...
Those who know the actress and her hubby claimed the separation was not a bitter one at all - and now they live apart (though in the same area of town in Lagos, the Lekki axis). Blessed with a daughter, Ella, now 11, the couple's lifestyles made it impossible for them to enjoy marital bliss.
While Kate,now 40,is a very busy actress,moving from one location to another(across the country and sometimes abroad), and honouring endorsement engagements, Rod, also in his 40s, is the Managing Director of Ledrop Nigeria Ltd (agents for Jack Daniels and Piper Hiedsieck champagne) constantly travels.
Since both are hardly together to savour companionship, their relationship suffered strains - and after looking at the situation, they first decided to try separation and see if they could later patch things up. But they didn’t succeed.
The trial separation, which coincided with Kate Henshaw's 40th birthday in July 2011, left both of them devastated as they realized they had grown far apart.
And soon, they will be heading to the courts to formalize their separation. We gathered that Kate and Rod are talking to lawyers and in no time, the divorce suit, which many close friends and associates expect to be amicable, will begin.
Though insiders have denied any third party having a hand in the collapse of the marriage, some sources claimed Kate and Rod were not faithful to each other. That while Kate enjoyed the attention of a few men, Rod had some dalliances. But this tale of infidelity was rubbished as untrue by a friend of the couple.
When we called the actress on Friday No 11, 2011, she said she was on location and refused to make elaborate comments on her husband and marriage.
"Really, I don't have anything to say. All I can say is that everything that has a beginning, must have an end." Kate stated. When we asked why she separated from her husband, she refused to say anything "I am saying no comment. It's my personal life. I don't feel obliged to explain."
Culled from Encomium Magazine
wow.....dats sad (if its true)
She must be a fool to have said that every thing that has a beginning also have an end. What does she want to teach her supposed fans? That divorce should be a resort?
oh well. she is right. everything that has a beginning has an end.
third hand gist.
Why didn't you simply ask Kate?
why now? i thought this marriage was gonna last forever. anyway,goodluck to you both.
Of all actress y shud it b kate? I believe d both ar no longer compatible. Well, its even beta 2 file a divorce wen a couple in no longa compatible dan 2 end up lik d late Titi.
wot a pityyy!
Linda make sure u post my comment.cos u dnt post them.angry face.
A beg I'm not saying anything negative about this news.infidelity or not they both did their best and maintained this marriage for twelve years. Whoever said marriage is easy.iv been married for just 4 years and I'm already feeling chocked up but still giving it my best.my spouse and I are slowly drifting apart but still trying to steer the ship forward even in the absence of children and intimacy. Kate I wish you wel in your future endeavors and truly you are NOT obligated to explain your private life to anybody.
Linda be very guided were my comment.
Kate kate kate hmmmmmmmm!
Kate kate kate hmmmmmmmm!
Wouldnt it have been wiser to confirm before posting...unlike,these soft sell journals, when you post something online, damage is done even if story withdrawn. Cache version of the page will exist and that is if other blogs havent already carried your post. Act wisely Madam.
But seriously this divorce thing is becoming too rampant with artist these days. they did keep it for 12 years and its better to part ways amicably if its not working out wel rather than turn out dead
Marriage is an institution that one enters and never graduates from. It is not easy at all.Most people (not all) stay in for the sake of the kids.
I've been married for 16 years. Sometimes, you are simply tired and want out but when you see your lovely kids, you are determined to make it work to give them a stable home. Only the person wearing the shoes knows where it pinches. This has nothing to do with love. I love my husband but I'll still say it takes a lot of hard work to make marriage work.
If this story is true, I wish both of them the best
Whatever happens i will always support this Girl. She is a very few hollywood or is Mollywood? That has been in marriage that long.
Whatever happens i will always support this Girl. She is a very few hollywood or is Mollywood? That has been in marriage that long.
@anon 11:45am. I think we are on very identical boats. No kids, very minimal intimacy and slowly drifting apart after 8 years. Don't know how further this boat can wade thru. Kate and nuttal had to do wat dey gotta do. I wish them well.
Could this be true? time will tell!
Linda, if you were unable to confirm it why put it on your blog so what happens if it turns out not to be credible will you issue an apology to all parties involved including your readers? sigh Journalism in Nigeria is amazing.
@Anon 11:45am,am totally on your side... who said marriage is easy, am barely a yr in my marriage and am looking for the slightest chance to jump out.if they both hv accepted to part amicably, better for them.
how is this a british man? he is a bloody arab!!!
the news making rounds is that her hussy impregnated his sec and so marriage finito
Linda y re u behaving like dis na?were is my comment?
Na wa oh,the way Marriage dey go just dey amaze me.it was the Koshoni's nw its the Nuttal.God should just have mercy on us all.
Kate you surprise me by saying everything that has a beginning has an end has marriage become a football match? I'm disappointed not because of the divorce about to happen but that statement you made. You are an Icon, and people are watching!!!
I kinda agree that "Everything that has a beginning must have an end," but when it is used in the concept of marriage, i totally disagree. It is kinda scary to see the way divorce has become the order of the day in Nigeria. I support divorce when there is domestic violence or other marriage odds. But not when minute issues like, "i am bored in my marriage" arises. Also, i noticed that we Nigerians have adopted the "irreconcilable differences" that Hollywood celebs always use. May the gud lord have mercy. All the best to her sha.
till "irreconcilable differences" do us part.. This should be added to wedding vows...
Sad really like Kate and i do hope maybe it can still be salvaged. From someone whose brother has been divorced its not a good thing and with a child involved its even worse. its well
@Loudmouthed 4:44pm LWTMB!! I so so agree wiv u...."till irreconciliable differences do us part"
It is so sad that marriages in Nigeria are now the way they are. Everyone is just getting a divorce like no mans business and I think overexposure is the problem. What with Kim K. divorcing after only 72 days. We need to preserve the institution of marriage. I am married and you just have to work through the differences. Save for infidelity according to the bible I think these two people should not have thought divorce or separation should be the next option
Hmmmm am sure Nina politicians are disturbing her.
@LoudMouthed, #gbam! u don talk am...but ehm Linda, u no dey cite ur Sources sha! ordinary 300Naira magazine dey write story n u believe them. no be da same set of pple talk say u go Kenya&SA go do Breast augmentation???lol...wonders.
Oh kate, You are role model to many. How are the mighty fallen? You ought to know that marriage is often a journey of turns, twists, thorns, perseverance, tolerance, understanding and most times learning to accept and living with the package God has given to you.
Anyone that tells you his or her marriage is without challenges is lying because it often takes the grace of God for two perfect strangers to live together without experiencing disappointments and acute anger.
Yours isn't any different. Due to the challenges of your growing up years and life styles. But can we hold our God to ransom or question Him? If this news is credible, you have to live with the choice you has made. No one will live your life for you.
It's well.
Hmmmmm......ONGA(rollin my eyes).................Every thing that has beginin must hv an end.......@Kate Nsinam fii ntem.......Edinowo aweh anam fii aasin Ebeh foo.......Saha sung sung oo.....ky duuuorroooo
much as i hate divorce cases btwn a man n his wife..i wish them well with their decision.
Kate, only married people will truly understand your plight as it takes a whole lot to separate or eventually divorce with a kid in tow. But please retract the statement "every thing that has a beginning has an end" it makes mockery of the marriage institution.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
all this actors and actresses are bad omen to our society.They all need deliverance
anon 1.43pm,please don't jump.
as long as there is no violence involved, please don't jump.Whatever else can be worked on.
I am years in the institution,we have issues but i can't imagine a better life out there.Whatever it is, we will work it out. i know she had my best interest and that is all that matters for me.
Whatever it is, Please don't jump.
Married 2 years and counting. Its easy to leave, its harder to work it out and stay married. The right foundation is key, because really since God is unshakable, the only way you can guarantee that your marriage will be unshakable is having it all centered on Him.
Problem is many people date and marry the wrong people for ALL the wrong reasons, and then down the road get an "ahaa" moment, and dont even want to work it out. While this may not be the case here, seen it happen way too many times, even today in Nigeria.
Life goes on
Lol Everytime person no go hear word from this Kate Henshaw, "ooh I'm married to a white man!" Oya now! Shei e don end?
I saw this headline and LMBO before even reading it!!!
no comment..
Annon Nov 17 11:45am......i really don't get u,,are u saying infidelity is not an issue in marriage???am surprised if u see it as a normal thing,,,,
Annon Nov 17 12:36pm.....am so sorry u're experiencing hiccups in ur marriage,,but from what u explained,,,i think its because of the "no child" factor which we hold in high esteem here in Africa,,,,i tell u if u could endure for 8yrs despite the "no child" factor,,,u can make ur marriage work.......
Annon Nov 17 1:43pm.........barely a year in marriage and u want to jump out at the slightest opportunity,,,,,guess u heard people get married and u decided to join the marriage team not because u were ripe enof/know what it takes but because u just wanted to marry.......Marriage isnt the same as the relationship/courtship u had,,,it's so much more......
I have been married for almost 3yrs now,,,,though its not been too easy,,its not a bed of roses but there's no marriage without its own challenge(s).....of course there are times u get bored just because u do the same thing over and over again,,,,but that is no excuse for separation/divorce........if domestic violence isn't involved,,,i don't see any reason why someone cant make his/her marriage work......
Kate.....everything that has a beginning must have an end,,,but that saying doesn't apply to marriage...pls take back those words.....if u enjoy been a single mum with boy friends,,,good for u.....but there's no type of relationship u choose to have again that doesn't have its own challenges attached to it.....anywayz,,,i wish u well....
As if being divorced isnt bad enough, being divorced weeeks after your 40th birthday?
I guess marriage is very hard and some couples just put up a show for the tatafos... else THEY JUST celebrated her 40th na na na and looked happy nau?!
Rumour mongers are saying its not today it has tayed *years ago* when they parted sha
Love you Kate, this period must be hard especially in our patriachal society. Just keep working hard and take care of your kid, all will be well.
Important info---> http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2011/11/gaga-about-popping-pills-at-strange.html
Everything that has a beginning certainly must have an end except our infinte God.
Marriage oh
Life o
Career o
all have an end. Kate is correct abeg free her. Public divorce must be a bitch, so you can imagine my surprise seeing one Iyabo Ojo on African Magic saying she is divorced with children so happily and casually...na wa oooo
wetin we never see or hear.. hmm na divorce be the main thing now ooo.
where is amara nwosu with her hypocritic words.
let her come and see this one
we all shld not jump into marriage to avoid the nigerian stigma associated with being over 24 and single
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