Hilarious Tweets of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 3 July 2015

Hilarious Tweets of the day

Lol. Seriously, the world is going mad!


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

U can say that again

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Linda, there's nothing hilarious about the tweet.

Unknown said...


Bonita Bislam said...

Lmao we will soon hear of transconception too.The world is peopled by many nutcases

Unknown said...

am praying same my brother...we are living in sick world!


Alloy Chikezie said...

Hahahahaha @transpregnancy. Really a crazy world.

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Unknown said...

The person that invented the word "Transpregnancy" is not serious.

Unknown said...

Ooo please shut up, like he doesn't fornicate, lie, steal Nd do other atrocities God condemn.. Idiat

Unknown said...

Too funny o ja re!
D world is turnin into something else!

Unknown said...

lolzzzzzz.......The world is going gaga

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Unknown said...

Y wait for d lord....drink sniper n delete yourselves...

Unknown said...

Hilarious comments

Unknown said...

Hahahhahahahahakikikikikikiki omg hehehehehe dis cracked ma ribs much

Unknown said...

It's the truth now everybody is getting tired of the whole thing

Nath Ekanem said...

am tired of Americans and their rights - get a website here www.itorohost.com

Unknown said...

U must die b4 u see God ooo if not haba I 4 don join him since nah##

linda onyx said...

Honestly the world is going mad!!!!

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha dis guy is crackinf me up

Jasmine Joseph said...

Hahahahahaha dis guy is crackinf me up

Unknown said...

Lol. He's right na! What da hell is transpregnancy cos me do not know either.

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! They're on point joor *wink*

prettiyz said...

Lol very funny

Unknown said...

He's so right o,i am tired of all this things happening around the world,no fear of God

Dave said...

Am not impressed with technology until i can download food from my phone to my table immidiately #Gbam
**Linda's boyfriend**

Unknown said...

He is tired of the rubbish and he is calling himself Sapiosexual

Anonymous said...

Linda, you keep feeding your audience the most sensationalistic stories and have them thinking they're real. The French president is touring Africa. A new black face is making waves at Wimbledon. The Greek economy has tanked and you're here every day talking about trans this, bizarre that. Would it kill you to inform them of things that matter? Interesting though how your readers are drawn to the taboo. They claim disgust, eat it up and only after satisfying their curiosity complain when you find these weird news to share.

Unknown said...

God help us......dont know what the world is turning to......


As funny as the tweets sounds, we can not deny the fact that dis world has gone gaga.....Lord, help ur children.

Unknown said...

I no fit laff abeq

Unknown said...


Lib freak

Unknown said...

Really am getting scared with what is,going on in this world, homosexual,transgender and now transpregrancy.

Unknown said...

This is madness @ its peak. The world turned upside down. God deliver us 4rm this crooked and wicked generation

Unknown said...


ary said...


Elixir said...

Lol... the world is not going mad, it has gone mad!

seyi crown said...

Seriously all dis nonsense make d world go mad

Unknown said...

Am also tired of all the recent happenings around. God help us

Anonymous said...

Two idiots

Juliebabe said...

Hahaha, very funny

Unknown said...

lol @ Father Please Delete Me....lol since when did God start deleting people mbok?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Bros me self will like to join you oo

Unknown said...

Lolz..God save us. D world coming to an end

Unknown said...

Abi o. Ogini which one is transpregnancy again ke

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I dnt fink I wan2 b deleted... bh I pray God will never let my eyes c such evil/corruption... keep me away frm such Evil and help me spread thy word 2ruout d end of the Earth..... Isaiah 49:7b


Unknown said...


TWINKLE said...

hahahahaha #keeptwinkling

Unknown said...

I tell you o! I no longer understand the things that are happening these days. God help us. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

I tell you o! I no longer understand the things that are happening these days. God help us. Linda take note!

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...


Unknown said...

Everyone get prepared,pack urself up with purity,Jesus is on His way

Anonymous said...

Does sins don't entail goin against d natural order of d world...abominations. Oluku.Things animals can't evn do. Thats y a day old baby's eyes r now shining. Ds world has decayed, I'm scared. Wn i was little i kept hearing stories of how America is d lost city were d beast dat will rule d world will rise from..evn stories of obama paving way for d antichrist. Cnt believing I'm witnessing dese tins

Anonymous said...

You can be senseless most times. Loosen up, it's just something humor

Anonymous said...

Like this blog is very lame, nothing educating only talks about transgender, eggplant or who looks like a celebrity. The comments are usually bland, there's nothing inspiring or knowledgeable here. And it's unfortunate cos most Nigerians come here for information. I only advise people to read other sites as well cos here you learn nothing

julz said...

Sapiosexual means someone that's attracted to intelligence than beauty

Anonymous said...

Means ure a sadist

Nky said...

odikwa very serious oo..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Seriously o linda lmao

JC said...

hehehehe,,,,my brother's tweet is on LIB. Cool

Unknown said...

I swear we are in trouble. Our generation is finished

Unknown said...

U ar too poor to find it hilarious. And linda is not ur mate put aunty.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what sapiosexual means?You are welcome.

Unknown said...

Pls anon drink yours and delete too..

Unknown said...

Pure End time things,,
wat the heck is transpregnancy again? two days back I came across this one. God help us

Mr Collz A.k.a Sanity Says.

Frankie Nkk said...

Money is good ooh...I must have this room some day

Anonymous said...

The world is coming to an end,we aree living in d last days,draw close to God so that he will draw close 2 u

Mr 47 said...

@ChukwuKaJarri remember to carry me along too.. Its a crazy world out here

bella said...

Then ur humorous gland is dead. Is there anything like that? *dunno

Mr 47 said...

At d rate dis fucking white are going, they will surely discover how gay men can become pregnant.

Unknown said...

Your sense of humour needs a transformation.

Anonymous said...

And clueless as well

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So he wants to leave the woeld but he doesnt want to die, huh? Is it only Enoch he remembers? What of abraham, isaac, joseph, david and co? LOL

Anonymous said...

Wilhemina, you'll thrive, you will shine, you will be a mother of greatness, you will find joy and happiness and you will be a beacon of love and hope to many.

You are loved. Put that ass away though, the crack is showing.

But still, shine bright like a diamond #LoveWins

Anonymous said...

Onyx gay bastard

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

lol this guy funny die
may He not pass me by in Jesus name

Nimelda said so..........

Unknown said...

Abeg tell her

fgtf said...

Many are mad few are roaming


Unknown said...

Cnt stop laufin...transpregnancy


Wow! God bless this commentator. Ive been waiting for a post on the Greek economy but nothing.she'll Jst be posting to entertain the ignorant.

andre kelvin said...

Lol. I swear

Juleslouis said...

Lmao! But the world is going crazy truely. Wonder what will happen in d next generation that is if we do not provoke God so much to wipe d human existence.

Manuel Kunmi said...

God please erase this world already.... pls

Unknown said...

Hahahahahah what a world we live in.

Monitor said...

Thank you for this comment... now, I can breath a sigh of relief knowing we still got a few individuals with advanced brains.

reporter said...

for latest news update daily
visit www.amafricanews.com
loaded with news

Unknown said...

Onyx u hv proved urself to be gay. No doubt, all ur comments shows. But I pity u bc ur own gay na fag. I hate u

yourstrulyblogposts.blogspot.com said...


Unknown said...

God wil soon fry this world

Happy birthday to who?

Anonymous said...

Wow... You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Did he use your fingers to type his comment or did he use your brains to think of the stuff he wrote? How did any opinion of his affect your ability to function as human beings?

Sometimes people need to take a minute to think.

We ought to be grateful that people are able to enjoy freedom of expression, that we live in a society were we are free to have an opinion.

Would you live in a totalitarian society by choice. People embrace freedom otherwise it will be snatched from you. It is intolerance that has given baby a country repressive governments. It is that same intolerance that allowed slavery, the exploitation of our fellow humankind.

I defend Onyx's right to his self determination and his desire to show courage and honesty under these circumstances of hostility.

I decry your hatred. Gay or not, this young man is a hero in my eyes and he should be championed.

You people in the other hand should be ashamed of yourselves. The more intelligent ones amongst us, please show your support for this guy any chance you get. One day in the near future, the worth of you supporting truth, love and freedom will reveal itself.

Let's be in the right side of history. The side of love.

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahah.......these tweets just made my day. Lmao!!!


Beloved #CHIVIDO 2020 said...

It means the world is tans-fOrming.


Unknown said...

Dirty gay boy, abomination!!!

Unknown said...

Common Mr onyx, you need to see things the way others see it. You are full of excuse for what you know is the truth. Don't be blinded.

Anonymous said...

The new term is pansexual, someone who sleeps with anything

Anonymous said...

Grammatical error

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its only those born via transpregnancy that won't find em tweets funny. Park well already...lolx

Emmanuel said...

Onyx please stop replying as anonymous and come out of the closet. Get a visa to America and go fuck obama. Here, buhari will jail you 14 years. Good is that, since you are 17, adding 14 to it will simply turn to 31. Life begins at 30.

Unknown said...

On a more serious note, world has gone all fucked. SameSex Marriage nd all dis guys wen dey sample their EggPlants all around the world....hmmmm

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