“Let’s keep the gay marriage rights laws away from our shores” - Adesuwa Onyenokwe | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 30 June 2015

“Let’s keep the gay marriage rights laws away from our shores” - Adesuwa Onyenokwe

TW publisher Adesuwa Onyenokwe shares her thoughts on the recent legalization of gay marriage in the US and how it can catch on around the world. Read below...
I wonder if people have really thought about the implications of the American Supreme Court judgement in favour of gay marriages across the USA. Before that decision and Obama’s accent to the law, it was illegal in only 37 of the 52 states! 
However this development is a 'yes' that may ripple around the world because the USA is the world’s big brother. They sneeze the rest of the world catches a cold. So that’s where my concern lies. Being gay will soon become ‘fashionable’.

Gay people are humans first and I respect that, but if it were a desirable state, then God wouldn’t have “created them , male and female” as the bible teaches! So I believe. Because God is all knowing and never makes mistakes, He also must have created gay people too, just like He created the sick and the poor that Christ says will always be with us!

What do we do with people with one defect or the other? We love them and help them live better lives, not legislate that their condition is acceptable. In other words I believe just like people with Downs Syndrome, for example, are minus one chromosome; people that exhibit gay tendencies are plus or minus one hormone either way.

With more female hormones (estrogen), a guy can be effeminate, and with more male hormones (testosterone), a girl can be masculine. My layman’s theory obviously but it is simple logic. It is also simple logic that if all men married men and women married women, where would the babies come from?

Maybe petri dishes in the laboratories? I know some will say not everyone is gay, but I wonder for how long that will be, because we all have tendencies to be adventurous and we may have many more people experimenting and going the lesbian or homosexual way.

The fact that it is taboo holds quite a number of people back from even trying it. When it comes to the human desires our bodies can be traitors and take pleasure from even the most bizarre, depending how far we are willing to go.

Barriers help reign our potentially wild desires in. My summary is that anyone can be gay. Period. Though the tendency may be higher in some than in others, still it is a matter of taste and sight. Also some might say barrier or not there are those who will try it anyway, I say yes but is that why we should make it a free way?

Please note I am not for discrimination against anyone whether I support their sexual preferences or not. They sure have rights. Since I do not understand ‘it’ forgive me if I say maybe they should seek more avenues to finding a ‘cure’ or a best way to manage ‘it’ otherwise, I fear the human specie may just go extinct like Pope Francis has rightly pointed out.

But like my 19 year old son says “God created the world and He can surely fix it”, but then He needs human eyes, ears, hands and feet to do so, which is why I am sharing my opinion hoping it would change a few minds to have us all canvassing that this condemnable law doesn’t ripple anywhere near our shores!


Adesuwa Onyenokwe tw Magazine Publisher & Editor-In-Chief

Source: TW Magazine


Anonymous said...

Bloody hypocrites! You want to keep gay marriage out. Something between two consenting adults. But you won't fight to keep child marriage out when nasty men are getting married to innocent children as young as 12 years old and younger. Nigeria and misplaced priorities!!

Unknown said...

Well said.

Ladun Liadi said...

It won't catch on in d middle east, most of asia and russia.
That's like 3billion pple or so.

Ladun Liadi said...

"anyone can be gay"
imagine no stigma, no discrimination, folks will surely be more adventurous... At least once.

Anonymous said...

The government should make it a death penalty for anybody perceived to be gay or lesbian in Nigeria.


Awww! Lovely article, she did justice to it.
Did we ever imagined people will be clamouring to change their gender, from far right to paedophilia right. They'll always come up with an excuse as usual.


Dobzi fingers said...

Thank you for this piece, she said it all and I agree totally with her


Anonymous said...

My Respect for this woman. she has said it all, may take it far away from our shores.

knowurway.com said...

Gay is a taboo to we the real Africa and Obama has tarnish the black race with this Gay law, it'll take long time for any black man to be a president of American again.

Unknown said...

#say no to homosexuality.

Unknown said...

Don't really know why dis gay ish is generating all this noise from different individuals....its their decision to legalise it so let's deal with it or go sue them{if that'll make them happier}

Unknown said...

She wrote fallacy when it came to dis point of her write up "He also must have created gay people too". God never created "gay people" but "perfect people".

Unknown said...

Don't really know why dis gay ish is generating all this noise from different individuals....its their decision to legalise it so lets deal with it or go sue them{if that'll make them happier}

Unknown said...

Have u written on d poverty in Nigeria? Corruption in Nigeria? Pathetic educational system? Terrible power supply? The lack of security? Numerous lives boko haram has taken? Terrible roads? Corrupt politicians and a failed country? Fornication? Adultery? Polygamy? Have u? If u haven't then leave America alone, the country u are bashing is 500 times better than our holy n religious country.. Let God b the judge.. Did i mention child marriage? Everyone wants to b heard bout America's gay law but don't want to speak on their internal issues that's worse than the soo called sin called homosexuality .

ary said...

She is going to get speared for this! Where are the gay activists?

flimgee said...

I wish d ppl in d place of power sees it from d ur angle

FinFreedom said...

Fully in support of keeping it away from our shores too.

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flimgee said...

Seriously I hav fears cox definitly its comin to Nigeria...xpt wit prayers...God help us

flimgee said...

I wish d ppl in d place of power sees it from d ur angle

iPam said...

Well said ma...well said!

Chudi said...

God bless you ma'am.

Victor said...

We haf hear..everybody wants to shine with this gay thing

Unknown said...

She is very right

Joy stick said...

You have a great mind and also very courageous to take a stand on this issue. Some people like Linda are not in support of this law but can't come out to condemn it, forgetting how she used to pray for God to bless her. This is an example of a strong woman. I love her.

Anonymous said...

I live in the states and this lady is soooooo on point!!! I want to go through my screen and give her a hug and kiss!!!

Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless you ma'am, I would said marry me if u weren't married yet. Lol! The fact that u r a blessing to nigeria has never been hidden. Your thots simply addresses directly, nigeria's follow-follow syndrome, just like every woman in naija is currently trying to be Kim Kardashan, we go soon wan follow hop onto the gay bandwagon. We copy Americans,we fail to notice how sick Americans are really. We are different, cos we r Africans,cultured people we are,so for all u fakes out there,careful what n who u copy,ur family will be banished from your village if u try it, even ur generation will be stigmatised in ur village for life. Copy Americans una hear? We get village oo,them no get. Cursed people!

Unknown said...

Yes o! I support dis wholeheartedly. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Yes o! I support dis wholeheartedly. Linda take note!

James Garrick said...

Nigerians are bloody hypocrites and ever willing to lend their condemning voices to anything trendy. Adesuwa u need to be done and over those whose sexual preferences do not conform with your own sense of what is normal and appropriate . Does the expression live and let live means anything to you? Dont worry all men will never turn gay and not every woman will be lesbian. Those who will be gay will be gay and those who will be straight will be straight and so procreation will continue and mankind will continue to inhabit the face of the earth, until God decides otherwise. So leave the judgement to God, for he knows best and knows why he created some pipl they way they are. On your part try to live ur life according to His tenets both for ur known deeds and unknown deeds. Remember what Jesus Christ said to those who condemned the harlot "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone". And while u are at your pious, squeaky clean lifestyle, also try and wonder that despite all these abnormalities in the US God still blesses that nation. As u rightly puts it the world's big brother ba? And despite our own self righteousness we remain a nation not to be reckoned with, I am short of saying "cursed". Adesuwa hope u make heaven for I guess u will have many questions for Baba God. For me you guys should leave these pipl alone and concentrate on fixing our more pressing problems.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!

Anonymous said...

GOD bless this lady,linda take a cue from her,try and be writing articles like this so as to widen your horizon.

Anonymous said...

Gbam .God bless you for this write up.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Spoke well Ma

omalichaspeaks.com said...

Well said. Couldn't agree more.

***Awesome Moments - click my name to read more.

olatunolas blog said...

true talk

Unknown said...

Am with you.

Gold said...

I feel you my sister. I SUPPORT YOU!

Pro said...

Oya I know all this LIB readers will start insulting this writer. Well mine is live and let live yet let's do what is in the Bible kpomkwem.

That vuvuzela P guy

Anonymous said...

Adesuwa is still a homophobe... She says gay like it's a disease. I thought she is educated, but all her theories are old and has been disproved.
We can oppress gay people in Nigeria, but for how long?... Gay people are in Nigeria and are not going anywhere. #nohate #lovecantwait #gayok

Unknown said...

Thanks madam,u have said it all.

aboveDfray said...

All you religious fundamentalist zealots use scripture to justify your hatred of fellow human beings, is homosexuality the only sin that one goes to hell for? The same mouth you use to judge homosexuals is the same you use for lying cheating and fornicating...but if it were up to you nah only homes go go hell. God god god whey tuna dey shout, where was he when a gunman went into HIS house of worship and gunned down nine members of HIS flock? Oh...okay..he works in mysterious ways....grow up sheeple

Anonymous said...

What cure for gays is she talking about? Gay is NORMAL it is not a mental illness.... Maybe all straight people are sick and have low self esteem, therefore they put down anything that is not straight.... Her son might even be gay, and she's gonna kill him...

dansignature said...

I second ur motion ma

dansignature said...

I second ur motion ma

dansignature said...

I second ur motion ma

4real said...

Well said Adesuwa. God does not make mistakes. Even Animals know better.

Cellen said...

I love this line of reasoning.

Allybrownny said...


Unknown said...

Well written and thought of. It seems the whites are no longer thinking anymore or have values!

Unknown said...

True words ma..definitely agree

Anonymous said...

I hope Bisi reads this. After hearing all this and still continues his way, then so be it. Pls Bisi live ur life quietly, as I am living mine quietly too. After all, we have sinned and come short of d Glory of God. Just make sure that wen Christ comes again, he does not catch u in d act of sin, eg; still gay-ly married. Lol

Unknown said...

Let her take several seats! Did America force any nation to follow in their foot steps? Let her write an article about our leaders disgracing themselves, or how civil servants are being owed, or how ill-funded our hospitals, schools, and universities are, or how bad our roads, electricity or even security is......every nation has their problems...America has legalized gay laws yes, bt d number of gays and lesbians alone in Nigeria is alarming! Nigeria may not legalize it, bt it doesn't change d fact dat we have more of lesbians and gays in our society (they are just hiding in closets)...Nigeria has bigger fish to fry...

Unknown said...

Make she go siddon! Wat America did may not be right according to biblical laws, bt if only this woman knows d number of gays and lesbians in naija..she go shut up. Whether nigeria legalize it or not.....we get dem plenty pass America!

Anonymous said...

Being gay is a sexual preference - just like being a paedophile. Or desiring animals sexually. It's not something you can turn off and on like a tap. Only the realisation of God's love can make things right. #gayarmedrobbersgotoheaven. Paedophiles in the US are already shouting 'human rights'. What next?


I just pray so 🙏
Gay marriages are anti-Christ. Say NO to it.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Mama just got a fan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I heard Dr Robert Mugabe Zimbabwean President, has called on President Barack Obama, if he Obama would allow him Mugabe, to be his wife! Because, evidently. Obama supported this way of life! Very soon, we will hear that, their Supreme Courts have legalise marriage with Goats! All in the name of Civilisation!!

Anonymous said...

Adesuwa is massively ignorant for implying that being gay is an abnormality.
They don't need any help! They are just like every other person. Respect them!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you madam for this write up.Exactly how i feel and i do agree with you too. The Homosexual team players dont want to hear anyone even mention it that we do not agree with that lifestyle,but we must not be silenced. We must speak up. There should not be any sitting on fence regarding this issue..

Anonymous said...

How bout we keep corruption, hate, bad power supply, gender inequality and terrorism off our shores. This whole write up reminds me of those trying to remove specs from their brother's eyes but got logs in theirs. Is giving gay folks rights gonna kill us? Keep persecuting them and let them keep pretending to be straight and marrying your daughters while sleeping outside. We deserve what we get.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I stopped buying her overpriced magazine. Talk about fighting the wrong battles.

biijay said...

She's sooo on point

Anonymous said...

It is well

Jasmine Joseph said...

By d grace of God it won't come near our dwelling place

Jasmine Joseph said...

By d grace of God it won't come near our dwelling place

Anonymous said...

Gbam. I wish Linda would get this into her thick skull! If you're not a lesbian yourself and you're not getting paid to propagate LGBT in Nigeria, you should stop making it look like a harmless thing. Trust me you have no idea how bad it gets especially here where we overdo everything.

APPLE said...

My sister i concur. With all this SWEET amu women go dey fuck otu and with all this sweet otu men go dey nack each other..SHUO!

Anonymous said...

Well Written.

Unknown said...

I even wonder why I will find d opposite sex attractive in d first place, when there are women wit hot sexy and killing body, wit endowed boobs to badt. So na man go kon dey hungry me...hw cn we multiply wen we begin to get married to d opposite sex? Who eva is involved in dis act need a serious deliverance...

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

We ve too many wahala already

Diamond said...

This is by far d best writeup concerning dis issue, for now... not judgy & still not in support, they really need help.

Anonymous said...

This woman is a nutcase...

First she says she believes "in her layman terms" that it's an hormonal imbalance, then at the end it's a "matter of taste and sight"... Because *Pope*...

Lol, why don't you start looking for a cure? How long have humans existed? And you think of it were possible a cute wouldn't be found?

Then she says, don't discriminate, but you insinuate that they are diseased and will be the cause of the demise of the human race.

Madam, you are a crackpot. As the editor of a magazine, your ability to reason should be a prerequisite for your position, but this would suggest you're a fake.

You've come for the gays, publicly, your words are noted and we will not forget your stance. Let's see how defective gays are when you are called upon to answer for you hate speech. No different from boko haram, if it were not for your pope advocating nonviolence, you'd be calling for the murder of gays.

The pope himself will soon add his voice to the chorus of #LoveWins

ejoec said...

It's so obvious dat u are soooo Gay

Adetunji Saka said...

Respect to u my mummy

"Slow and steady wins d race"

lami said...

I am totally with her on this one.

kenkypresh said...

God bless you ma, you are truly a woman filled with wisdom. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yours stand true as the Bible says

Anonymous said...

The bible doesnt change. Being gay is wrong, so is lying etc. It doesnt mean the person being should be condemned but loved and told the truth.

Anonymous said...

Why not legalize prostitution? Afterall, it is between two consenting adults. You are the one with distorted logic here.

lami said...

I am totally with her on this one.

Anonymous said...

Haha, this woman is the epitome of educated fool. She wants to add her noscents to the argument, but everything she's said is utter nonsense. The more people use God as a vessel of hatred, the more they make their religion seem a joke.

This is why the supreme Court voted against hate, the arguments are nonsensical.

The earth was one flat and anyone who said otherwise was killed, now it's a sphere and we all accept it to be so, let's be careful not to let our ignorance make us stupid.

Gays, in all their diseased immorality, which they have according to this mad woman chosen, will still be here tomorrow, they will remain human, and they will be better people than most of you.

Making gay relationships legal, doesn't make you gay, it ensures that no one persecuted these people without answering for it. It means that they can not be denied equal rights, that they cannot be denied jobs and human dignity, because of who they love.

No one can argue that this is a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Really? Two consenting adults wanting to live in a committed relationship is the same as a person having sex with a child or an animal? And those are sexual preferences?

You are an imbecile.

Hashim Mamuda said...

This lady should be ashamed of herself!
She's all and about naked, opening her hair doing all sort of things that "God" supposedly doesn't want yet she has the audacity to abuse other people!
Go back to your church and stay their, Nigeria is and must be Secular

Anonymous said...

Mrs A.O HMM WE DON HEAR U. BUT AS MUCH AS U TRIED TO PLS BOTH SIDES OF THE devide in ds article of urz u did more harm to one side which is my side. As atv hoat I xpect u be one of d very enlightened one amongst us, but ds just proves how little u nigerian journalists do real researchs cuz most of ur views are bias n achaic ...and out dated...so let's agree ur not for discrimination. ..but what do u think ds article would push more for? UNDISCRIMINATION? OH PLS!!! I watch ur show...and I'll stop from now...find a cure? Really. ? Where have u been since the new millennium. ? Jupiter? I won't join issues with you seeing that you're just disappointingly one of the ignorant ones...I'll just advice you go do more research instead of accepting that u dnt really understand it nd its ok. Ur a talk show host for Christ sake! Pls stop falling my hands. Bye!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha una get bad mouth.wetin Linda do biko

Anonymous said...

I think you mean *Same sex*... Sorry o... You're joining an argument, you don't even know what you are arguing about.

You are the representation of all the idiots chatting nonsense here. Not a single clue between the lot of you. Taking on matters that are beyond your comprehension.

Adetunji Saka said...

Respect to u my mummy

"Slow and steady wins d race"

Unknown said...

She hit the nail on the head. Kudos ma'am.


Anonymous said...

The people that need help are those who in their own wretchedness and wickedness, can't see that this legal undertaking is bound to save lives.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaaha true

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up Onyx! I may now look at you from a totally new perspective. A very concise and apt comment. Thank you.

City: Unknown.

Anonymous said...

Being a homophobe is no different from getting angry because someone is eating a sweet and you are on a diet.

How does it affect their lives or their life choices? Is anyone planning to force their husband or their own penis into another man's body?

If you don't like homosexuality, don't be gay.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to start anything, but homosexuals are so gay... #JustSaying

Anonymous said...

Well said Adesuwa! I can see she pissed off some of our brothers and sisters who are in need of healing and deliverance! lol!

Unknown said...

Nice comment , but to honestly to our self this world is coming to end, God said when the world is coming to end , so many senseless things will be happen ,so my dear brother and sister move close to your God.

Anonymous said...

Just take some sits silly baby Onxy!!! May God open ur eyes some day b4 it's too late! What exactly is ur point? D defender of USA! O se ese tanran-tanran!

Anonymous said...

Why be afraid? How does it affect you personally?

I B M bolubantin said...

Its barbaric, sodomy and not of GOD

Anonymous said...

It's so inspiring to see a voice of reason amongst the clamor of nonsense. You are blessed amongst men. Keep your mind open and thrive, when the time comes, your conviction will be rewarded.

Anonymous said...

So what you are saying is all this problems you mentioned if they are not called to question then there is room for more stupidity (gay).... Sometimes in your attempt to sound liberal you defy the laws of common sense and finally reveal why you are so skinny

Anonymous said...

Paul Elvis ain't u gay? I know u so well

Anonymous said...

Prostitutes do what they do to make money, they are being taken advantage of by people who exploit them for their bodies, though they consent, they consent because of circumstances and would no easier choose their lifestyle if circumstances where different.

Try another argument.

Anonymous said...

Linda post my comment oooo

*** mynameisSkelewu

Anonymous said...

But she said the truth....in as much as people's views bd pattern of living should be respected, it becomes scary acknowledging the consequences of such liberty.... In Nigeria for example, there are better issues to be discussed...... Henryblaize

Anonymous said...

Don't come for him because he has a voice.

Onyx, you're hot, you do you Papi, this person can't quantify what they are even saying.

preciousdilly@gmail.com said...

...Thought you guys should concentrate on the problems unfolding before your eyes in Nigeria than focusing on subject where your opinions would definitely never matter. And for your information, The Supreme Court of United States interpreted the law of the land which states that no one should be discriminated against because of their religion, race, or sexual orientation. So, the ruling has nothing to do with weather anyone condones gays or bisexuals.

But,who gave some of you the right to talk,anyway? Some (if not most) of you are indulged in adulterous affairs and pre-marital sex, having children out of wed luck which you shamelessly consider so normal. Now before you continue, let me remind all pretenders here what Galatians 5:19-21 says: "Now the works of the flesh are manifest,which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness,lasciviousness,idolatry, witchcraft, strife,seditions, heresies,hatred,variance,emulations,wrath,envyings,murders,drunkenness,revellings,and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in the time past,that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God". So think before you condemn. Have a blessed day!!!

Anonymous said...

This article is riddled with ridiculous arguments. We will not turn gay because of this decision. Heterosexuals will always exist. America has 50 states not 52 states. An editor in chief cannot get her facts right and cannot make a compelling argument.

Anonymous said...

Starting with your stupid bigot ass!

Unknown said...

God punish u??? U are so stupid... How can u say this??? "PERCEIVED " I Hope someone doesn't perceive ur son to be gay n kill him for Nothing

Anonymous said...

For my village we go kill any gay or lesbian we fish out,
so that they will not bring in God angers into my village

jungleboi said...

we where worriers and queens never gay white pigs "AFRICA"

Unknown said...

She has said it all.. What more do I need to add.. The only thing I need to add is that I have medication for curing gay illness and that's "Jesus Christ".. He has already paid the price for ur sin so accept him today and he'll heal u of your gay disease syndrome...

Rex said...

Same sex condition is an abnormality as she’d rightly said, instead of the so called advance country to find solution to such problems they went ahead to legalize the condition. There are so many defects and abnormality in human that can be corrected through the advancement in medicine even when its hormonal disorder. I wonder why a better solution cannot be sought, that it has to be legalization of such abnormal conditions. As the woman has rightly said, it will only make so many people who are not naturally abnormal to want to experiment. Even in the US we’ve seen people who claimed to be Lesbian such as the former partner of Ellen degenerous who later stopped the act, got married and had children. The legalization will only encourage sexual immorality and adventure among the citizenry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whst does she mean about God must created gays. seriously..

Nne said...

Who created d blind, imbeciles, deformed children, etc. Anything can go wrong in during formation which could be responsible for abnormal conditions eg gays, homosexuals

becky said...

She really did justice to the article..

Nne said...

Except you don't have family, children, siblings etc. It wil affect a lot

Anonymous said...

Nigerians no matter what you homophobic bigots say or do ..Gays and lesbians are in Nigeria in the millions so if you can't deal with that you are a fool...this law will save lives. It may be your brother or your sister that is gay and you rain curses on them like you don't care. This is why I love the West they have grown their minds enough to know the bible is not the constitution. It's simple live is colourful you live and let others live. I love my girlfriend more than any thing in this world I wish I could scream it from the roof tops but no I can't cause I would suddenly put my life in danger just imagine what humans put there fellow humans through...just cause to them it's one kind .. I'm glad I saw this day where at least I am not utterly disappointed with humanity...A group of people have decided to speak for all those who you all want to live false lives just so it makes you comfortable..Nigerians think the bible is the constitution...people actually do fear with they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer

olatunolas blog said...

its a disease ooooo. two adults consenting to stick their dicks into each others anus is sickening.they need serious help.

Nne said...

Open your eyes, ur sinking

Nne said...

Consent is consent, you are attaching excuses.

Unknown said...

If a male Dog isn't doing it with another and we call them Animals. What then do we call a man created with all senses doing it with fellow man? I think some people should just stop redefining the peaceful world with their evil mind.

Anonymous said...

The same way some perverts in usa claim to have rights to be gay, is also the same way others who are polygamous in nature in the same usa should have their own rights to marry as many wives as they desire since marriage between adults are consensual provided they do not hurt or force anyone. It’s the same way a person that buys an animal and takes care of its feeding and bathing should equally have rights to marry his/her animal after all he/she bought the animal with his/her money and takes care of it. That is the same way a paedophile that convinces an underage child, should sleep with or marry him/her provided there wasn’t force applied. All their arguments for legalizing gaysm are floored in all fronts. The way America is pushing Nigeria to legalizing gaysm should also be the way they should push their strongest ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia to legalize same gaysm in their country. These guys are perverts and sick people who should be taking to hospital for urgent medical attention, nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant battyman all the societal ills you mentioned all affect America sometimes worse than we have it here. But since you are only interested in some American dude battering you you don't see any evil there. Your gay partners must have no taste to want to do you.

Unknown said...

I kind of wonder where did she get that from, if God crate "Guy people" why then did he distorted Sodom and Gomorrah? People should stop the justification of been gay. As a Christian my bible tells me it is a SIN... E no mean say I hate Gay person, I condemn the act/practice, I pray for the person meaning I do my part and leave the rest to the creator HIMSELF to do the rest.

Anonymous said...

You just wanted we Nigerians to notice you but c'mon, you shouldn't have done it this way...

Anonymous said...

Read the write up don't care much for it. But she needs to be corrected! There are only 50 states in the U.S. Of A.... This 52 shit is a common misconception. The rest are just inhabited territories that haven't been brought into the union!

Unknown said...

No dear. It means you've given up on them and no longer give room for repentance.

She's very correct. What a world we live in? The most annoying thing is that in America, you're expected to pretend like you're cool with it. You're not allowed to say no to baking a cake for a gay marriage if you're a caterer. Why the infringement on the rights of others? All I kno is that I can't be around gays and not find myself frowning, sighing and shaking my head. Its so unnatural

Anonymous said...

You're so dumb it hurts... 1952 brain

Dr David Chux.O. said...

She is absolutely right. I can see a lot of anonymous statements from a few homosexuals here to create the impression that Nigerians support this evil.Homosexuality is an abnormality, period.

Anonymous said...

I love yah!

Anonymous said...

Death penalty? Can u hear yourself? Why do they deserve a death penalty? Did they kill anybody?

Anonymous said...

God bless this writer for boldly speaking out the truth. its is better for men to condemn you than God condemning you. Africa Union and their leaders must unit to prevent this madness. This is an agenda to reduce populations in africa among other satanic act, some foolish gay ungodly supporters cannot see. Robert mugabe has been outspoken. Africans unite against this madness

Anonymous said...

Gay people will go to hell o, but they'll have better stories to tell than you all basic, rigid, biggotery infested straight people!

Mugabe is your mentor? Hahaha, poverty and suffer head is your portion.

Anonymous said...

The insanity of humans will know no end until Christ returns. The world have not seen anything yet! It will become legal for men/ women to marry animals in human courts! The signs are here already, let those on God's side remain firm as it was in the days of Noah. Let the gays continue to be gays still. It can not change the Almighty, NEVER WILL!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous June 30-- @8:33 pls take note:
It is very revealing 2 read ur txt. Let me quote u;
"is anyone planning to force their husband or their own penis into another man's body?"
U c, u mentioned PENIS, but u cldn't bring urself 2 state where the penis will go. Instead u say MAN'S BODY. And if it is the Vagina u wld have written. This tells u how despicable & dirty this whole thing is.
The noise about this gay thing has always been like, when u ask what is it they want 2 b doing, they cldn't say, they get mad, b/c they know how unthinkable. Even in Ame, as desensitized about sexual things as they r, they cldn't say.
Gay men have been riding on the back of Lesbians-- which if u don't look 2 deep is a benign thing( as in 2 or more women arousing each other)-- but I tell u, safe 4 the purpose of a unified agitation, lesbians think gay men r unbelievable and dirty.
So mr anonymoue, may be u r gay or u drank their cool aid, I tell u know not 2 b able 2 describe the thing u want 2 be doing. Get help, help them get help and stop these belated argument about 2 consenting adult, eating sweet and stuff.

Anonymous said...

God wants ALL SORTS of men to inherit his kingdom. He doesn't hate homosexual, that is those who have emotional and sexual feelings for same sex ever since they were adolescents, BUT he hates homosexual ACTS. Thus we should quiet our venomous hatred for those who identify with homosexuality. INSTEAD we should help them learn what God truly wants and feels for them, that is salvation and the prospect of adjusting their lives. Hating on them pushes them further into that way of life and causes them deep emotional pain.#thinkbeforeyoutalk

Anonymous said...

Yes consent in consent, however under different circumstances, it wouldn't be consent. This is a new type of consent you're learning about.

Anonymous said...

America has 50 states ma. #thinkbeforeyoutalk

Anonymous said...

May God bless the writer. For those in support of the barbaric law, if our parents took after such, will u ever come to existence? God has created us perfect in males n females, when go singing against God's design. A day is coming when each will sleep and not wake. Do not get to blame yourself after death. This is satanic. Let us be careful

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So somebody now has to complete a checklist of articles before writing on gay issues?

Anonymous said...

No need to get all ruffled up. The truth hurts ehn

Anonymous said...

Obviously we should not discriminate against gay people dey are human. Jesus loves us all. But it doesn't make wat they are doing right. So all u guys supporting it, I am surprised dat people have allowed the devil to blind their minds. Well I have a question for u. How will you feel if ur child is gay, if you will be a proud parent den all well n gud but if u knw truly in ur heart it's not ur desire for your child then u are a pure hypocrite.

Douglas Akhabue said...

Sodom and Gomorah was destroyed mainly because of homosexuality. I see destruction heading towards AH ME RI KA. Before destruction can germinate the land must be fertile with evil. So therefore destruction find your way into fertile evil land.

Unknown said...

homosexuality is not our main problem right now even tough i do not support homosexual ism. i will never be gay in this life it is unnatural and messed up and africa will never accept this life style and as long as beautiful hot yummy chocolaty babes exist for guys like me (even tough i no get girl friend for cos of condition but i still dey hope sha)i will never be gay so let GOD sort them out and let the government deal with more pressing issues that has been eating this country for years, i think ive said enough for now.please comment if u wish.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

madam, i believe ur infant child is awaiting ur attention in the kitchen sink, attend to that and leave humans to retain their freedom of choices and human rights

chima said...

i couldn't agree more how ever, homosexuality is not our pressing concern right now so let GOD sort this issue out. as for me, i will NEVER be gay as in why should i be gay when there are beautiful hot yummy and chocolaty women out there looking for guys like me(even tough i no get girl friend due to condition but i,m hoping sha).in a nut shell let the government focus on more pressing concerns than this gay rights thing for we all know that it will never be accepted in this part of the world. even tough we know there are homos around both male and female.I THINK I,VE SAID ENOUGH FOR NOW I LEAVE THE REST TO YOU ALL SO PLEASE COMMENT AND DON,T HOLD BACK.

yawanow said...

wow, well said. I have never read a well detailed piece like this one. Its either a syndrome or a disease and should be treated as one not accepted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is no danger of the human race dying out because of gay activity. The problem facing the world is over-population, and gays are part of the solution. However we try to cloak prejudice in Christianity, etc, the issue remains that religions forbid much that we celebrate - adultery, unfaithfulness, worship of riches. When I think that a man who might have paid for 20 abortions in which the girls could lose their changes of motherhood or even their lives, could have the gall to condemn gay men as frustrating reproduction, I am infuriated. Much straight sexual activity is not aimed at reproduction. It is aimed at pleasure, supported by abortion and contraception. In fact, as a gay man, I pity straight men. The pleasure in loving and sleeping with a fellow man can't be described. Women are not even a substitute. I am glad and proud that I am not straight.

Anonymous said...

Yes we are gay and we are lesbians...only a fool thinks we are few...the statistics are 1 in every 4 males...so when next u are with 3 other friends wonder which one of you sucks dick....bigot same way being an albino is an abnormality...fool

Unknown said...

This is why I always say we care about peoples problem that our own. since US Supreme Court has gave this judgement, Nigerians have been the restless that those in America and the rest of the world

Presently, a dollar is N225, people are being killed daily in the North-East, as at this very morning 1st july queue is back to filling stations in a country that is rated as one of the largest oil producing countries in the world. For me, these are priorities.

What's our business with America legalizing gay marriage in all their states, are they coming to marry your wives or husbands. Lets mind our very own business and spend our quality time on how to move this country forward from this shameless status we are.


Mr. Stretch said...

@omoefe and royal priesthood: Read thoroughly to understand before commenting!! She never meant what u guys are interpreting, nne is on point!

Cercee said...

Ms oyenokwe . Thanks for your contribution to this debate. I like it. That you can even use your hormone theory to explain it is not far from the truth. Research have shown that imbalance hormones on foetus in the womb contribute to a large extent to Gayism although research is still ongoing. You can also read more about this by googling the work of Richard Pillard and also Chandler Burr " HOMOSEXUALITY AND BIOLOGY" or the" gay gene"debate. All these will further enlighten you why we ve gays. Gayism
to a very large extent is the work of nature. Animals and birds have thier gay version also. You can't be gay if you re not born in that form. No matter how you fake it - like those you see in secondary school- you eventually will leave and go back been straight, Real gays are gays for life. Furthermore do not worry about gayism replacing facebook , mini skirts or heels. I dont think it will ever happen that way. But i feel there will be lot of gays in the future since modern people eat a lot of fast food /noodles, sleep less, unnecessary pressure from work and environment and have no time to mate properly etc. Obama support for gays and the supreme court is due to science findings and their history. Obamas work as a president is to protect everybody- gays and straights. Gays in the USA were been shot and killed and also discriminated against .in work etc. they were in the closet for decades. He needs to end that. His support also is to help them in backward countries where religion ve taken the centre stage like Nigeria -they can be sentenced to 14 years in prison or Gambia where their president promise to personally slith their throats. That is punishing a people who ve no power to change their biological makeup. Obama support will change all this since his campaign was for CHANGE.

Anonymous said...

too many simple errors: down syndrome is NOT missing a chromosome...google it...U.S has 50 states NOT 52... if you can't fact check something that simple, you shouldn't be a writer "editor in chief"

Even if you disagree with something, make a more valid point than "it will become fashionable" and spread.
example: many catholic priests do not marrying or having kids has that spread and affect everyone else???

live and let live

Unknown said...

Why all the worry and talk? Anybody that wants to gay my a**, I cut off his pecker and feed it to my cat or dog. Shikenah! Just take precaution like me. Keep a butcher's knife close by when you sleep and make sure you only close one eye. If you are toasted by one as some actually have the guts to do sometimes, invite them home after taking an overdose of purgative. That way, you can spray them with natural perfume from behind. Don't bother to drive them away after that; they won't come back. What arrant nonsense. How stupid can a guy be than to stick his kick starter into a sh*t hole? Might as well fill a tin with his sh*t and stick his pecker in it. It's called "Odeism". Lol o - o - o!

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