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Thursday, 26 February 2015
Photos: Pres. Jonathan dons military uniform as he visits Baga, Mubi

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1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»I tell you this my people as the Lord is telling me to do right now! Many of you have been told by your pastor to pray against "generational curse". I tell you today, it is true and real. Read this scripture 2 kings 5:26-27.... some of you are suffering from the sins of your fathers and forefathers and because of this, things have not been working for you till date . it's until you pray and be prayed for concerning this, you won't get liberated!
NOW LISTEN : don't be ashamed to follow the leading of the Holy spirit, don't turn deaf ears to this.. Get your liberation today and join the testifiers. It is well with you! @Bishop_Dammy
lol.. very early. #saibuharu
And what is the reason behind his camouflage? May ALLAH save us from this clown of a president.
Commander in Chief of the Army force! Isn't that what he is? God bless Nigeria. Psalm 121:7-8. @Bishop_Dammy
Him try
The uniform doesn't fit him joor
Still Sai Baba
Oh I love this....my president this uniform fit u die I swear! GEJ ka anyi ma!
general joe.
That man in agbada tho...
Wearing military uniform doesn't change any single thing... Election time and he suddenly remember he has to tackle boko haram
all dis 1 na wash rinse and spread
This man is too fake! Does he have what it takes to wear that uniform? ! Is it beans?!
Even if done sincerely,it sucks cos its done during the campaign period when he said on national TV that his presence in borno and other bh areas was of no use as he won't be the one fighting the insurgents.
For what it's worth,weldone sir
God bless u Mr president..GEJ till 2019
Even if done sincerely,it sucks cos its done during the campaign period when he said on national TV that his presence in borno and other bh areas was of no use as he won't be the one fighting the insurgents.
Has anyone ever seen Obama in military wear a soldier's uniform?! It makes no gaddem sense!
Chibok is less than an hour away from Baga...just saying
Well done the bravest civilian president!
You now have my vote.
I repent from supporting APC as i can see you truely listen.
God bless you.
Yea he came with all the security in Nigeria....
Well done the bravest civilian president!
You now have my vote.
I repent from supporting APC as i can see you truly listen.
God bless you.
Good. Hope he keeps up the good work till 2019
Our amiable commander in chief of the armed forces.Federal Republic of Nigeria.There is no vacancy in Aso rock until 2019.Buhari will loose again as he always do.
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}
\f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 For 6 years he didn't visit any of d boko haram affected towns...Buh 6 weeks to election he now practically lives there...so that after voting for him, he abandons dem 4 anoda 4 years...no Sir I refused to be fooled and used
Very good job my presido...biko keep on working, d Lord is your strength. GEJ till 2019👍.....D seat is not vacant.
GEJ is really Listening and learning from criticism
This man needs to get some rest, his eyes are so puffed up....
That is my commander-in-chief wow
When I will be better than you though
Good one Mr President. But unfortunately, it's way fu*kn' too late for that...................Sir.
Major gen good luck ebele Jonathan
GEJ dey form swags lol
If to say I dey there, I will kick that stick he is resting and balancing his bum bum, so that he will fall yakata for ground.
Kudos to my gallantryyyy soldiers
That's my commander-in-chief
On his camouflage
When I grow up, I will be better than u. Sure GEJ till 2019 or till 2023 lol
Very good!!! Bravo!!! #GEJtill2019
Oga Jona, why now so active?
6 weeks postponement can bring about lot of changes but sorry, too late.
PLS wat do ya hates of good ish have to say,for me I will continue to say his a good man and he should be given a second chance.
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Nice one Mr President. Good Morning!
Our presido don old ooooo chiaaaaaa pele its well oooooo.
I'm an APC guy...but I do applaud this visit of GEJ (although late),it will boost the morale of the troops and the President has grown some balls as He is not wearing any bullet proofs.
He looks like dondi sola.
Key man! Always on point.
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Timely visit. Very good of him to go there and lift up the spirits of the soldiers
some ppl are just so desperate.
Gen. Gej... :p
Good morning Mr president.
Good morning to you sir, na now you dey wake up. Linda take note!
Good morning to you sir, na now you dey wake up. Linda take note!
Good morning to you sir, na now you dey wake up. Linda take note!
Good morning to you sir, na now you dey wake up. Linda take note!
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Lol. 2 become buhari is not by force. Looking cool though
He looks good in dt uniform...
Who doesn't look good in Army uniforms anyways?!
yessoooo dat my presido....congrats to the Nigeria army..GEJ will also wipe bokohari out come March 28
Why now?
I love Bros Jona!!!
Nice one Mr. President, the Military need that encouragement and praises to enable them do more.
Political propaganda
Nice one Mr. President, the Military need that encouragement and praises to enable them do more.
He looks nice
Gej till 2019
All na for show... Nice acting .. Am sure the director of these is as good as kunle afolayan
In 3weeks GEJ and his military chiefs took over the towns held by bokoharam , all for the bid to be reelected , meanwhile he sat and watched for years while lives are properties were been lost...
He indeed failed us as Nigerians
This is good Mr presido now a lot of Nigerians will believe that baga and other part of north east has be recaptured
My presido
Clowns. Desperate act of a sinking Man.
Major Gen.GEJ.I dey troway salute ooo.
Welldone to d military. GEJ looks funny on dat uniform in d 1st pic.
Good tailors/fashion designers needed urgently. Female Preferably. If interested please contact me on eniola_120@yahoo.com. God Bless
politic....oga jona we re wiser nowwww
Yeah!!! Now Dude is lookin like a real Commander in Chief. He shld ve done this earlier.
you have done well mr president,please help get our girls back
Lmaoooo i swear our president is a clown.All this wearing of uniform and snapping of dozens of pix all to show he's competent? Hahaha politicks is indeed a job for dirty hands.choi
Buhari is flying to london lol he can never rule nigeria again.old fool
Apple fanboy
Late commer...............
Him be like fool. Desperate PDP
Yes! Our president at work.
Linda, I have noticed that you stylishly campaigning for GEJ and it means u are not different from those celebrities that collect 'bribe' frm politicians Nywayz we all Voting for #Change
That was a good one from Jona... But lets vote someone who ll bring the Best for us.. Change..
. <<100%Nigerian>>
The GCFR doing his things,naija military doing his thing
This is what he should have done a long time ago. Anyway, it is better late than never. I must commend him on the efforts they have put in so far to eradicate insurgency.
Lmao, not to take from the valiant effort of our troops, but gej looks like okoro feeling funky. Trying to copy the king of Jordan. Next we will see a picture of him in planes leading air strikes. Oshisko. #epicfaill
Hmmmmm... see as our presido b like otono
GEJ al d way!
Hahaha. And suddenly, he knows what's right to do. All calculated moves. Abi hin advisers don dey advise am rightly?
This man is just calling us stupid. So it is this simple for him but he just won't do it until election
Hahaha. And suddenly, he knows what's right to do. All calculated moves. Abi hin advisers don dey advise am rightly?
This man is just calling us stupid. So it is this simple for him but he just won't do it until election
Uncle Jona, we the people of Nigeria has got ur back.We won't allow thugs, the yoruba demi god and a dictator to hijack Nigeria.
6 weeks election PR. Mtchew, after 13000 plus has been killed n millions displaced. Not impressed.
Vote no fight
That's my man...GEJ all d way
GEJ 2019
GEJ 2019
GEJ 2019
Chief of Army Staff really looks good on uniform
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This is a much needed morale booster. You go Mr. President.
GEJ busy with paparazzi while bomb rocks jos..
Only if you had done all of these jona....I dont think anybody will be contesting against you.
This is just makeup. Deception at its peak. Hypocrisy of the highest order.
Hahahaha! Is he tired already?��������
Make dey give am gun so that he go enter batlle ground ooooo
Make dem give am gun so that he go enter battle ground
He looks super cute in the uniform
Well done sir!We appreciate you.
Na today? E don teyyy!
E no easy o!
...The fear of Buhari is the beginning of wisdom! Lol
Uncle jonah don dey gather liver nw o....
Bravo GEJ luv u. Haters go n die.
Foolish Wicked GEJ....acting and taking photos because of elections.
Come what may...you will still be gone in March!!!!
I love this new GEJ. Please keep it up and flush BH from Nigeria
He looks fuuny...
I love this new GEJ. Please keep it up and flush BH from Nigeria
.. and my president wakes up at dusk
I don't know who 2 vote 4 seriously.... The more i try to let go of Good luck d more he is trying to get me....but Mr president u know try 4 us wey b student o....I just love to av a calm educated president....working tho
Good one. Thanks for boosting there moral
Hhmmmm!! Thank you Jesus! Dis is God in action. Thank u Lord for d victory. Kudos to d officers! By d way the uniform looks good on u Mr president.
I thought they said he was fit! Why is he sitting down on his cane? Hahahahah!
Campaign at work
This man @ GEJ is still hale,hearty and feat..nice one sir
I love this guy called GEJ, courageous and intelligent. Buhari boko boys, ur days are numbered. The galant boys has taken action. Be warned! GEJ till I marry Linda!
GEJ till I marry Linda!
I love this guy called GEJ, courageous and intelligent. Buhari boko boys, ur days are numbered. The galant boys has taken action. Be warned! GEJ till I marry Linda!
GEJ till I marry Linda!
What is he sitting on?
Too much too late.
Chai don age overnight. Problems of this country.
Presido Gej tried for this one. LIB EMPiRE
chai...Jonathan so fake...so election mk am dey go everywhere.... he's trying too hard....Mr president, abeg e don do...wetin...awa o koyen je o
what's with the walking stick?
what's with the walking stick?
Good thing about this whole election is that for once jonathan is being kept on his toes , even those places he never saw the need to visit before, he is now there.
So who say Jona no go win come March 28.
Talk am make I slap you... GEJ till 2019.
It looks good on him...
That's nice.... I personally do not get Sambo, as much as his position is determined by who becomes the next president does that really call for him nonchalant attitude and poor PR...... just pisses me off I swear.
This man should be a nollywood actor.......No one can't change God's I believe!!!
He looks good in the uniform
Good one Mr president
Nigerians love you
GEJ my presido
March4jonathan all d way...mr president better late dan never.n u 4 join army o,uniform fit u small :D #kaks
That's my presido, nice attire
He looks stupid
He looks really stupid
Yes!thats my presido right there,doing his thing........may God continue to direct him and give him more wisdom to do better!!majority of Nigerians are behind u sir....ride on!!!!!
Looking like a moron as usual, along with his obese "generals."
The only Civilian permitted under Military Law to wear Military Kit. Awww I wish he had done this and visited a long time ago.
Oh Well! But wait oh, Why did Oga Adegbe ADC not arrange desert Camo boots for the CinC?
Eyya its easy hw we 4get thngs. These soldiers rushin to snap pic wt d guy that understimated their oponents and let them 4dead for six yrs
Am loving Mr President, long live federal Republic of Nigeria
Don't worry it's not the man they are snapping the picture for. It's the Office of the President. Soldiers are trained to respect the Office of CinC no matter who sits there. They are Guardians of the Presidency. It don't mean that their wives, and 18 year old children and mothers and father's won't vote in someone else to power.
Gallant GEJ,Lets Flush boko out,#BUHARIGOHOME
D uniform suits him.
Jonathan is a failure
this man should step aside pls
Yes I agree. He finally is playing the PR card maybe a big deal but it is rather late. Too many have died. I simply can't forget and for those that have died, I'll vote for #CHANGE #MARCHFORBUHARI definitely SAI BUHARI
Jona is fooling his self and not Nigerians.....we r more wiiser than d trick mr prxy is trying to play....it is too late for all dis...goo to bed and sleep and let Buhari wake Nigerian Up to success.......
The bad guy is on agbada and a ray ban sun glass... watch-out for him my military brodas...i hail my president
Ur father is the clown idiot
U are not intelligent and it shows in your write up..
When you are hungry and without Power 4 years from now please do not complain. Do the right thing for your children and the children yet unborn. Vote for someone who truly can make a huge difference North South East and West.Vote for someone who knows the length and breath of Nigeria like the back of his hands.
Thank u o
Now i can confidently vote for Jonathan even tho I hated him but better late than never. One point worthy of note is that GEJ realised he failed woefuly on security and his will to correct that failure makes a good leader!
Weldone sir keep it up! All my former Buhari guys. Mehnnn I don portooo.
For real GEJ never talked back but worked on his feed back! Great leader
great move...
Some guys here ar just so stupid nd selfish,if GEJ no visit dem go talk,GEJ visit dem stil dey talk,hapa shey una want make ogun fire una ni,nd does fools kallin GEJ a clown,I sorry for una,cus even street chairman post una no fit get am again,,,GEJ carry go joo,let all his haters die or go hug a hot red transformer.
My fellow country men/women, pls learn how to respect ur elders cos 2morow u will also be an elder.! What goes around comes around. Pres jonathan is our father in nigeria so learn how to respect fathers cos he even father ur biological father! Whether ur pro or anti-jonathan/buhari just make ur point known and not insult.
If u like carry gun join, u on Ur way out of Aso Rock...
Challenge makes people stronger desperation destroys..I like the president Jonathan I'm seeing now hope he continues this way when he wins.
Watch your mouth!He is the commander in chief
Is Goodluck Obama???Is Nigeria America????How close have U paid attention to know that Obama hasnt?????
Be patrotic!or rather nationalise in America.thats if they will accept you.....
Is it not your Allah and his followers that are responsible for all the deaths we are complaining about? Or has the situation changed?
Hypocrisy will kill u. Dumb girl be lukin upto america, dey do mre worse tins dan Nigeria!! U had beta tnk God u r n nigeria. So many dumb libers tinkn america is perfect
still Sai Buhari
it's too late Mr president
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Who be dis monkey. With your bend mouth...ashewo mini kobo kobo.
Must you comment? All these nonentities for LIB sef
can see bows and arrows in the picture. abeg who is it for?.....this govt is a serious JOKE!!! wen the terrorists r ending people's lives with bombs and more complicated weapons we r struggling to buy crude weapons in this 21st century.
So what happened to visiting all these troubled ststes all these years. And why is it that they were confident of dealing with boko haram in 6weeks and in that time they made headways than they had in years. He is suddenly in baga after all these months and years of killings. Things are not adding up. Seems like systematic genocide or non- chalant attitude by this govt towards the insurgency in the north. Also why is this man suddenly active in election time. People are upset and he doesn't know the scale of their annoyance.
Posters on here hailing saying stuff like "this is my president" or "he looks cool in uniform" likewise haven't got a clue about governance or tbeir rights as citizens. Right to all the benefits enjoyed in a country has huge revenues from oil.
lool. na real good morning. Sai Buhari!
Clown of a president indeed
Zainab the mumu and big clown fool wey no get respect
Spoilt the show.
I've seen George W. Bush in uniform. Besides, Obama isn't fighting any war currently.
This girl (hope say u be girl o) I too dey gbadun ur comments....now back to the matter. No mind the clueless ogogoro master, him think say na shakies joint them dey carry am go
am surprised Allah haven't strike u dead... aturu....
Common sense aint really common. Do ur research idiat
U dare not call Buhari a clown if he is president tho... Kirikiri awaits such persons
Rome was not built in a day... With time, power can only get better!
Read The scripture before determining if he is Intelligient or not.
God bless u GEJ
Brother even you , you know Buhari can't win Jona.
Is America same as Nigeria? If he wants to wear naval uniform he can. He is their grand commander by virtue of his position.
It's unbelievable dat GEJ successfully fooled most Nigerians, ask ursef why GEJ has allowed Bokoharam 2 kill many Northerners in the past 6years without attacking them, why is he attacking bokoharam just few weeks 2 elections. He's definitely playing politics wit d life of d people.
Please Pastor I need your number
So our president is now copying....lol
Soldier uniform with a walking stick...lmao
Presido do you know how late you are?12,678 souls late and still counting. These troops you are snapping with aren't fools.they know you need this media charade.i give it to you 6 weeks is all you need.
He is the President and COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES! He is supposed to don military fatigues when ever he visits!! Get education, it helps a lot!
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