This embarrassing scene happened at 10.40am yesterday morning around the 7up area of Ikosi Road
(Lagos-Ibadan Road inwards Ikosi rd) beside FRSC office. FRSC officials lost control and created a live boxing and
wrestling scene to the amazement of the public. What happened was; they tried to stop a truck driver and when he didn't stop, they resorted to being physical with him
to the extent of climbing the moving truck and trying to forcefully take control
of it.
Even when the
truck started rolling back, they concentrated on assaulting the driver
instead of saving imminent danger of a likely accident. They managed to get the truck driver out of his vehicle and proceeded to assault him. More pics after the cut...
This is so unfair
Na wa o,what is all this nonsense???smh
This is so unfair
Na wa o,what is all this nonsense???smh
Lawlessness and Nigerian Society
FRSC officials need good orientation, bullshit! D truck driver has his own case too*sigh*
FRSC officials need good orientation, bullshit! D truck driver has his own case too*sigh*
Its nt fair...
They are always like that though there are some good ones among them shaaaa. ..
How can change come when these idiots can't even tell their left from their right?
Agbero in
All these so called frsc,lastma oo,they are touts in uniform.
FRSC are not diff from thugs in operation, they always assault their victims
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
The people placing laws in this country are really lawless. . That's the problem we have.. i remember one jobless lasma man who tried to stop me for no reason near ikoyi club.. i almost broke his legs.. nonsense. . Always looking for pple to bully n extort money from.
This our law enforcement agencies do they really under go training??? The stories we hear abt dem sha
That's what happen in a collapsed country where senators are tout it also trickles down.
I weep for my dear country niga.
Nigeria my country. Wen will all these stop.
Phew! They've been warned severally not to use force on cars in motion to avoid collateral damage.
I'm sorry,they have no right to physically assault him,but he deserves it 1)u are meant to obey this officials,he probably doesn't have a license or a paper dats y he refused stopping 2)you know how violent this officials can get,so y no just stop?? He's lucky he wasn't shot.. And d FRSC officials dat beat him up shud be sacked. Shikena
When will law enforcement agencies learn to respect human rights
Even if the truck driver is wrong
They don't have any right to beat him or even touch him at sef
In developed countries even terrorist sef are not even tortured
Talk more just a mere traffic offender
Pls human right activist should help this man
The FRSC are to be sued for assault
He deserves to be beaten black & blue regardless, he shd hv complied to stop when asked to...all these reckless truck drivers.
When will law enforcement agencies learn to respect human rights
Even if the truck driver is wrong
They don't have any right to beat him or even touch him sef
In developed countries even terrorist sef are not even tortured or beaten
Talk more of just a mere traffic offender
Pls human right activist should help this man
The FRSC are to be sued for assault
*smh* Nonsense people! They will meet someone their match soon!
all dis people self
Hmmm....what am embarrassment. Since when did FRSC started assaulting people?
This unnecessary show of shame won't happen if Nigeria were developed enough.
Were they high?!
See how that FRSC official opened his mouth lol@1st pix.
Thats how these guys chased a bus driver to his death in my area.Not funny @ all.I think the FRSC should come up with efficient ways of tackling road offenders instead of this moribund ways !
Nigeria is a lawless country
Behaving like animals
FRSC officials that are supposed to mind the road and make sure there is no traffic are there fighting like touts........
Is that even legal ??
This people FRSC or what do you call them are becoming another Nigeria Police. They always extort money from public asking for vehicles particulars as if they are V.I.O.
The truck driver should ve stopped nah.
Lawlessness and Order. Road safety indeed
Mad men in uniform
Mad men in uniform
Dis FRSC people dey craze pass Police people. Anyways dats wot to expect wen you give touts uniform. Linda take note!
Dis FRSC people dey craze pass Police people. Anyways dats wot to expect wen you give touts uniform. Linda take note!
Dis FRSC people dey craze pass Police people. Anyways dats wot to expect wen you give touts uniform. Linda take note!
Dis FRSC people dey craze pass Police people. Anyways dats wot to expect wen you give touts uniform. Linda take note!
This is bad.....
Men on uniform always acting like world is in their palm
They just abuse the law any how they want,mtchew...
Okay, Road safety, has started behaving like the Nigerian police? Dats a new development
Dis is a country dat law keepers r known to b law breakers. Wht a show of shame dat sth lik dis stil happen in Nigeriam
Even though I don't support the extreme stupidity and * begology* carried out by the FRSC most times , But in this case i stand with the uniform boys minus the panel beating .
I mean boko haram and their group can transport their weapon through such sources so he could have stopped when he was asked to do so .
They went too far based on the treatment they melted out to him, but he asked for it .So in this case, both the FRSC & truck driver failed it .
But the pics looks as if its the truck driver who is dealing the the FRSC guys.
Vote no fight!!!
Na today? Shameless set of people.
These truck drivers can be annoying...
They should be dealt with
Na wa o! He don settle them?
nice photos. d camera man did a good job.........................#6God
But they are not the military na?abi are dey not para military?do they have right to physically assault?someone educate me biko nu
when did frsc learn to beat people?............................#6God
when did frsc learn to beat people?............................#6God
Nonsense....This Frsc pple are so annoying
I believe such officials are meant to be prosecuted under the law.
Police, soldiers and frsc, God will save drivers from them
Thucks on the road with uniform, nonsense!
very bad people
WTF must have happend?? Are dey criminals? Dis country sha! Smh
FF on IG n Twitter @Osirmah
The 2nd pics d offixial tryn 2 enta d wheels or what:-/
Why wouldn't the truck driver stop is the pertinent question? We shouldn't always be quick to judge the authorities. Why didn't the driver stop?
Show of embarrassment. But some of these truck drivers r crazy tho. Sometimes i personally wish i could kick some of them in the face.
Bad one! Bt, oga driver y didn't u stop nau, ehhn?
This is unfair
Thank u so much, dey drive as if der father owns d whole road nt even minding d small cars. My lever always cut wen ever I want 2 over take dem cos u wl v 2 horn n horn till u pass dem. FRSC shd teach dem more lesson jare, dey r too full of dem svs
Why them dey fall this guy hand like this nw....
This is the main reason America refused to sell arms to us cos our military likes abusing civilians
This is the main reason America refused to sell arms to us cos our military likes abusing civilians
lol. stupid frsc.
Was the FRSC officer trying to enter the steering @ 2nd pics ? All this officers should undergo training !
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They should be suspended and reoriented, psychic evaluation is important coz of the proper thug agbero attitude they display on highway thereby constituting nuisance on highway.
These are reasons why motorist don't stop. I'm not excluded.
Show of force...
Lets not miss the first point. HE REFUSED TO STOP. It was not as if they just started assaulting him for no reason. If you refuse to stop, you have disobeyed the law and could pose danger to others while trying to get away.
Nevertheless it is wrong to beat him up
Human Being No Be God
Imagine. They almost causes the accident that they should be preventing. What an embarrassment.
Linda,what type of grammatical blunder is this?
"instead of saving imminent danger of a likely accident."
not in support of assaulting anybody but whats his explanation for not stopping in the first place
untrained officers
now with this show of madness i can confirm that about 21 million Nigerians are really mad like one doctor said.
All FRSC officials that dont have respect that treat people anyhow.
Not surprised @ all...
Not surprised @ all...
Not surprised @ all...
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The duties should be spelt out, they hardly know what is expected of them.
All this uniform men can fuck up some times
I'm not an FRSC officer and I can't be sure what transpired here, but one basic rule of law 'enforcement' irrespective of whether Police,FRSC,Customs or immigration or even vigilante is 'the degree of force in ENFORCEMENT is determined only by the level of RESISTANCE by the defaulter I.e criiminal/offender/suspect e t c The driver refUsed to stop! let's not make out like that's a good thing! I expect a professional attidude from FRSC men but I expect Niigerians to be civil too.
The simple truth is that most of us were not there when it happened. But, the duties of this officials should be specifically spelt out to them. Do they actually have the right to assault fellow citizens? Are they supposed to fight, not even respecting the uniform they are wearing? This is really preposterous!!! The road user truck guy should be charged with the particular law fine while the official sacked.
Now we know why those strange accidents occur.
Hope their bosses hear about this stupidity
Truck drivers behaves like kings on the road, they are the cause of most accidents on Nigerian roads... Why didn't he stop? Is he above the law? Probably he knocked someone down....that's how they killed my neighbour at oshodi with their reckless driving. Good for you.
90% of drivers on Nigeria roads have mental problems. What do you expect?
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