I caught my husband cheating - so I trashed his £100k Porsche, cut up his clothes, fought him for control of my company, by Michelle M | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 24 February 2015

I caught my husband cheating - so I trashed his £100k Porsche, cut up his clothes, fought him for control of my company, by Michelle M

One of Britain's most flamboyant businesswomen and Ultimo bra tycoon Michelle Mone wrote in her book 'My Fight to the Top' about how her marriage became a battle more bitter than any she'd faced in a  boardroom, how she exposed his affair, and plotted her revenge. Very interesting. Read below.... 
As a kid growing up in one of the most working class parts of Glasgow, I vowed that one day I’d have a house like the ones I saw on my favourite TV programme, Dynasty.
Sure enough, the six-bedroom mansion which my husband Michael and I bought in 2008 had a sweeping staircase, just like the one featured in the home of the fabulously wealthy Carrington family.

There was also a huge walk-in wardrobe containing 100 pairs of Louboutin shoes and racks of dresses costing £4,000 a pop.

Downstairs we had a bar, a cinema with reclining leather chairs and even a nightclub out the back, not to mention five flashy cars on the driveway including Michael’s £100,000 Porsche.

To top it all, the house was in an affluent village ten miles from Glasgow which is known as Millionaires’ Row. For me, it couldn’t have been more perfect — but my parents hated visiting me there.

‘It’s like a show-home,’ Mum shuddered, and she was right. I had installed four dishwashers because I couldn’t bear the sight of dirty plates, and our three kids were forbidden ever to put a pine coat-hanger into a walnut wardrobe, knowing that it would freak me out.

Once I returned from a business trip and found that the salt grinder had been left out in the kitchen. Panic. I needed to check nothing else was out of place.
Only after I’d opened the cupboards one by one and ensured that the food labels were all facing the same way did I feel in control again.

This obsessive compulsive behaviour was a manifestation of my deep-seated unhappiness. I found comfort in regimenting the small things around me because I felt out of control in a much bigger part of my life — my marriage.

As I’ve explained in this series, my marital problems began soon after the launch of our Ultimo lingerie brand in 1999. Going to work became like walking through a minefield, our boardroom meetings constantly interrupted by one or other of us storming out, and the arguments continued at home where our sex life was virtually non-existent.

Incredibly, I never considered divorce. I came from a background where you got on with it, no matter what. But the beginning of the very dramatic end came in the summer of 2011 when I appointed 31-year-old Samantha Bunn as our new head of design.
She was nine years younger than me and I took her under my wing. She was having big problems with her boyfriend so I felt sorry for her and said she could live in our guest annexe, right next door to the main house.

I treated her like a family friend. Some nights I invited her over for dinner and we’d all sit around the kitchen table, chatting and laughing. But soon she started pushing the boundaries.

At work, she was always in Michael’s office, flirting and flicking her long dark hair. Michael shut the door, something he never usually did, but I could see what was going on because of the design of our headquarters. Built in the shape of a breast — well, we had made our fortune selling bras — they had glass walls everywhere.

While I was away on business, Sam started popping around for dinner with Michael and the kids. One night I saw him lifting a bottle of red out of the wine rack and he told me he was taking it next door because Sam had texted to say she’d run out. An hour later he returned, claiming they had been just ‘talking’.

After that, I was constantly asking Michael if he was having an affair and his answer was always the same — ‘You’re mad, you need to be sectioned’.
He told everyone, even my parents, that I needed psychiatric help, but my suspicions continued to grow at our office Christmas party where Sam giggled into his ear and he ignored virtually everyone else.

I wanted to go home at 7pm so the staff could let their hair down without us around, but Michael refused to leave. That night, I paced our bedroom waiting for him to return. Finally, at 3.30am, I heard a taxi pull into the drive and the two of them giggling.

That was it. I’d had enough of this heartache and nobody made a fool out of me. I confronted him and we had yet another explosive argument and barely spoke for the next week.

When it got to Christmas Day we agreed that we’d put on a happy front for the sake of the children, who were then 12, 15 and 19, but after taking the turkey out of the oven Michael suddenly walked out.

It was awful. I was crying and so were the kids. He didn’t come back until Boxing Day morning, and we agreed then that our marriage was over. I put out a Press statement to that effect because that way I knew there could be no going back, and I could draw a line under it and finally move on.
The release made no mention of Sam. I was doing this for closure, not out of spite, but Michael remained adamant that there was nothing happening between them, and I wanted proof that there was to reassure both myself and my family that I wasn’t going mad, as he had kept insisting I was.

So I decided to flush them out like rats. That January, the two of them were due to visit our factories in Hong Kong with some of our technical staff and I gave details of their itinerary to a private detective recommended via contacts of my friend, Carol Vorderman.

I’d got to know Carol well after we starred together on Celebrity Apprentice, and while Michael and Sam were away in Hong Kong she took me out to lunch in London to cheer me up.
Halfway through our meal I got a call from the private detective, suggesting we meet urgently. He came to the restaurant, took me aside, and handed me a big brown envelope.

Inside I found pictures of Michael snogging Sam at the airport and of her going back to his hotel room. Deep down I knew my marriage had been over for years, but I still felt indescribable pain. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground crying, comforted by Carol who ran over and wrapped her arms around me.
Back in Scotland my grief turned to anger. After texting Michael to tell him that he had been caught red-handed, I grabbed a knife and went to town on his beloved Porsche, scratching it to shreds.

Then I charged round to the guesthouse where Sam was living — thanks to the kindness which she had betrayed — and threw all of her possessions into the garden, the dressing table along with them. I was like a banshee.
I then kept calling Sam’s phone until she picked up.

 You b****, you lied to me,’ I screamed.
‘It’s not like that,’ she stuttered. ‘It only started a few days ago.’
‘You’re a liar and you’re fired,’ I blasted.
When Michael got back from Hong Kong, the first thing he raged about was his Porsche.
‘My f***ing car,’ he yelled. ‘You’ll pay for that.’
‘You’re lucky I didn’t set fire to it,’ I replied.
In the coming weeks, he told the press that there had been no relationship with Sam prior to our split at Christmas — and I even got a letter from her lawyers saying that she was suing me for unfair dismissal.
What was I supposed to do? Sit down and design bras with her? I would probably have stuck the needles and scissors up her backside, but my lawyer advised me to pay her off and she wasn’t the only cost. I also had to give Michael £8,000 for the damage to his car. But the fighting between us was not over even then. 

Any reasonable person who’d had an affair would have moved out of the family home, but Michael tried to insist that it was I who should go. There was no way I would leave my house and my kids, and what followed was like that film The War Of The Roses in which divorcing husband and wife Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner try everything to get each other to leave the house and end up in a fight to the death.

Every night there was a race to the master bedroom. Whoever was there first got the bed. I put his favourite shirts and cufflinks in the bin. I let down his car tyres. I cut holes in all his boxer shorts. I put laxatives in his coffee on the day that he and Sam were going to a wedding — God only knows if that worked. Michael probably did things to me too because quite a lot of my stuff went missing, but somehow we remained under the same roof for eight months before agreeing to alternate weeks at the house.

On the day I moved out to a hotel for his first week I crept up to the master bedroom, pulled back the luxurious throw and threw a bucket of cold water over his side of the bed before replacing the covers.
Later the kids phoned to ask why I had done this and, looking back, I can see I was selfish. I should have thought about the effect all this would have on them, but it was my way of getting my hurt out.
At the same time, I was also fighting Michael for control of the company. Who would buy out who? It started with a low blow from him. ‘You’re fired,’ he said one day, pointing at me as if he was Lord Alan Sugar.
I’d always left the legal side of things to him and now learned that he had somehow ended up with 48 per cent of our shares, compared with my 47 per cent. But still he needed 50 per cent to control the business and I managed to persuade Tom Walker, a silent shareholder who owned 5 per cent, to back me, and together we had more power than Michael.
That was round one of what felt like the longest boxing match in history. Whatever punches Michael threw I got up the next day ready for battle.
He might have been more intelligent than me — he was a university graduate whereas I had left school at 15 with no qualifications — but I had more fight and stamina, although I was crying myself to sleep and downing a bottle of wine a night to numb the pain of it all.
With news of our problems now public, the company value crashed as customers wondered what was going on. Eventually I managed to find new backers, but they would only invest if Michael left — and he refused to accept what was being offered for his shares.
Finally, in February 2013, with only weeks to go before we went under, our bank told Michael that he had to accept the deal. That same day I agreed with him the paperwork for our divorce, and soon afterwards we sold the house.

The biggest battle of my life was finally over, and in August 2013 the kids and I moved into a once derelict Victorian building in Glasgow which I had spent months transforming into our new dream home. Living there was a new beginning for us, and the feelings of bitterness which used to eat me up at night slowly vanished.

Not even the news that Michael had launched a rival lingerie company with Sam bothered me, and I wished them all the best on their recent engagement.

As for me, I hope that one day I’ll meet the perfect guy, but I’m not sitting around waiting for it to happen because there’s so much I still want to achieve.
These days I want to spend more time with my kids, and more time working on ‘me’, and so I have sold 80 per cent of Ultimo, hanging up my bra as Chief Executive.

I’m still working out what I want to do with the next chapter of my life. It will definitely involve lots of motivational speaking, inspiring other people to make the most out of their lives, and if there’s one lesson I’ve learned above all, it is that material things do not bring you happiness.
If only I could go back in time and tell that to the little girl who sat at home in the East End of Glasgow, watching TV with her sausage-and-chips supper on her knees and dreaming of the riches she saw on Dynasty.
Culled from her book - My Fight To The Top


Unknown said...

Too long
Their biz tho

NMaa said...

Too long. No comment

Unknown said...

Dem No Born You Well To Try That In Nigeria... Rubbish...
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Anonymous said...

serves hm ryt!!!


Anonymous said...

she is evil, i dont read such


Unknown said...

Biko the reading is much, will do it later

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

SheHelpHerSelf, nexxxtt!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

SheHelpHerSelf, nexxxtt!

Unknown said...

too bad

Unknown said...

hmmm o boy. some men sha smh

snowflix said...

This is serious #onelovefromsnow#

Unknown said...

I wish a lot of urs could actually read thru and learn one or two lessons. Quite inspiring

Unknown said...

Men can't stop! Lolo1

Unknown said...

Come and do it here in Nigeria,nah die you go die


Too long a story.


Unknown said...

Felt like i was reading a novel... But men tho, y put everything at stake,all uve worked for just cause u wana taste another pussy?

Unknown said...

Summarize please, someone.

naijaboard said...

D lady must be under spell to trash that kain money..

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Finally did read it! Quite interesting

Anonymous said...


Oly said...

It shows that all that glitters is not gold, behind that lady with the latest lexus, might be a very unhappy and sad woman who wishes that she can be like you even if its just for a second.

Unknown said...

Dastardly man. Bravo to the lady, she's tenacious and strong. Karma will do the rest.

Anonymous said...

Girl power!

Unknown said...

Lol @DJ STELCH. Its obvious you didn't read d article, probably bcos its lengthy. The husband nor try at all. He deserves what he got.

@Sophia Stephen

Unknown said...

Too Long!! mbok!!

Unknown said...

Strong and bold woman, like dat.

She said...

Jules said...

Funny, interesting and painful story...men and cheating!

Ym said...

Great read...To be Happy It doesn't take living like a king or a fancy house.Its who you love and who loves you.

Uzoma Victor said...

Wow! The book will make an interesting read. She's as real as they come. Lol

Anonymous said...

There is something about trying to get even when you are wronged by a person you loved.you can never move on you would just be moving round in cycles trying to payback.who has time ,next pls

Unknown said...

Oh Jesus! Wot a tale!
Many a time wen i c such tins on marriage, i shrink! Cos I no its not a bed of roses! God help mi!

Unknown said...

you really try
don't try these with 9ja man

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

uwa said...

HMM ...You fought like a warrior my dear .
Congratulations !
Bravo for walking out with your dignity and sanity . A broken marriage is a million times better than a dead partner with jail time and rejects .
Wish them the best and move on . Thank God for the the kids you got from him . You're still winning .The same way she slide in and out of your hubby pants will be same way she gonna lose him to another SAM !

Unknown said...

I’m still working out what I want to do with the next chapter of my life. It will definitely involve lots of motivational speaking, inspiring other people to make the most out of their lives, and if there’s one lesson I’ve learned above all, it is that material things do not bring you happiness.
If only I could go back in time and tell that to the little girl who sat at home in the East End of Glasgow, watching TV with her sausage-and-chips supper on her knees and dreaming of the riches she saw on Dynasty.

BLAQ said...

Wow very interesting. Don't knw y some men r always heartless and only think of themselves. Serves him right

Unknown said...

Chai! White pple nd dere wahala



And this are our future leaders?you can't read this?This is really worrisome.


Unknown said...

Some men are stupid shah.....

Anonymous said...

Just passing by

Unknown said...

Men and their covetousness, neva satisfied. What else was he looking for, having such a beautiful wife??? They (men) neva cease to amaze me. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Men and their covetousness, neva satisfied. What else was he looking for, having such a beautiful wife??? They (men) neva cease to amaze me. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Men and their covetousness, neva satisfied. What else was he looking for, having such a beautiful wife??? They (men) neva cease to amaze me. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Men and their covetousness, neva satisfied. What else was he looking for, having such a beautiful wife??? They (men) neva cease to amaze me. Linda take note!

Abeni said...

No comment

BluntIjebuChic'*GiFTED'* said...

this guys ain't loyal...you've gat to be smart with them...#GiftedDiva#

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story....dont bring your friend into your house.

Anonymous said...

Reasons why some women will never help others even they are capable...and the stupid man too who destroyed his home cos of a woman.

Juleslouis said...

Chai. This is sad. And sam thinks another woman won't replace her? Such a thin line btw love and hate. Don't blame rich women who sign prenups or refuse to be married.

Anonymous said...

Luv luv luv.....honest story, n educative...materials tins dont bring happiness

Anonymous said...

There is a thin line between Love and Hate. Men eh, why are we like this? He dey carry woman dey lash for the same matrimonial compound. After 19yrs!! Toto no dey ever full our belle. Kai!

Manuel Kunmi said...

Not bad

Manuel Kunmi said...

Good story

MEREZE said...

Very interesting read, you LIBers should read more, husband snatching is not a naija thing, its a global thing. Secondly she mentioned having no qualifications or certificates, but see how prosperous she was. Its only in Naija we kill ourselves on top Buhari's certificate.

Anonymous said...

There are loads of dumb brains commenting on LIB. This story is full lessons - the principal lesson is that money cannot buy happiness. Contentment is what matters. Another lesson is for wives. Do not bring a pretty lady near your husband........

Livvsreamblog said...

Too long abeg,almost burn out my MB

patty. said...

whoa, what women go through. The Sam will not go unpunished someone else will do same to her.

Unknown said...

Na wa ooooooooo

Unknown said...

@ the end of the day material this don't bring u happiness #word#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY #

Anonymous said...

Very touching Story, ve nothing but love 4 her!

OMA said...

Inspiring, money does not bring happiness. The kind and gentle are often taken for granted and their goodwill abused... LIFE

Onyx's Girlfriend (he isn't gay pls) said...

Abeg who wan read dis long tory na, no time biko. #happytues

nkem.I.P said...

The kind of woman I salute, you did the right thing and any next chapter please include God in it and you will see everything will work out great.

ary said...

Wow! A real life war of the roses literally. Pity how people you used to love become strangers.

Anonymous said...

The guy is an animal

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

wow,cant believe I finished reading this,I feel sorry for her,now I see why married women stop being friends with single ladies

Unknown said...

Maybe if u had taken time out to read the whole write up before rushing to the comment section u wud have had sometin more sensitive to say.... "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" is all there is to say.... I really wish her peace!

Unknown said...

wow,cant believe I finished reading this,I feel sorry for her,now I see why married women stop being friends with single ladies

Anonymous said...

Very very interesting, the rich also cry.

Unknown said...

I took my time to read all this it is heart breaking when you find out that those you love so much wil be the people that wil betray you,most women will do exactly what she did.feeling for her

Anonymous said...

Serves d him right...#queenmama...

Opeke said...

Wow! I'm speechless...I fear marriages these days biko.She showed her kindness and she paid back by cheating with her husband.Too bad....that's the one that caught my attention.

Victor said...

some lib commentors are so dull....so u cant take your time out to read and save your life....choi...lazy nigerian youth...mumu...readers are leaders......well to me...it was interesting but give me riches first,we would sought the rest out later....husbands dont cheat oooo


This is so inspiring, will love to get d book.

Anonymous said...

She really try...

Unknown said...

wow,men ar betrayals,de can deny even at a very obvious and glaring moment,tank God she divorced,she's free again,

Anonymous said...

Very strong lady am pround of you

GALORE said...

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned


obiora said...

She is strong.,but kinda sounds selfish.

Anonymous said...

It was a lovely read and scary too. How a very small thing could wreck so much. So sad Nigerians are not readers. The things that they need to know could easily be placed in a long article and it would elude them all. Sometimes gifts are given in articles like this and a lot of Nigerians would reject the gift only because the article is long. I guess that's why Nigerians are still basic or primitive people.

Anonymous said...

Olodo...nothing is too long to read

AMIJEZ said...

Is this for real or a movie?

Unknown said...

Bravo !!!......the woman is a brave beautiful woman


Unknown said...

Betrayal efrywhere,dey say its hard 2 tell whu has ur baq 4m whu has it long enough 2 stab u in it

xquisite said...

Hmmmmm! Touching. Men sha

Anonymous said...

too much series, u watch too much of revenge..

Unknown said...

Inspiring...,wealth really doesn't guaranty happiness. Somehow i like some of the things you did to him e.g poking of holes on his boxers,and the purging stuff...,that was naughty but it serves him right lol.

tosade of lagos said...

too long now biko

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Linda, thank u eeh!!!i will read in the night before going to bed.

prettiyz said...

Y is it that when u help pple they end up stabbing u in d back,sorry ma am just glad u were able to pick up what's left of ur life

Unknown said...


lafunky said...

Serve him right

Anonymous said...

Good read...
He deserves everything she did to him.
Foolish man that thinks he can have it all....May God continue to punish his cheating ass...
i do not pray for this but if someone does this to me I WILL FUCK HIM UP BIG TIME...

Sassy Blog said...

Men may God have mercy on deir soul
Linda if u like post ma comment

Unknown said...

Women can be dangerous. I dnt blame u my dear it hurts

Unknown said...

Too bad

Unknown said...

Wetin concern us...? Abeg park well! ~ceze

Unknown said...

Nice one she didn't show weakness and I like the part where the whole thing turned to. "The war of roses "

Unknown said...

wow,, I just love that woman. She is strong.... Lots of learn from these..

Unknown said...

ok nice story

юоруба чувак

Eniwealth said...

very interesting. me like

heytheredelilah said...

Gosh yall av to read this though. Ppl go thru stuff

Unknown said...

Dats nonsense. She don't luv d husband and I believe she dnt ve respect for the man

Anonymous said...

umm men see how you scatter a happy home because of woman and you a lady you bite the hand that housed you.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, READ and learn.

Mz Naija said...

So long but very interesting
Hmm...Nawa o

Anonymous said...

This is a lesson to all of us especially we ladys,before u bring someone to your house you have to no her well,because some ladies are born evil.before you know it they have destroyed your marriage. Sorry dear so pity

Unknown said...

i cldnt agree more...material things will never bring u happiness...dats wat i told my colleagues here,just yesterday which ofcourse will be tomao on earth...
Emy reporting from outerspace...formerly giveurselvesbrains

angeloski said...

that's not true material things can buy u happiness it all depends on what happiness means to you anyways. as for me it makes me happy .. i mean i get pretty excited when i get a new shoes.. smils

Subomi said...

long ass story.. soooo is the moral of the story dont let a stranger into your matrimonial home?

Anonymous said...

In her book, I believe she didn't tell the world how she drove the Husband nut. Nagging and abusing. Refusing the man sex and Intimacy thereby driving that Man to the Arm of a younger and caring Woman..... She has also decided to sell her shares now that her husband has left to show that all she wanted was to compete and control the Man... I hope next time she will do it right.

Chuks Bruno said...

quite touching

Unknown said...

Not holdin brief 4 the retarded Husband, bt u can bet ur ass that the scumbag wifed a Psychotic n violent woman. Let this not be my portion even when i cheat on my wife. Amen

Unknown said...

Gud 4 her

Unknown said...

Marriage ain't bed of roses....

SENO said...

''material things do not bring you happiness''
-Very instructive!

Anonymous said...

Very sad indeed. Divorce is evil and should be avoided at all cost.

See how a happy family was torn apart by his lust for other women

yawanow said...

Painful experience.
Love her courage and determination.
Money makes the world spin but not true happiness.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that our generation enjoy being lazy... So this is too long for someone to read. Yet we wonder why our educational system is so fucked and our graduates are mostly half baked.

Anonymous said...

Material things dont give happiness hmmm food for thought. Thanks Linda for this post its worth the time going through.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PRAYER said...

Stupid, insecure men all over the place. Parading themselves as gods. Thinking they can treat every woman anyhow. He's lucky he is not in Nigeria... Plenty options dey na. You can send holy ghost fire to scatter him and dat sam, or ask baba to render his dick useless so dat it wont stand again, or ask baba to make him as poor as a church rat, or even kill the faggot. Idiot. A woman helps you build your empire and you pay her back like this. Even the devil we reject you on the judgement day.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are Fake people I just saw that nobody comented on the story of the boy needing face change but its things like this they want to be part of. If that story was on england news now you see people who will sell one of their cars and donate to the boy.

Ijanyimitch said...

U have this kind fine white woman for a wife rice and pretty and u still cheat on her? Fool!!!!

Ijanyimitch said...


Unknown said...

The wealth isn't worth the pain,hurt,bitterness,betrayal to name a few. Just my opinion.

Same said...

Sam is a two faced slut! Who betrays a woman that put u in her home? A slut named Sam.

Anonymous said...

Its sooo touching! I felt for her

AMMY said...

I like her fighting spirit and im glad it ended well. I pray u find happiness soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This are the type of motivation that has destroyed the western society till date. That is why the most difficult thing in the country is keeping a home together. This type are agents of the devil who are promoting separation, women power arena hate. From her analysis she deliberately left her hubby in the hands of another woman only for her to turn round and claim victim. Just that the hubby too was stupid not to realize she too was having an are no other round fair all the while she was traveling for business. I keep saying it for a woman not to want her man mean she is already doing another man. It's a pity this are the reason crime and drugs are destroying the youths of the western world. Parents that see their homes as the last on their list and will sacrifice their children on the altar of ego, wealth arena fame. I will beg you Linda to post my comment as its important our people learn from this.

Jewel said...

So touching. Like her courage

Unknown said...

Truly Money doesn't bring happiness.

Anonymous said...

Na wa o. To all the people shout "too long to read", shame on you! It is a very interesting read. She and her husband handled the separation childishly. Seems like a lot of lessons learned.

MEREZE said...

Linda! Post my comment nau, wetin dey worry u, u dey use am fry egg?

Unknown said...

I love strong women like this
Men can't cheat on them and go free
Thank God she made it

LA' SUNSHINE said...

It's heatbreaking

Anonymous said...

So your plan is to cheat on your wife? You want her to behave while you're out screwing around. What a joke.

LA' SUNSHINE said...

What are you even saying ? do u know d pain she had to go through in all this?? so u want her to continue in such a relationship..

Unknown said...

Quite interesting! She has learnt her lessons in a hard way. Never invite someone into ur matrimony home.

Unknown said...

Quite interesting! She has learnt her lessons in a hard way. Never invite someone into ur matrimony home.

Irish Gold said...

Wealth can never give you happiness just the way money can never buy sleep.
But as a married woman why should u deny your husband sex and claim his doing it outside? even God himself enjoys seeing couples have sex. thats why they sell their home to the devil. western world my foot!

Unknown said...

O Boy!! U mean o. This one wey u wan join babalawo n holy ghost scatter the man is too harsh now.

Unknown said...

Waoh!that was really interesting and pathetic.if you help wahala if you no help trouble.

OBA'S BLOG said...

Na so

Anonymous said...

Lazy boy!

Unknown said...

Anon 4:36. If i can be in an open relationship what do u think stopz me from being in an open marriage. I am like a Jaguar, i luv my privilege n don't think i will blend well in Captivity. Cheerz.

Unknown said...

Interesting!!! ... too bad for d lazy asses who can't read up

Anonymous said...

No my darling...its loving urself first and d joy dt comes with inner peace

Unknown said...

Tell the man to write his own side of the story, bt I got no tym to judge! So sorry for the broken heart.

Anonymous said...


I J E said...

Even You Brutus...sorry...Bonario...lol. Fellas...develop a reading culture...Nothing is too long to be read joor...BTW....That man deserves worse...marriage sef

omotara said...

Did u frieking read the story? Respect my ass..i won't only thrash his car,i will thrash his manhood and make a barbecue out of it for his new love

Anonymous said...

Wetin naija man fit do?@least she still paid him for damages,if na naija man wen sorry enter plus begging 4rm family members,oyo is his case!ds naija men tin is over rated jare shioor

omotara said...

I pray for a worse wife for you..heartless human

Anonymous said...

ITS HARD FOR women to be nice to each other when things like this keep happening. Truly, hoes aint loyal AT ALL!!! why bring a strange woman into your house?

The open minded guy said...

This is very ridiculous seeing many of our ladies calling this a show of the strength of a woman. For me the woman already described herself as psychotic control freak. She took her time to described when they had no happiness in the marriage and how their sex life diminished and how her mother hated her high and vain lifestyle, how she tried to control everything even the containers of milk and milo in the cupboard and others, and how her biggest challenge was her inability to control the husband as well. All these happened when she was traveling around the world and God knows how many random sexual affairs she had because she doesn't love the man and no longer attracted to him sexually. the real trouble started when she brought in a female companion so she can keep her company while you starve the man of sex and every other thing a wife needs to do for her dearest one. When he took wine to her apartment and didn't come out early, she should have driven the evil woman out. then the man cheated with her and you decided to burn down your family and marriage of over twenty years. for me, that's the dumbest and the most selfish thing to do and by the response I have seen here, there is a real problem in our society. this woman did not give a thought about her children and the family all that matters was the revenge.its more like burning down your house because of a rat. At the end of the day, they are both losers but she loses more because she is lonely. Coming to the part when she says she would like to be a motivational speaker to tell people how best to make something out of their lives, I will rather not advice ladies to listen to this woman because her life is enough lesson. She was so selfish and avenging the husband matters to her more than her children, her business and everything else. she is an example of what not to become. I must also say that cheating on your spouse it not something to be encouraged at all but, I would like to hear from her husband as well before concluding... Linda I would appreciate if you post this. I know its very long just as your story, but I took my time to raed it...

Unknown said...

Interesting but can never happen in this part of the world...

Unknown said...

Omotara, y will u wish 4 a worst wife 4 me n what made u think i am Heartless. No need 2 answer cos they r Rhetorical as u ve never known me expect trollin tru my WordPlay on LIB. Bt u can bet ur ass that u jst claim ur portion in Life. Gudluck with that.

PRAYER said...

Before nko? He's very deserving. And some too.

Ubamode said...

Lazy Linda post my comment.

Unknown said...

Hi juliet, I rili admire the way u have stood out to be one of the most outstanding Libers with the phrase " Linda take note" strategy and the effort u have put to be very consistent in ur comments, am sure u will get an end of d year prize from Linda.
But I think if u put that effort, idea and strategy into something beta or start your own little biz u will have something beta for yourself by end of d year.
Trust me, u are very intelligent and smart.

Juliet take note!!!!

Anonymous said...

May God Almighty punish the man heavily. All these shameless men. If it was the wife that was sleeping with one of the small boys at the firm she will be branded a whore. He deserves worse. And may he never know peace. All the pain he put her through will be returned in multiple folds. Everything she lost may God take away from the husband. Useless man. Ah!!! she didn't even deal with him well. She should have DESTROYED him TOTALLY. As for the Sam. your situation will be worse. He left his beautiful wife that he had three children with for you. He will definitely leave your sorry ass for a cheaper girl or even a man if God wants to really punish you. The man will still get tired of you and when he is through with you the ex wife would now face you and finish you. Fool. May you rot on earth with nothing to show for yourself. May your loved ones abandon you the way you made a man abandon his wife. And May you live the rest of you miserable life in total unhappiness. Take heart woman. You will find happiness soon. Leave your ex husband with the slot. They deserve each other.

Unknown said...

Sounds more of fiction mixed with reality to me though a book like this will sell Linda my best today thumbs us

Unknown said...

Yes. Serves d idiot right!+ d lesson tho! Interesting

Unknown said...

Inspiring write up!!!

Unknown said...

I love her! Micheal deserves what he got and even more and let me tell those who said it can't happen in Naija, it will happen with an intelligent woman and not a mumu.

Unknown said...

Exactly! You said it all

Favour belle said...

Wowwwww..."material things do not bring you happiness"i just love that. She learned her lesson the hard way just because of helping a fellow but.....men will always be men. Smh

Unknown said...

Those of u typing "Too long...next!", it just goes further to prove the cliche "If u want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book". Lazy lots!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand these idiots who think they have to make a comment and can't take the time to read a article. How do U read books?
Anyhoo the lady was a little extra. For such an accomplished person, she needs to learn restraint. Well the husband too sef. Oju kokoro don't shiy where U eat.

Anonymous said...

Did you mean 'cringe'? Assuming you do kno the meaning of 'shrink' in the first place.
Thank me later

Unknown said...

Men shaaa

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring and eye opening. Material things don't bring happiness or fulfillment in life.

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring and eye opening. Material thing don't bring happiness or fulfillment in life.

Anonymous said...

Umoh what is ur problem? Are you ok? Please free her joor. Over sabi dey worry u. I. T .K means I too know

Anonymous said...

No vex when you are married try such nonsense with your hubby.

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