Dear LIB readers: I'm a newly wed and I'm going insane | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 23 February 2015

Dear LIB readers: I'm a newly wed and I'm going insane

From a female LIB reader;
I am contacting you because your platform is the only thing my husband reads and because of the diversity of the opinions I am hoping this helps. If you wouldn't mind, I would like you to make a post out of this so I can get people's view as I am going insane. I've been married for six months but my husband won't stop texting girls and exchanging pictures and the reason is because he wants to feel desirable and he sees nothing wrong with it. I am tired of talking about it as it seems like I am jealous and becoming a nag. Is it not wrong for a married man to keep texting girls and exchanging pictures?


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It is not a matter of right and wrong. He is who he is and you married him. unfortunately he seems to have a low self esteem to be seeking approval from others. sorry dear but this ain't changing any time soon

miss inahoro said...

eed to pray girl,he's ur man dear so talk to him calmly wen he is in a good mood,be naughty too,don't be that old furniture in his house,give him double of what he wants,no need to form again,he Don marry u...go to clubs,go for classy dinners,go to d beach,stay home to drink n fuck,soon he'd be too tired too text them single desperate girls

Unknown said...

Your guy clear disrespects you and is sick and desperately in need of psychiatric help. You obviously didnt know him and married him for the wrong reasons. He is your husband but obviously not your friend. The choice to remain in what portends to be an abusive relationship remains yours

ifedayo said...

It's really not good for your husband to be doing that because you marriage will be at risk and if I may ask wasn't he doing this before you got married, if was then you should not complain because it accepted him the way he is that is why you married him. If not then pray

Anonymous said...

Men re boys nd they need to be treated like one. My own advice show him 2 can play the game am not saying u shld cheat o
Stop talking about it nd concentrate on better things u re married. U re married use ur female instinct to keep ur family together. He wld soon get tired of it. Don't let any man give u hypertension. No man is worth that stress.

KC said...

My dear, d best thing to do is to ignore him. Get a hobby, keep urself busy. Another thing, STOP checking his phone Ãήϑ nw dat u hv discovered go on ur knees Ãήϑ cry to ur CHI.

As f̶̲̥̅̊ọ̥я u mr... Continue... One day dog go comot Ãήϑ come back to find another dog eating his bone.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this but the man shld wake up to marriage call too. He should also tell his wife what he expects from him

Unknown said...

@anonymous..... she was not telling her to sleep around. she was asking her if she was not aware that he cheats before they got married and also, told her to find herself instead if wallowing in pains, she should ignore, be happy, glow then the husband will see her radiance and come back home that was why I doff for her comment..... next time don't just read, interpret as well

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Thank you for that comment. Just as I told you earlier, try and read with ur brain open. Don't just read interpret as well. Men love bitches who doesn't give a damn about them doing wrong. If u are sad n looking old n faded they will put blame on u by saying " she stops looking good" but if you ignore their misdeeds and stay happy hence glowing and other men appreciate your beauty beside them. They will take a second look at you and appreciate the fact that you are God's gift to them then such man will change. Only few real men love real women.

Unknown said...

Arrange with ur brother, get ur brother a new blackberry, add him up on bbm, and on whatsapp, n Facebook with a different name that ur husband doesn't know and start texting him also and sending him ur pics as if it's 3 different men, and leave trails for ur husband to see me ur husband will sit up, men cannot stand their wife cheating o, them fit even die.

Anonymous said...

Yeh! 2 can play d game, he called u jealous, so he is also not xpected to be jealous when u start urs.

Anonymous said...

The marriage is even too young for this. The guy ain't matured enof 4 marriage hence he has no idea what marriage is about, he is still a boy cos y get married when ur not ready to settle down? Am sorry young lady ur obviously going thru hell,jst put ur hope n trust in God. #cute catty#

Unknown said...

Lol @ "too much babysitting"

Joy( said...

Linda where is my comment on dis post?

Joy( said...

I dont like it ooo i dont like it @ all,Y is it dat u dont like posting my comments?

Unknown said...

@ anonymous 11:11, are you the husband?

Anonymous said...

did you not see it coming while courting him?

Juleslouis said...

This is part of the havoc social media has caused! I don't even know what to say! This is new!

Anonymous said...

Talk to him heart to heart, he will understand.

Anonymous said...

Talk to him about it again and explain to him how the whole thing is affecting you and then wait for his response. If he changes for the better then he cares about the marriage, then if he don't change the ball will be in your court, either to walk away or live with it. If you walk away he will bring in those girls while u r gone. If you decide to live with it, get yourself busy with your job, professional exams or anything that can keep you busy, it maybe furthering your education etc. And don't bother yourself about whatever he does. He will be tired one day. So dear get busy with yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I wanted to post this on my own but hey, I better reply one of the most sensible comments I've read so far. I'm so excited about this post because this is what is happening in my home as we speak. Anonymous 10:35, thanks for your very sensible summary. For people who think the woman is snooping to have found out, people who think he must have showed signs and she ignored and other reasons, you may be wrong as that's my case as well. I don't have to snoop..he skypes with boxers,how about that? And we just got married a year ago..he never showed signs,he pretended to me all through our rather short courtship..I will never advise anyone to date a guy for less than a year before getting married,
To each his own..currently we live like flatmates, he calls all his old flings and exes, likes and even comments on any picture they post..I came to a conclusion that he's super insecure and constantly needs 'an outsider' preferably a female, to make him feel good about himself. I text him,flirty ones o,compliment him on his looks, do PDA as much as possible, publicly appreciate him while hanging
Out with friends or when we're alone, he's still
Not satisfied. What I do now is pray, take care of my twins(yes I just out to bed) and just recently I've decided to spoil my self silly,
New clothes, underwear, hairdo..Infact he's the one seeking attention now, sadly I don't feel that way about him anymore..I've been humiliated and disrespected, living for me and my kids now..that's it....s

Anonymous said...

Haaaa, you don enter one chance!

Anonymous said...

Haaaa, you don enter one chance!

Anonymous said...

Best of best comments..thank you!!! I hope you read this my dear husband, be a man and stop seeking attention from whores when you have a queen at home..nuff said!

Unknown said...

you are not married my sister..come to think of it how did you guys end up married. ?This email

Anonymous said...

Hello all-i wish you understand how pretentious human beings are, you would never say "you knew this or that". people would generally do anything to get what they want only for you to realize you were being deceived-what do you do? pray,talk and decide.

Anonymous said...

Oops, you don enter one chance. Sorry ehh, just pray for him and ignore him. The First year of marriage is the most difficult. A lot of adjustment to be made...

Unknown said...

His attitude shows that he's not responsible and care less about you but don't neglect the power of prayer here.Also try to find out what he likes/want to see you do,mind you NEVER you do exchange pictures with him on phone but you can ask him for his own.If he ask you why you want his picture,tell him you want something to look at and hold dear to heart everywhere you go.Flirts with him and improve on your dressing,do not neglect it now that you're married.Do not do what he's doing now to get st him for any reason,itself not healthy for your marriage.Holy spirit will your guide.

uwa said...

Hahahahaha...Patricia don lose control come vex !
Is like the poor girl married my ex .
Sorry dear .

Don't nag, don't cry where he'll see you . 6 months , you guys should still be in your honeymoon mode .

Listen dear , do you have trustworthy friends ? who're mature?
Can you trust them ?
Do you have hot headed brothers and sisters ?
If you do, then let the game begin !!!!

Get get them to keep your phone busy with calls ,text messages,anything that can be done with phone .
Get a new line you can trash when all is done . pretend to hide the phone and let himsee it . give him a taste of his own medicine .
In fact, get married to your phone .
If you have the liver, advertise him on your Facebook as taken .

Mr, if you get this, all I have to say to you SHAME ON YOU INFERIORITY COMPLEX CONTROLED BOY !
Are you for real ?
Don't let your stupidity destroy your home . I can bet you that the chick you're messing with might be the one to your 99 problem coming up .

What a shame , this is what happens when you marry a boy !

Christabel said...

He'll stop, huh? When? After he gives her an STI or probably HIV? Puhlease.
Babe, he is cheating, period. Get it into Ur head.
Disadvantages of not having a well informed courtship.
Anyway, don't go killing urself, girl. Get a life. Face Ur work squarely or get a lucrative hobby. Life is too short to keep thinking bout some irresponsible man.

Nkay said...

Some men don't drop their bad habits before heading to the altar.. your hubby is still a boy trapped in a grown ass body.....

Anonymous said...

You sound like a single jobless nonentity. Checking her husband's fone is now policing. May God gave you the worse spouse on earth.

Unknown said...

Menh that crazy

Anonymous said...

sorry to say but if you have spoken to your husband about it and he doesnt see anything wrong with it, the next thing is not to bring it to the public, especially since he reads this blog, you may end up breaking your home, u should have taken it to God first and then talk to 1 or 2 people who are really really close to him, and bring it up infront of him, not behind him. And if he still doesnt want to change then, he is Your husband and the head of your home, you have to respect his decision if you accept him as the head.

Jojo said...

Rotfl........@Toronto ugliest, lol u are not serious. didn't she see him doing all that before she accepted d ring? Abeg make she paddle her canoe wella.

Jojo said...


passions said...

teeth for teeth ,eye for eye,wt is gud for d goose is also gud for d gander .wt u dont want smeone to do to u ,dont do it to someone else.....pls chick i kw its hard bt jus forcus on other things dt make u happy,ur work ur kids(if u hav any),go out wit frnds ,dress to kill,infact act lk he doesnt exist....cos two wrongs dont mak a right...if u start chating wit guys nw its ur own matter dey will hear ooo cos ur a woman smart n wise.

valentine dubem said...

The dude is a kid and needs to grow up. I suggest you stop bugging him about his flaws, he will definitely come to terms and he'll surely correct his mistakes

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Why the hell is everyone saying "Pray for your HUSBAND?!" He is NOT your husband, you knew that before you married him he was a chronic womanizer. But because of fear of remaining single or only God knows what else you closed your eyes. Stop being stupid! Leave the bastard and divorce him while you still can! before children get involved and ur in HELL for life.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Best reply ever,thats so matured.

Anonymous said...

Ur husband just replied ur post above. Its only d wise wud knw its him.

Anonymous said...

You need to sit him down and tell him how u feel abt it

All Student forum said...

Thats the ultimate sign of a cheating guy/man. your husband is f**king cheating on you.

Unknown said...

@ Iwkmd. You are a fool by making such comment. Hope God will forgive u

Anonymous said...

Dear Writer, While I quite agree with most of the comments, I must remind you that you are a woman. Every woman has a way of talking to her man and he would listen. My man did that to me, few months into our relationship, I was livid etc. but realised we had to have 'THE TALK'and it bothered around respect. Men are serial cheats but the fact that I do not see such nonsense happening anymore gives me some comfort and security (not to say he might not be doing it behind my back) but you need talk to him else you will have step kids from all angles

Anonymous said...

My dear, u r in it is dah u r in it...first and foremost, u shud seek God...then 2ndly, remove ur mind frm his private affairs cos no mata hw hard it is to accept it men will always b men..focus on making ur marriage work...all this other things r d side temptations the devil will want to use to spoil ur marriage... u guys still have a long way to go, let this not come in-between u guys...remember he is the head of the family and u are the neck...the head can neva stand without the neck! wise dear...

KWEEN said...

Anon 12:11 pm, Mr husband, is that you?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wrong

Unknown said...

My dear is so painful ooooo, maybe u shld start texting guys nd changing pics too then he ll knw how it feels

Anonymous said...

I like this. You can pray from now till they kingdom come. He'll change when he's ready to. In the meantime, earn your own living. Cherish yourselfeven if it means getting a dude on the side. You're in for a very long thing. You married an insecure and irresponsible fellow. You can either quit while you're young or grow old and bitter waiting for him to grow up like most of our mothers did.

Blessing Patrick said...

Some men exbits annoying attitude buh my dear don't fight back or do i too know just kneel down and cast your burden upon Him.the only problem you will have is if you are not the prayerful type.

Blessing Patrick said...

Bia linda respect yourself and publish my comment

Blessing Patrick said...

Bia linda respect yourself and publish my comment

Anonymous said...

kn wat he's doing obvious. But b4 u start complaining, do u mk him feel desirable, maybe no n dats prolly y he's going to oda gals for DAT. But yo hubby tho

PATALEX said...


Unknown said...

@ Jeah, You are obviously a side chick...that's why u r talking rubbish...I will pray for u.

Anonymous said...

It will take time but he will learn. Men like talking to too many women but the woman should use this time to grow herself. More education, better work etc. That's what I would have done if I had known better. Its a waste of time and resources expecting immediate change. I fought and quarrelled till he began to blame me for his non achievements. When I know where I should have been today. Babes focus on you and grow.

Anonymous said...

Spend less time with him. He needs space to chat to his hearts desire. But be at your best. And have a life.

Anonymous said...

Yuck women have suffered. So the wife will chop food other mouths might still be eating. So uncool. Chic Biko prayer is better.

Anonymous said...

A lot of Men are not wise sha. The joy you get from cheating on ur wife electronically or physically is only temporary hence the itch/need to do it over and over again which in turn leads to an addictive habit. Oga the permanent high you need is right beside you. Work wid ur wife so she gives you a new woman everytime and you in turn should do likewise. This path you are taking will lead you to the kingdom of avoidable stress. Chukwunna!

Anonymous said...

Madam, I lauf bec you didn't put on your strong armour. Am about getting married in few weeks and trust me, never for a day I've I pretended to be who am not. My husband to be tried rubbish on me few days ago by going to help a pregnant woman do some stuffs trust me, I lashed the living hell out of him and left his house bec he was giving me reasons y he did it and will still do it agn. Then I left the huse and called of the engagement to also let him know that am a no for nonsense woman and am not ready to endure but enjoy my marriage. And he couldn't stay without me and his learnt his lesson by force. I know the woman I am and the qualities I posses so I can't let no dude treat me lyk trash.

I think the problem with we ladies is the fact that we want to pretend to be nice so dat men can marry us instead showing dem who truly we are for dem to marry us for who we are.
babe you have to stand your grounds. Give that bastard the bitter sauce he needs to readjust his brain. You have stand for who you are unless you're the one who begged him to marry u or forced him to wed u. A man must have the willingness to do what he wants to do dnt force him. If u speak to him and tell him how what his doing is affecting you and he doesn't want to take corrections and drop those habits, Babe pls BOUNCE!!! I mean dump his fucking ass and move on with your life. Marriage no be do or die affair even God will support your decision. Men just have a self fish way of doing tins. Madam Pls take my advise to talk to me on 3 different occasions and if he refuses to listen and change pls move on with your life.... A man who knows your worth will come for you and treat you better. Am advising you from experience and it has worked well for me bec we women deserves better. All the best...

Liddy said...

Anon 12:36pm- U probably are the hubby!!
Oh its ok for u to do it and be disrespectful and all but when she starts doing it too she'll leave ur house abi?? Shey it's water than runs thru her right??! Mscheeew
Some of u men annoy the freaking hell outta me!

Liddy said...

Anon 12:11pm- U'r probably the hubby!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, there are some real advice from women who have gone through this type of cheating , the most sensible advice would be you have to learn to ignore it, it's not going to be easy believe me, my husband has been doing things like this for the last 7years and it's been like a knife in my heart. The second one is to find something that improves who you are as a person ie self development, keep busy, love yourself , you just have to find that thing in you that makes you happy. Everyone wants to be a a committed marriage but it's not always the case. Endeavor to look good even after kids, after all I have kids and I make sure I don't use them as excuse to leave a life. All this didn't come in a day it was a battle to find myself and I'm still battling, so that my happiness is not dictated my a man with obvious low self esteem. They need the attention of girls to fuel there ego, so don't punish yourself, move on with you life. I hope you have a good sex life, cos I can't say the same for myself, that's why you need to be happy. Good luck, God be with you.

Liddy said...

Anon 2:26pm- U probably are the hubby!
U'r.sound too annoyingly childish and need to grow up!

Anonymous said...

I hear anon 12:36pm and she will leave happily. You better avoid upsetting ur wife if u do not want her to retaliate. After all she learnt the habit from u.

Unknown said...

chai... I will be praying for your sanity

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