Nkem (Beverly Naya) plays the sexy career woman who believes men are simply playthings. Aisha (Meg Otanwa) is the conflicted northern housewife who is married to a bliionare. Ama (AneeIcha) is the sweet and cheerful friend and the youngest in the group.
Beverly Naya
Meg Otanwa
O.C Ukeje
Gideon Okeke
Patrick Diabuah
Patrick Doyle
Kenneth Okoli
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The show aims to shed some light on the
issues the average single Nigerian woman faces daily in her quest to become a
wife. Each character covers various social, physical, economic, religious and
cultural aspects of the Nigerian woman, thereby creating a cast that everyone
can relate to in some way. The show is
sponsored by first bank and locations are sponsored by Federal Palace Hotel and

The Characters
Temi is a 27 year old lawyer and the only
child of the Coker family. She is at a stage in her life where she does not
know who she is so she makes emotional decisions. She is a risk taker and is
likely to do things because they feel good at the time, and not necessarily
because they are good for her in the long run. She tries daily to balance her
own desire to find love with the pressure to just be married. But as a hopeless
romantic with a meddlesome mother, this battle becomes harder to win every day.
Nkem is a sexy goddess. Not because of her
looks but because of a confidence and assuredness that can be seen and felt
from a mile a way. The way she walks, her eyes and the way she speaks all form
part of what makes her irresistible to men. She is blunt and direct but she
loves her friends.
Asha being from a conservative muslim
family has never really been able to choose who she wants to be. She knows who
she could be without all the cultural and religious strings that restrain her.
She is married to an extremely wealthy man and wants for nothing. Though she is
still adjusting to the ups and downs of marriage herself, she understands her
friends’ desire to be married.
Ama is a free spirit with a rosy outlook on
life. She always wants to do the right thing, and tries to as long as it is
within her power to do so. She is very spiritual, and is not afraid to share
her faith with anyone. Ama is the youngest of the four girls and it shows in
her naiveté.
Ayo is an ambitious young man and Temis
high school sweetheart. He sees marriage as an unnecessary distraction at this
stage in his career. Although he loves Temi, he is unable to put her needs
before his ambition.
Akin is a kind hearted humanitarian. He
doesn’t have the best track record with relationships but he is willing to
change and settle down when he meets Temi.
Sherriff is the billionaire heir to an oil
and gas empire. He is married to Aisha and is a man with old-fashioned Northern
values, despite his western education. He is generous and extremely smart but
has a sense on entitlement that comes with growing up with unfathomable wealth.
Looks interesting sha #onelovefromsnow#
We are waiting.
I'm already loving the intro, d series go make sense. Linda take note!
I'm already loving the intro, d series go make sense. Linda take note!
I'm already loving the intro, d series go make sense. Linda take note!
I'm already loving the intro, d series go make sense. Linda take note!
Wow, can't dey do it on CD?
Wow, can't dey do it on CD?
Wow, can't dey do it on CD?
Ok seen
Another Nigerian movie with sweet talk advert. Nice one
Ok,thanks for the info miss linda ikeji God bless you
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The drama will be very interesting, I don't know why there are so many single ladies in lagos, they have boyfriends ohhh but when the guy wants to settle down, he will go back to East or his village and took a wfe. Habaa, men are wicked, pretty girls flooded lagos yet they say there is no wfe material in lagos.
The drama will be very interesting, I don't know why there are so many single ladies in lagos, they have boyfriends ohhh but when the guy wants to settle down, he will go back to East or his village and took a wfe. Habaa, men are wicked, pretty girls flooded lagos yet they say there is no wfe material in lagos.
The drama will be very interesting, I don't know why there are so many single ladies in lagos, they have boyfriends ohhh but when the guy wants to settle down, he will go back to East or his village and took a wfe. Habaa, men are wicked, pretty girls flooded lagos yet they say there is no wfe material in lagos.
The drama will be very interesting, I don't know why there are so many single ladies in lagos, they have boyfriends ohhh but when the guy wants to settle down, he will go back to East or his village and took a wfe. Habaa, men are wicked, pretty girls flooded lagos yet they say there is no wfe material in lagos.
Making sense movie no doubt.....
Gun be nice am sure
Our very own sex and the city!
Oh! Why do I just love this girl @ adedamea ,# no homo# u re simply hot
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
How does the housewife fit into it all? She's already married.
Lindz you have told us before nah!
Lol y aint u on d show u bish (linda)
Looking forward to it.
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cant wait
this looks good. chilling for the full movie
This is lovely...
Patiently waiting
am really waiting for this to premiere.
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temi means Nkem. There are two Nkems in the story. Linda Observe
"They will go back to the village and took a wife" like seriously? Ur English is the cause of this problem
I smell Niger version of desperate house wives lolz
Indeed it is interesting...
Thumbs up to them...
Good story line,should pass a message to single girls
Salivating already......
#SEBEE BY SOSSI DROPS 1st of March #Undull #Anticipate
Damilola, beautiful woman.
Which channel will show it on Dstv
Like it's only the ladies under pressure; how'bout the guys? Don't we matter?
Lmao!! No bi only "and took a wife". Why dem go marry you when you no sabi write common English?
we'll wait, watch and then speak
we'll wait, watch and then speak
Oh my God, I can wait for dis movie to start oh..
ive been following these guys on IG and they look like they've got some great stuff going on. :) actually looking forward to this one !!!
Looks really interesting,the series will definitely make sense,hope to see it when it starts...
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