Now Amber says she's going to be keeping her son's pictures off social media because she doesn't want him involved in messy fake stories. Can she stop the boy's father from posting his pics online?
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Lol its no shade really.Lindaobserve
It's there problem... OBSEQUIOUS
Smart choice. Meanwhile, am still celebrating my......
Write your wrongs madam and live right. It's not too late! Matt 6 :33. @Bishop_Dammy
......99 problems and this is not 1...
Linda before I answer ur question, this woman is beautiful. and no, she Cnt stop the father fromm posting heheheh
Lol.. ds couples tho... amber is neva tired of being on d news... she shld do wat she likes whu cares
Linda go ask Amber...
You only have a child ode onidi nla. "Sons" makes it multiple.
Funny couple.... If u both still like each oda, get back.... *thamixbreed*
Funny couple.... If u both still like each oda, get back.... *thamixbreed*
##### Don't know ooo#
Wiz khalifa na indiota. Everything about him is fake.
Amber rose won't seize to amaze me......but let let the truth be told....that kinda photo are not supposed to be on social media cux it looked dirty.....#my opinion#
Their wahala
Their sh*t not mine
see the ugly boy sef
Relationship wahala
Linda question 4d god's...
It all depends on both parties. As for me I see both of them as birds of d same feathers dat flock together.
So if they agree or disagree depends on their undertsanding and mutuality for each other moreso dis is abt their son well being not just abt them.
Linda question 4d god's...
It all depends on both parties. As for me I see both of them as birds of d same feathers dat flock together.
So if they agree or disagree depends on their undertsanding and mutuality for each other moreso dis is abt their son well being not just abt them.
Linda question 4d god's...
It all depends on both parties. As for me I see both of them as birds of d same feathers dat flock together.
So if they agree or disagree depends on their undertsanding and mutuality for each other moreso dis is abt their son well being not just abt them.
Una matter.
Na their mater be that
Pls kip d lil man outa ur whole parental shit. Nyc decision!
Linda question 4d god's...
It all depends on both parties. As for me I see both of them as birds of d same feathers dat flock together.
So if they agree or disagree depends on their undertsanding and mutuality for each other moreso dis is abt their son well being not just abt them.
Their cup of tea
Their nothing wrong with that.. Still wondering how she is going to do that..
So how does this mean she threw shade at wiz? Half baked reasoning as always.
Oyibo with their dramatic way of life tie person
No she cant
Ehen! How da one go take affect us? Abeg go look bush.
With a court order, yes
U go girl in lindodo's voice
Linda you have such a pea brain goodness!
And the drama continues..!
I love this Amber....
Plsss keep Dis Cute baby away from that dirty Wiz.
i wonder o
it's doesn't mean anything
women & their wahala
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Amber ur own is geti too much,pls allow the father t enjoy with his son
Linda people did not assume that amber refuse to let wiz have the boy
Is you linda that assumed
But I don't see any shading here
Saw it on twitter last night
While you're at it. Also do us the favour of keeping out your fake ass and your drama. Get a day job.ma'am
Yea, dats d spirit... Ur son shldnt be used as a means of gettin people's pity...
Better, run in time
Dis Amber sef u know dey rest??
Linda , your obsession with these agents of darkness is getting tiring .... Rest please !!bitch rest
Yeah!!! Thatz the sound of a real Ma. At least she realer than the "patterned Praying Mantis" @SALSA#
Ooooh, see Amber forming good mum. Na wa o! Linda take note!
Ooooh, see Amber forming good mum. Na wa o! Linda take note!
Drama drama. Na dem sabi. Love gone sour!!!
Ooooh, see Amber forming good mum. Na wa o! Linda take note!
Ooooh, see Amber forming good mum. Na wa o! Linda take note!
Na wa o ! He's in it already Amber# Poor Lil boy
I didn't see d shade in her status
Thier business.handsome lil man.
Haaaaaaaa amber has issues jarre, anyways let d drama continue o.
i thank God for giving we Africa cool women
I wonder!
People make a lot of assumptions.. Let them. ----C21
Their bag of garri..
She is just seeking attention. I dt like mothers that use their kids to punish their spouse. At the end is the kid that's at d receiving end.
U guys should fix things already,not as enemies but as friends @least 4d sake of ur son
When love turn sour, smh.
Ankara styles@
drama all the time
Good question Linda.
Their own cup of tea,who cares????
=prittyog in the house=
Na them sabi. Don't know what to believe anymore.
Is better u guyz resolve ur personal issues and come back 2geda rather dan using d little boy as an excuse.
On her own part, it's is Wiz's right to post or not his son's picture.
They should leave the boy out of their mess.
They need to chill. Both of them should have access to the lil man and give him as normal upbringing as they can offer
Dis is der business not mine. Worefa. #happysat
None of ma bizz...na d pikin ah jst dey pity4
So much drama
So much drama
So much drama
All I want is what's best for the boy.
Celebs una love self I tire ooooo
That's for them.
Yea drama all the time. Attention seekers.sigh
And so??????????? #comforter#
These people and their drama
Their cup of coffee o jare! How to make money on my mind mteww!!!
Abi o!
Hmmmmmmmmm to much drama, some people can.hardly get thet hands off social media. When ur taking a shit, pee or sleeping everyone must know. Even Nigerians posting bedroom pictures, visit to Shoprite or restuarant pix on valentines day. I tire jare.
I said soooooooo
Critic , sometimes with these phones we use for typing we may not click on the right key do dtop critizing like a moron.
This woman, go and sit down under tree biko
*their. Please note
When I post twerking videos and almost naked pictures of yourself on social media, you have already involved your son!
U dey call dis boy ugly. U get mind o. U fit create strand of hair? If u born monster now, u go say na witchcraft.
This is their personal headache
Them cup of tea, their drama don tire person...
This Amber Rose should get a life abeg
Mk dese ppl go sidon abeg
Oyimilenu o
Seriously, d boy doesn't need to get involved in all of dis.
Well, it all depends on her. I think the two of them should start getting along for the sake of the baby. They should behave maturely and stop acting as the they are kids.
Well, it all depends on her. I think the two of them should start getting along for the sake of the baby. They should behave maturely and stop acting as the they are kids.
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