I only see 3.. the color of the frame behind d girl/dem,the first pic has a bag while d second doesn't and d yellow belt around d girl's belly, d second pic doesn't have.. *mrcoolcat*
i managed to spot 2 differences the 1st pick had a blue purse lying on d bed close to d gurl, while it was not on d 2nd bed, d 2nd difference is that the gurl packed her hair at the back in d 1st pick while in d 2nd pick she let down her hair in front of her
I only see 3 diffs.. the color of the frame behind d girl/dem,the first pic has a bag while d second doesn't and d yellow belt around d girl's belly, d second pic doesn't have.. *mrcoolcat*
the lady in the first pix was on not on braids while the second pix of the lady was on braids the portrait on the wall in the first pix is orange while in the second pix it is gold
I can only spot 3.... 1.D painting on d wall has a red frame in the 1st pic while it's orange in d 2nd. 2. Deres a blue purse on d bed in the 1st pic, none in d 2nd. 3. The lady's hair is let down only in d 2nd pic.
I can only spot 3.... 1.D painting on d wall has a red frame in the 1st pic while it's orange in d 2nd. 2. Deres a blue purse on d bed in the 1st pic, none in d 2nd. 3. The lady's hair is let down only in d 2nd pic.
The colour of d wall frame in d first pictr is diff frm the second pictr moreso theres a blue purse beside d babe in d fist pic while its nt in d second picture...
The colour of the frame on the wall is different from the second,babes purse not in the second pix,the second line second box from the right on d rug has a different colour from the first,babes braid looks short in the first pix buh long in the second.....L.A
1 - The girl's hair 2 - Her cropped top has a wider crop in the 2nd pix 3 - The Frame on the wall changed colour 4 - The girl's purse aint in the 2nd pix
1.Different hair styles for the girl on d bed. 2.Different colours for the picture frame on d wall. 3.Picture1 has a blue purse on d bed,while Picture2 does not have a blue purse on d bed. 4.Picture1,the girl is putting on a belt while in Picture2,she wore a waist coat on.
The frame on the wall in the first pic is pink color abi orange while the one in d 2nd pic is yellow The babe has a short hair in the first pic but has a longer braid in the 2nd pic The babe has a purse beside her in the first pic but there's no purse in the 2nd pic The babe used a tiny belt in the first pic but a bigger belt in the 2nd pic
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different 2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other 3 the frame of the portrait colors are different 4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
First is the picture frame on the wall, the second is the lady handbag, it is not on the second pics and the third is her hair, different packing, I don know of the fourth one.
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different 2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other 3 the frame of the portrait colors are different 4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
1-The color of the picture frame on the wall are different in the two pics. 2.the clutch bag beside the girl...absent in one and visible in the other. 3-the girl's hair.. its long in one and shorter in the other 4-The color of rug..one has a blue patch while the other has a red patch
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different 2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other 3 the frame of the portrait colors are different 4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have on
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different 2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other 3 the frame of the portrait colors are different 4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
1. model's hair is shorter in the first pics. 2. the wall frame is orange in the 1st pics & yelllow in the 2nd. 3. the model's purse is missing in the 2nd pics. 4. in the 1st pics,one of the rug tiles is brown in colour while in the 2nd pics it is blue.....satchi1.
Firstly, a wallet wz showing in the first pics and nt in d second pics, 2ndly the lady's hair was al back in the first pics while in d 2nd pics the hair was in front. ermmm cnt c anytin again o
The frame colour (one is orange and d other yellow), the notepad or ipad between the lady's hand,the hair style of the lady is different in the two pix, then I the belt (the lady worn a slim belt in d 1st pix nd none in the other)
the mat on the floor, one spot is red, the other blue on the bottom right. the girl's bag on the bed is missing in the second, also her hair is down on one picture and up on the other.Finally the the painting on the wall have different color of frames. boom
Yes I can.... the Girls belt did not show in one picture, she didn't pack her hair in another picture, her bag was not on the bed in the other picture and the framing of the picture on the wall are pf different colors... any prize for this?? Amaka U_otoh@yahoo.com
1)d girl's hair got shorter,2)her bag or wateva got missing in other pic,3)d wall frame color change,4)finally d color on d center rug changed......I must b smart,new to LIB buh have reading d post since early last year,u cn call me BANKZP2
Davido is wearing a hat in the first and he isn't in the second pic...The girls left boobs was out in the first while it's tucked in the second..I can't see the remaining 2.
First difference is the colours of the frame on the wall,its nt same in both photos,2nd difference,her hair is longer in d second photo,3rd difference is there is a purse beside d girl in d first photo n it's absent in d second,the last difference is her dress in d first picture has a belt n is absent in d second photo.capiché.... seductiveay@yahoo.com
1. There is difference in frame color 2. The lady hair, one is long and the other is short. 3. There is a purse on one bed and no purse on the other bed 4. One is wearing a belt and the other there is no belt.
Hi Linda, The differences are in the : 1) Color of the wall picture frame 2)The Lady's Hair 3)the Blue Purse on the bed 4)the Lady is wearing a belt in one of the pics..
I just saw three,,the difference in the color of picture frame on the wall,,, then she had a bag and belt in the first pic but she didn't in the second pic..
the frame in the rooms are not the same, 2 the Lady has one bag while the other has no bag 3. the Lady has long hair while the other is not a long hair. someone complete the fourth one i don try sha
Yea! D lady's hair wasn't d same packing, no belt in of d pics, no Ipad or is it laptop below d lady's hand n d colour of d foot mat differs, even d pix on d wall, d colour differs too. Can't see more for now.
first is d ladies bag on d bed¬ on d bed in d 2nd pic...second is her hair ,third is d portrait on the wall is diff from d oda in d 2nd pic...Then fourth I'll leave y'all to figure it out.........
the colours of the frames are not the same,secondly, there is something on the bed in the first pix (maybe the lady's purse, i'm not sure) that is not in the other.
the frame in the rooms are not the same, 2 the Lady has one bag while the other has no bag 3. the Lady has long hair while the other is not a long hair. 4 the blue dressing one has a tiny belt while the other has none wow i got all
Yes I can sot them. The color of the frame is orange on the picture on the left and gold on the picture on the right. There's a purse in one picture and non in the other. The girl has her hair down in one picture and swept back in the other and finally her belt, it is conspicuous in one pic and not visible in the 2nd pic.
1) different coulours of the pictures on the wall-one is orange the other yellow 2)There is a tablet on the bed next to the girls hand in one picture and absent in the other 3) Girls braids long in one and braids short in the other 4) The colour of the carpet on the floor is different. 2nd column from the right - 2 square from the bottom one is brownish the other is blue. ;-)
*The Center rug - red turned blue. *The Ladies short hair turned long *The colour of the Wall Frame above changed *The stuff below her handpit infront of the pillow that looks like a bag --- By Mr. Solano A.K.A Don Pablo A.K.A Escobar!
the colour of the frame on the wall, the absence of purse on the left pic and its presence on the right pic, waist belt difference and long and short hair differences.
1. Frame behind the bed they have different colors 2.The way the girls hair is styled. 3. Fone Or pouch on the bed behind the girl's hand. 4. Carpet on the floor row 2, column 2 different color of squares
the bag on the bed the long here and short hair the colour of the picture frame on the wall the change in the colour of the capet..the box on the second row second column from brown to blue ( if looking from the left side )
The rug on the floor ,one spot is light blue and the other spot is oxblood. (2) there is a bag on the bed and the other picture it's not (3)the picture frame up the wall one is yellow and the other is orange. Lastly there is a line on the frame of the bed on the right side
The frame on the wall of the right pic has diff color from the left, The girl seems to have a short hair in the left pic while the hair seems to be long in the right pic, I can also see her purse on the bed in the right pic and no purse in the left pic....Thats the only 3 i can spot Linda.......@Mohrenykaygee20@yahoo.com
1) The colour of the frames on the wall in the 1st pix is orangelike and in pix 2, brownish 2) There is a blue object on the bed next to the lady in the 1st pix and none in the 2nd. 3)The lady has a short hair in the 1st pix and a longer one in the 2nd 4) The lady's waist belt is very visible in the 1st pix and not in the 2nd pix.
Different colours of the frame on wall. The first pic has orange colour but the second has a yellow coloured frame. There's a purse on the bed close to the girl in the first pic but not in the second pic. The girls hair was parked to the back in the first pic but in the second, it's was packed front wards. The girl has a yellow belt on the first pic, while on the second pic she weren't putting on a belt. That's the four items hidden on this pic.
aunt linda I can see only 3 differences oh, 1, the picture on the wall is orange and a bit distorted in d first pic, while d second is gold 2 the first pic, the lady's hair is short while its long in d 2nd pic 3 there is a blue purse on the bed in the first pic while the 2nd pic has none Okohgracie@gmail.com
1. The colour of the frame of the artwork in the wall,2. the colour of the rug,3. beside the girl is a black object and was not in the 2nd picture, 4.the lady was putting on a gold belt in the 1st picture and not in the 2nd picture
1.the bag on the bed 2. the long hair and the short hair. 3. the change in the colour of the frame of the wall picture 4. the change in the colour of the floor carpet box colomn two row tow(if looking from the left side)from brown to blue.
1 – 200 of 488 Newer› Newest»D ladies clutch, d frame on d wall
There is an ipad om the first pic and none in the second pic.
Miss indomie says so.
Her hair is chopped off
1. the dropping hair.
2. the colour of the wall frame
3. the belt
4. her purse/handbag on the bed
I see three
1. The purse
2. Her hair
3.The frame
The blue purse
Nil. Am not wit my...Lolzzzzz.
#Royal Priesthood#
The purse is missing and the color on the painting on d wall
I could only spot two difference, the frame on the wall and the ladies handbag on the bed
The frame on the wall both colors are different...
The rug,the lady's hair, her purse and the wall painting
I only see 3.. the color of the frame behind d girl/dem,the first pic has a bag while d second doesn't and d yellow belt around d girl's belly, d second pic doesn't have..
The PlayBook on the bed
The frame on the wall
The girl's belt
And the girls hair is shorter is shorter in the first pic but longer in the second
D ipad beside d gurl
the mat,
the painting on the wall,
the girls hair,
the purse on the bed
....Lyndah gimmi gift oooo!!!!
i managed to spot 2 differences the 1st pick had a blue purse lying on d bed close to d gurl, while it was not on d 2nd bed, d 2nd difference is that the gurl packed her hair at the back in d 1st pick while in d 2nd pick she let down her hair in front of her
1) The mat on the floor....one tile change in colour.
2) The girls belt
3) The girls hair
4) The pic frame on the wall
The blue gadget on the bed, the long hair of the lady, the belt around her waist and the colour of the frame on the wall. osholla38@gmail.com
The differences are on:
i.) The frames' colour
ii.)The lady's belt
iii.)The Lady's hair style
iv.) A bag/Ipad/purse behind the lady on the bed
I only see 3 diffs.. the color of the frame behind d girl/dem,the first pic has a bag while d second doesn't and d yellow belt around d girl's belly, d second pic doesn't have..
More dan 4 difference
Purse on bed..Oxblood color on rug..difference of blue on same spot..frame on the wall..ermmmm
All the four differences are on the girl(her purse,her hair-both sides and also her belt)simple as A.B.C
No bag in the first pic and also the portrait on the wall orange turn too deep orange lol
the lady in the first pix was on not on braids while the second pix of the lady was on braids
the portrait on the wall in the first pix is orange while in the second pix it is gold
the portraits on the wall have different colours, then on the bed beside the lady theres a blue purse in one and none in the other
Lady's Belt, hair, frame n purse
Purse on bed..color of wall frame..spot blue on first rug
The differences are on:
i.) The frames' colour
ii.)The lady's belt
iii.)The Lady's hair style
iv.) A bag/Ipad/purse behind the lady on the bed
1. the colours of the frames on the wall are different.
2. a blue purse beside the video vixen on the bed in the right picture is absent on the left picture.
3. the vixen was wearing a short hairdo in the right pic while wearing a long weave on the left pic.
4. her blue dress has a gold belt on the right pic while the belt is absent on the left pic.
I can only spot 3....
1.D painting on d wall has a red frame in the 1st pic while it's orange in d 2nd.
2. Deres a blue purse on d bed in the 1st pic, none in d 2nd.
3. The lady's hair is let down only in d 2nd pic.
The carpet
The Painting On the Wall
The Girls Hair
And the Purse.
- Mr T
I can only spot 3....
1.D painting on d wall has a red frame in the 1st pic while it's orange in d 2nd.
2. Deres a blue purse on d bed in the 1st pic, none in d 2nd.
3. The lady's hair is let down only in d 2nd pic.
No bag in d 2nd pic,d frame on d wall has a diff color in d 2nd pic ...i don try biko
The colour of d wall frame in d first pictr is diff frm the second pictr moreso theres a blue purse beside d babe in d fist pic while its nt in d second picture...
The picture @ d background av different coloured frames
The colour of the frame on the wall is different from the second,babes purse not in the second pix,the second line second box from the right on d rug has a different colour from the first,babes braid looks short in the first pix buh long in the second.....L.A
the first picture has a small bag beside the lady, while the second picture has none
1. The girl's hair
2. The wallet
3. The colour of the frame on the wall
4. The girl's belt
Frame of de painting on de wall
Re braids re let down
De purse on de bed
She has a belt on
1 - The girl's hair
2 - Her cropped top has a wider crop in the 2nd pix
3 - The Frame on the wall changed colour
4 - The girl's purse aint in the 2nd pix
1.Different hair styles for the girl on d bed.
2.Different colours for the picture frame on d wall.
3.Picture1 has a blue purse on d bed,while Picture2 does not have a blue purse on d bed.
4.Picture1,the girl is putting on a belt while in Picture2,she wore a waist coat on.
The ladies purse does not show in d second pix
the frame on the wall,the girls hair,the purse beside her
1. The girl's hair
2. The wallet
3. The colour of the frame on the wall
4. The girl's belt
I dont have the time .
In the first pic, there's a purse on the bed,unlike the second pic.
The frame on the wall in the first pic is pink color abi orange while the one in d 2nd pic is yellow
The babe has a short hair in the first pic but has a longer braid in the 2nd pic
The babe has a purse beside her in the first pic but there's no purse in the 2nd pic
The babe used a tiny belt in the first pic but a bigger belt in the 2nd pic
1. The girl's hair
2. The wallet
3. The colour of the frame on the wall
4. The girl's belt
1. different frame colours.
2. different hairdo on the vixen.
3. presence and absence of gold belt on vixen's dress.
4. presence and absence of blue purse on the bed.
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different
2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other
3 the frame of the portrait colors are different
4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
First is the picture frame on the wall, the second is the lady handbag, it is not on the second pics and the third is her hair, different packing, I don know of the fourth one.
The lady long hair, a wallet beside her, the lady waist belt and ofcourse the picture on the wall behind her.
the shade of the frame behind
What's up with all this spot a difference things? They should tell us if money is involved so we can spot the difference fast fast
the girls belt,girls purse,frame on the wall and the girls hair
There is a pause on the bed in one of the picture while is not appearing on the other picture
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different
2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other
3 the frame of the portrait colors are different
4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
The Hair, The Purse, The Frame and The Belt
Blue purse in one, long hair on girl, shorter hair in the next pics, wall hanging above on wall has diff colours.
Right Under the Ladies Hand, Phone's/ Peruvian Vian Hair....
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
1-The color of the picture frame on the wall are different in the two pics.
2.the clutch bag beside the girl...absent in one and visible in the other.
3-the girl's hair.. its long in one and shorter in the other
4-The color of rug..one has a blue patch while the other has a red patch
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different
2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other
3 the frame of the portrait colors are different
4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have on
first pix her hair is shot n a black bag close to her...but d second pix her hair is long n no bag dere...
1) blue bag on the bed
2) Picture frame on the wall
3) Belt on the girl's waist
4) the girl's hair
Differences: 1. Lady's hair 2. Color of picture frame in background 3. Item on bed beside lady
1 there is patch on the mat where the color is different
2 she has a bag in one and no bag in the other
3 the frame of the portrait colors are different
4 the girl has a belt in one and in the other she doesn't have one
Her hair,the rug on the floor,the hand bag on the bed n the frame on the war,am I right😜😀
1. model's hair is shorter in the first pics.
2. the wall frame is orange in the 1st pics & yelllow in the 2nd.
3. the model's purse is missing in the 2nd pics.
4. in the 1st pics,one of the rug tiles is brown in colour while in the 2nd pics it is blue.....satchi1.
the picture's frame, the ladies hair, the rug, and the purse.
And av just spotted d last diff.
D lad's belt is visible only in d 1st pic. Yipeeeee👍
Firstly, a wallet wz showing in the first pics and nt in d second pics, 2ndly the lady's hair was al back in the first pics while in d 2nd pics the hair was in front. ermmm cnt c anytin again o
The girl's hair and the ipad on the bed...
The frame colour (one is orange and d other yellow), the notepad or ipad between the lady's hand,the hair style of the lady is different in the two pix, then I the belt (the lady worn a slim belt in d 1st pix nd none in the other)
D blue purse on bed covered.......#Gmoooore'sTaLk
Telephone, colour of the frame on the wall and the girl's belt. Seriously I detest these spot differences s**t.
the mat on the floor, one spot is red, the other blue on the bottom right. the girl's bag on the bed is missing in the second, also her hair is down on one picture and up on the other.Finally the the painting on the wall have different color of frames. boom
1.The colours on the photo frames are different
2. There is a purse in photo one which is replaced by something else in photo 2
3. The hairstyle on the lady has different lengths (short in photo 1, long in photo 2)
4. Finally the lady wears a belt in photo 1, but is it still visible in photo 2.
That was fun! Yayyy!
The difference is the girl's purse that was on the bed at the first picture, and the other picture didn't have the purse on the bed anymore.
Yes I can.... the Girls belt did not show in one picture, she didn't pack her hair in another picture, her bag was not on the bed in the other picture and the framing of the picture on the wall are pf different colors... any prize for this?? Amaka
the four differences are on the right hand picture thus: The girl's bag, her hair, her belt and the colour of the picture frame on the wall
The frame on the wall is different...short and long hair....the handbag......the belt the girl is wearing on her waist
1. The wall picture color.
2.The Lady's Hair
3.The purse
4.The lady's belt
the differences:
1. the frame of the pics on the wall
2. the lady's hair
3. the lady's blue bag
4. the lady's belt
the bag close to her hand, the long hair, the frame of the picture on the wall, and the color box on the carpet(blue).
I can only spot 1, d lady's purse is missin in d second pix
1.The lady's purse
2. The lady's belt
3. The frame on the wall
Picture Frame, long hair, blue purse..
Why can't I reply post from the stupid county onyx Godwin faggg....mind ur fucking business ooo
1.colour of the frame
2. The purse on the bed
3. Her Long and short hair
4. Her belt.
The lady's purse or wallet, her hair style, her posture. Linda oya the 4th one I never see am.
D frame's colour, d girls weave, belt n purse on d ved
The way the lady park her hair,her belt,her purse and the color of the wall frame.
D lady's hair, d phones on d bed, d frame on d wall ......someone else can try spotting d 4th difference.
all the differences are on the picture by the right hand side. they are: the girl's bag, belt, hair and the colour of the picture frame on the wall.
ok, the girl's hair, the belt on her waist and the ipad...cant find anyother think
1)d girl's hair got shorter,2)her bag or wateva got missing in other pic,3)d wall frame color change,4)finally d color on d center rug changed......I must b smart,new to LIB buh have reading d post since early last year,u cn call me BANKZP2
Just 3 differences
Her hair
Her hand bag and the wall frame.
That's all I can see.
>>>> Carpet, girls waist, wall frame and her purse. <<<<
The frame on the wall,the lady's belt,the purse,and the squares on the rug.
Davido is wearing a hat in the first and he isn't in the second pic...The girls left boobs was out in the first while it's tucked in the second..I can't see the remaining 2.
I can only see two..the gals purse ont op of the bed, the color of the picture frame.. Datz all I can see
The difference
Her hair style one is out to the front and the other all back, her purse, her posture and the picture frame color.
First difference is the colours of the frame on the wall,its nt same in both photos,2nd difference,her hair is longer in d second photo,3rd difference is there is a purse beside d girl in d first photo n it's absent in d second,the last difference is her dress in d first picture has a belt n is absent in d second photo.capiché.... seductiveay@yahoo.com
Girls bag, girls hair, picture on the wall behind the girl and girls belt.
The Frame, her hair style, belt and Handbag.
D hang bag,her hair nd d fame linda complete d fourth
The frame on the wall,the ipad on the side of the model and the way she style her hair**EMZEALLOUS**
The Girls hair...The frame on the wall...the purse on the bed and the mat on the floor
1. There is difference in frame color
2. The lady hair, one is long and the other is short.
3. There is a purse on one bed and no purse on the other bed
4. One is wearing a belt and the other there is no belt.
Hi Linda, The differences are in the :
1) Color of the wall picture frame
2)The Lady's Hair
3)the Blue Purse on the bed
4)the Lady is wearing a belt in one of the pics..
Now gimme my price !!!
The Girls hair...The frame on the wall...the purse on the bed and the mat on the floor
I just saw three,,the difference in the color of picture frame on the wall,,, then she had a bag and belt in the first pic but she didn't in the second pic..
1. The frame on d wall
2. The girl's hair
3. There is a fone or tab on d bed in d first pix
The frame on the wall,the ipad on the side of the model and the way she style her hair**EMZEALLOUS**
The lady's hair, her blue purse, her waist annnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddddddd
The purse, short hair n long braids on the girl,
The Girls hair,The frame on the wall,the purse on the bed and the mat on the floor
the frame in the rooms are not the same, 2 the Lady has one bag while the other has no bag 3. the Lady has long hair while the other is not a long hair. someone complete the fourth one i don try sha
Yea! D lady's hair wasn't d same packing, no belt in of d pics, no Ipad or is it laptop below d lady's hand n d colour of d foot mat differs, even d pix on d wall, d colour differs too. Can't see more for now.
The Girls hair...The frame on the wall...the purse on the bed and the mat on the floor
The differences are clear!
color of the wall frame.
Still lookin for the diff
first is d ladies bag on d bed¬ on d bed in d 2nd pic...second is her hair ,third is d portrait on the wall is diff from d oda in d 2nd pic...Then fourth I'll leave y'all to figure it out.........
The purse on the bed, the lady's braid, the foot mar and the frame on the wall.
the only thing i can see is the double mattress
Ladies belt nd bag, frame nd colour on carpet
Nice one. The differences in the images are the easiest among others.
The purse, short hair n long braids on the girl, d wall frame color(orange n cream), different dress!!! Yaay any price lol. Iamdydy1@gmail.com
none of my business tho
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
The hair if the lady nd the art frame behind the lady....sharp eyes
The colour of the picture frame, the length of the lady's hair, the lady's purse in the bed and the colour of one of the cubes on the rug
The purse, short hair n long braids on the girl, d wall frame color(orange n cream), different dress!!! Yaay any price lol. Iamdydy1@gmail.com
The hair if the lady nd the art frame behind the lady....sharp eyes
Can't be bothered
The hair if the lady nd the art frame behind the lady....sharp eyes
the colours of the frames are not the same,secondly, there is something on the bed in the first pix (maybe the lady's purse, i'm not sure) that is not in the other.
the frame in the rooms are not the same, 2 the Lady has one bag while the other has no bag 3. the Lady has long hair while the other is not a long hair. 4 the blue dressing one has a tiny belt while the other has none wow i got all
The blue bag
Yes I can sot them. The color of the frame is orange on the picture on the left and gold on the picture on the right. There's a purse in one picture and non in the other. The girl has her hair down in one picture and swept back in the other and finally her belt, it is conspicuous in one pic and not visible in the 2nd pic.
Oya Linda pay me now, abi this BODMAS na joke?
D color of d frame border, d iPad/phone btw d girl's hand, her belt & d hair. Linda take note!
Picture frame has diff colour
Short hair, waist belt, purse on the bed &...
The purse, short hair n long braids on the girl, d wall frame color(orange n cream), different dress!!! Yaay any prize* lol. Iamdydy1@gmail.com
Her hair, belt,purse and the wall painting. Its just cos I love davido oh...
The model's hair, the frame on the wall, the purse on the bed&the rug
The tab on the bed,the. Ladies long hair,the colour of the art work and the belt on the lady...
The model's hair, the frame on the wall, the purse on the bed&the rug
1. The picture frame,
2. the lady's purse
3. The lady's hair
4. The lady's waist belt
Short hair, waist belt, purse on the bed & ....
Her Hair
Her Belt
The purse
and The frame colour
The lady's purse, her belt, the picture on the wall,,, can't figure out the fourth
The Pic frames color
The gals hair
The gals bag
The gals boobs
From Senor....
There is a purse in the first pics which is not in the second pics
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
D gals blue handbag is missing in d second pic
picture frame
1) different coulours of the pictures on the wall-one is orange the other yellow
2)There is a tablet on the bed next to the girls hand in one picture and absent in the other
3) Girls braids long in one and braids short in the other
4) The colour of the carpet on the floor is different. 2nd column from the right - 2 square from the bottom one is brownish the other is blue.
the girls hair
her crop tummy
wallet on the bed and color of picture
D different color of d frame pics on d wall, d blue purse on d bed close 2 d girl's hand & d girl's hair do.
1. The blue bag on the bed
2. The Lady's long hair
3. The Lady's gold colour belt
4. The colour of the wall frame
Got it, the lady's purse, her belt, the picture on the wall, and the patterns on the rug.
The purse under the lady's arm on the bed was replaced a dropped down braids in the second image.
*The Center rug - red turned blue.
*The Ladies short hair turned long
*The colour of the Wall Frame above changed
*The stuff below her handpit infront of the pillow that looks like a bag --- By Mr. Solano A.K.A Don Pablo A.K.A Escobar!
the colour of the frame on the wall, the absence of purse on the left pic and its presence on the right pic, waist belt difference and long and short hair differences.
The purse under the lady's arm on the bed was replaced a dropped down braids in the second image.
The wall frame, the lady's belt and d blue stuff on d bed.
the purse, the lady's hair, the colour of the picture on the frame and one of the colours on the mat.
The picture frame, the girls hair, her purse and one of the squares on the carpet...
1. Frame behind the bed they have different colors
2.The way the girls hair is styled.
3. Fone Or pouch on the bed behind the girl's hand.
4. Carpet on the floor row 2, column 2 different color of squares
Linda must u Post anytin U c
I get 3 but didn't get d remaining 1
The Footmat, The Purse on the bed, The lady's braid and the Fram on the wall.
Not seeing anything though....
The Bag gone, The Hair drops, and the frame colour
The lady's purse, her belt, the picture on the wall,,, can't figure out the fourth
Pink frame, the girl's hair, the I-pad on the mattress near the girl.
the frame on the wall, the girl's hair & the bag behind her . am so right
I see only three differences @lindaikeji...the colour of the picture frame,the girls hair packing,the purse on the bed,
#Linda's give away.
the bag on the bed
the long here and short hair
the colour of the picture frame on the wall
the change in the colour of the capet..the box on the second row second column from brown to blue ( if looking from the left side )
D ipad on d bed,frame on d wall, her hair n her belt
The rug on the floor ,one spot is light blue and the other spot is oxblood. (2) there is a bag on the bed and the other picture it's not (3)the picture frame up the wall one is yellow and the other is orange. Lastly there is a line on the frame of the bed on the right side
the first pic, there is a blue object on the bed by the side of d
damsel sitting on the bed but in the second pic the object is not there.
The frame on the wall of the right pic has diff color from the left, The girl seems to have a short hair in the left pic while the hair seems to be long in the right pic, I can also see her purse on the bed in the right pic and no purse in the left pic....Thats the only 3 i can spot Linda.......@Mohrenykaygee20@yahoo.com
Na only 1 I C ooo, D Phone under D Gal Hand
1) The colour of the frames on the wall in the 1st pix is orangelike and in pix 2, brownish 2) There is a blue object on the bed next to the lady in the 1st pix and none in the 2nd.
3)The lady has a short hair in the 1st pix and a longer one in the 2nd
4) The lady's waist belt is very visible in the 1st pix and not in the 2nd pix.
The last is a line on the black wall by the right side of the first picture and the second has no line on the wall
Different colours of the frame on wall. The first pic has orange colour but the second has a yellow coloured frame. There's a purse on the bed close to the girl in the first pic but not in the second pic. The girls hair was parked to the back in the first pic but in the second, it's was packed front wards. The girl has a yellow belt on the first pic, while on the second pic she weren't putting on a belt. That's the four items hidden on this pic.
aunt linda I can see only 3 differences oh,
1, the picture on the wall is orange and a bit distorted in d first pic, while d second is gold
2 the first pic, the lady's hair is short while its long in d 2nd pic
3 there is a blue purse on the bed in the first pic while the 2nd pic has none
1. The colour of the frame of the artwork in the wall,2. the colour of the rug,3. beside the girl is a black object and was not in the 2nd picture, 4.the lady was putting on a gold belt in the 1st picture and not in the 2nd picture
1.the bag on the bed
2. the long hair and the short hair.
3. the change in the colour of the frame of the wall picture
4. the change in the colour of the floor carpet box colomn two row tow(if looking from the left side)from brown to blue.
sooo easy
1. Different colours of the frames
2. The girl's hair
3. The girls purse
4. The girl's smile in one pix
The gurls hair is the different...short in the first and longer in the second....Ayomide Boss.....
I could see 3- d lady's purse missing in d 2nd pic, d lady has braids in d second pic, d frame changed colour,,.,dats all.
Her hair ad i think their was something on d bed ad d colour of d frame on d wall..
The girls hair, her purse, the rug and the picture frame.
D blue bag, d gals hairstyle, d pic frame on d wall.......I guess d gals golden belly belt
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